Unusual Svetlana Loboda: before and after plastic surgery, how the singer changed her appearance

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Was there plastic surgery?

The singer never comments on the topic of plastic surgery, but the presence of plastic surgery is obvious. For example, a girl repeatedly enlarged her already plump lips.

Trying to hide age-related changes, Svetlana resorts to filler injections.

The singer also had rhinoplasty. Previously, the nose had a distinct hump, which is now impossible to see.

Many argue that the girl’s breasts also underwent changes. Our experts do not agree with this. Perhaps the singer's bust changed slightly as a result of hormones, the birth of children and the lactation period.

Svetlana Loboda's figure can be said to have model parameters 92-62-90; with a height of 174 cm, the singer manages to keep her weight around 52 kg. Sports, yoga, stretching, as well as avoidance of animal protein help her with this.

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Svetlana Loboda sues a plastic surgeon from Uzbekistan

Svetlana Loboda sues a plastic surgeon from UzbekistanSvetlana Loboda, photo: Anatoly Lomohov/Russian Look A plastic surgeon from Uzbekistan posted a video on Instagram stories in which he removes stitches for his patient after rhinoplasty. The girl in the recording bears a striking resemblance to Svetlana Loboda.

The doctor noted the publication, indicating the name of the performer, and Internet users began to discuss the recording. As it turned out, the singer herself was not aware of the operation “performed” on her. “What can I tell you, young man... you got it. My lawyers are already contacting you. Prepare great moral compensation,” Svetlana addressed the surgeon. In her story, she published a video in which she said that she was in Moscow, attending broadcasts, presenting her song, and in Uzbekistan some doctor was performing an operation on a “girl,” calling her Loboda.

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Transformations continue

Today, one of the most frequent questions to Svetlana Loboda regarding her appearance is: what operations, besides lip augmentation, has she had? The singer really doesn’t like to talk about this topic. She always corrects that lip correction is just a simple cosmetic procedure, and also adds that of all the possible operations on the face, she decided exclusively to remove the scar on the nose. This was 9 years ago. But experienced plastic surgeons note that Loboda most likely resorted to contour plastic surgery. Such procedures include, for example, cheekbone augmentation. You can notice that recently the oval of the star’s face has really become softer, and her cheekbones have begun to stand out more clearly on her face. And this is clearly not the result of competent makeup. The proportions of the girl’s face remain the same even without a drop of makeup.

Svetlana Loboda herself confidently states that her attractive appearance is a combination of genetics and regular work on herself. The girl does face-building (exercises to correct the shape of the face and combat age-related changes), Pilates and swimming, and also eats exclusively healthy food and drinks a lot of water.

Svetlana Loboda without makeup

Svetlana Loboda is a famous Ukrainian singer, songwriter and TV presenter. She became known to Russian audiences in 2004, joining the VIA GRA group. True, her career in the famous trio did not last long - from May to September.

Loboda as part of VIA "Gra"

Unable to withstand a busy schedule, Svetlana went on a free voyage, and already in 2005 she recorded a solo album. In 2009, Loboda took 12th place at the international Eurovision competition, and since 2010 her musical project bears the name “LOBODA”, by which we know it to this day.

On the Internet you can find photos of the singer without makeup - the singer from time to time shares such pictures on her Instagram page. Such posts always cause a flurry of contradictory comments, from admiration for the singer’s natural beauty to indignant statements on the topic of facial plastic surgery and a large number of filters on the photo.

See her hot photos here

Comparing photographs of Svetlana, it becomes clear that her appearance has undergone some changes over the past ten years.

There are rumors that Loboda has repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. The singer refutes them, and her fans can only guess and carefully look at the photos on social networks.

Ivan Maniero, a famous plastic surgeon, has a definite opinion on this matter.

More recent photographs show that the shape of the lips has changed, and they themselves have become noticeably plumper.

After changing the shape and volume of her lips, the oval of Svetlana’s face became softer, and her cheekbones began to stand out more clearly. Perhaps this is the result of natural age-related changes, but it is more likely that Loboda resorted to contouring, increasing the volume in the cheekbone area using lipofilling procedures, implants or fillers.

It is also noticeable that Loboda’s face has remained practically motionless lately, which makes one think about Botox injections. Perhaps thanks to them, in the singer’s photo we see smooth skin without a single wrinkle.

It’s impossible to talk about breast enlargement for sure, because throughout her entire career Svetlana had approximately the same body proportions. Even if Svetlana went through mammoplasty, she was lucky with the surgeon - her lush bust looks very harmonious and proportional.

Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery - photos in her youth and now

It is no longer a secret to anyone that show business stars resort to the help of plastic surgeons to improve their appearance and maintain youth.

Some artists undergo plastic surgery more than once, sometimes putting their own health at risk.

Recently, the public has been very interested in what Svetlana Loboda looked like before and after plastic surgery, as well as how many operations the artist underwent.

Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery (photo)

In her youth, Svetlana Loboda was a complex and insecure girl, which prompted her to choose the profession of an artist for the purpose of self-affirmation.

After successfully passing the casting for the VIA-GRA project, Loboda began to attract attention not only with her vocals, but also with her attractive appearance. Even then, many noticed that after plastic surgery, Svetlana Loboda began to behave more confidently

She didn’t even increase the size of her breasts, but simply emphasized this natural advantage, making it a little more rounded and lush.

In the photo: Changes in the appearance of Svetlana Loboda

But Loboda’s fans note numerous changes in the appearance of their idol, occurring over different periods of time. The star herself claims that these are not plastic surgeries at all, but the result of the talented work of her makeup artists.

Svetlana Loboda refutes buttock surgery and says that she achieved a positive result solely thanks to hard and regular work in the gym, as well as switching to a healthy diet.

In the photo: Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery

The size of the lips, which regularly changes in the photo of Svetlana Loboda, is the result of visiting a cosmetology salon, according to experts. The introduction of hyaluronic acid maintains the desired result for less than six months, after which the procedure must be repeated.

It is also noted that Svetlana Loboda’s pronounced cheekbones and mouth look very unnatural and are very different from the forms that were in her student and youth photos.

Representatives of the media write that the girl, having undergone plastic surgery, ruined her naturally beautiful appearance with constant procedures and corrections.

In the photo: Svetlana Loboda in her youth and now

Loboda's lack of facial expressions suggested that the singer overdid it with contouring. It is noted that age-related changes did not seem to affect her. Svetlana herself explains this fact by using high-quality cosmetics, regular trips to the gym and healthy eating, and not plastic surgery. Svetlana Loboda adheres to a healthy lifestyle and tries to maintain a daily routine.

Perhaps interesting: Svetlana Loboda in her youth, Kendall Jenner before and after plastic surgery.

Appearance of Svetlana Loboda

Of course, during this time the singer changed a lot, although Loboda claims that she never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. But it’s rare that anyone speaks openly on this topic.


Loboda’s figure can be envied, she is truly ideal - petite, with a thin waist, elastic buttocks, long and slender legs.

Even Ksenia Sobchak once noticed this. Just a couple of weeks after giving birth, the singer flew to a significant event and was dressed in leopard-print leggings. No one thought that she would be able to come, much less in such a stunning form.

Of course, the postpartum changes did not go away at all, swelling and lack of sleep were visible, but, nevertheless, Svetlana got plenty of admiring glances.

With the birth of her second child, a month later the star was amazed by her ideal shape; instead of the expected fullness, she lost even more weight. How can this be? What is the reason for such metamorphoses? Genes or willpower, or maybe an elixir of harmony?

Although, experienced mothers assure that it is possible to lose the weight gained in 2 weeks, especially if you are breastfeeding. Much, of course, depends on the birth process, metabolism, and heredity. But the singer was not plump even before giving birth, so there is nothing particularly surprising. She always works hard on stage and in the gym, and also eats right.

Oddly enough, Loboda is a nursing mother, despite her active life, which includes a large number of work projects. She found a way out of the situation. The milk is expressed and frozen so that the baby can eat properly for a long time. The same practice happened with the first child.

In July of this year, Loboda begins touring. Among the cities are Anapa, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kirov, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Turkey, Monaco, Minsk. In addition, Svetlana was invited to a festival in Baku, which will take place at the end of the second summer month.


By nature, the singer has a rather large nose, and also with a hump. Having looked at the photos before and after plastic surgery, you can easily notice that there is a difference. Svetlana never admitted to reporters that she had rhinoplasty.

The girl says that she simply does not have time for plastic surgery, especially the nose, due to her very busy schedule. Loboda has a story prepared for this question, which she tells everyone.

Allegedly, 4 years ago, the star injured her nose due to an unsuccessful fall and hitting the glass in the house where she lived. There was severe damage to the bridge of her nose, which is why she had to undergo surgery.

After this, for 2 whole months the heroine of the story walked with stitches on her nose, after which one never went away. Because of this, I had to undergo laser resurfacing on my nose, which the singer does not hide and even announced it in advance.


Looking at the photo of Svetlana Loboda, huge lips catch your eye. They are clearly not like that by nature. At a young age, the singer had interestingly shaped lips. The top one was significantly smaller than the bottom one. The changes that have occurred to this part of the face are visible to the naked eye. The volume has grown and the shape has changed.

When Svetlana Loboda was just starting her career, she had cheiloplasty, which is performed through injections or surgery. Looking closely at photographs from that time, you can clearly see a small scar near the upper lip, which is evidence of surgical intervention. In this way, Svetlana corrected her upper lip, giving it volume.

After this, Loboda constantly used fillers, since the hyaluronic acid used for this is absorbed after six months. This means that Loboda constantly visits a cosmetologist. A detailed study of photos from different times allows us to notice that the lips became thinner and thicker.

By the way, a sign of plastic lip correction is the inability to completely close the mouth at the edges. In addition, the obvious uniform width of the lips betrays the work of the surgeon. There are many people who believe that such lips are not decoration.


There is no exact answer to the question of how much time has passed since the cheekbones were corrected. But from the photo, of course, there are changes. Plastic surgery in this area of ​​the face does not always bring dramatic changes. At first, the singer had an oval, elongated face with faintly visible cheekbones. When the surgeon completed his work, the cheekbones became clearly defined. Often the cause of the appearance of cheekbones is weight gain, but this did not happen in Svetlana’s situation. Therefore, we have to assume that the cheekbones are the result of plastic surgery.

There are several ways - permanent implants, lipofilling, hyaluronic injections. If implants are installed, a period of 6 months is required for the cheekbones to acquire a natural shape. It is unlikely that Loboda used this method.


Loboda is already over thirty and wrinkles in the eye area, lips, between the eyebrows are a natural phenomenon. Svetlana began to take care of herself a long time ago, from her youth, so it is difficult to evaluate the result after plastic surgery.

Natural age-related changes can be combated with facelifts or beauty injections.

If we talk about Botox, it contains a substance that can immobilize the facial muscles. Those places where Botox is injected lose their facial expressions, due to which the skin becomes smooth.

The singer actively uses cosmetics and does not appear in public without spectacular makeup.


Svetlana always expressed gratitude to her parents for her figure. However, as for the breasts, in 2004 they changed noticeably. This was at the time of the casting for the Viagra group.

Then the volume of the girl’s breasts increased, but did not spoil the natural proportions and shapes. Experts say that the breast correction was performed by a very experienced and highly qualified surgeon.

Today, it cannot be said that changes in Svetlana Loboda’s appearance have occurred dramatically. Of course, the early photos and the current ones are heaven and earth, but such a transformation does not cause disgust. The singer looks beautiful and successful.

The beginning of Svetlana Loboda's journey

If you look at the photos before and after plastic surgery, you can clearly say yes. The plastic surgeon had to work hard to ensure that Loboda acquired a bright appearance to the delight of her fans. I wonder if the change in appearance affected her creative path?



Sveta Loboda was born in the Ukrainian SSR in October 1982.
From birth, the girl was very loud and often screamed, which allowed others to believe that the baby would be a singer, like her grandmother, who was a successful opera singer. Loboda's biography is rich. Music school became an important stage for the girl, encouraged by her grandmother. She graduated from piano and academic vocals.

After this, she successfully entered the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts in the vocal department. Then there was a long wait, full of trial and error. In her first year, Loboda became part of the Cappuccino team, with whom she began her journey towards a solo career.

First role

Then she received the main role in the Ukrainian musical in the image of the beautiful Mirana. And since 2003, a new star has been lit - Svetlana Loboda. After which, she independently creates the team “Ketch”.

Loboda's name today

After leaving the group, Loboda devoted all her energy to creating her own solo career. She recorded several music albums and worked on television in the “Voice Children” show as a coach. Then she performed for Ukraine at Eurovision in 2009. Despite the fact that she did not achieve much success, and did not even make it into the top ten, her song “Black and White Winter” was played all the time not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine.

In 2005, Svetlana received an award in Portugal for the video for the song “I will forget you.”

Then in 2006, the singer became the host of the Showmania program. She opened her own travel agency and didn’t stop there. Organized a photo exhibition about India to donate money to charity. And since 2008, Loboda has been working in the design direction of clothing for young people.

A new stage in her life began in June 2013, when Svetlana became an Honored Artist. In October of the same year, she showed the world her new single “Banned City,” and in the winter of 2014 she took part in the BIG LOVE SHOW. Then, with stability, new songs appeared every 3 months. And at the “Song of the Year 2014” project, Loboda received a well-deserved award.

A short biography of Svetlana Loboda

The future star was born in the city of Kyiv in 1982. Mother and father had no idea that fate would bring their daughter to the stage. They thought that the girl would be just like her grandmother, who became famous in the field of opera. It was decided to send Svetlana to a music school.

Perhaps it was precisely this choice that influenced the girl’s future fate. In music lessons, she developed her singing talents, learned the basics of vocals, conducting and playing the piano. After graduating from school, the future show business star decided to forever connect her life with music and entered the variety and circus academy, where she continued to improve her vocal abilities.

While studying, she was offered a part-time job in the Cappuccino team. But the girl quickly realized that she would not succeed as part of the group, so she left it.

After leaving, Svetlana performed for some time under the pseudonym Alicia Gorn, but this did not bring her the desired fame. Then the singer took part in the experimental project “Ketch”. She independently thought out numbers and made outfits for all members of the group. It was with this team that the real star life of Svetlana Loboda began.

During the next performance of the group “Ketch” in the capital’s club, the girl was noticed by the producer of the group “VIA Gra”, which was then gaining popularity, Konstantin Meladze. He invited her to audition. The girl easily won and became another beauty in the team along with Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya.

During her participation in the group, many hits were released. But Svetlana did not stay at VIA Gre for long. Due to pressure from the producer regarding the girl’s too much activity on stage and frankness in front of journalists, Loboda had to leave the group.

But leaving this musical group did not affect Svetlana’s popularity in any way. On the contrary, she began to make her way even more actively and began performing in clubs in the Russian capital with a solo program. The girl’s efforts were not in vain: in 2009, she represented Ukraine at the Eurovision international music competition.

The singer’s career took off: the girl registered her brand LOBODA, and in 2013 she was a mentor in the project “The Voice. Children”, then she became “Honored Artist of Ukraine”, and has already released three albums and many singles. Currently, she is also actively developing; in 2021 she presented her latest album.

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What do the fans think?

Fans of the star have a unanimous opinion that Svetlana’s appearance is very different. Her lips were already plump, but they had noticeably enlarged recently, causing them to lose their natural contour.

Although this path is dangerous, it is unlikely that she agreed to this outdated procedure. Today's plastic medicine uses fillers with hyaluronic acid, without disturbing the proportions of the face. And after six months, this material is completely out of the body.

A narrow chin, a clear lower jaw, a sharp angle of the neck, sunken cheeks are fashion trends that the singer follows.

The singer herself admits that the most valuable things in her body are her vocal cords and kneecaps. A girl with irrepressible energy, talent, desire for everything better, beautiful, successful and bright, proved the words of Henry Ford that success is only 1 percent of genius and 99 percent of hard and exhausting work.

Who is part of VIA Gra today

The Ukrainian popular group, which actually performs more often in Russia and the CIS countries, today consists of three soloists. By the way, the latest metamorphoses occurred relatively recently. In September 2018. The project includes Erica Herceg, Olga Meganskaya (she replaced Misha Romanova, who left the team in the spring), and Ulyana Sinetskaya (she appeared instead of Anastasia Kozhevnikova). The last soloist has established herself as a participant in the television vocal projects “Voice” and “Star Factory”.

There are many charming girls in Ukraine, there is an interesting article about the most beautiful of them on most-beauty.ru.

Time will tell how successful the new team of participants will be, however, Konstantin Meladze himself is very optimistic. He promises new hits, videos, photo shoots, fame and glory for the next star mix. However, while Ulyana and Olga, compared to Erica, do not look like very experienced performers. But if you consider that the project became a real school for many vocalists who made individual careers after it, we can assume that these girls will soon become real stars. After all, VIA Gra is a chance to conquer the Olympus of show business.

The beginning of Svetlana Loboda's journey

If you look at the photos before and after plastic surgery, you can clearly say yes. The plastic surgeon had to work hard to ensure that Loboda acquired a bright appearance to the delight of her fans. I wonder if the change in appearance affected her creative path?



Sveta Loboda was born in the Ukrainian SSR in October 1982. From birth, the girl was very loud and often screamed, which allowed others to believe that the baby would be a singer, like her grandmother, who was a successful opera singer. Loboda's biography is rich.

Music school became an important stage for the girl, encouraged by her grandmother. She graduated from piano and academic vocals.

After this, she successfully entered the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts in the vocal department. Then there was a long wait, full of trial and error. In her first year, Loboda became part of the Cappuccino team, with whom she began her journey towards a solo career.

First role

Then she received the main role in the Ukrainian musical in the image of the beautiful Mirana. And since 2003, a new star has been lit - Svetlana Loboda. After which, she independently creates the team “Ketch”.

The surgeon told what plastic surgeries Svetlana Loboda had done

✅ Svetlana Loboda is now at the peak of popularity.

❎ She is one of the former members of VIA Gra who managed to achieve fame after leaving the trio.

Such success proves that the singer not only has remarkable external characteristics, but also a voice and hearing. She would not have achieved public recognition with erotic dances alone, such as, for example, in the “Biology” video.

Although it cannot be denied that she uses her body to the maximum during concerts and filming videos to attract and entertain the audience. Men look at him with lust and admiration, and women with slight envy.

The singer claims that this appearance was given to her by her parents, training, and regular care procedures, and denies plastic surgery. But there are doctors who say the opposite.

Plastic maxillofacial surgeon Alexander Vdovin expressed the following thought:

“If you compare photos from the early period, you will notice that Svetlana had rhinoplasty and, most likely, worked on lip augmentation. She probably had augmentation of some areas in the lower third and middle third of her face.”

“At this stage, the singer prefers injection technologies. This is an augmentation of the cheekbone, chin, angle of the lower jaw and the jaw itself. Augmentation is a change in the contours of the face with the help of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, that is, an increase in some areas, giving clarity to the lines. Since she is thin, she most likely maintains her skin’s hydrobalance using biorevitalization.”

“Her skull bones stand out perfectly on her face, so her cheekbones look great. Perhaps she emphasized the cheekbone line a little with hyaluronic acid fillers, which I mentioned earlier. Such thinness of the face is very fashionable in the modern world. A kind of narcotic thinness, as they say. And this is not so much a trend, but, let’s say, the pinnacle of beauty.”

And this is the opinion of the eminent Spanish plastic surgeon Ivan Maniero :

“For a long time, the singer had an elongated face with weakly defined cheekbones. But after lip correction, the oval softened somewhat, and the cheekbones stood out more clearly on the face. Of course, this could also happen for natural reasons, such as weight gain.”

“However, it cannot be said that Svetlana Loboda has recovered, which means that the cheekbones appeared thanks to contouring, that is, the volume in these areas of the face was added artificially using injections of special hyaluronic fillers.”

It is known that with the help of plastic surgery you can both improve your appearance and disfigure yourself. You never know how the experiment will end. If Svetlana Loboda resorted to the services of plastic surgery, it was absolutely insignificant .

She has always been beautiful, which can be said with confidence by looking at her photo during her beginnings at VIA Gre . At that time, the singer was still little-known, not rich, and too naturally beautiful to ask doctors to cut herself. She still looks good.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Write in the comments.

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