The difference between freeze-dried coffee and granulated coffee

Features of freeze-dried coffee

The difference between sublimate and other types of instant coffee is the use of advanced processing technology. This technique is called freeze dried, which means “freeze drying”.

Creation technology

Freeze-dried coffee differs from granulated coffee in appearance. The light brown particles are shaped like fragments of a thin layer or pyramid. In appearance, the granules seem very dense and hard, but under the influence of boiling water they dissolve quickly and evenly. Sublimate is of better quality, and therefore more expensive than other types of coffee.

A little about powdered coffee

As for powdered coffee, its difference from natural coffee is as follows:

  • does not have such a pronounced odor;
  • inferior in taste characteristics, since it does not have a full palette of shades and aromas;
  • less caffeine percentage;
  • there is often a pronounced bitter aftertaste.

For its production, the same technology is used as for freeze-dried and granular types. The only difference is that the extracted soluble substances are cooled, filtered, insoluble and resinous substances are removed from them, and then thoroughly dried with hot air.

In order to choose the highest quality version of a powdered drink, you need to pay attention to the color of the label. Red indicates increased strength and bitterness of coffee, while blue or green indicates low caffeine content and its mild taste.

Freeze-dried coffee differs from granulated coffee in manufacturing technology. Choosing one option or another should be based solely on taste preferences. However, you should always read the product label to avoid making a mistake in your purchase.

From the history

The very possibility of sublimating substances was discovered in 1906. The authorship of the discovery belongs to the French biophysicist Jacques-Arsene D'Arsnoval. Research has shown that cooling and low pressure cause moisture to evaporate quickly. Under vacuum conditions, the liquid disappears almost instantly. And, as usual, the scientific discovery immediately found application in the army.

Only in the post-war years did they decide to apply innovative technology in the food sector. American researchers have determined that freezing allows products to retain the maximum beneficial composition. This was followed by many years of experiments by Nestle to introduce know-how into the coffee industry.

Experiments on sublimation of coffee were crowned with success only in 1965. This is how the first can of Nescafe Gold was released. All coffee factories were in a hurry to adopt the innovation. At the end of the 80s, almost half of the world's coffee volume was already produced by sublimation.

Excursion to production

From the receipt of raw materials to the factory to the packaging of the finished product, a long, painstaking process occurs. The initial stage is no different from the production of granules and powder. Raw coffee beans are roasted and very finely ground. The powder is then poured with hot water to obtain a concentrate. In sealed containers, the intermediate product is thoroughly boiled for 2-3 hours. Using steam extraction equipment, coffee oil is extracted from the raw material.

How is coffee oil made?

At the next stage, freeze-dried coffee is made directly. The grounds are placed in a column with a powerful freezer. To preserve its properties, the concentrate must be frozen instantly. Subsequently, exposure to vacuum quickly removes moisture from the crystals. Next, the technique crushes uneven pieces, achieving the desired shapes and sizes. Now the previously extracted oil is added to the granules for taste and aroma.

When sublimating, as a rule, chemical enhancers of smell and taste are not used. This is not necessary due to the processing features.

Freeze-dried coffee - what is it?

The term "sublimation" comes from the Latin word "sublimo", which means "I lift up", and refers to the rapid transition of a substance from a solid to a gaseous state. In this case, the liquid phase is skipped. In the processing industry, freeze-dried products are those obtained using rapid moisture loss technologies. Modern technology for the production of freeze-dried coffee includes two stages: freezing and vacuum drying.

Freeze-drying is considered an advanced technology because fruits or vegetables that are frozen and dried do not lose their beneficial nutrients. But in the case of coffee, things are a little different. It is not the coffee itself that is sublimated, but the extract obtained by prolonged digestion of ground coffee beans. Cryogenic freezing and subsequent vacuum drying ensure that only the little that remains in the coffee brew after three hours of brewing is preserved.

The term “freeze-dried coffee” means that the granules of the instant drink are obtained using freezing and vacuum drying technology, in which the liquid evaporates almost instantly.

Comparison with other types of instant coffee

The difference between simple instant and freeze-dried coffee is mainly in processing technology. Just like fruits and vegetables, coffee concentrate retains its aroma, taste and beneficial properties well when frozen. Therefore, to produce expensive brands, factories purchase selected Arabica beans.

Some manufacturers of powder and granules indicate the use of elite grains as raw materials. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Instant budget drinks are made from sorted “substandard” drinks.

Low-quality raw materials are only one drawback of the composition of inexpensive coffee. Even more important is the presence of flavorings, stabilizers, dyes and flavor enhancers in powdered and granulated drinks. The grain loses its properties on the conveyor, and they need to be replaced. Chemical additives are not safe for health.

  • Don't miss: What is the difference between instant and ground coffee

Definitely, freeze-dried coffee is better than granulated and powdered coffee. Freeze dried processing allows the instant product to be as close to natural as possible.

Production of freeze-dried coffee


The technology for obtaining the product is called dry freezing. It determines the price of the final product and its biochemical composition. Natural coffee beans are used as raw materials - Arabica or a mixture with Robusta. To make the product cheaper and make the drink stronger, the latter variety is required, since it contains more caffeine. Regardless of the varietal of the beans, the quality is lower compared to the production of grain and ground natural coffee.

On a note! Unscrupulous producers, saving on raw materials, use old, low-quality grains stored in warehouses. For this reason, you should not buy a cheap product.

Making freeze-dried coffee begins with roasting the beans. At this stage, the resulting gases are removed. Then the mass is ground, the finer the powder, the easier it is to process. Ground coffee is placed in hermetically sealed containers. The extract is boiled for several hours. The process produces steam, which is removed from the tank through pipes. Natural essential oils are obtained from it using condensation.

Roasting beans
The sublimation process begins with roasting the beans

The described processing of beans is also carried out for granulated coffee. But the subsequent stages are very different and are the main difference between the products.

Next, the boiled mass is sublimated, subjected to shock freezing. It is important that the process goes quickly; delay can result in a complete loss of taste. The frozen extract is dried in a vacuum. The resulting layer of coffee is crushed into smooth, polygonal granules, which are soaked in the previously collected essential oils. The exact composition of the substances for treatment is not known, since manufacturers hide it as a trade secret. The finished sublimate is packaged in a hermetically sealed container.

On a note! The absence of scrap and powder indicates that sublimation was performed correctly. It is important to pay attention to this sign when purchasing a product.

Benefits and harms

The real benefits are found only in natural fruits. But freeze drying makes it possible to preserve at least a small fraction of the unique composition of the grains. Some vitamins and microelements do not have time to evaporate on the factory line. The sublimate contains a small dose of vitamins PP and B2, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium.

Coffee with spoon

This composition has a beneficial effect on brain function, digestive organs, and the strength of bone tissue. The caffeine content is optimal for raising tone and stimulating brain activity. A cup of freeze-dried coffee will instantly provide energy and improve your mood.

The benefits and harms of freeze-dried coffee

There is an opinion that instant, namely freeze-dried coffee is less harmful than regular ground coffee, since it contains less cholesterol. Regarding any useful properties, there is nothing special or distinctive. About the harm? If you do not abuse it and buy high-quality certified products, there will be no consequences. You can learn more about the dangers and benefits of coffee in THIS ARTICLE. Which manufacturer is better? I can present to you a rating of freeze-dried coffee manufacturers. According to the Test Purchase program:

  1. Bushido is the best, but at the same time very expensive instant coffee. The taste is more bitter, the color is darker.
  2. Carte Boire is a good American freeze-dried coffee.
  3. Tchibo Exclusive – used to be expensive, now it’s cheaper. I remember advertising this brand of coffee from childhood.
  4. Moccona – haven’t tried it, but they say it’s very good.
  5. Nescafe is the cheapest, but also good. Bright aroma. True, for some reason the taste is a little sour.


Freeze-dried coffee is not some scary chemical. Basically, it's like dried vegetables in soup seasoning. But at the same time, it cannot beat real ground coffee.

Which to choose

When you come to the store to buy a freeze dried product for the first time, you should consider the following points:

  • the best storage conditions are an airtight glass jar;
  • the mark “100% freeze-dried coffee” is a good sign;
  • if the granules are visually the same size, this is a quality product;
  • foreign impurities and powdery debris at the bottom of the jar are a compelling argument to pass by;
  • Coffee also has an expiration date. And the shorter it is, the fewer harmful additives it contains.

Expensive drinks are made only from the Arabica variety. Such granules dissolve better, have no sediment, and are much tastier. And the caffeine content in Arabica is significantly lower than in the budget Robusta.

  • Read more: Which is stronger, Arabica or Robusta

Manufacturer is one of the main selection criteria. If your personal “favorite” has not yet been determined, you can look for it in the ranking of the best freeze-dried coffee brands. Critics' opinions and consumer preferences overlap in several world-famous brands: Egoiste, Bushido, Taster's Choice, Arabica, Carte Noire. This is the best that the frozen pellet market offers.

The benefits and harms of this type of instant coffee

There is an opinion that freeze-dried coffee is not as harmful to health as regular instant coffee. The benefits of its use are obvious. The freeze-dried drink contains quite a lot of nicotinic acid, caffeine, antioxidants , and very few different chemical additives. But do not forget that excessive use of freeze-dried coffee (as well as instant coffee) can cause serious harm. Any instant coffee promotes the removal of calcium from the body, causes disruption of the heart and gastrointestinal tract , has a strong diuretic effect, negatively affects male potency, and can cause female infertility. Read more about the benefits and harms of instant coffee here.

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