Loser man: types of losers and distinctive features - a guide for girls

A man should be successful - that sounds right. But there is an exception to the rule, namely, male losers.

Nowadays, women can stand up for themselves, they are purposeful, they know what they want from life, they do not ask men for help, they provide for themselves, and are confident in the future. For men, everything is exactly the opposite, they are endowed with feminine qualities, all their strength of character has sunk into oblivion. They have no goals in life, they are weak, they themselves need help and support. A world of failed men who are still children.

Distinctive characteristics of male losers

All negative character traits begin to develop in males in early childhood. And to a greater extent, women who raise them are to blame for this. Personality formation also takes place outside the home. However, women also teach children in kindergarten and school.

Both mothers, educators, and teachers constantly say that you must be a true man towards girls. But at such a young age, children do not understand the meaning of this word, and no one explains it to them.

Traits of Loser Men:

  1. A real egoist
  • This is a narcissistic type who won’t even lift a finger to ask for your opinion and desires. Your requests have no effect on him.
  • For such a loser man, a woman is a service staff who washes, cleans and cooks. He spends all the money he earns only on himself and his needs.


  • He will not compromise, he will not strain for anyone. You should understand that you will solve all problems exclusively on your own.
  • If a woman is weak, she will hope that everything will change soon, she will feel wanted and needed, and not an empty place. But these are just desires; in practice everything is different.
  • Loser men never change and will not follow a woman’s lead if they don’t want to. Such a man is able to exchange only with the woman whom he sincerely loves and is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his beloved.
  1. Ladies' man and ladies' man
  • The man is a loser , and he has one goal - women. He leaves the house to hunt and have fun with women. Not a single woman will pass by him unnoticed.
  • It will be difficult for the chosen one with him; such relationships are not very long-term. This man is constantly looking for something new, unknown. He needs variety not only in life, but also in sex.

Lover of ladies
Lover of ladies

  • Even if you manage to keep him near you for some time, you will not be able to relax for a second. Such individuals do not stop, and if they return to you, then for a short time and at the same time, they constantly say that this was the last time.
  • If you cannot tell yourself to stop and start life from scratch, then please, everything is in your hands. But you will have to turn a blind eye to your husband’s frequent absences and always be second.
  1. Slob or slacker
  • A woman spins like a squirrel in a wheel to manage two jobs, pick up her children from kindergarten, go shopping, and then come and start cooking. While her husband will lie on the couch and watch TV, and dream that work and money will fall from the sky. He is constantly in search of himself.
  • A loser man does not want and is not able to earn money, he only knows how to make promises that soon everything will change, and they will live without denying themselves anything. If he finds some kind of work, he does not stay at it for long.


  • Everything is wrong for him, sometimes the boss is bad, sometimes it’s too hard, he won’t work under the leadership of anyone, etc. Next to such men are women who are breadwinners; they will both support and work for two. You decide, are you ready to do all this for love?
  1. A timid, cowardly and notorious prince
  • Such loser men are good lovers who are not stingy with compliments and declarations of love. They will appreciate their woman. But they are not suitable for family life, they do not know how to do basic things around the house, or protect you in front of your relatives.
  • At work, they will not move up the career ladder or defend their point of view. They simply don’t need it, because they have a woman who will do everything for them. Will you be able to take a leadership position in the family and keep the marriage afloat?
  1. Male miser
  • Despite the fact that your chosen one will earn good money, you will have to learn to save. He has a thing: earn more, but spend less. This rule will be in everything, and even in your relationships.


  • You will have to accept that you will be discriminated against, you will be afraid to spend an extra penny, because everything is recorded and kept under special control. Whether or not you accept this worldview is up to you to decide. But it’s worth thinking about this even before marriage.
  1. Loser man with addiction
  • Quite often you can find men who are influenced by alcohol, drugs or card games. Women next to such men give them all their wonderful years of life, take them to hospitals, pay off gambling debts and much more. You try your best but end up in vain because a loser man doesn't want it, he's so comfortable and doesn't want to step out of that comfort zone.


  • Love makes slaves out of women; it’s hard for them to realize that nothing will change, and they will continue to drag out their burden. They think that they won’t find anyone better, and if they leave such a man, they will remain alone forever.
  • These are just blind feelings. A person is not able to change, but love and youth pass away. The realization that you have lived your life in vain will come in 10 years, when it will be too late to change anything.


There are things that cannot be demanded from a man. These include the requirement to become successful. It is very difficult to change a man, so experts recommend looking for someone who has the necessary qualities in advance. But first, it’s worth figuring out what signs indicate an unsuccessful candidate for future husband.

Criticism of your plans and goals

For example, a woman tells a man about how she wants to open her own business, how she wants to succeed in some area. If a man says: “Go ahead, go for it, it’s great that you want to try yourself, test your strength,” then this indicates that in front of you is a man who thinks the same way about himself. He is not afraid to try and is not constrained by fears and problems.

And it’s a completely different matter if he says: “No need, why do you need this, you can lose everything”, “There is deception all around, why do you need this?”, “You can be scammed, why risk it?” From a man who is far from success and does not identify himself with it at all, only negativity will come.

He blames external forces for everything

For example, if a woman talks about what a nice car a man has or what a nice apartment he has, it’s worth noticing how he responds to this. Compliment him and wait for his reaction. An incorrect reaction, which indicates that he does not think like a successful person - “I was just lucky,” “That’s how the circumstances turned out.”

A successful and purposeful person will say: “Yes, this is my merit, I worked hard for this.” He will say the same about the problem when something in life did not work out: “Well, no luck, just think.” He doesn’t want to take responsibility, whereas a strong man will definitely say: “Yes, I made a mistake, but I’m looking for what I can do.”

External signs

The corners of the eyes and lips look down. Psychologists say that facial expressions are one of the best indicators of a person’s state of mind. If a man has a sad face and eyes, it means that he is a pessimist at heart. Such people almost never become successful.

Also, such people are prone to criticism and a negative assessment of everything. They notice only something bad in everything that happens; they ignore all the good things. Watch the man's face and his eyes and lips.


Truly successful men also take risks, but they do it more carefully, thoughtfully, and on time. Those who are not destined to be rich usually take foolish risks.

They invest in dubious ventures, give money to someone who is not trustworthy, and so on. In a word, they act only as their heart tells them, but money and heart are not connected, so they lose in trying to win the game.

Caution Man

There is a whole layer of people who believe that it is better to sit on the sidelines and keep quiet - maybe something will change. They don't believe in themselves, but they believe that people are either born successful or not. There is no third.

They always have a very simple explanation for financial inequality - “to each his own.” They can't find success because they simply don't believe in it. For them it is very distant and incomprehensible.

Greed and pettiness

He offers to split the bill in a restaurant or cafe, he does not give any gifts, he is shaking for every penny. Of course, some people really don’t have money temporarily, even though they think like successful people.

If a man has little money, you need to look at how he shares his other resource - time. If he is sorry to spend time and effort on his lady, then he definitely needs to run away from this, because he certainly will not change over time.

He is very demanding of a woman

He is trying to convince his beloved that she needs to work three jobs and bring in more money, or combine work with household chores. This is nothing more than manipulation. In this way, unreliable men try to make their lives easier.

They take any requests for gifts in a different direction, telling their woman or companion on the first date that she is materialistic, that love is not gifts, but feelings. You should be extremely careful with such men, because they are extremely toxic and very cunning.

The problem with such men is that he can transfer all his problems in the form of criticism, negativity, devaluation of achievements into relationships. Such a man will be negative and pessimistic in everything. It will also not be easy in love with him, so the matter will not be limited to finances. Try to check relationships for compatibility in advance to understand whether they have a future or not. This will help save a lot of effort and nerves without wasting them on weak men.

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14.06.2020 01:30

How to spot a loser man: a guide for girls

Men's inability to think, act and make decisions for themselves is called failure.

Signs of a loser man:

  • He is endowed with the ability to press pity. He finds excuses for all his mistakes and defeats.
  • In the family, all responsibilities are divided by gender. The woman must do all the household chores, but the man does the men’s chores, which he has no intention of doing.
  • Even over trifles, he turns to his mother or wife for advice.
  • He doesn't count money. His expenses always exceed his income.
  • He does not throw away old things, but carefully stores them.
  • Likes to embellish reality. When he is sick, he pretends more.

Calculating the loserFiguring out the loser
It is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of a man, because behind the mask of a quiet person is hidden a completely determined and purposeful person. Only those who are unable to become successful in life become loser men.

Everyone has desires, but not everyone is able to realize and achieve them. Character plays a secondary role here, but success is the main indicator of a mature man who will do everything to achieve heights in life.

Looking for someone to blame

The fact that he is a beggar, that he is “unlucky” is, of course, to blame: the government, taxes, boss, parents, weather, scammers, bad mood and, of course, his wife! He himself is a “saint” and very smart, because he knows everything in the world: how to earn millions, and how to win the World Cup, and how to govern the country, but his mother just gave birth on Monday. Saturn is currently at odds with Mercury. They jinxed him. The partners cheated. They crushed us with taxes. Envious people did not allow talent to break through. And if a wife, having come running from two jobs, did not have time to prepare sturgeon with bechamel sauce, she will be humiliated and crushed for this. And if he didn’t wish her a happy birthday, it was because... she forgot to remind him!

He knows everything himself

The foundation of a loser is his true belief that he knows everything and there is no need to learn. A loser is a coward. He is afraid to admit that he does not know something and therefore does not develop. A fool who is sure that he is smarter than everyone in the world, distributing assessments and advice left and right, despite the fact that he himself has holes in his pockets.

Another type is the “honest” fool: “Business is a scam, I’m honest and will wait until the government provides me with the conditions so that I can earn money,” that is, so that they pay for beautiful eyes.” The fool is an “idealist”, dreams of a time when the forces of good will come to earth and such people will receive a bag of gold. And, of course, a fool is a lazy person. Empty philosophizing, chatter, promises, useless deeds and no results. Jonah.

A loser cannot be corrected. Only 5% who, having lost everything, change themselves. But the woman is powerless here. It is useless to inspire. Give it up. Don't waste your time. There is only one life.

Why didn’t I achieve the success I expected at the age of 35?

Why are some men never able to achieve the success they dreamed of in their youth? We will look at 2 sides of the coin, in the hope that this will help you make an objective conclusion about whether you are moving in the right direction.


If a man under 35 has not achieved anything, then he is a loser
When all is not lost:

  • All is not lost if the guy did something to succeed. For example, he studied for a long time, mastered various skills and went to work quite late. But, most likely, such a job will be highly paid, and the man will truly be an expert in his field.
  • A man who invested and expected to make a good profit, even if he fell for scammers (he at least did something), can also become successful. This entrepreneurial spirit is quite important and, most likely, a man will be able to start his own profitable business.
  • Some simply “wasted” their youth, spent money on clubs, girls, entertainment, and looking back after 30, they realized how irresponsible and wrong it was. Often, after realizing this, men change their lifestyle, find a good stable job, start families, etc. If you are already at the stage of awareness or on the way back from wasting your life, you also have a good chance of becoming successful in the usual sense of the word.

In such cases, it is impossible to call a man a failure even at 35 years old, because in any case he tried to achieve success and continues to do so.


If a man under 35 has not achieved anything, then he is a loser

But there are also truly losers. You can recognize them by several signs:

  1. Seeing only the negative. A man constantly blames others for all problems, but not himself. Everything is always bad for him, and the whole world is against him. The country is bad, the city is bad, there are no prospects, etc.
  2. Depreciation of time. Instead of doing something useful and important, a man lies on the couch, switching channels, constantly plays computer games, surfs the Internet for days and even has no idea that time can be spent usefully.
  3. There is no desire to grow and develop. A man doesn’t really choose his surroundings and communicate with whomever he has to, works in a job he doesn’t like with a small salary, and doesn’t even notice that he actually lives in a swamp. He has no goals and no desire to change anything.
  4. Greed. And this applies not only to finances. A loser man is emotionally stingy. He cannot even create comfortable conditions for himself and lives according to the principle “it will do.”
  5. A large number of women. Men who have had many women are not always popular with the fair sex. Often these are people who simply do not know how to build close relationships and see a person in another person. In most cases, such men do not start a family by the age of 35, or even by 40. Sometimes they even live at the expense of women.

In this case, everything is really bad, especially if the man does not want to change his lifestyle and worldview.

What qualities do successful men have?

What you really should pay attention to when dating:

  1. Your gentleman should be from what is called a “good family.” Ask him about his parents, who they worked (work). Find out if there are any cases of serious mental disorders or other hereditary diseases, crime, or alcoholism in his family. Don't neglect these moments. Even though heredity shapes a personality by only 20% (the rest depends on character and upbringing), these percentages can be decisive when it comes to his career (or family life).
  2. Even if your head is spinning from love, try not to lose your composure and pay attention to the mental health of your chosen one. Outbursts of aggression, frantic jealousy, the desire to control you almost from the first minute of meeting you are extremely alarming bells. Alcohol, gambling, drugs - all these extremely dubious “hobbies” should be prohibited for your chosen one. It is equally important to find out how he treats children and animals - if he constantly claims that he hates children and kicks your cat, you will clearly have a hard time with him. And don't be fooled by the fact that he is supposedly "joking."

    If a man doesn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary, but still seems strange to you, perhaps you should trust your instincts and stay away. Remember that his eccentricities, which at the bouquet and candy stage seem sweet and harmless, will pose a real and intractable problem in family life. In addition, a man with serious “cockroaches” in his head, and even more so with mental disorders, is unlikely to be successful in his career - after all, this, at a minimum, requires proper socialization.

  3. Physical health is equally important. It’s great if your chosen one goes to the gym or enjoys prestigious sports. This means that he has the means for such hobbies. In addition, success requires “horse” health. Yes, and you want to get married successfully, and not work as his nurse (unless, of course, he is an elderly billionaire breathing his last, but this is a special case).
  4. Hard work. Ask your man about his work - and see how his eyes light up and how he begins to excitedly talk about his achievements and plans for the future. If this doesn't happen, think about it. After all, only stubborn workaholics achieve (or have already achieved) success.
  5. Respect for elders. Truly successful men always respect and appreciate their elders - both their parents and simply older people. They always have authorities to whom they listen, as well as mentors.

    However! If your boyfriend is overly attached to his mother, get ready that most likely you will have to fight a bloody battle with her for the heart of your chosen one - and it’s not a fact that you will win. If a man is over 40 and has never been married, there is a high risk that he has already formed an unshakable bachelor’s worldview, and getting him down the aisle will be a real feat. A man who has been married 5-6 times by the age of 40 is also clearly not a gift - if only for the prosaic reason that most of his income will go to alimony.

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