Egg white face mask: varieties, benefits and harms of the component, preparation of facial skin

Benefits of protein for facial skin

Previously, when the industry for the production of care and beauty products was not so developed, women used the products that were in the house.

A popular chicken egg was used to make face masks and wash your hair with it. But egg white has become a favorite. Its composition and consistency made it possible to use it both in pure form and with additives.

Until now, cosmetologists recommend using egg whites for women, regardless of their age. Its benefit lies in the presence of essential amino acids, minerals with vitamins and enzymes.

Frequent use will help achieve the following results:

  • cleansing the epidermis of impurities;
  • elimination of possible bacteria (this possibility is regulated by the presence of ovotransferrin with conalbumin in the product);
  • skin lifting, elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • cleansing the surface of comedones;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • skin lightening;
  • eliminating excess oiliness of the skin, giving it a matte appearance.

Benefits of egg face masks

Anti-wrinkle face mask with eggMasks with eggs are suitable for absolutely every skin type at any age.
The egg is included in the category of products that are completely absorbed by the body and is a complete source of vitamins B4, D, B5, B12, A, H, E. It also contains fatty amino acids, beta carotene, minerals, antimicrobial enzymes.

Egg masks have a complex effect on facial skin:

  • nourish;
  • bleach;
  • moisturize;
  • eliminate pigmentation;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • fight withering and premature aging;
  • prevent the development of various types of inflammation.

Interesting to know! The heterogeneity of the egg allows it to be used for different skin types. Yolk is the best choice for dry skin prone to flaking. Protein will be the best option for oily skin; it will dry out problem areas and tighten pores.

Egg masks are an effective remedy that stimulates blood circulation, regulates metabolic processes, protects against photoaging, and strengthens tissues. The product will quickly get rid of pimples, acne, and oily sheen. To achieve the most positive result, it is important to choose the right composition and ratio of ingredients.

Also read: Alginate face masks - what they are and why you need them (the article will open in a new tab).

Indications for use

Egg white is widely used in cosmetology to treat skin and hair problems. Hair masks with it strengthen the hair follicle and enhance hair growth. An egg is of great importance for facial skin, as it eliminates many imperfections. A mask with protein eliminates excess fat, which makes it a popular remedy.

Indications for the use of egg white in cosmetic procedures are:

  • the presence of local inflammation;
  • pigmentation in the form of freckles and other spots;
  • blackheads (comedones);
  • oily skin;
  • changes in the structure of the cover due to age-related changes.

But to achieve the first results, systematic use of such a mask is necessary.

Experts agree that this process should take place at least 3 times a week. It is better to combine this procedure with peeling and facial massage.

Egg white for face

Benefits of egg whites for skin

Professionals recommend using masks containing egg whites for women of any age group.

The essential amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins included in the natural component allow you to obtain a high cosmetological and aesthetic effect.

Regular exposure helps achieve the following results:

  1. deep cleansing of the epidermis;
  2. antibacterial effect due to the presence of conalbumin and ovotransferrin;
  3. lifting effect (getting rid of wrinkles), restoration of turgor and tone;
  4. elimination of “blackheads”, comedones, acne elements, narrowing of pores
  5. correction of dark circles under the eyes, excess pigmentation throughout the entire face
  6. disappearance of freckles, redness from acne;
  7. anti-inflammatory activity;
  8. whitening effect;
  9. correction of oily skin, mattifying effect.

Who benefits from protein face masks?

Indications for use are disclosed as follows:

  • oily or combination skin type;
  • local inflammation;
  • acne, acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • age-related changes in skin pigmentation and structure.

Experts recommend sticking to systemic exposure. Treatment sessions should be carried out at least three times a week, combining them with peeling and skin massage.

Recipes for protein face masks

The sequence of preparing medicinal mixtures for the face is presented below. All components are of natural origin and are freely available.

It is important to observe regularity of exposure, despite the rapid therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

Yes, yes - regular care is very important and necessary, I repeat this all the time.

A universal recipe for a protein mask for deep cleansing


  • Raw protein – 1 pc.
  • Lemon squeeze – 10 ml.

Sequence of actions and application:

The main ingredient is slightly beaten, lemon juice is added to it.

  1. The protein-lemon mass is mixed until smooth and applied to the face using a cosmetic brush in several layers.
  2. Session duration 20 minutes.
  3. When the time is up, the egg mask is removed with warm water.

Protein mask - deep nutrition for combination skin


  • Egg white – 1 pc.
  • Olive oil – 10 ml.
  • Honey – 5 g.
  • Oatmeal – 10 g.


  1. The white is separated from the egg and beaten a little.
  2. Honey, olive oil, and flour are added to the mixture.
  3. The protein-honey mixture is brought to a homogeneous consistency and applied in an even layer to the face.
  4. After 20 minutes, the composition is removed using running water.
  5. The procedure allows you to receive not only intensive nutrition, it is characterized by a bactericidal and wound-healing effect.

Protein mask aimed at eliminating “blackheads”


  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.


  1. The white is removed from the egg and beaten.
  2. The mass is applied to problem areas using a cosmetic brush.
  3. A paper towel or napkin is placed over the mask, on which another layer of protein is applied.
  4. The session lasts until the product dries.
  5. The frozen substance is carefully removed from bottom to top.
  6. Dead particles of the epidermis remain on the napkin; the product is effective against “blackheads”.

Recipe for a protein mask to eliminate dark circles in the area around the eyes


  • Egg white – 1 pc.
  • Witch hazel oil – 3 drops.


  1. The main ingredient is whipped into foam.
  2. The mass is supplemented with witch hazel oil and transferred to the area around the eyes with a thin brush.
  3. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, after which the drug is carefully washed off with a cotton swab with warm water.

The medicinal composition used at home will give the skin around the eyes an aesthetically attractive appearance and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Protein lifting mask


  • White from one egg.
  • Cosmetic clay – 15 g.
  • Olive oil – 15 ml.


  1. The presented ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass.
  2. The prepared preparation is applied to the face, décolleté and neck.
  3. Session duration – 30 minutes.
  4. The substance is removed with warm water, after which you can use any nutrient.

Therapeutic protein mask for acne with a mattifying effect.


  • Raw chicken protein – 1 pc.
  • Apple – 1 pc.


  1. The main ingredient is whipped into foam and mixed with a grated apple.
  2. The mass is transferred to the face and neck and left for 20 minutes.
  3. The product is washed off in the standard way, after which a tonic lotion is applied to the face. Mixture
  4. components effectively eliminates acne.

Protein mask with whitening effect


  • Raw protein – 1 pc.
  • Parsley – 40 g.


  1. The greens are crushed into a paste and mixed with pre-whipped protein foam.
  2. The product is transferred to pigmented areas of the facial skin and left for 30 minutes.
  3. The drug is removed with cool water.

General principles for using a protein mask

But despite the use of safe products for the manufacture of cosmetics, it can be dangerous to the human body. It consists in the deterioration of the quality of the skin.

Some side effects can be avoided by following the recommendations. They consist of the hygiene of the containers used, mixing utensils, as well as the selection of a suitable mask for each skin type, and the frequency of their use.

Despite the external use of the product, the protein mixing container must be disinfected before use. In addition, there are general principles for using a mask with protein:

  1. The protein mixture is applied along massage lines, from the chin upward, while the area around the lips and eyes remains untouched;
  2. After application, the mixture quickly sets and begins to dry; during this you should not smile, laugh or talk. The protein layer is stretched, which does not lead to a cosmetic lifting effect;
  3. For dry skin, a protein mask will also be useful, but only if you do not do it more than once a week. For combination skin, can be used 2-3 times. If we are talking about a hot climate or time of year, the best option for eliminating shine in oily skin is to use it once every two days;
  4. Before applying the mixture, you should wash off makeup from your face, exfoliate, steam your facial skin, and then apply a hot towel for a couple of minutes;
  5. After applying a facial tonic, it should also be used after the mask to avoid the feeling of tightness. You can also use face cream;
  6. despite the fact that this type of mask is anti-aging, it should not be applied to the décolleté and neck;
  7. You only need to wash off the whites from your face with warm water, and only then rinse it with cold water, or even apply an ice cube. This will help close the pores opened during the procedure and increase blood circulation;
  8. The optimal time to use the mask is in the evening. The skin is then more “calm” and will be cleared of decorative cosmetics. Also, after sleep, restorative processes occur in the skin.

Can a protein face mask for blackheads* harm your skin?

There are, of course, disadvantages to using homemade protein-based cosmetics. Firstly, they have a specific smell and structure, they must be used immediately after preparation and cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator.

Secondly, the egg white mask, which many girls use to get rid of blackheads, is highly allergenic. It can cause unpleasant consequences151:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • dryness.

This cosmetic product cannot be used in the presence of rosacea, open wounds, inflammation, fresh scars, as well as neoplasms on the face.

Cosmetologists recommend being especially careful when using homemade masks and other products. Their effectiveness has not been clinically proven, and some may even worsen the skin condition. That is why you should give preference to a professional approach in the fight against any skin defects.

Many skin problems require a comprehensive approach, including drug treatment. Only a cosmetologist or dermatologist can prescribe a course of necessary medications.

Preliminary skin preparation

Preparing the cover for applying the mask is mandatory, since the effectiveness of the procedure depends on this. If all stages are carried out correctly, the skin will become as receptive as possible to the beneficial substances contained in protein.

To prepare the surface of the facial skin for exposure, you must do the following:

  1. Remove makeup using a special remover.
  2. Wash with warm water.
  3. Exfoliate your face using products purchased and made at home. This stage is relevant for owners of oily or combination skin (this can be a light oatmeal-based scrub).
  4. If possible, take a bath, lie there for at least 15 minutes, and relax. This will open the pores naturally. But this step is not required.
  5. Make a facial bath. To do this, brew medicinal chamomile or nettle in a small container, hold your face over it for 10-15 minutes to open the pores.
  6. Do not rub or wipe your face dry, but pat dry with a cotton towel.

Features of applying the composition of a tightening face mask with egg white

Using crude protein as the main component in a mask requires some precautions. Before you start mixing and applying, you need to:

  • wash your hands thoroughly, as dirt and bacteria can be transferred to the surface of the skin with open pores;
  • lubricate the face with the mixture using facial massage lines;
  • This can be done either with clean fingers or with a special brush for masks;
  • Keep the composition on your face for about 20 minutes. During this time, the protein will dry and give the skin all its beneficial components.

Duration and frequency of use

Depending on what type of skin a woman or man has, a certain number of applications of the mask are recommended. Oily skin is the most problematic and requires more attention. In winter, the amount of mask application is reduced, and in summer it increases. In hot weather, the sebaceous glands work more intensely, the pores are enlarged, and the skin of the face needs constant care. The best option is to use 2-3 times a week.

For combination skin, a couple of times are enough to improve the appearance and firmness of the skin. Dry skin does not require frequent protein treatments. One a week is enough to make her feel good. For this type, using yolk is more suitable.

If we are talking about acne or post-acne, up to 20 procedures can be done per month. Then take a break for a month and then continue if necessary. The same goes for pigmentation on the face.

Regular use of the mask for a month eliminates spots and freckles.

Benefits of eggs for skin

Many people have heard about the benefits of eggs for the human body. The chemical composition of this product has a positive effect not only on health and well-being, but also on the skin when used externally.

The whole mass of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are found in eggs allows you to provide decent care even to problematic skin. All egg face masks are divided into three groups: from the yolk, from the white and from the whole egg. The effect of each of them will be different because the chemical composition of the two components of this product is not at all the same.

1. Yolk

  • Vitamin A plays the main role here, because it controls the level of hydration in cells, eliminating severe dry skin (seasonal and age-related) and softening flaky spots on the face;
  • B vitamins have anti-inflammatory properties that allow egg masks to fight breakouts such as pimples and blackheads;
  • Vitamin D slows down the aging process that occurs in cells: prolongs the youth of the skin, prevents the early appearance of wrinkles, and fights other age-related changes;
  • Lecithin is known for its protective functions, increases the skin's resistance to external aggressive influences in the form of temperature changes, sunlight, harmful fumes, chemicals and polluted atmosphere;
  • Sodium performs primarily transport functions, as it helps cells absorb other nutrients;
  • Potassium regulates moisture content in cells;
  • Iron is necessary for normal blood circulation, which provides the skin with nutrition and the necessary amount of oxygen, which allows it to be in good shape;
  • Calcium evens out the texture of the skin, making it smooth and silky.

2. Protein

  • Natural protein ensures the restoration of damaged tissues, triggers regenerative processes, promotes skin rejuvenation, takes control of the production of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands, providing egg face masks with a drying effect and tightening of enlarged pores;
  • Carbohydrates tone the skin, giving it energy and radiance throughout the day;
  • Fats are a natural protection against external harmful influences;
  • Glucose improves skin color;
  • Enzymes enhance the drying effect of protein;
  • B vitamins soothe irritated skin, combating inflammatory rashes of teenage acne and pimples.

3. Whole egg

Yolk and white, like black and white, have diametrically opposite effects on the skin: one moisturizes, the other dries. Together they create a harmonious, integral unity that has unique cosmetic properties.

If you regularly make masks from whole eggs, they will nourish the skin with all the elements and substances it needs, keep it toned and fight age-related changes.

This leads to a number of indications for using eggs as a cosmetic product.

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