How to properly prepare espresso macchiato coffee

General information about macchiato

About MacchiatoMacchiato is espresso with a little milk foam.
The drink is prepared on the basis of espresso. It got its name because of its appearance from the Italian word macchiato, which means “spotted”. When pouring coffee into the foam, dark spots appear on the surface, with the help of which drawings and images are often created.

Macchiato is liked by many celebrities. Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Aniston and other Hollywood stars love him.

History of the drink

The drink was first prepared in Italy in the 30s. XX century According to legend, a visitor came to the coffee shop and ordered coffee with milk. The man wanted something unusual, something he had never tried before. The barista, who wanted to please the guest, whipped the warm milk until foamy and added espresso to the shot. The result was strong coffee with a mild taste, which quickly became fashionable, gaining fans among visitors to the establishment, and later among connoisseurs around the world.

Properties and Features

Depending on the selected blend of beans, 1 serving contains from 80 to 120 mg of caffeine. Milk foam partially softens its effect, but does not completely neutralize it. Because of this, experts do not recommend drinking macchiato in the afternoon. The drink can cause sleep problems. In addition, high caffeine content is considered a relative contraindication during pregnancy and lactation.

Properties and Features
Milk foam softens the effect of caffeine.

It is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach. It should also not be consumed after meals, as the drink reduces the quality of digestion. It is better to drink a cup 60-90 minutes after breakfast or after lunch. Can be consumed with a small portion of dessert.

Making coffee at home

When preparing macchiato at home, consider a number of nuances.


It is best to use a coffee blend of 85% Arabica and 15% Robusta. This way the drink will be strong, but will not be bitter. Those who like weaker coffee can use 100% Arabica. It is not recommended to add too much robusta, as it negatively affects the taste.

A coffee mixture is used for preparation.

Be sure to use bottled water. When using tap liquid, there is an unpleasant bleach taste that will ruin the macchiato.

It is better not to use skim milk. Give preference to products with a fat content of 2.5% to 3.2%. This will make the foam thicker and the taste more delicate.


Italians add 1 part milk to 2 parts coffee. The classic drink turns out strong, the soft taste of the foam emphasizes the bitterness of the liquid part.

Australians prefer to mix ingredients in equal proportions. Locals gave the modified drink the name piccolo latte.

In Europe, instead of the classic variation, they often offer a drink in which there is 1.5-2 times more milk than coffee. This variety is characterized by a creamy taste.

The nuances of frothing milk

It is necessary to whip the milk until it forms a homogeneous foam. To do this, it is allowed to use an automatic or mechanical cappuccino maker.

The product is poured into a metal jug, a pitcher. The cappuccino maker is immersed 5 mm in liquid. As you beat, the jug is slowly lowered lower so that the device is always at the same distance from the surface. When the foam rises so that 3-4 cm remains to the edges of the pitcher, the steam generator is immersed to the very bottom.

The nuances of frothing milk
To froth milk, you can use a mechanical milk frother.

Then the foam must be compressed. To do this, the container is raised twice 30-40 cm above the table and placed on it again. To separate the foamed part from the liquid part, rotate the pitcher 2-3 times.

Cooking recipe

The basis of this variety is espresso. It is important that when preparing the drink, a fluffy coffee foam forms. For this, it is recommended to use a mixture of Arabica and Robusta beans. The last component should not be more than 10-15%, since otherwise the concentrated product will turn out to be too bitter. To obtain a milder taste, you should prepare the base from 100% Arabica, or from several varieties.

The recommended degree of roasting of coffee beans is medium, grinding is fine.

Prepare the base using bottled or purified water using a carbon filter or ozonizer. Regular tap water is too hard, and therefore negatively affects the organoleptic properties of brewed coffee. Boiling does not help because it does not remove chlorine, but converts it into insoluble compounds. If the bottled option is chosen, the optimal mineralization rate will be about 150 mg/l, maximum 250 mg/l.

Coffee base preparation technology:

  1. Grind the beans in a coffee grinder.
  2. Load 7-10 g of the resulting powder into the coffee maker holder.
  3. Pour in cold purified water (1 cup of espresso will require 35-50 ml).
  4. Turn on the coffee maker, it usually takes 20-30 seconds to brew.
  5. Pour the brewed coffee into a cup.

Immediately after this, you should begin preparing the espresso macchiato according to the recipe. Ingredients:

  • classic espresso – 30-40 ml;
  • milk with fat content 2.5-3.2% – 10-20 ml;
  • sweetener (sugar, syrup, caramel) and aromatic components - optional.

espresso coffee with milk

If you plan to add granulated sugar or syrup, this should be done immediately after preparing the espresso. Next, you need to whip the milk to a stable foam at a temperature of 60 °C. Carefully place on the surface of the drink. You can sprinkle cinnamon, grated chocolate, cocoa or nuts on top. The traditional recipe for the drink contains nothing but espresso and milk. The volume of the finished macchiato portion should be between 45-65 ml.

Milk foam can be obtained using a mechanical or built-in cappuccino machine.

Simple recipes

The drink is easy to prepare at home yourself.



  • 0.5 servings of espresso;
  • 10-15 ml of milk cooled to +4°C;
  • grated chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla or caramel syrup (to taste).

ClassicalClassic coffee is prepared with the addition of grated chocolate.
Whisk the milk until it reaches +60°C. At the same time, holding the pitcher will become difficult and unpleasant due to the increase in temperature. Brew espresso and pour into a preheated ceramic cup. Add milk foam in a thin stream to the coffee. If desired, stir in sugar, syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon, cocoa, and chocolate chips.


When preparing foam, add 1-2 tbsp to the milk. l. caramel. Pour freshly brewed espresso into the resulting mixture. If desired, decorate with cinnamon, cocoa or caramel syrup.

With liqueur

To prepare, take:

  • 10 ml condensed milk;
  • 30 ml Baileys;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • shot of espresso.

Mix liqueur with condensed milk until smooth. Pour into a tall glass. Heat the milk to +60°C, beat with a mixer to get a stable foam. Make espresso. Carefully add the foam to the alcohol, leaving a small amount for the top. Pour coffee in small portions in the center.

With liqueur
To make a macchiato you need Baileys liqueur.

Then add the remaining foam. It is allowed to sprinkle the drink with grated chocolate.

With syrup

To prepare, take:

  • 10-15 ml milk;
  • a shot of espresso;
  • syrup to taste.

Pour syrup into the bottom of a ceramic cup. Then cook according to the classic recipe. Stir before drinking, being careful not to damage the foam.

Classic macchiato recipe


  • 25–30 ml espresso (from 7 g ground beans);
  • 10–15 ml of milk at +4 °C;
  • cinnamon, grated chocolate, vanilla or caramel syrup - to taste.

Cooking technology

  1. Whisk the milk until it reaches +60 °C.
  2. Brew a shot of espresso (pour it into a warm ceramic cup).
  3. Pour the milk froth into the espresso in a thin stream. Add sugar (vanilla or regular) and caramel syrup to taste. Sprinkle with cinnamon or grated chocolate.

photo of a classic espresso macchiato made at home

The Italians call a drink with hot milk macchiato caldo. The finished espresso macchiato can be decorated with grated chocolate, cinnamon, apply a few lines of syrup and use a toothpick to turn them into a latte art style drawing.

Many people love macchiato based on doppio - a double shot of espresso. The drink is prepared in the same way as espresso macchiato. The amount of milk, at the request of the guest, is 15–30 ml.

If you are allergic to cow's milk, add coconut, soy, rice or oat milk to your macchiato.

Other variations of the coffee drink

A number of coffee cocktails are prepared based on macchiato.


The mixing technology coincides with the classic recipe. The taste is softer, chocolate. There is no characteristic bitterness. To prepare you will need 2 servings of ristretto, 10-15 ml of milk.

Ristretto is a strong coffee with a classic recipe.


Chilled milk is added to the fredo. The barista brews a shot of espresso. Dairy products are served in a separate container, without pouring into coffee. The guest himself determines the proportions in which he will mix the liquids.

Piccolo latte

A popular variation in Australia is made from a shot of espresso and 30 ml of milk. The cooking technology is the same as for the classic variety.

Piccolo latte
Piccolo latte is a popular variation of macchiato.


Cortado is an espresso macchiato made with baked milk. In the USA and a number of Spanish-speaking countries, the coffee content does not exceed half a serving. Cortado is sweeter than the classic variation and has a delicate creamy flavor.


A coffee cocktail differs from the classic variation in the amount of milk. In cappuccino its content is 2-3 times higher than in black coffee.

Cappuccino differs in the amount of milk.


A classic variation made with espresso. Popular in Italy.


Translated from Italian, “caldo” means “hot.” To prepare this variation, the barista heats the dairy products very hot. This variation warms well in winter or autumn. It is customary to drink it in the morning.

It is customary to drink Caldo in the morning.

Types of macchiato

This coffee and milk drink can be not only invigorating and warming. Some of its types cope well with the role of a refreshing cocktail or dessert. Each barista has his own secrets for creating a macchiato, adding to its uniqueness. However, traditional recipes and methods are publicly available.

Macchiato Fredo

Fredo's coffee drink is prepared with cold milk. Italians consume it during the hot season.

The recipe is simple: espresso and milk are served separately. The visitor himself drinks the required amount of milk from a small ceramic jug.

Ristretto Macchiato

Ristretto is a very strong espresso. For the same amount of water, take a double portion of coffee. For this type of macchiato you will need:

  • 30 ml ristretto;
  • 15 ml milk.

The nuances of serving and drinking macchiato

Coffee is poured into small ceramic espresso cups. In this case, you are allowed to make a drawing on the foam. The drink must be accompanied by sugar and a spoon for stirring. Sweetening is not recommended as it can spoil the delicate taste.

There is no need to stir vigorously. To dissolve the sugar, it is better to make several smooth circular movements with a spoon. At the same time, try not to damage the foam. You can drink at once, in several sips. You are allowed to eat the foam first with a spoon, and then consume the liquid part. You can serve with fruits, berries, cheeses or dark chocolate. The drink is not suitable for meat or fish.

Differences from coffee milkshakes

It is possible to distinguish macchiato from various cocktails by a number of characteristics:

  1. The amount of milk in the mug. In cocktails, the product is added to the coffee part in a ratio of 1:1, 1.5:1 or 2:1. In a macchiato, the volume of foamed milk is less than half the serving.
  2. Cooking process. Macchiato is made by adding foam to the coffee part. To create a cocktail, the barista pours coffee into milk.
  3. The basis. For latte, cappuccino or raffa, any black coffee is suitable, regardless of the method of preparation. Macchiato is prepared only with espresso or dopio.
  4. Container for serving. Cocktails are poured into large ceramic cups and tall glass glasses. For espresso with milk foam, small ceramic mugs are used, less often - small plastic glasses (if the guest orders takeaway).

The difference is in the selection

Milk is included in both cocktails. But a macchiato should have thicker foam. To get such foam, you need to take more fat.

To prepare latte macchiato, you must use milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%. Anything below will not work. Some people prefer to mix it with cream. In this case, the coffee takes on a sweet taste. This method can also be used if milk of suitable fat content is not available. Cream can be added only before whipping. Usually the ingredients are taken in a 50/50 ratio.

Interesting! What is Robusta and how is it different from Arabica?

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