Makeup according to eye color for different styles and shades of dresses

The perfect addition to any woman's wardrobe is a variety of dresses. They can be either bright colors or more classic black, gray and brown. To make the look successful and elegant, it is important to learn how to apply harmonious makeup for each color and style of dress.

You should also take into account your eye color, since makeup for a blue dress for brown eyes will have completely different nuances than for blue eyes. Incorrectly selected shades of shadows can achieve a negative effect - the eyes will merge instead of being expressive or visually the size will decrease. To avoid making such mistakes, you need to carefully think through your image in advance and follow the recommendations of makeup artists and stylists.

Eye makeup for a gray formal dress in business style

Eye makeup under a gray dress or any other strict shade should be restrained. In this case, it is best to paint the eyelids with shadows that are in harmony with the color of the eyes. So, for those with light eyes, gray eyeliner is suitable, for brown eyes - brown (preferably medium in saturation). If you want to make the image more elegant and expressive, you can add other pure shades to your eye makeup under a gray dress, such as blue, gray, lilac and pink.

Business style outfits in light shades are very popular. This option is perfect for girls with “summer” and “winter” color types. In the first case, these are women most often with gray-blue, light blue, gray-green and hazel-brown eyes. Girls with a “winter” appearance have a distinct eye color, usually dark brown and black tones, as well as icy blue, transparent green, etc.

The selection of cosmetics for a light gray dress should be in more pastel colors than eye makeup for a gray business dress. Gray eyeliner or pencil is also allowed.

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How to wear eye makeup under a cocktail dress

This is one of the most insidious cases, because under a cocktail outfit it is very important to maintain a balance between evening and daytime makeup. In this case, the emphasis is on the eyes. Shadows and eyeliner will help. The cocktail version can come in a variety of colors. If this is a classic performance in the spirit of Coco Chanel, then makeup for brown eyes under a little black dress can be with a small splash of sparkles and mother-of-pearl.

Metallic shades look interesting. The main thing is that they are applied in a light layer and should not be too dark, otherwise the face will be darkened and begin to blend in with the clothes. You should be very careful when applying makeup under a blue dress for blue eyes and other similar tones.

Eye makeup for a white cocktail dress should be more restrained than for an evening look. The following general principles should be used:

  1. A light and feminine dress must be emphasized with the same weightless make-up;
  2. For eyes, it is better to choose beige, gray, golden and bluish shades;
  3. A beige or light pink gloss will look great on your lips.

In some cases, for blondes with brown eyes, eye makeup under a white dress will look good with the emphasis not on the eyes, but on the lips. These can be neatly defined eyebrows, light brown arrows and red lipstick (there can also be many shades of red, it is important to choose your own). This look will look very impressive and will even suit an evening look, but if everything goes smoothly with the accessories, it will also suit a cocktail look. If you need makeup to match a gray dress and green eyes for a successful party look, then you can choose different shades of green eyeshadow (which is not recommended to do with a green dress). Gray and green go well together and you can successfully use this in your image.

Eye makeup for a feminine and delicate white dress

Eye makeup for a white dress is a very delicate topic and a lot depends on the color of the eyes and the desired result. If you want to achieve a soft and unobtrusive look, especially if the girl has light curls, then slightly golden and sandy shadows, complemented by not very glossy and moderately matte golden or peach lipstick, will look very harmonious. This makeup for a white dress also does not exclude brown eyes:

A brown-eyed beauty with brown hair with beige-brown fish eye makeup will look great; It is important that the eyebrows are also moderately highlighted and always in a natural brown tone; For those who also have dark skin, in some cases a gray shade in combination with a lighter one looks very appropriate. The emphasis with darker shadows is done classically on the outer corners of the eyelid and along the lower edge, similar to smoky eyes, only a very light version. Key point: the lighter the eyes and hair, the lighter the eye makeup should be when paired with a white dress, but an emphasis on the lips is allowed for evening looks.

Best Makeup Examples

To make a green dress refreshing and look impressive

There is a misconception that green dresses do not suit blondes, and even make brunettes look older. But here makeup plays a decisive role and it is with its help that you can refresh your image and achieve an incredible result (just as if you use the wrong approach you can ruin everything). Makeup under a green dress for brown eyes is simply a pleasure for makeup artists to do, because it is a very stylish combination that can be emphasized in an original way. Mistakes and simple tips on how not to lose face:

Do not apply green shades of eyeshadow under the same dress - not only will everything blend together, but your face will also take on a not very beautiful tone; It is worth choosing discreet but contrasting shades that can complement the green color advantageously. Makeup under a green dress for green eyes will look perfect in beige, brown and sand colors. In an evening look, when you want to achieve a luxurious result, you can choose plum, purple and golden shades (this combination will look especially unique under emerald and silky fabrics). To do successful makeup for a green dress for blue eyes, just follow similar recommendations, as they are universal.

The green dress itself looks very bright and you should not oversaturate the look with overly expressive colors. It is quite possible to use red and other rich tones of lipstick, but the emphasis should normally be on the lips and in terms of the eyes you should limit yourself to light arrows and almost colorless shadows in flesh tones.

Makeup under a green dress will look beautiful for those with light skin who have blue eyes; you can even apply a foundation a tone or two lighter. And for those who already have naturally quite fair skin, just take a suitable foundation and give it the perfect look.

Makeup for an emerald luxurious dress and brown eyes

To achieve a stunning effect, you can do makeup under an emerald dress, if you have brown eyes, with dark brown shadows. This contrast will look advantageous even without unnecessary accessories. To add expressiveness to your look, we usually use eyeliner, which can be a black universal color if you mean makeup for an emerald dress with brown eyes. For blondes with light eyes, you should try experimenting with a deep blue liner, which will suit not a light green dress, but a rich emerald one.

Eye makeup under a green dress or any other polka dot dress is a separate topic. When wearing such an outfit, a girl automatically becomes very feminine and playful.

Bright makeup will be completely unnecessary here - smokey eyes and thick eyeliner definitely won’t work (except for specific eyeliner in the pin-up spirit). Brown-eyed brunettes can afford to wear red and bright lipstick to dilute dull eye makeup under an original green dress. In general, you should opt for pastel colors. At the same time, it has always been believed that high-quality natural makeup, in order to emphasize advantages and correctly remove flaws, is the most difficult to perform.

Excellent eye makeup for a green elegant dress

If it’s difficult to decide which eye makeup would be best suited for a green dress, we opt for brown and gold tones. This is a universal option for red-haired, brown-haired, blondes and brunettes with different eye colors. To create an amazing image, just follow these simple instructions:

  • Apply primer to cleansed skin;
  • Cover your face evenly with a thin layer of light foundation;
  • Conceal dark circles under the eyes with concealer;
  • Lightly fix the result with powder;
  • A small amount of peach blush will look good;
  • Another thin layer of foundation or a special shadow base is then applied to the eyelids so that they are more intense and last better;
  • Using an applicator or fingertip, apply the selected shade of eyeshadow - either matte brown or golden with glitter;
  • Neat arrows are drawn using black eyeliner of an individually selected shape;
  • Paint over eyelashes;
  • Apply beige, peach or pinkish lipstick and gloss.

Makeup under a green dress for green eyes is very often popular among celebrities. You can quite successfully spot successful looks and makeup on celebrities. In this case, it is better to select stars with a similar color type, eye shade and facial features. Mascara for a green outfit should be the same color as the eyeliner. Very rarely green in makeup will look good and then it really fits in perfectly - this is for green-eyed beauties and when the dress is turquoise green.

Spectacular and classic dress in black

A black dress is usually universal - perfect for a party, business meeting, or even a romantic date. Moreover, the dress may remain the same, but the makeup format may change. Makeup for green eyes under a black dress is one of the most elegant and even mysterious. In fact, to create spectacular makeup for this look, a standard eyeliner and lengthening mascara will suffice. They must be black (and only black). Otherwise, the image may turn out to be frivolous if you take blue tones or not saturated enough for brown colors. And also this option will sometimes look interesting, like makeup for brown eyes under a black dress. But in this case, it is better not to use shadows, but to simply apply neat arrows using a colored pencil.

If you have time to do a full make-up, then shadows under a black dress will definitely not be superfluous. When we do daytime makeup, we use light, white and beige shades. Shade it all over the eyelid and draw a neat arrow on top with a well-sharpened pencil or eyeliner. For evening makeup, owners of gray eyes will benefit from a combination of light and dark shades, as well as smokey eyes.

Gray and brown palettes also look impressive. Gray, although a cold color, undoubtedly looks great with black if you highlight it with thinly lined arrows and well-painted eyelashes.

Cosmetics to match the outfit

A black dress is a must-have item in any lady's wardrobe. An elegant outfit is appropriate in any situation, be it a business reception or a restaurant on the occasion of the anniversary of a grandmother or friend. Black goes well with almost any shade of makeup on the face. Here, the color type of the lady is more important.

It should be taken into account that black can make the skin visually paler. Therefore, make-up is designed to correct this property of clothing through warm tones: scarlet, ruby, coral - on the lips. It is worth using blush, which will give your face a fresh look.

Eye makeup for a red femme gown

An outfit in a bright, fatal color, contrary to stereotypes, will suit any type of appearance if you choose the right eye makeup for a red dress. In addition, there are so many shades of red, so every girl can choose the right option for herself. Stylists recommend following a simple recommendation: the colder the color type of appearance, the brighter the tone should be. So, for “summer” girls, softer and darker ones towards purple are more suitable. When choosing a red dress as an outfit, a lot of responsibility is placed on makeup.

It’s not difficult to do eye makeup for an evening out under a red dress - just create an accent on the lips and paint the eyelids in a light nude style. Pay great attention to carefully emphasizing the eyebrows. You need to apply light makeup for blue eyes under a red dress - just draw elegant arrows that will highlight your natural beauty. It is recommended to avoid the following shades in combination with such a wardrobe element:

  • Pink;
  • Brown;
  • Green;
  • Violet;
  • Blue;
  • Any dark;
  • Mother of pearl.

Matte should almost always be preferred. In rare cases, some women may benefit from oriental-style makeup, especially if makeup is done for brown eyes under a red dress - eyes in a deep dark version of smokey eyes combined with very rich lipstick to match the dress. However, for most types of European appearance, such makeup will look unnecessary and even vulgar. A general recommendation for how to make up your eyes under a red dress is to make perfectly even eyeliner in combination with light natural shades of eyeshadow or without them, lightly dusting your eyelids with compact powder for matteness.

And it is also important that lipstick does not dull the richness of the dress’s shade. It is important for blondes to learn that eye makeup under a red dress should be as invisible as possible. Otherwise, the face will look heavy and the eyes will be visually smaller. It is important in makeup to turn your shortcomings into advantages, and not vice versa. There is an interesting recommendation on how to do makeup for green eyes under a red dress and in other cases when you don’t want to take risks. It’s enough to start doing makeup in a different sequence - usually you paint your eyes, and then your lips, but here you should first apply lipstick and then see how permissible it is to use a particular shade of eye shadow or eyeliner.

You should avoid shades of shadows when deciding how to do makeup for brown eyes under a red dress, with reddish undertones, otherwise the eyes and face as a whole will look simply painful. Mascara must be taken in black to achieve expressiveness of the look. Makeup for green eyes will become expressive under a red dress if you line the lower eyelid with eyeliner, carefully shading everything.

In this option, the lips should remain in a natural, discreet tone.

Features of evening makeup

Such outfits are often chosen for special occasions. They are also appropriate for proms. In order for the evening makeup to match the red dress perfectly, and for the girl at the school celebration to look young, romantic and natural, the creation of the image should be approached with special responsibility. Here are some simple recommendations to follow:

  • The best lipstick for a red dress is soft, not bright. It is also appropriate to use shimmering lip gloss;
  • brunettes are recommended to use golden shadows, and fair-haired girls and blondes use silver ones;
  • The skin acquires a fresh, youthful appearance when applying body powder with a pinkish tint. It needs to be evenly distributed on the skin;
  • It is better not to use classic black mascara. A colored one that matches the eye color looks much better.

Evening makeup under a red dress for middle-aged and mature women is allowed to be more catchy, using a rich palette. You can experiment with red lipstick. For example, garnet, scarlet, and wine shades are appropriate. The use of colored variations of eyeliner and black mascara is allowed.

For more than one season, glosses and shadows with a shimmering effect have been at the peak of popularity. True, if the style of clothing is too revealing, it is better to avoid excess shine and mother-of-pearl. For example, such make-up is undesirable in the case of models with an open back or an excessively deep neckline. Dark purple mascara looks great in tandem with such an extravagant outfit.

Eye makeup tips from makeup artists for a blue dress

Eye makeup for a blue dress must necessarily correspond to the high status of this color - noble and mysterious. If the clothes are made in deep blue, then the makeup can be made brighter and more saturated than when it comes to blue-gray and muted shades. Skin that is too pale and saturated blue will not look as good as dark or tanned skin. Those with dark hair will be lucky to wear makeup under a blue dress for brown eyes - even bright scarlet lipstick would be appropriate here to highlight the lips. Shadows will look harmonious in the following colors:

  • Sand;
  • Reddish;
  • Terracotta;
  • Golden;
  • Peach.

When doing makeup under a blue dress for brown and other eye shades, it is important, according to the classic recommendation of makeup artists, to focus either on the eyes or on the lips. In combination with delicate shades of shadows, it would be acceptable to apply blue eyeliner to the lower eyelid. Makeup under a blue dress for gray eyes will look quite harmonious with a silver pencil, which is also better to emphasize the bottom of the eye. And also due to their neutrality, gray shadows are perfect here.

It will look very stylish if, in addition to the shadows, you also choose accessories in silver-gray tones.

What other makeup options can you use depending on your eye color for a blue dress?

Makeup for a blue dress for green eyes will look optimal in nude tones. There will be no preference for emphasizing a certain shade here - the main thing is to make a discreet and neat make-up. For those whose iris color is not pure green and has a gray undertone, you can add a drop of blue in the shadows.

Makeup under a blue dress for gray and green eyes can look very stylish and sophisticated if done correctly. With light, cold eyes, a typical mistake would be to add a lot of extra blue color to the eyes - this will make everything blend together and look inexpressive. In this case, the face may even acquire a slightly unhealthy pale appearance. Makeup for a blue dress for blue eyes should not be in similar shades. In this case, it is recommended to use a white and gray palette. This option would also be appropriate as makeup under a blue dress for gray eyes.

You can achieve the image of a femme fatale by using arrows applied with a soft pencil and shaded with a cotton swab or sponge, and applying a thin layer of smoky shadows to the eyelid.

Taking hair color into account

The success of a blue dress largely depends on the ability to take into account individual features of appearance. The correct choice of makeup and hairstyle, as well as the talent for choosing accessories will help make a blue dress one of your favorite and sought-after wardrobe items.

For blondes

Fair-skinned people face a difficult task: not to let themselves be swallowed up by a spectacular outfit. Bright and dark blush will come in very handy, the main thing is to shade the edges well, you can use powder and cream darker than usual. It is advisable for fair-haired girls not to overload their look with jewelry, so as not to distract attention from themselves and their beloved; for the same reason, it is better to use matte cosmetics.

Tanned blondes rarely run the risk of encountering a similar problem. For this color type, the most optimal are sky, cornflower blue, and azure. However, almost all shades of blue suit fair-haired and light-eyed people. The chosen color scheme involuntarily suggests lilac and pink lipsticks, but sometimes it’s a good idea to act contrary and diversify the makeup for a blue dress with an unexpectedly warm shade of amber or sakura.

A palette of foundations from ivory to beige will help you get the desired look. The most preferred shades are cool colors: gray, lilac, blue. Tinted shine will soften excessive coldness.

For brunettes

To choose the most successful makeup, you should take into account that dark-haired girls are conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. light-skinned - classic winter color type;
  2. hot brunettes with dark skin.

Makeup artists are the first to recommend playing with contrasts: pearlescent iris or coffee contouring in combination with pastel lipstick and gloss, rich blush. For tanned people, it makes sense to give preference to black pearl, antique or olive shades and colored eyeliner, turquoise or emerald. A non-standard lipstick that is not too dark will look impressive. The richness of the cheekbones' makeup intensifies from the soft pink edges to the raspberry or lilac center.

Both types will be decorated with shining and pearlescent textures, shades of purple and bluish shades, but not copying the color of the dress.

For brown-haired women

Blue and sapphire outfits go perfectly with chestnut, light brown and ash hair, the image turns out to be mysterious, emphasizing the depth of the look. The main accent is smoky eye makeup; its matte finish is complemented by a light foundation with bronzer. Thick eyelashes will emphasize openness and freshness. Gray-blue and violet shadows are good as an evening option; during the day, light beige, cream, and steel are more appropriate. If the blue dress is in warm colors, pistachio shadows in combination with carrot lipstick suit dark-eyed people. Unique combinations will be complemented by blush in copper shades.

For girls with red hair

Fire and honey curls go perfectly with the coolness of blue. To balance the image, stick to a cool and light palette: apply gray-green or lilac to the eyes, pale pink, nutty, plum to the lips. A brick-hued blush will enliven porcelain skin.

Those with freckles are lucky: they are a real hit of the season, and besides, they make it impossible to look pale. Blush should be applied to freckled skin carefully, trying to ensure that it is invisible; desaturated brick, apricot and peach shades are suitable. To decorate your lips, use clear or citrus gloss. Lipstick is preferably light warm colors: copper, honey, cream; pink and lilac will introduce unforgivable dissonance. Shadows for everyday makeup are terracotta or golden; to create an evening look, contrasting combinations are good, for example, shining crystal gradually darkens to black towards the outer corner of the upper eyelid, the upper part is emphasized by a café-au-lait stripe. A little highlighter under the eyebrow will give an open look, the eyebrows themselves will be as close to natural as possible.

Green-eyed girls and a blue dress - what else to try

Among other things, makeup for a blue dress for green eyes can be made very original and stylish. To do this, simply apply a gray translucent shade of eyeshadow to the entire eyelid. We carefully highlight the outer corners of the eyelid in a “fish” pattern with a darker color. Apply a thin, neat line to the upper eyelid using eyeliner or a sharp ultramarine pencil. We draw the tails of the arrows themselves with black eyeliner or a pencil. This option looks very beautiful if the eye makeup under the blue dress is done really professionally, which means high-quality shading of all transitions.

Makeup for an original purple dress for brown and other eye color types

The purple color is quite deep and complex, and can be divided into many facets and shades. It’s just important to choose the right shade for your skin tone and a positive result will be guaranteed. Makeup for a purple dress for brown eyes is used more casually, so as not to destroy the integrity of the image. Too bright shadows and lipstick can rudely stand out from the appearance. Do not forget about natural data when choosing the tone of the shadows to match the color of the iris.

Great eye makeup for a purple dress for brown eyes will look great in the same colors as the dress. You can safely take the appropriate shade of eyeshadow and line your eyes with deep black eyeliner for an evening look. But for those who have lighter eyes, it is better to look at what makeup for green eyes was recommended for a white dress, and go in the same spirit. And you can also use light smokey eyes and wet asphalt shades. As a standard, lighter colors are used on the inner corners of the eyes, and darkening on the outer corners to give the look mystery and expressiveness.

Makeup for blue eyes

For makeup under blue eyes, shadows and pencils in the following shades are suitable:

  • milk chocolate;
  • light peach;
  • mocha;
  • golden sand;
  • canary;
  • sea ​​wave;
  • violet.

For everyday makeup, universal tones are used: champagne, pearlescent, soft lavender.

How to wear eye makeup under a festive brown dress

There are quite a lot of options for how to apply eye makeup under a brown dress - the make-up should be quite bright, but at the same time non-provocative. The eyes should be highlighted as much as possible using eyeliner (even a matte black color will do) or a pencil in a brown tone. Golden shades of eyeshadow will help make your makeup softer; you can paint your lips with natural lipstick.

An excellent alternative to wearing eye makeup under a brown dress is a beige color scheme. Recommendations from a makeup artist:

  • Light beige eyeshadow is applied to the upper eyelid;
  • The eyes are lined with a deeper dark;
  • The inner eyelid is emphasized with a white pencil;
  • Apply mascara to eyelashes in two layers;
  • Use a soft lipstick in a range of light brown tones, or a translucent gloss will do.

This option, by the way, is also suitable as makeup under a green dress for brown eyes. And for those who have blue and light eyes, under a brown outfit you can try to make up your eyes in brown and turquoise tones, which will look very fresh and spring-like.

Don't forget about makeup when choosing a dress to match your eye color. Natural beauty is beautiful in all its manifestations.

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