Why a man is silent and how to teach him to share his experiences

  • Female and male love - what are the differences?
  • Sign No. 1. Thirst for communication
  • Sign No. 2. A man in love cares about his woman
  • Sign No. 3. There is always time for you
  • Sign #4: Non-verbal contact, jealousy and possessiveness
  • Sign No. 5. Meeting parents and friends
  • Sign #6: He controls your behavior and social circle.
  • Sign No. 7. Makes joint plans for the future
  • Behavior of a man in love

Science has proven that women express their feelings more emotionally than men. Whether it’s anger or resentment, love or jealousy, she doesn’t keep it to herself. People around her can clearly see that the woman is experiencing strong emotions.

Men are stingy in showing emotions. It is rare to find a man who demonstrates joy, fear or hostility. The same rule applies to love.

However, if the heart of a representative of the strong half of humanity could not resist this eternal feeling, it is immediately obvious.

A man in love is ready:

Make an impression; do romantic (and crazy!) things; change your lifestyle.

Female and male love - what are the differences?

Women's love is earthly and pragmatic. A woman gives her heart to a man who, in her mind, looks like:

a breadwinner - he is able to feed future offspring and arrange his life; strong and reliable, solves life problems; ready for family life. Frivolous ladies' men are the lot of flighty and stupid people. A smart woman thinks ahead: is this man worthy of becoming a husband and father?

Male love is not so pragmatic and thoughtful. A man does not care about the social status of his chosen one or material wealth. He pays attention to the chosen one’s appearance, hard work, and ability to run a home.

What are the signs of a man in love?

Women's mistakes

Let's go back to where we started. So your man has come home. He is tired, distant, and does not want to answer questions. You can even see that something is wrong. What are you going to do?

Come on, dear, I’ll tell you what you definitely shouldn’t do.

  • To interrogate. Do you know what phrase will 100% discourage a man from telling you about his problems? “Please, bunny, tell me what happened,” these words, especially said in a pitiful manner, will force the man to “climb into the cave” even deeper. Why does he need your pity? She only humiliates him, believe me. This is the tone of a mommy, and a normal man would not want to be spoken to like that.
  • Ignore. Exactly the opposite reaction. Came tired and angry? Doesn't he have a face? Well, okay. He's a man, he'll come up with something. When you behave this way, you “give” your man a feeling of loneliness. He begins to think that he is the only warrior in the field, and gradually you become for him not a woman, not a friend or lover, but a cold enemy.
  • Take offense. If you think that a man walks around so gloomy to annoy you, I have bad news for you. He might really feel sad and bad. He may be depressed. Princess Nesmeyana, who is always sulking and offended, will only begin to be irritated.


  • Criticize. The man was in trouble. For example, his office was robbed. He has lost tens of thousands of dollars there. He comes home, lies down on the sofa and cries. You ask him the reason for this state and instead of caring, you “give out” the following words: “What a fool. You never close the doors, maybe you didn’t close them at work either.” Of course, after something like this the man will shut down.
  • Regret. Sometimes Mommy awakens in women, kicks the Woman out of the stage and begins something like this: “Volodya, how can this be! How could they do this to you? You’re so good, you’re so poor, you don’t deserve all this at all.” With these words you send a man not to the ground, but straight to the basement. Along with his self-esteem.

Sign No. 1. Thirst for communication

A man in love talks a lot. He talks about his work, friends and relatives, shares memories, and highlights life achievements.

A man in love wants to look successful and strong in the eyes of his chosen one.

In addition, a representative of the strong half of humanity is interested in the life of the woman he likes. He is ready to listen to you for hours. He is interested in where you were born, how you studied at school, your favorite food and hobbies.

A man in love during communication:

gallant, polite; looks into the eyes of the interlocutor and listens to every word; is next to the chosen one; feels awkward, embarrassed; constantly preens (adjusts hair, clothes).

He is interested in you and often asks questions

If you are truly dear to your partner, then he will talk to you for hours, listen to your jokes and ask questions. This behavior is a sign that a man wants to know everything about his future wife.

Sincere interest is a sign that he is really serious. He is unlikely to show such uncontrollable curiosity towards a girl or woman that he does not need.

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Sign No. 2. A man in love cares about his woman

He asks if you're wearing a hat and gloves on a cold winter day and if you'd like coffee or a snack. Before going to bed, he will call you to say good night, and in the morning he will definitely instruct you on how to drive your car carefully.

A man in love helps with deeds, not words.

The feelings of a man in love are not expressed as expressively and vividly as those of a woman. Stormy emotions and clarification of relationships in a woman’s character. A man, if he loves, acts.

Whether your kitchen faucet is leaking or you need to take your cat to the vet, a man puts the difficulties on his strong shoulders.

Gifts are another indicator of caring. A man gives flowers, pays the bill in a cafe.

He is self sufficient

A lot has been said about the attitude of a man towards a woman. However, this is not the only criterion for a representative of the stronger sex to be ready for a family.

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If he does not have a stable job, a constant source of income and is experiencing money problems, then he is unlikely to be interested in building a stable relationship.

In addition, a man’s self-sufficiency is evidenced by his reputation and self-esteem. If he constantly changes girls, he is unlikely to be interested in finding a wife.

Remember one very important thing! If a man says that he doesn’t want a relationship right now, then it’s better to take his word for it. Don't look for hidden meaning in his words and don't try to save him!

Sign No. 3. There is always time for you

Even if a man is the president of an international corporation for the protection of animal rights or a sought-after actor, he will definitely have a moment to communicate with the woman he loves. He finds time for dates, no matter how busy his work schedule is. Meetings with you are a priority.

A man in love often calls and writes funny messages. Most often this is a conversation about nothing - how are you doing, mood, plans for the evening.

What does a man think about when he says “everything is fine”

If you see that your man is closed. You understand that he doesn’t want to tell you about his experiences, think about this.

What motivates him? Why is everything like this? Usually there are only two answers. The man thinks:

  • Why should I share my feelings? No one will understand or help me anyway. It will only waste my moral strength to be frank. We’ll have to raise a sore subject again, but for what? I'd rather figure it out myself.
  • I once told her about my problems. And what? She only criticizes me, lectures me, and this is so humiliating. Why then tell her anything at all if she constantly gives the “wrong” reaction? I'll go play a game or drink beer.

The outcome of both situations is the same: you are sitting at dinner, the borscht according to your mother’s recipe is slowly cooling down. It’s not clear, however, whether he’s cooling down from the cold silence or from the fact that 20 minutes have already passed and no one has even taken a spoon. Not the most pleasant evening, right?

Sign #4: Non-verbal contact, jealousy and possessiveness

His touches are light, perhaps even unconscious. As he gets off the bus, he gives you his hand. On the street, his hand rests unobtrusively on your waist. When talking, the man's torso is completely turned towards you. The man shows with gestures that he has serious plans for you.

He frowns when you smile sweetly at a man passing by or talk warmly about a friend who helped you in a difficult life situation.

He pays attention to you

He may be surrounded by hundreds of women, but he only cares about what you are doing and what mood you are in. A man is focused on you and your feelings.

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If your chosen one pays maximum attention to your person, then you should not doubt the sincerity of his feelings.

Sign No. 5. Meeting parents and friends

A classic and vivid indicator of male interest. A man in love will introduce you to his social circle. He will invite you to a family Sunday lunch and introduce you to friends. You don't need a reason for this. If he says: “Let’s go to our friends’ house and have coffee,” it means that you are not an easy momentary hobby for him.

If, while meeting friends, you see their appraising glances, it means that they are already formally acquainted with you - the man was talking about you.

He also wants to meet your family and friends. During the meeting, the man is polite and gallant, especially for your parents.

Why does a man “hush up” his problems?

My dear, remember your childhood. You were also “hiding” inside yourself. Imagine you weren't given the toy you wanted. After that, you start crying, hysterical, and your parents, instead of understanding, caring and showing love, start:

  • They ignore you. They pretend that neither you, nor your scream, nor this toy exist in the world. They sit and continue talking among themselves.
  • “Love” with a belt. Some still believe that physical strength is the best “valerian” for children.
  • They begin to teach. The parents put on a very serious face and say for 15 minutes straight: “Don’t do that, only bad children do that. Aren `t you ashamed!"


What's the result? You try to close yourself off, protect yourself from these reactions.

But what a child receives in full in childhood is what he ceases to urgently need in adulthood. Then such a child grows up self-sufficient.

But if a child was not loved as a child, if he did not feel support and unconditional parental love and understanding, then in adulthood he will consciously avoid situations in which he can show “weakness.”

Behavior of a man in love

To understand what feelings a man has for you, it is enough to analyze his behavior.

A man in love is unpredictable, does things unusual for him. He is ready to spend hours choosing a dress for you, ice skating or learning how to cook paella. A man takes on your interests and hobbies.

However, something similar happens at the initial stage of a relationship, while the man is not sure that the woman reciprocates.

A man turns into a knight and a gentleman. He pampers his chosen one with pleasant little things (chocolate, flowers), prepares surprises, and thinks through every date. A man in love constantly surprises. Male love (at least at the initial stage of a relationship) is incompatible with critical statements addressed to the chosen one. A man admires your taste (even if you are wearing a grandma's sweater), culinary talent (although you are sure that cooking is not your strong point). He will not allow himself or those around him negative statements or critical comments about his beloved. In addition, a man in love does not listen to other people's advice.

During the period of falling in love, each representative of the strong half of humanity behaves in its own way. And yet the signs of male love are universal. An intelligent woman necessarily analyzes a man’s behavior and draws conclusions.

Doctor, my man has moved away. This is fine?

I’ll say right away that it’s normal for a man to close himself off. This is what they write in smart books on psychology, and I also agree with this. When everything in life is simply terrible, and depression is on the threshold, a man tends to run into a cave. He will sit there for a day or two, regain his strength and return back. Normal situation.


I will say more, this behavior is typical not only for men, but also for women. Why, children behave this way too.

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