7 ways to remove purse-string wrinkles around the mouth

Wrinkles around the mouth are beauty sadness that creeps up unnoticed. As a rule, the forehead and the area around the eyes are the first to become covered with grooves, and all forces are thrown into fighting them. You may not even notice the wrinkles around your mouth until the problem is revealed by lipstick bleeding into them or by a random photo taken in which you are caught in a relaxed pose.

But forewarned means forearmed. Perioral wrinkles are a problem that is easily preventable. Self-control and simple exercises are enough.

If the defect has already occurred, do not worry: this is a reversible process.

We erase wrinkles around the mouth in three weeks on our own, without injections or threads.

Why do wrinkles appear around the mouth?

Signs of wrinkles around the eyes

Do you have a good idea of ​​the mechanism of wrinkle formation in principle?

The root of the problem always lies in muscle function. Due to constant contraction, they spasm, shorten, and lose elasticity. At the same time, the skin, constantly following the moving muscles, stretches. And now we have two terms: “shortened muscles” and “stretched, flaccid skin.” What will they give in total? That's right: wrinkles.

The area around the lips is one of the first to be affected. The thing is that she is very active. The orbicularis oris muscle works tirelessly. It contracts when we talk, chew, smile, laugh - and this is just its standard daily load. Imagine what it would be like for her if you also:

  • kissing
  • you smoke
  • eat,
  • you play wind instruments,
  • drink drinks through a straw,
  • chewing gum
  • you inflate balloons.

All this causes the orbicularis oris muscle to be constantly tense.

In terms of load level, the orbicularis oris muscle is in no way inferior to the most facially active zones - the area around the eyes (orbicularis oculi muscle), forehead (frontalis muscle), and between the eyebrows (proud muscle). Even ahead.

What happens if you constantly strain the orbicularis oris muscle? It will become shorter and the circumference of the mouth will decrease. Where will the “extra” skin go? Will gather into folds.

You can observe the mechanism of wrinkle formation right now in front of the mirror. Curl your lips to blow or whistle. Have wrinkles appeared? At some point they will become static - the inevitability of hyperactivity of the orbicularis oris muscle.

When will this happen?

As a rule, wrinkles around the mouth are not the first to appear. First, “crow’s feet” form near the corners of the eyes - there the skin is thinner and more delicate than in the perioral area, so it quickly loses its shape and structure, wrinkles, following the ever-contracting muscles.

But the skin around the mouth is also vulnerable. It is, for example, much thinner than on the same cheeks. The orbicularis oris muscle is attached directly to the skin, and with each contraction of the muscle, it is stretched in different directions. Moreover, it is extremely difficult for the dermis to recover here: in this area there is almost no subcutaneous fatty tissue and very few sebaceous glands.

Result: wrinkles around the mouth appear quite early. By age 40, they are usually already noticeable.

With age, the process accelerates because:

  • Muscle spasms intensify.
  • The condition of the skin worsens. It becomes thinner, loses moisture, its turgor decreases, and the key components of youth - elastin and collagen fibers - are damaged. This is especially noticeable during menopause, when estrogen production in a woman’s body decreases, and as a result, less collagen is synthesized.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer in the lips disappears. Even in his youth there was not much of it, but it still performed some kind of function of a shock absorber between the muscle and the skin. What happened when the fat disappeared completely? The muscle began to act directly on the skin. At the same time, the lips were deflated, but the skin area was preserved, so it turned out to be “extra.”

Exactly when you will develop wrinkles around your mouth depends on several factors.

Anti-age treatment: how to get rid of aging mouth

Considering all these factors, the treatment approach should consist of several stages. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the severity of wrinkles around the mouth. If they have just appeared, then the Japanese “Melsmon 3D mesothreads” will help get rid of them. They activate the production of youthful collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Japanese threads are unique in that they contain hundreds of microelements and amino acids of natural origin, which greatly improve skin breathing and oxygen supply to its cells. It is the lack of oxygen in cells that is one of the causes of premature aging, as a result of which the skin loses its freshness and acquires an earthy tint. But when it is saturated with oxygen, it is filled with energy, acquires a healthy pink color and begins to glow from the inside.

When wrinkles are already pronounced, step-by-step complex therapy is used. First of all, it is necessary to restore the collagen framework, that is, restore elasticity to the skin. Innovative fillers of the latest generation “Radiesse” and “Ellanse” cope with this task perfectly. The exclusivity of these drugs is that they trigger the process of formation of new collagen fibers in the skin. Such fibers that are naturally formed in our skin during adolescence. And this means an instant tightening!

Three to four weeks after therapy with Radiesse and Ellanse, you can begin to replenish the lost volumes of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic fillers Juvederm, Restylane and Teosyal are excellent for this.

“I would especially like to note that therapy for an aging mouth cannot be started with the introduction of hyaluronic acid,” explains Natalya Zhmurina. — Due to the absence or small amount of collagen, hyaluronic acid preparations will dissolve very quickly. Therefore, we first replenish the supply of collagen in the skin, which will prevent the degradation of hyaluronic acid.”

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations, the skin becomes more elastic and firm, its tone noticeably increases, and volume is added. The plastic consistency of fillers allows you to obtain an even skin texture and achieve noticeable rejuvenation. Thanks to the improved formulas, these preparations contain quite a lot of hyaluronic acid. It will stay in fabrics for a long time.

In the final stages of correcting an aging mouth, it is possible to use a botulism vaccine, but in very small doses. This is necessary not in order to enlarge the lips, but in order to reduce the hypertonicity of the orbicularis oris muscle, which, by intensely contracting, adds extra wrinkles. “For the red border of the lips I use Juvederm Volbella filler, which has a very light texture and soft consistency,” adds Natalya Zhmurina. — It perfectly restores and returns a clear lip contour and removes purse-string wrinkles. After this, the lips become expressive again.”

Laser treatments help polish the skin around the mouth. For example, fractional photothermolysis (“Fraxel”) or dermal radio wave optical thermolysis. They allow you to achieve 100% skin rejuvenation in any area without aggressive effects on the body and a long rehabilitation period. “We work on the latest generation devices, which are extremely gentle on the skin: they select dead and half-destroyed cells and coagulate them,” emphasizes Natalya Zhmurina. - In their place, young and healthy skin cells are immediately formed. After laser procedures, the skin looks fresh, tight, and toned.”

At the same time, the doctor emphasizes that the prescription of procedures for treating the delicate area around the mouth is selected individually. This is done by the attending physician after an independent diagnosis using the Vizia device, which calculates all age-related changes and helps the doctor make the most accurate diagnosis and outline ways to solve the problem. To prevent the appearance of purse-string wrinkles and nasolabial folds, the doctor advises leading a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, and avoiding bright sunlight, which contribute to the penetration of free radicals into the skin, destroying the collagen framework. Well, no self-medication and lip gymnastics, which various online resources for women are very fond of recommending. Gymnastics will not remove wrinkles around the lips, but will only add them.

Top 12 main causes of wrinkles around the mouth

  1. Smoking
    To hold a cigarette in her mouth, a smoker specially tenses the orbicularis muscle and folds the skin of her lips. The result is muscle spasm and breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin.

    Moreover, nicotine also destroys youth from the inside. Skin and muscle cells do not receive enough oxygen and are poisoned by toxins. There is less elastin and collagen, the skin becomes dehydrated, thinner, and becomes like dry tissue paper.

  2. Hormonal imbalances
    The skin around the lips is an estrogen-dependent area. The less female hormones are produced, the less elastic the skin is.
  3. Active facial expressions
    Do you laugh and smile a lot? Maybe you still have harmful facial habits - curling or pursing your lips? All this leads to the early appearance of wrinkles around the mouth.
  4. Occupational risks
    The orbicularis oris muscle wears out faster in people who have to talk a lot due to their occupation (announcers, actors, teachers, etc.), as well as in singers and brass players.
  5. Anatomical features
    The tendency to wrinkles around the mouth increases if you have an incorrect bite, missing teeth, a “bird-like” face (underdevelopment of the lower jaw bone), or disproportions of the facial skeleton.
  6. Sleeping with your face in the pillow
    In this position, the skin is compressed and microcirculation worsens.
  7. Negative natural factors
    The main enemy is ultraviolet radiation, which penetrates deep into the skin, destroys the main components of its youth, and deprives it of the ability to retain moisture. Frost, temperature changes, dry air, wind, and dust are also harmful.
  8. Violation of drinking and eating habits
    Unbalanced nutrition, overeating/starvation, consumption of “food waste”, lack of fluid – all this leads to loss of skin turgor and elasticity. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day and eat only healthy foods within the daily calorie intake.
  9. Sudden weight loss
    In case of rapid weight loss, the skin does not have time to recover and, being stretched under the weight of fat, wrinkles.
  10. Genetics
    The thickness and density of the skin, as well as the amount of fat layer, is inherited. For example, European women have worse these characteristics than women of our latitudes, so their skin quickly becomes covered with a network of wrinkles.
  11. Poor posture
    A stooped back, a stiff neck, and a forward head are powerful catalysts for facial aging, including the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth. Due to problems with posture, blood and lymph circulation is disrupted, facial muscles spasm, and the skin fades prematurely.
  12. Punitive cosmetology
    Pumped up your lips with filler? Did you inject Botox to lift the corners of your mouth? Did you stretch out the mesothread so that the nasolabial was not visible? Don’t be surprised if your body soon reacts with even more wrinkles and creases to the violent invasion.

Reasons for appearance

In addition to the natural aging process of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles around the lips is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the muscles of the mouth. This part of the face is constantly in motion: eating, speaking, smiling are constantly accompanied by muscle contractions that either stretch or contract the skin. With age, wrinkles form at the site of the creases.

In addition, wrinkles above the upper lip occur for the following reasons:

  • Smoking and bad habits;
  • Prolonged exposure to wind and cold, excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • Loss of teeth and various deformations of the dentofacial joint;
  • Improper skin care and incorrectly selected skin products;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Poor diet and consumption of large amounts of sugar (foods high in sugar contribute to the formation of adhesions in collagen fibers, as a result of which they no longer retain the moisture necessary for elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Atrophy of collagen fibers over time leads to wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and premature aging of the skin );
  • Fast weight loss.

Types of wrinkles around the mouth

Types of wrinkles around the mouth

There are several types of wrinkles in the mouth area:

  1. Purse-string wrinkles (smoker's wrinkles)
    They are located vertically above and below the lips.

    Why purse string? Remember what a pouch is. This is a small bag that is tied with a drawstring. Imagine how the fabric folds when you tighten the lace. Now transfer this image to the wrinkled skin above your lips. Does it really look like it?

  2. Marionette wrinkles (sorrow wrinkles)
    They stretch from the corners of the lips to the chin.

    They are named after puppets because they look like the lines that separate the movable lower jaw of these controllable puppets from their faces.

  3. Nasolabial folds
    They go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth and below.

    Compared to the first two types of wrinkles, nasolabial folds are a deeper problem. Several facial muscles are involved in their formation, not only the orbicularis oris muscle. In addition, the skin breaks down not just at the level of the epidermis, but also at the level of the dermis - the deep layer. The picture is completed by excess fluid that accumulates in the cheeks sliding down. The difference between the levels of the tissues of the cheeks and the supralabial zone is especially noticeable here.

    You can read about how to remove nasolabial folds in our article.

Cosmetology procedures

As a rule, cosmetologists offer to remove wrinkles around the mouth with injections. Hardware cosmetology is less popular: it gives a weak effect.

Let's figure out what the main cosmetic methods of combating wrinkles around the mouth are.

  1. Botox injections
    A drug based on the strongest poison botulinum toxin is injected into the orbicularis oris muscle, which paralyzes neuromuscular activity. The muscle stops contracting, lengthens and the skin straightens behind it. The effect lasts for several months.
  2. Filler injections
    Foreign fillers are injected into the skin. The most popular gel is based on hyaluronic acid. Collagen filler, plasma filler (gel based on patient plasma), etc. are also used.

    The drug literally pushes away the tissues and lingers in them for several months. The skin under the pressure of the gel is stretched and smoothed out in places of folds.

  3. Lipofilling
    The patient's own fat tissue is injected into the skin. This creates volume, which makes wrinkles appear smoother.
  4. Mesothreads
    Artificial threads are drawn along the contour of the lips (with a slight indentation from the red border). The conductor for them is a flexible needle: it, together with the thread, is inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer, and on the return stroke of the needle, the thread is separated from the conductor. To reinforce only the upper lip, you need to install 5 such threads on the right and left.

    The principle of operation of mesothreads is pathological. Places of injury are scarred by connective tissue. After the threads are absorbed, a “framework” of unhealthy fibrous compactions remains - this is what prevents the skin from folding.

  5. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy
    The lips are pricked with a large number of injections (several dozen) in one session, and 4-6 sessions are needed. The drugs are said to enhance collagen synthesis in the skin. In fact, the main effect is achieved because the skin is scarred by connective tissue due to multiple needle injuries. Unhealthy fibrous tissue is the very “new frame” that cosmetologists promise.

    As a rule, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are offered in addition to Botox, fillers, and threads. As independent procedures against purse-string wrinkles, they are ineffective.

  6. Laser or chemical peeling
    You deliberately expose your face to a burn. It doesn't matter whether it's laser or acid. Wrinkles are removed along with the top layer of skin. It literally comes off like sandpaper. This is a serious resurfacing with all the ensuing consequences: a long healing period (several weeks), risks of infection, pigmentation, etc.

Treatments in the salon

Deep wrinkles above the lip

How to remove deep wrinkles above the upper lip? Cosmetologists recommend several options for procedures that can smooth out wrinkles above the lip and make the skin more elastic and smooth.

You can use Botox for this purpose, which is injected under the skin. This allows you to stop the flow of nerve impulses to the facial muscles.

If we talk about laser resurfacing, then the layer of the epidermis located on top is removed, and wrinkles are also removed.

When a peel is prescribed, the specialist treats the wrinkles above the upper lip with a chemical. This makes it possible to stimulate collagen production. Here you will need to take several courses. This procedure can remove wrinkles forever.

We can firmly say that mesotherapy has shown excellent results. Vitamins and nutrients are introduced into the skin through injections. They slow down the aging process of the skin.

If you want to get excellent and quick results, then perform biorevitalization. But the result does not last very long. Hyaluronic acid is used here.

Many have heard and used such a service as ultrasonic facial cleansing. This is a painless procedure that can make the skin smooth, even, elastic, elastic, fresh, and also remove wrinkles that have formed around the lips.

You can also remove wrinkles above the lip surgically, but this is a radical method. And it should be resorted to only in extreme cases, if other methods do not produce results.

How to quickly remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper and lower lips

Cosmetologists do not see any other way to quickly remove wrinkles around the mouth other than invasive intervention. And this is a dangerous misconception.

Another option is exercise and self-massage. He is better. Moreover, only it is safe and effective in combating wrinkles around the mouth. The result will not be immediate, but quick. You can make amazing improvements in just three weeks. And this will not be an appearance, but a real solution to the problem, restoration of the natural mechanisms of the body.

But first things first

Why can’t you rely on “magic” injections and threads?

We have written a lot about how “youth injections” and other invasive techniques age the face. They disrupt the natural mechanisms of the body. Skin, muscles, blood vessels, lymph - everything begins to work in a distorted, unhealthy form, and this accelerates aging.

Let's give examples.

What happens when you inject Botox into the orbicularis oris muscle?

  • The unfortunate paralyzed muscle is inactive, and neighboring muscles, which are simply not designed for such a load, work for it - and these are new spasms.
  • In the affected area, microcirculation is disrupted, the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues deteriorates - the skin withers.
  • When the illusion of youth dissipates (along with the expiration of the drug), the wrinkles around the mouth will become deeper, new folds and grooves will appear, the nasolabium will sink even more, the corners of the lips will droop, etc.

Maybe it would be better to inject fillers then?

They have their own pitfalls. Fillers stretch the skin and dry out its deep layers (moisture is attracted to the epidermis, which creates the appearance of skin hydration, but in fact, dehydration occurs). When the filler dissolves, you will be left with loose and wrinkled skin.

And we are not yet talking about the fact that “injections of youth” disfigure faces. The treated area inflates and the proportions are disrupted. Asymmetry occurs everywhere (the lips on one side “float” down or become distorted when smiling), facial expressions are paralyzed, and articulation is impaired. The drug can migrate to neighboring areas and shine through the skin (in the case of filler). Lumps, hematomas, ulcers, severe swelling, etc. form.

In addition, all invasive techniques are associated with enormous health risks, including terrible inflammation, tissue and vascular necrosis, and nerve damage.

Read the articles on our blog about Botox and fillers to find out more about the harmful effects of “youth injections” on health and beauty.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

Do you have a good understanding of the mechanism of formation of wrinkles around the mouth? Then, probably, you yourself already understood in what directions you need to fight the problem.

  1. Relax the orbicularis oris muscle.
  2. Increase the strength and elasticity of the skin of the lips.

How do we achieve this?

We do exercises and self-massage. This is the basics. The only effective and safe way to defeat wrinkles around the mouth. And this is not a short-term illusion of youth, but the elimination of the causes of wrinkles for a long time.

Self-massage of the face

Self-massage of the area around the mouth is performed with hands and tongue, as well as massagers: vacuum cans and a dry brush.

What we achieve with self-massage:

  • relax the orbicularis oris muscle, returning it to its natural length and elasticity,
  • we improve skin nutrition from the inside, activate the production of its “building material” and tissue regeneration, increase turgor and elasticity,
  • we get rid of excess fluid on the face - the cheeks are tightened, nasolabial folds and marionette lines go away.

Result: wrinkles around the mouth are smoothed out, deep wrinkles are reduced and even completely eliminated, the corners of the lips are raised. The mask of a suffering pensioner has been dropped. In the mirror you see a woman pleased with herself, who has looked 10 years younger.

Be careful! Choose only a proven complex. Don't confuse self-massage with face-building. Facebook building is focused on pumping up muscles, and this can only harm you. The circular muscle is already in hypertonicity. Your task is not to strain her, but to relax her.

The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is carefully worked out in the advanced intensive “Nasolubella” from MelAnnett. In just two weeks you will erase purse-string wrinkles and “folds of sorrow”, reduce creases, and lift the corners of your lips.

What do Seline cosmetologists offer?

The most effective methods for correcting such an aesthetic defect as wrinkles in the corners of the lips are botulinum therapy and contouring. Both procedures are injectable. They are also commonly called beauty injections.

Botulinum therapy involves the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of microscopic doses of a purified toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. Preparations based on it are usually called Botox. However, botulinum toxins are produced by various companies and sold under different trade names, for example, Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox, etc. Botulinum toxin has been used in medicine and cosmetology for quite a long time. Reactions to it are well studied and predictable. Botox and its analogues do not make it possible to transmit nerve impulses to the muscle. She remains motionless. And the skin that is connected to it does not stretch. This allows you to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

When performing contour plastic surgery, hyaluronic acid preparations are used. This is a completely biocompatible substance. Normally, it is produced by the body, providing the skin with moisture, participating in biochemical processes, the task of which is to give the dermis firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronates fill the voids in the problem area, modeling it. Wrinkles in the corners of the lips disappear within 10-12 months.

Helpful Tips to Improve Skin Elasticity

In addition to self-massage, which triggers internal rejuvenation mechanisms, the skin in the perioral area definitely needs competent and regular cosmetic care.

We saturate it with everything necessary from the outside and protect it from aggressive environmental influences. In combination with self-massage, we achieve what seemed impossible. The skin becomes elastic and smooth.

  1. Take care of the skin around your lips using folk remedies.
    Try traditional “lip” masks made from cucumber, yogurt, sour cream - there should be a lot of moisture and fat.
  2. Follow a daily cleansing-moisturizing-nourishing ritual.
    Take care of your facial skin twice a day: morning and evening.

    Cleansing the skin of dirt, grease, and cosmetics is mandatory. Use gentle natural remedies for this. Try, instead of washing with water, wipe your face with Beauty365 hydrosols (sold in the online store www.beauty365.ru).

  3. Add anti-aging cosmetics to your daily care routine.
    Such products contain a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids. They moisturize, nourish, promote regeneration, fight free radicals - they help the skin retain moisture, elasticity, and turgor to the maximum.

    Natural squalane, oils, and balms are perfect for this. Beauty365 has such products. Go to the online store www.beauty365.ru and choose what you like the most.

  4. Cleanse your skin of dead cells.
    The most effective remedy is massage with a dry brush. Read about it below.
  5. Protect your skin from the sun and frost.
    Use sunscreen on your face and lip balm. All year round, SPF is not lower than 20, in the sun - 50. Protect yourself from frost and wind with cryoprotective creams.

    How to increase facial elasticity

General tips and tricks

Lifestyle and habits also need adjustment.

  1. We get rid of all habits that cause the orbicularis oris muscle to tense.
    These include smoking, chewing gum, harmful grimaces (pursing lips, smacking, etc.).
  2. We lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
      We move a lot and play sports.
  3. We eat right and drink enough fluids.
  4. Let the body recover: get enough sleep, take breaks from work, take all weekends and vacations off.
  5. We avoid stress.
  6. Beware of the sun, frost, dry air.
    In addition to special protective cosmetics, there are also hats, umbrellas, humidifiers, etc. Use them.
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