How many mg of caffeine are in one serving?
Instant coffee comes in several types: freeze-dried, powder and granules. However, whichever option you choose, the caffeine content will be approximately the same. In terms of the content of this substance, coffee brewed from ground beans is not much different from coffee that dissolves in a cup without a trace. Natural coffee will contain approximately 80-100 mg of caffeine, and instant coffee will have only 20 mg less. The only exception is decaf. Important!
If you drink coffee and eat chocolate at the same time, the amount of caffeine you absorb will increase by 2-3 times.
The relationship between coffee and blood pressure in the human circulatory system
Scientists disagree on the direct effect of caffeine on blood pressure. Some of them are sure that caffeine causes vasospasm, thereby changing blood pressure. Why does this happen? Caffeine blocks the functioning of receptors that maintain the necessary lumen in the arteries. This causes the walls of the blood vessels to narrow, and the smaller the space for the blood flow, the greater the pressure in it.
It has been proven that caffeine increases the concentration of adrenaline, which also increases blood pressure. On average, 3-4 cups of coffee can change your blood pressure by 5-10 points. However, the body of coffee drinkers becomes so accustomed to caffeine that such a strong reaction no longer occurs. The main thing is to observe moderation.
If you decide to drink a cup of coffee, then do not forget about your individual characteristics. In a healthy person, blood pressure readings will not change much. People with regularly elevated levels may experience a crisis, but with constant caffeine consumption there will be no reaction at all.
Coffee for high blood pressure
What do you need to know about this? Many people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system are interested in whether it is possible to drink coffee for hypertension. This issue needs to be taken seriously. It is generally accepted that caffeine is not compatible with this disease. However, many experts are hesitant to give a definite answer. Not all patients feel worse after drinking coffee. People with low blood pressure can drink a tonic drink, but only in moderate doses.
With high intracranial pressure, coffee helps relieve cerebral vascular spasm. This drink also contains ergotamine, which has a stimulating effect on the cortex. It is worth considering that intracranial and blood pressure are different things. Hypertensive patients and people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system may experience other symptoms, such as a sharp spasm of blood vessels and an increase in systolic pressure.
Which coffee do you prefer?
The first instant coffee appeared in 1934, and since then, debate has continued about which type of technology is better. During this time, I managed to change the entire production process, however, coffee lovers still prefer a drink made from ground coffee beans. Instant coffee is easier to prepare, but it is still inferior in many respects.
- Natural coffee contains more than 200 vitamins and antioxidants. In an instant drink, all these beneficial substances are lost.
- Freeze-dried coffee contains preservatives and stabilizers that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.
- The freeze-dried drink contains only about 15% coffee beans.
- Natural coffee has more caffeine.
Interesting! Coffee lovers often have cold hands. This is due to vasoconstriction.
Will milk and lemon make a difference?
Each person's reaction is individual, and it is impossible to completely predict it. However, doctors assure that if you drink the drink in limited quantities, then any negative consequences are minimal. Some experts believe that milk helps reduce the amount of caffeine. You should not completely rely on this, because it will not be possible to completely remove it. You should not drink more than 2 cups a day. In addition, milk contains calcium, which is extremely important for older people.
If you like to add lemon to your morning drink, then don't worry about it. Add! It's good for your body. Vitamin C minimizes the effects of caffeine.
How much coffee do you need to drink to raise your blood pressure?
Blood pressure monitor readings after a cup of coffee depend on the individual’s perception of caffeine. Even if you are hypotensive, you should be careful when drinking this invigorating aromatic drink. 15% of people experience a decrease in blood pressure after consumption. Typically, this reaction occurs after overuse. Even a third cup may be unnecessary.
Presumably this happens because the vessels dilate greatly and the volume of blood in the arteries is less. From this we can conclude that if you want to increase your blood pressure, you should limit yourself to 1-2 cups.
Note! In 15% of people, blood pressure decreases when drinking coffee.
The influence of coffee
This issue deserves special attention. Coffee beans contain a substance called caffeine. This is a powerful energy drink and heart stimulant. Drinking coffee with stage 2 hypertension is especially dangerous. It can cause overexcitation, nervousness, vasospasm and even hypertensive crisis. Drinking a double dose of coffee can lead to increased adrenaline production. This is especially dangerous because blood pressure may begin to rise. The reason for this phenomenon is that caffeine affects myocyte receptors. Because of this, the number of heart contractions increases to 120-130 beats per minute.
As clinical studies have demonstrated, moderate consumption of coffee with milk for hypertension helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, arteries and veins. A couple of cups of an invigorating drink per day help normalize blood pressure. If you drink more per day, the effect can be exactly the opposite. The elasticity of blood vessels will decrease sharply. This can be a serious problem for hypertensive patients.
As long as you follow the rules, there are practically no contraindications. 1-2 cups of strong drink in the morning will not cause serious consequences.
People who suffer from heart disease should not drink coffee. Also, refusal will not hurt older people, and children should not even try this drink.
For a long time, caffeine consumption has been limited to women carrying a child. Modern medicine does not have a clear opinion on this matter. It’s best not to take risks and drink strong tea. Moreover, an increase in blood pressure in this state is extremely undesirable.
Coffee during hypertension
Research by scientists has shown that drinking more than three cups of coffee per day can lead to an increase in systolic pressure by 3-15 mmHg, and diastolic pressure by 4-15 mmHg. This applies only to people with normal blood pressure and those who regularly drink coffee. If the drink is drunk rarely, then such an amount can provoke a sharp short-term rise and a subsequent decrease in blood pressure.
Blood pressure control after a cup of coffee
A frequently asked question: can you drink coffee if you have hypertension? There is no clear answer. It all depends on the stage and extent of the disease, concomitant diseases and the general condition of the patient. Coffee for hypertension raises blood pressure significantly more than in healthy people. And the stronger the drink, the stronger and longer the effect.
The effect of coffee on arterial hypertension has not yet been fully studied. Some people are more sensitive to this drink, while others hardly notice the effect of caffeine on the body. For most hypertensive patients in the initial stages of the disease, it does not cause harm, since its effect passes quickly. One cup of coffee a day can improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. At more complex stages of the disease, whether to drink coffee or not should be decided by the attending physician.
It is easy to confirm or refute the harm of the product in case of hypertensive heart disease: 15 minutes after taking the drink, you can check your blood pressure readings. Typically, blood pressure is measured in both arms before and after drinking a cup of your favorite drink. With increased individual sensitivity, the pressure increases by 3-6 units. If more, hypertension and coffee are no longer compatible.
Coffee intolerance can be caused by genetic problems and certain medications. For a healthy person, 3 cups of coffee may be the norm, but for a hypertensive person, a similar amount of caffeine can trigger a crisis. The presence of caffeine in blood vessels stimulates the nervous system. As a result, the receptors of the heart muscle cells begin to contract intensely, which leads to an increase in the number of beats. This leads to increased blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. The effect can last up to 6 hours.
Therefore, if you have heart problems or personal intolerance, hypertensive patients are not recommended to drink coffee.
Side effects
Despite the fact that coffee is extremely popular and in some cases beneficial, it has a number of side effects:
- increased feelings of anxiety;
- gastrointestinal disorder;
- sleep disorders;
- miscarriage;
- changes in blood pressure;
- obesity;
- reduction of collagen in the skin;
- dehydration.
Possible side effects
In some cases, caffeine benzoate has side effects on the human body, the strength and duration of which is strictly individual for each patient.
When raising blood pressure with caffeine-containing tablets, you need to be prepared for the fact that the function of the digestive tract, nervous and urinary systems may be disrupted, and the heart may malfunction. In particular comes:
- Migraine, anxiety with disruption of healthy sleep, convulsions and tremors, increased reflexes, and increased agitation.
- Arrhythmia and tachycardia, severe increase in blood pressure, pain in the heart area.
- Caffeine increases the frequency of urination, which leads to active leaching of calcium, creatinine, and sodium from the body.
- Sometimes indigestion occurs with accompanying factors such as diarrhea and nausea. People suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers may experience disorders of these diseases.
- As a side effect, urticaria, skin rashes, allergic bronchospasm, and, in individual cases, Quincke's edema appear.
- Changes in the composition of blood and urine, namely: changes in the amount of glucose and uric acid levels.
Typically, side effects do not appear too pronounced and do not pose a serious threat to human health. Only in some cases, with a sharp deterioration of the condition, treatment based on caffeine preparations is canceled.
Advice! If unwanted side effects occur, you should immediately notify your doctor. Perhaps adjusting the dosage of the medication will solve the problem and you will not have to select a new medication to continue therapy.
In order to be absolutely sure of your body’s reaction to caffeine, you can conduct a simple experiment:
- First you need to measure the pressure.
- Drink a portion of coffee.
- Wait 20-30 minutes.
- Measure the pressure.
If the indicators have changed by 6-12 points, then the influence is very strong. It is necessary to control consumption. You can reduce the caffeine concentration by adding lemon, milk, honey and cream to your cup.
Of the contraindications
Tablets that increase blood pressure, like all medications in the pharmaceutical industry, along with providing benefits, also have a number of contraindications, which manifest themselves:
- Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
- Paroxysmal tachycardia.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Organic pathologies of the vascular system and heart.
- Ventricular extrasystoparathalia.
- Increased excitability and anxiety.
- Hypertension.
- Night sleep disturbance.
- Increased intraocular pressure.
- Glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome.
When medications containing caffeine are prescribed to patients under 12 years of age or to elderly people, the dosage is selected on an individual basis. Children are most often prescribed subcutaneous injections of caffeine solution. Patients diagnosed with duodenal or gastric ulcers should be treated with caffeine-containing medications with caution.