Can I drink tea and coffee for diarrhea?

Composition and effect of coffee on the body

Coffee beans have a complex composition with a large number of rare substances. There is an opinion that the beneficial components of grains are destroyed during processing. This is not entirely true. During roasting of raw materials, many substances undergo changes, but new compounds are formed. For example, new ones are formed instead of lost antioxidants.

All attempts by scientists to create a product similar to coffee in action, taste and aroma have not led to success. The drink has no analogues.

What's included:

  • alkaloids: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, trigonelline;
  • more than 30 organic acids, rare: quinic, chlorogenic, caffeic;
  • macroelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium,
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, rubidium;
  • vitamins: B1, B2, PP;
  • polyphenols, glycosides, pectins, caffeol, essential oils;
  • amino acids: glycine, leucine, glutamine.

The most famous effects of grains are tonic and invigorating. This is due to the effects of caffeine, which begins 15-30 minutes after drinking the drink.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. As a result, the functions of the cardiovascular system, cerebral cortex and respiratory center are activated. A person feels uplifted and invigorated. Increases brain activity, memory and concentration. The effect of caffeine lasts only 25 minutes.

Afterwards the influence of theobromine begins - less pronounced. Therefore, 30-40 minutes after coffee you can feel drowsiness, some loss of strength and relaxation.

Recent studies have proven that regular consumption of coffee within normal limits is beneficial for serious illnesses. These are diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart and vascular diseases, cancer pathologies of the mammary glands, liver and prostate.

The connection between coffee and diarrhea

Why does coffee cause diarrhea? To answer the question, you need to know the features of the digestive tract.

In addition to the internal regulatory system, our digestive tract is controlled by the central nervous system, which enhances or inhibits certain processes. After caffeine enters the body, the nervous system is excited, accelerating the functions of the stomach and intestines.

For most people, the effects of caffeine on the digestive tract are beneficial and go unnoticed. But people with a special type of nervous system develop diarrhea.

This happens due to the stimulation of the parasympathetic nerves. An excessive number of impulses enter the intestines, forcing motility to work in increased mode.

Caffeine also increases gastric secretion. Too acidic an environment speeds up digestion due to the rapid destruction of proteins. Under the influence of coffee, the production of the hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin, which also activate intestinal motility, increases.

A sudden increase in peristalsis speeds up the movement of food through the digestive tract. The food components do not have time to be digested - proteins begin to rot and carbohydrates begin to ferment. The stool becomes liquid with a pungent and unpleasant odor. This process is especially pronounced if you drink food with an invigorating drink. That's right - maintain an interval of at least one hour.

Diarrhea after coffee may be due to individual intolerance to its components. Stool disorders after drinking are possible with irritable bowel syndrome. The alkaloids theobromine and theophylline act on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, enhancing its contraction.

Coffee with milk

Contrary to popular belief, milk and cream do not mitigate the effects of caffeine. The only way to do this is to reduce the dosage. By adding milk or cream to a drink, we get a mixture of fats and fast carbohydrates. Plus, the effect of caffeine is to increase intestinal contractions. Diarrhea after coffee with milk may be more severe in predisposed people.

Coffee and cognac

This “medicinal” combination can lead to complications even in a healthy person. The effects of ethanol and caffeine are opposite - dilation and constriction of blood vessels. Both substances excite the nervous system, but in different ways. In addition to disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, severe diarrhea may occur.

Can you drink coffee if you have diarrhea? No, the drink is contraindicated for any type of diarrhea. It increases gastric secretion and irritates the intestinal mucosa. Coffee has a strong diuretic effect. This exacerbates the dehydration and loss of electrolytes that characterize diarrhea. Complications may develop.

What products should not be combined with for normal gastrointestinal function?

Coffee is the favorite morning drink for the vast majority of the world's population. Its aroma awakens, and the taste and components inside lift your spirits and fill you with energy. But the benefits are often overshadowed by the unpleasant consequence of diarrhea. To prevent this from happening, learn how to drink it correctly and combine it with other foods.

  1. Do not drink fatty foods with coffee-containing drinks. This is a combination that causes a sharp spike in blood sugar levels. With regular abuse, diabetes can develop. Fried potatoes, hamburgers, and sandwiches are not the best addition to caffeine.
  2. Do not combine with cookies, buns or other baked goods. This puts stress on the stomach and is difficult to digest. It threatens poor absorption, rotting of proteins and fermentation of carbohydrates.
  3. Do not add milk or cream. These components increase the amount of fluid in the stomach and interfere with the digestion of food. This combination is dangerous for people who care about their weight and body beauty. When dairy products are added, the calorie content of the drink increases, although cream has an incomparable beneficial effect on the body - it retains calcium washed out by caffeine and improves the condition of the skin.
  4. Do not add alcohol to the cup. In this case, the amount of toxins increases, the negative effect on the liver increases at least 2 times. This cocktail is especially dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Don't smoke after drinking a cup of coffee. This is a harmful combination for the entire body and the liver in particular. The cigarette contains nicotine, which has a laxative effect on the intestines, as well as caffeine and acids, which together can cause severe and rapid diarrhea.

In order not to harm the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, start your morning with a light breakfast in the form of cereals or light sandwiches. Drink coffee only after meals, do not start the day with it, this can lead to inflammation of the stomach and, if this rule is regularly violated, a peptic ulcer. To improve the taste, you can add lemon or other citrus to the cup.

How to be treated

Since caffeine only lasts 25 minutes, diarrhea from coffee is short-lived, with no more than 1-3 episodes of loose stool. There is no special treatment, but nutritional correction is needed.

Exclude from the diet:

  • raw, sour berries and fruits;
  • unprocessed vegetables;
  • butter, whole milk;
  • fatty fish and meats;
  • legumes;
  • pickled, pickled, salted dishes;
  • sweet desserts;
  • refined products;
  • lemonades, strong tea.

Avoid coffee completely if you have diarrhea.

Eat in small portions up to 5-6 times a day. Food is steamed without adding spices.

Occasionally, stool upset may last 1–2 days. This mainly occurs with additional irritation of the intestinal mucosa by foods and drinks. In this case, the body needs help.

For this purpose the following drugs are used:

  • enterosorbents: Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel;
  • peristalsis inhibitors: Enterobene, Imodium, Loperamide;
  • astringent decoctions of oak bark, pomegranate peels, and sage.

All medications are taken according to instructions.

For prolonged stool disorders, drink glucose-salt solutions “Oralit”, “Regidron”, mineral water, rice water, herbal teas.

Using acorn coffee for loose stools

Acorn coffee should be used at the first sign of diarrhea. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon into 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew a little and take it, drinking in small sips.

Before using coffee substitutes, you should consult your doctor.

But even natural products have contraindications that must be taken into account to avoid additional problems:

  1. Coffee will not help and if used for a long time without consulting a doctor, it can be dangerous if the loose stool contains blood. In such a situation, drug treatment is necessary, and therefore contacting a specialist is mandatory.
  2. You should not try to treat yourself with a drink if diarrhea is accompanied by a high temperature or shortness of breath. These are alarming symptoms that require seeing a doctor.
  3. The drink is contraindicated for children under 16 years of age. Can be used in treatment only after consultation with a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist.
  4. You should not start taking coffee if your stomach upset lasts for more than a week.

How to replace coffee

People with a sensitive nervous system with symptoms of diarrhea after drinking should not drink coffee.

It can be replaced with:

  • chicory;
  • coffee from barley and rye: Brand No. 1, Old Mill, Barley Ear;
  • acorn: Amulet of the family.

You can drink decaffeinated coffee. During the production of such a product, caffeine is removed from the raw material, while other beneficial substances are preserved.

Diarrhea can also occur after medications containing caffeine. When prescribing these drugs, the doctor must be informed about the characteristics of the body.

Can coffee cause diarrhea and how to find out the reason? To determine individual sensitivity to the components of the drink, you need to undergo testing. To do this, contact an allergist. Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed and treated by a gastroenterologist.

If these cases are excluded, what remains is the nervous system's response to caffeine. It is advisable to check with a neurologist, get recommendations on lifestyle and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

Review of Treatment Methods

If you experience a negative reaction to drinking an aromatic coffee drink, you should not resort to medications. Simple and useful recommendations will help alleviate the condition.

  1. To stimulate peristalsis and prevent dehydration, which develops against the background of diarrhea, you need to drink large amounts of water. An adult should drink up to 2 liters of clean liquid per day. Plain or mineral water without gas is allowed.
  2. To reduce the load on the intestines, temporarily avoid eating fatty, heavy foods.
  3. Completely avoid consuming caffeine in any form until you are fully recovered.
  4. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and liver from the toxic toxic components of the drink, it is necessary to introduce rice in the form of decoction, porridge, bananas and stewed and boiled potatoes into the diet.
  5. When treating diarrhea after coffee, it is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of red meat, dairy products, nuts of all types and legumes.

Products containing tannins will help strengthen the intestines. The best results are achieved by using:

  • pears;
  • persimmons;
  • chokeberry;
  • black currant;
  • dogwood.

The following safe but effective drugs will help quickly restore stool: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Activated carbon. These medications can be taken in case of acute diarrhea and for a short period.

The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the cause of the ailment. Do not ignore the symptoms; they may indicate infectious or viral diseases. Lack of adequate treatment can have serious consequences.

What kind of coffee is healthy and how to drink it

The norm of caffeine per day for a healthy person is 300 mg. This is about 3-4 average cups of drink depending on the dosage. Only a natural drink brewed from grains is extremely beneficial for the body.

Like any popular product, coffee has many fakes. It is especially convenient to sell them in powder form, adding low-quality ingredients. Therefore, it is better to buy this product in grains or ground, but only from trusted manufacturers.

The main types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta. Each of them has several subspecies. Robusta contains 2-3 times more caffeine and other active substances than Arabica. It is more beneficial for the body, but not everyone can drink it in its pure form - it is very bitter and tart.

Arabica has a subtle aroma and taste, but it has little caffeine. In its pure form, this type of coffee is very weak in effect. Therefore, it is better to purchase blends of Robusta and Arabica. Their ratio is indicated on the packaging as a percentage.

Processing of raw materials is also important. Choose the most gentle one: light and medium roasted grains, fine or medium grinding.

Drink coffee separately from food, but not on an empty stomach, 2-3 hours before bedtime. Doctors do not recommend drinking the drink immediately after waking up. This disrupts the production of the hormone cortisol, which regulates a person’s vigor and activity. Coffee addiction develops quickly. The drink should be drunk 2 hours after waking up.

The temperature of the coffee cannot cause diarrhea. The digestive tract has a system of thermoregulation and protection. A drink that is too hot can damage the lining of the esophagus, but it will reach a safe temperature before reaching the stomach and intestines.

Product properties

The chemical composition determines the properties, that is, how drinking the drink affects the body. As you know, most people drink this drink for aesthetic satisfaction and to get a dose of vigor and energy. Is this thinking justified?

Actually, yes. The human condition is affected by caffeine that enters the body with a cup of fresh ground coffee. Caffeine stimulates increased mental and physical activity. As a result, a person feels more energetic and becomes more resilient and gains strength.

Due to the fact that the drink contains nicotinic acid, normal synthesis of B vitamins becomes possible. In addition, this substance supports metabolic processes in the body.

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A cup of coffee

Interestingly, the tart, specific coffee aroma released during grinding and brewing is possible thanks to a special component included in the drink. This is trigonelline. When ground grains are heated during roasting or boiling, the aroma becomes especially intense due to the activation of this substance.

Tannins have a slight strengthening effect on the body. These components are similar to those contained in black tea, and as you know, diarrhea is often relieved with the help of a black, unsweetened drink.

Microelements are necessary for every person. By drinking 2-3 cups a day, you can support your body by replenishing it with valuable components.

The amino acids included in the product increase endurance and emotional stability. That's why many people prefer to refresh themselves with a cup of aromatic coffee throughout the day.

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