Why does coffee act as a laxative?

It is very problematic to answer unequivocally whether coffee weakens or strengthens. Disputes on this issue among scientists and coffee lovers continue to this day. It has been noted that coffee drinks affect people differently. Some people note a mild laxative effect after using it. Others suffer from constipation. It is worth understanding when and what changes are observed from the invigorating liquid.

holding a cup of coffee

Strengthens or weakens the coffee drink

A number of studies have shown that coffee weakens. True, this effect is observed only in eighty percent of people. This is primarily due to the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, the quality of the product is of no small importance.

It is noted that coffee beans contain natural caffeine and a host of other substances. The instant product contains a synthetic alkaloid. In addition, there are many chemicals present. Therefore, instant coffee affects the digestive system somewhat differently. When using it, the reaction is unpredictable. Both diarrhea and constipation are possible.

Could there be constipation?

Sometimes people experience constipation from drinking coffee. Such changes are due to the diuretic properties of the drink. At the same time, fluid is removed from the body and the stool in the colon begins to harden. Therefore, coffee lovers are advised to drink sufficiently large amounts of liquid throughout the day.

Stool consolidation is most often observed in those who abuse coffee drinks and exceed the permissible dosage.

In this case, the intestines are greatly depleted and are unable to digest food. This leads to constipation.

Is it possible to drink coffee if you are constipated?

According to doctors, drinking coffee for constipation is not only possible, but also necessary. True, in moderation. Thanks to this, intestinal activity is stimulated and the process of excretion of feces is simplified.

If the fixing effect is caused specifically by coffee drinks, it is better to temporarily abandon them or start drinking coffee with milk.

What you drink and what it affects: defecation reflex

Is it possible to drink coffee if you have constipation if the cause lies in poor diet?
In this case, a cup of weak coffee can help activate peristalsis and facilitate the passage of feces. The main thing is not to drink it on an empty stomach and do not add sugar, otherwise coffee will only aggravate intestinal dysfunction and prolong difficulties with bowel movements. If constipation is a symptom of any gastrointestinal disease, then it is best to avoid this drink. In case of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of caffeine-containing products is strictly prohibited. They do not bring any benefit and act exclusively to harm.


Heavy smokers should drink coffee with caution, since the simultaneous use of caffeine and tobacco smoke has a destructive effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic constipation will be worsened by drinking coffee that is too strong. Unnatural coffee drinks with various flavoring additives also have a negative effect on digestion and intestines.

Constipation due to illness

Something as simple as drinking a cup of coffee or other drink in the morning causes a person's intestines to work, otherwise this process is called the “defecation reflex.” The reflex helps the intestines, regardless of the food a person eats. There is no scientific evidence to suggest what exactly makes a person's intestines work harder after drinking coffee.

Some people believe that drinking warm or hot coffee after waking up stimulates the digestive system and leads to bowel movements. Coffee dilates the blood vessels in the digestive system and helps increase blood flow and activity in the gastrointestinal tract. But since not all people need to visit the toilet after drinking a warm drink, there may be other important factors.

Some people notice that they experience constipation and bloating if they drink coffee with whole milk and cream. If you drink the drink in its pure form, everything is fine.

Such people are advised to drink coffee without milk with added sugar or stevia; it may be that they are allergic to dairy products or intolerant to such foods.

One of the pressing questions is: does coffee weaken or strengthen? The laxative effect caused by coffee has been proven by studies, but it is worth noting that it does not apply to all people. Coffee can act as a laxative, as it activates the movement of food through the digestive tract.

An invigorating drink produces hormones in the body: gastrin and cholecystokinin, which regulate digestive processes. The first hormone stimulates the production of bile and substances responsible for digesting food - enzymes. The second affects the intestinal walls, improving its peristalsis. Some lovers of the invigorating drink, who always include it in their daily menu, have noticed that coffee can weaken them.


And for the rest of the lovers, coffee fixes the chair. The drink has a diuretic effect, negatively affecting the contents of the intestines, reducing its volume. As a result, the intestines do not receive signals to empty.

Coffee for constipation: to drink or not to drink? ☕

The laxative and fixative effect of coffee is a strictly individual feature. However, an analogue of regular coffee, coffee made from acorns, has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity and has antidiarrheal properties.

Only natural unfiltered coffee can help cope with intestinal problems, the small particles of which act as a kind of hard brush that additionally cleanses the mucous membrane and thereby prevents the formation of tumors in the colon and middle intestines.

As a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy, it is better to drink coffee not on an empty stomach, so as not to cause a surge of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which inevitably leads to gastritis.

Chronic constipation will be worsened by drinking coffee that is too strong. Unnatural coffee drinks with various flavoring additives also have a negative effect on digestion and intestines.

Whether coffee can cause constipation depends on whether it is consumed correctly and whether it is natural. For frequently recurring constipation, it is best to drink exclusively ground coffee beans. Its soluble analogue contains many different stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and flavor enhancers, so it is better to avoid this drink.

To prevent coffee from causing problems with bowel movements, you should follow these recommendations:

  • drink no more than two cups a day;
  • do not drink on an empty stomach;
  • drink only warm coffee and not earlier than an hour after eating;
  • filter the coffee partially or not at all (the remaining small parts of the beans irritate peristalsis and cause stool);
  • 15–20 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee, drink a glass of water (will help avoid dehydration);
  • Avoid drinking too strong coffee.

To improve peristalsis and soften stool, cream should be added to the finished coffee. You can also prevent problems with bowel movements by replacing your usual drink with decaffeinated coffee. This is an excellent temporary option for constipation for coffee lovers who simply cannot imagine their morning without a cup of this aromatic delicacy.

If, despite following all the recommendations, intestinal problems do not recede, then it is likely that their causes lie in something else. In this case, you should monitor your condition and try to change your coffee drinking habit, for example, stop adding sugar or milk.

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However, it is often the milk added to coffee that causes problematic bowel movements. Most often this is observed with individual intolerance to dairy products. Such constipation is accompanied not only by the absence of bowel movements, but also by bloating, colic and nausea.

Adding whole or skim milk can also lead to constipation. People who are not lactose intolerant may develop bad bowel movements if they drink too much coffee with milk (more than 3-4 cups).

Why do you want to go to the toilet?

There are several reasons why coffee makes you want to go to the toilet:

  1. The chlorogenic acid contained in the grains leads to an increase in acidity. Due to this, proteins begin to break down faster.
  2. There is an active synthesis of the hormones cholecystokinin and gastrin, which take part in the process of regulating digestion.
  3. Cholecystokinin stimulates the production of bile and digestive enzymes. At the same time, food begins to be digested faster.
  4. Gastrin promotes intestinal motility, relaxation and contraction of muscle tissue. It becomes easier for feces to move towards the exit.

the effect of coffee on the intestines

Can it be used for diarrhea?

The coffee drink has a beneficial effect on the body, saturates it with amino acids, and accelerates metabolic processes. True, such properties are noted only in the absence of health problems. If you have diarrhea, espresso will only make the situation worse. This is due to irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Doctors strongly do not recommend drinking coffee if you have diarrhea. In addition to complicating its course, the following negative changes are possible:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • migraine.

The laxative effect of coffee becomes even stronger if you add milk to it.

Dairy particles that have not been fully processed have a negative impact on your intestinal health. The processes of rotting and fermentation begin in the body. Accordingly, the drink does not help solve the problem, but creates new ones.

The effects of coffee on human health

Scientists are constantly studying how coffee affects human health. The natural ingredients it contains make it, according to most, very useful. With moderate consumption of this drink, according to researchers, no negative effects on the body have been identified. It is quite common and scientifically proven that coffee stimulates attention and helps restore lost energy.

In addition, it is more often found in the literature that regular consumption of coffee is the prevention of dangerous diseases (type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer and cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases). This invigorating drink also has a beneficial effect on the chest organs. Coffee contains a large amount of antioxidants, which slow down diseases associated with the aging process and improve overall health.

The caffeine contained in the drink stimulates the production of acid in the stomach, which improves the quality of food digestion. However, you should not drink coffee on an empty stomach, as stomach acid can cause irritation in the gastrointestinal tract.

What type of coffee has a fixing effect?

Due to the presence of a high concentration of caffeine in the composition, stool consolidation is possible when drinking a drink based on robusta beans. Also, hardening of stool is observed from sweet espresso, which provokes intestinal spasms and difficulty in emptying.

Acorn coffee also strengthens. This effect is noted due to the presence of the following substances in its composition:

  • starch . Easily digested and has a strengthening effect;
  • tannins . Prevents the development of diarrhea and other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Quercetin. Helps relieve spasms and eliminate pain.

acorn coffee

In addition, acorn drink is rich in carbohydrates and proteins necessary for the body. This is a natural antibiotic that can effectively fight diarrhea and eliminate lesions localized on the intestinal mucosa. However, the use of this remedy in the presence of the following symptoms will not give the desired result:

  • hyperthermia;
  • gagging;
  • dizziness;
  • the presence of blood and mucus in the stool;
  • dyspnea.

In this case, medical attention is needed.

Negative effect on the stomach

An aromatic drink drunk in the morning before breakfast causes the production of hydrochloric acid, which should be formed in the stomach only during the digestion of food. When gastric juice is produced in advance, it becomes more difficult for the body to digest large amounts of food. Remains of undigested food contribute to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which is expressed by increased gas formation, stool disturbances and other unpleasant symptoms.

Coffee for constipation

Coffee in large quantities can irritate the lining of the small intestine, which can lead to abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea.

If we talk about natural coffee, it rarely causes constipation. Coffee beans contain a substance that has a mild laxative effect, so if you drink this drink correctly, you can, on the contrary, regulate your daily bowel movements.

Freshly brewed coffee beans have the following effects on the digestive system:

  • relax the bile ducts, which leads to better breakdown of fatty foods by increasing the production of bile;
  • activates peristalsis;
  • increases the production of hydrochloric acid, which improves the digestion and absorption of food;
  • relaxes the walls of the large intestine, which ensures easy passage of feces.

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However, coffee has a beneficial effect on the body only if consumed correctly. So, if you drink more than two cups of the drink a day and on an empty stomach, it can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or aggravate existing ailments.

Coffee causes constipation if a person has a history of, for example, erosive gastritis, a stomach ulcer, or a pathology related to the gallbladder. All these diseases, even without coffee, cause problematic stools, and with it, they further aggravate the disease.

To understand whether coffee is beneficial for recurrent constipation, you need to know how this product affects the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It has been proven that caffeine contained in natural beans has a laxative effect, but this does not mean that delicious coffee can be an effective remedy for constipation.

And there is a completely logical explanation for this. When entering the digestive system, a coffee drink leads to:

  • To enhance intestinal motility. And this is good for constipation, but at the same time there is an accelerated passage of food through all digestive organs and, as a result, some of the beneficial elements do not have time to be absorbed.
  • To relax the bile ducts. Better bile secretion also promotes good digestion of food, that is, caffeine can stimulate metabolism.
  • To increased production of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid also helps break down the food bolus, but in some diseases it can lead to their aggravation. In this case we are talking about ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, erosive gastritis.
  • To toning the whole body. Aromatic coffee often helps to calm down and this effect can be used in cases where constipation occurs under the influence of stressful situations. Drinking the drink will relax the colon and make defecation easier.

That is, theoretically, coffee can become a mild laxative for constipation, but this does not exclude the risk of developing other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Drinking a strong invigorating drink with sugar is especially dangerous for constipation; it causes intestinal spasms and bowel movements become even more difficult.

Difficulty in defecation with a large amount of coffee also develops due to the fact that the seeds contained in coffee beans have a diuretic property.

Removing fluid from the body leads to the fact that the stool becomes denser, and accordingly its evacuation worsens. Strongly brewed tea has a similar effect.

Coffee also causes constipation in coffee lovers, that is, in those who are accustomed to drinking several cups of the aromatic drink every day. They gradually develop intestinal exhaustion, in which the act of defecation is impossible without external stimulation.

Avid visitors to coffee shops and simply lovers of homemade latte know that it perfectly cleanses the intestines, especially in the morning, at the most favorable time for this.

However, do not forget about the caffeine content, an excess amount of which will cause a detrimental effect on the intestines. In addition, the diuretic effect will harm the organ, although for many it is the only way to achieve regular bowel movements.

The nervous system is designed in such a way that after strong stimulation, gamma-aminobutyric acid is produced, which calms brain cells. But caffeine interferes with this process and dysfunction and hyperstimulation of all nerve centers of the body occur, of which there are many in the intestines.

Symptoms of this condition include abdominal cramps and frequent urge to go to the toilet without subsequent bowel movements.

Cleansing the intestines with grains is easy and pleasant, however, this process can affect the mucous membrane. Coffee stimulates gastric secretion and helps digestion. However, not everyone notices this effect.

This invigorating drink effectively cleanses and activates the work of not only the stomach and intestines, but also other systems of the body. Judge for yourself whether this is a negative impact, however, it is worth listening to the recommendations.

Can coffee be used as a laxative?

You can use coffee as a laxative, but only for mild constipation. It is necessary to consider the reason for the occurrence of such a problem.

If difficulties with bowel movements arise due to a lack of fluid in the body, coffee drinks will aggravate the situation.

When drinking coffee if you have difficulty passing stool, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • drink no more than two cups per day;
  • drink espresso after meals. This way the food will be digested faster;
  • After enjoying a fragrant drink, be sure to drink water;
  • use only natural product and strain it. Coffee grounds irritate the walls of the stomach.

coffee with water

A coffee drink can have both a laxative effect and lead to constipation. As a rule, stool disorders are observed with the abuse of invigorating liquid. No changes will occur if you follow the permissible daily norm and drink espresso at intervals of 3-4 hours. In addition, you need to use only high-quality, natural products. When using instant granules, the body will have an extremely negative effect.

Can coffee cause constipation?

Coffee itself, in reasonable doses, does not cause constipation. For those who eat healthy and drink no more than 2 cups of coffee a day, constipation occurs extremely rarely, and even more often during travel or stressful situations.

At the same time, coffee is a fairly strong diuretic, that is, it removes fluid from the entire body, including the intestines, making defecation difficult, and this factor must also be taken into account. If you drink strong coffee on an empty stomach, you may experience problems due to excessive water loss.

The problem may occur in those who drink more than 3-4 cups of coffee per day. Caffeine constantly stimulates peristalsis, and the intestinal activity decreases.

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