25 Facts You May Not Know About Leonardo DiCaprio

Facts about Leo DiCaprio


He was born in California, but his roots are much more complex. His mother, Irmelin Indenbirken, was born in Germany, and his father, George, is half Italian and half German. One of his maternal grandmothers, Helene Indenbirken, is Russian; she was born in Russia as Elena Smirnova and later immigrated to Germany, where she lived until she was 93 years old. In one of his interviews, DiCaprio even said that he is half Russian.


In addition to his Hollywood career, DiCaprio is a strong environmentalist and philanthropist. He donated $3 million to help protect Nepalese tigers in 2013, and he spent another $3 million in 2014 to help protect oceans.

In 2010, after the earthquake in Haiti, DiCaprio donated $1 million to help restore the damage.

Leonardo DiCaprio's rules of life

For many years now, he has been successfully speaking at various UN conferences on environmental issues and himself spends huge amounts of money on promoting and disseminating the ideals of preserving the natural world. There were many ups and downs in his career: in addition to the Oscar and the Golden Globe, he was also nominated for the Golden Raspberry, but this did not stop him from achieving his goals. Here are a few rules for how he managed it.

“I’m proud of what I take part in.” I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of ambitious projects that so rarely make it to Hollywood studios. I am a fan of my work, so I am ready to do even too much for what I like.

I understand that I actually cannot control this process; it depends little on me. But the truth is that I do films because I truly love films. And I want to create great and great films.

Being an actor is an incredible thing. I never knew for sure that my career would be so successful, but what I remember is my first dream: “I want to be an actor.”

I was somewhat lucky that I lived in Los Angeles in close proximity to the mecca of filmmaking, and my parents did not ignore the dream of a 10-year-old boy and took him to all sorts of auditions after school. But I never imagined that I would belong to this elite group of people. But once I got my first chance, I felt like I could grab it and join the guys I respected so much. This was the biggest gift for 15-year-old me. And since then this feeling of hunger has not left me. Even now I want to give my best performance, to act in such a way that I am completely satisfied with it. I think it is this hunger and constant dissatisfaction that pushes me forward.

“Those who give me constant
encouragement to improve myself are the best people I’ve surrounded myself with—my friends and family.”
They always bring something new into my life, they are always honest with me, and I am very grateful for that. The people around me are truly incredible.

When I was just starting my career, I had an offer to star in a film in which I really wanted to star.

I remember that then I received offers from other studios, some accepted me even without auditioning. But I only wanted to do that film, even though the choice was quite good. I don’t know where I then found 16-year-old Leo’s balls so big that I could confidently refuse each of the offers. I don't know where I had that conviction, but I'm very glad that I had that confidence. Being confident in yourself and your abilities is very cool.

“As a UN Ambassador, I have traveled the world and seen for myself how climate change is changing the natural balance of our planet. I saw Beijing choked by industrial smoke, Indonesia's forests destroyed, and Indian farmers' crops washed away by record floods. Everything I saw during my journey truly horrified me. Scientists do not even doubt that all this is caused by human activity, and they are also confident that if nothing is changed, much worse changes await us in the future. Don't think that this will happen someday, the future is coming very quickly. Our descendants will either be proud of us, or they will curse us for our actions. Our generation will definitely go down in history: we will either save the Earth or completely kill it.

Don’t think that I’m all so strong and unshakable. I have one weakness: I just can’t quit smoking!

I at least try not to smoke cigarettes, but only cigars. It's damn hard to quit. The fact is that anti-nicotine stickers have a very strange effect on me - I noticed that when I use them, at night I have the same nightmare: a bloody murder, as if I was killing someone. And every time I wake up in a cold sweat.

I was wild and crazy and didn't suffer from it like some people do now when they try to put on a good face on a bad game and thereby discredit themselves.

I didn’t care what they thought about me... Maybe in this way I was trying to get rid of the chaos going on in my head, or from potential failures.

“When I auditioned for De Niro, I clearly remember what I thought then: “I have to do something. I have to do something that no one else will do. I must distinguish myself” I wish for you too that everyone finds their life’s work and be the best at it!

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Vladimir Putin about DiCaprio (video)


After his parents' divorce, Leo grew up mainly with his mother and his grandmother, who lived in Germany until 2008. Therefore he is also fluent in German.


In 2009, Leo purchased an island near Belize. On this island he plans to create an environmentally friendly recreation area.


In 2005, DiCaprio's face was injured. This happened when model Aretha Wilson hit him on the head with a bottle at a Hollywood party.

After she was found guilty in 2010, Wilson was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

About Russian roots

“I know that if in Russia you are considered a “real man”, this is a serious compliment. My grandmother was Russian – Smirnova – and for me she is the embodiment of inner strength and integrity. She went through poverty, war and emigration. Grandmother, grandfather and other relatives on their side are real strong Russians with a difficult fate that did not break them. I can’t comment on how much of a “real man” I am, but if there is something like that in me, it’s from them. And the more people I meet in my life, the more I understand that my Russian grandparents were the most “real”. Even in periods of deep lack of money and despair, they had a core and a sense of self-worth that I see in few people now.”

Dear Me

He winks, maybe he's flirting? May be so. Or maybe he just has vision problems. He opens his eyes so wide, I guess I surprise him all the time? Probably. Although this again may be a symptom of an illness. Learning to read by eyes.

DiCaprio's mysterious squint: how our eyes reveal our problems

He lowered his eyes – does that mean he’s lying?

In the book “Body Language. How to Read Minds by Gestures,” which sold millions of copies around the world and made author Allan Pease famous, has an entire chapter dedicated to the eyes. After analyzing the behavior of hundreds of acquaintances and studying the reports of scientists, the writer came to the conclusion that we are especially irritated by people who lower their eyelids during a conversation. Such a gesture, in his opinion, is a subconscious attempt to remove the interlocutor from sight. The reasons can be very different: a feeling of superiority or a boring topic.

American psychologist Eckhard Hess wrote in his book “Expressive Eyes” that the pupils behave absolutely independently, which is why the most accurate and open signs of all types of human communication are transmitted with the help of gaze. But do people always correctly decipher these signals? We turned to specialists for an answer.

However, doctors advise not to rush to conclusions. The Moscow vision care clinic 3Z explained that people who frequently rub their eyes and blink may suffer from ophthalmological diseases.

For example, due to increased visual stress, they may experience pain, a feeling of fatigue, and increased tearing of the eyes. The image may be blurry, as if in fog. At this point you will inevitably want to lower your eyes and blink. Without proper diagnosis, discomfort can turn out to be a serious illness and even lead to blindness.

DiCaprio's mysterious squint: how our eyes reveal our problems

See through the cunning squint

Squinting is probably the favorite technique of TV characters. Remember the films with Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme or Leonardo DiCaprio! Contemptuous, cunning, disapproving - there are a million varieties. Most often, such a look expresses distrust, Hess warns. It’s as if the person is scanning his interlocutor and trying to bring him to light. If you are telling something, and the listener is looking through you, squinting, perhaps he is demonstrating lack of interest and disrespect, planning some kind of caustic response at this time.

DiCaprio's mysterious squint: how our eyes reveal our problems

However, as we have already understood, we should not forget about other obvious things. For example, squinting can be a symptom of such a common ailment as myopia, say experienced ophthalmologists at the 3Z Vision Care Clinic. It’s not for nothing that the name of the disease “myopia” comes from the ancient Greek myops - to squint, to squint. So perhaps the person you suspect of contempt or distrust simply has difficulty seeing objects in the distance. Sometimes, at a distance of a meter, people with a strong “minus” cannot distinguish the facial features of their interlocutor. And, squinting, they try to discern his emotions.

DiCaprio's mysterious squint: how our eyes reveal our problems

Dilated pupils – stress or interest?

There is such a study: two groups of subjects were shown a photo of the same girl, but in one photo her pupils were dilated. And this particular card was considered more successful: almost all participants in the experiment called the girl a beauty. It just so happens that we instinctively consider larger pupils to be healthier, and a person with such eyes to be attractive and full of strength. It is believed that this is a sign of interest and love.

Allan Pease wrote that when a person is excited and satisfied, his pupils dilate four times. Conversely, a bad mood or depression causes the pupils to contract, turning the eyes into “snake-like” ones.

DiCaprio's mysterious squint: how our eyes reveal our problems

– Despite the fact that the pupil is part of the eye, impaired ability to contract and dilate is most often not a sign of an ophthalmological problem. If you notice that your pupils do not respond to light, namely, they remain the same size or are of different sizes, you should immediately contact a neurologist, warn ophthalmologists at the 3Z clinic. – A dilated, fixed pupil is one of the signs of an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. In this case, the person also experiences unbearable pain in the eye and head, nausea and vomiting, and sudden loss of vision. In the event of an attack, you should call emergency services, because you can lose your vision in just a few hours.

This is how our eyes speak to us in a variety of languages, which are often only spoken by specialists. Therefore, you should not make hasty conclusions, but rather take a closer look and take proper care of them. Then your eyes will squint more often from smiles and widen from pleasant surprise!

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What to watch: 10 best films with Leonardo DiCaprio

We bring to your attention ten of the best and most notable films from the rich filmography of Leonardo DiCaprio.

Mr. Cobb is a next-level professional industrial spy. He works with dreams. One day he receives a very tempting offer from Saito, a businessman from Japan. He asks to introduce the idea of ​​​​dividing the Fisher financial empire into the consciousness of the son of the family, Robert. For this, the main character will be able to legally enter the United States to visit his children.

The task is quite difficult. To instill an idea in a person and convince him that it is his own, it is necessary to take him through the three stages of sleep. To decorate dreams and create realistic stories, Cobb recruits a team of talented guys.

Catch Me If You Can (2002)

Frank grew up in a wealthy family. The father confidently ran the business and gave his son valuable advice. But one fine day the head of the family was convicted of tax evasion and his financial well-being came to an end. The mother left for a more promising man. And now Frank is faced with a choice: which parent he will live with. A teenager chooses to escape from his family. He decides to be independent and help his father get back on his feet.

Thanks to his ingenuity and acting talent, the young hero pulls off scams, forging checks and changing his own biography. He successfully flaunts a pilot's uniform, a doctor's coat or a lawyer's business suit and makes good money. However, an FBI agent is tirelessly following the trail of the young swindler.

Shutter Island (2009)

Federal marshals Teddy and Chuck are sent to a psychiatric hospital located on the island. One of the patients, child killer Rachel Solando, disappeared from the institution. Teddy constantly has a headache, he is tormented by memories of his dead wife and the events of 1945, when he took part in the liberation of concentration camp prisoners in Germany. And the gloomy walls of the hospital only intensify the unpleasant feelings.

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He shares with Chuck the real reasons for visiting this island. He plans to find one of the patients here, who is the killer of his wife, and also to discover the truth about the activities of the hospital itself, where experiments on people are possibly being carried out.

The Departed (2006)

Several years ago, Boston crime boss Frank Costello took in the boy Colin Sullivan. He did this for a reason, but with an eye to the future. Years passed, the boy grew up, attended police school, and began to serve for the benefit of... the criminal community.

However, the world of the right guys is not so simple, and now a certain Billy Costigan, also a graduate of the police academy, by hook or by crook ingratiates himself with Costello and supplies crime fighters with useful information. An interesting game begins to uncover a spy in their ranks. Complicating the situation is Costigan's discovery that Costello's boss himself is collaborating with the FBI.

Django Unchained (2012)

Dr. King Schultz rescues Django from the hands of slave traders and in return asks for help in finding and identifying the murderous brothers. For successful completion of the event, the doctor promises complete freedom and a monetary reward.

The couple copes with their plans superbly, the criminals got it in full. Why not continue the joint fight against the villains, and at the same time try to find Django’s wife, Brunhilda, who was once sold separately from her husband?

The partners pick up Brunhilda's trail and go to the estate of the cruel slave owner Calvin Candy. An attempt to ransom Django's wife turns into a bloody shootout.

Titanic (1997)

The story of the film is told by an old lady, Rose Calvert, who many years ago went on board the Titanic to America. Both the powerful and ordinary people sought to board the magnificent liner in search of a better life. Among them are young Rose with her mother and fiancé Caledon, representatives of the upper class, as well as the dreamer and poor artist Jack Dawson.

The young aristocrat was disgusted by the future marriage of convenience that her mother insisted on. In a fit of despair, Rose tries to commit suicide, but Jack, who happens to be nearby, saves the rebel. The young people get to know each other, and soon the girl realizes that Jack’s world, free and bright, is much closer to her than Caledon’s “golden cage.” However, the shipwreck changes the fate of everyone.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)

The main character Gilbert is tired of life in a provincial town without any hope of change, but he has no choice. He has a large family on his shoulders: his mother, two sisters and his sick brother Arnie, who requires close attention. So the main character whiles away day after day, working part-time in a grocery store, and from time to time visiting a married woman.

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A whole convoy of trailers passes through the town, one of which breaks down, and its inhabitants (Daisy and her grandmother) are forced to stop here for a while. Gilbert meets a young girl, and his desire to leave this outback becomes even stronger.

The Great Gatsby (2013)

Nick lives in a rented house on Long Island. Sometimes he goes to visit his second cousin Daisy and her husband Tom. The couple live luxuriously. Tom is simultaneously dating a married woman from the common class. The carefree life of the “golden youth” goes on day after day.

The name alone haunts Nick; he constantly hears about Jay Gatsby and the magnificent parties that he throws at his wonderful estate. At one of these noisy events, Nick meets a mysterious neighbor and soon becomes privy to the difficult fate of Mr. Gatsby. He once fell in love with a beautiful girl, Daisy, but could not offer her anything. Now he is fantastically rich and ready to throw the whole world at her feet.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

After the bank he worked for closes, Jordan Belfort decides to start his own business and recruits several friends. Thanks to the personal qualities of the founder, as well as the acquired skills, the brokerage firm begins to flourish.

The main character (Leonardo DiCaprio) has a great time outside of work, in carousing and fleeting romances. His wife leaves him, and soon Jordan marries a model. The quick money attracts the attention of the FBI, which begins to keep an eye on the organization's activities and soon uncovers one of the scams.

Belfort cooperates with law enforcement officers and receives a minimum sentence. And after leaving prison, the best time comes for the hero to share his accumulated knowledge with the people.

The Revenant (2015)

Hunter Hugh Glass (played by DiCaprio) was seriously wounded by a bear. Part of the group of trappers leaves, and the hero is left with his son Hawk and two other hunters John and Jim. John kills Hawke and leaves Hugh to die along with his comrade.

The main character of the film will have to overcome unimaginable difficulties, confront harsh nature and Indians in order to survive and restore justice. Glass will be able to get to the hunters’ camp, where the treacherous John is located. The killer will try to escape, but will be overtaken by Hugh. The time for the decisive battle has come. Only one will survive.


Thank you!

About the environment

“I spent quite a lot of time in Africa and saw the problems people there face. After that, when I returned home, I realized that I no longer wanted to hear about any problem that bothered people in my circle.”

“Caring for the environment doesn’t always mean that when you come to visit someone, you start wandering around empty rooms and turning off the lights. But we can start with this.”

“The most surprising thing is that I thought about the problems of Africa not after watching the news, but after Kanye West’s songs”

“If life had turned out so that I would not have become an actor, I would definitely try myself as a biologist and specialize in environmental protection - I was always obsessed with this.”

Leonardo DiCaprio: interesting facts from the life of the actor

He is one of the most beloved, popular, talented and beautiful actors in the world. Films with his participation invariably become super hits, and the older the actor, the more impressive his roles. He has the most beautiful laugh, the most genuine tears, and is undoubtedly the most handsome Romeo of all time. You can write memoirs about his novels, and each of his lovers is a real beauty queen. All this, of course, is about the incomparable Leonardo DiCaprio , who turns 41 today. We simply could not pass by this significant date and bring to your attention interesting facts from the biography of the incomparable Leo.

Full name: Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio .

Born November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, California .

Oscar nominee BAFTA nominee , and twice awarded the Golden Globe .

Leo is the only child in the family. His father, George DiCaprio (72), is a comic book author, and his mother, Irmelin Indenbirken (71), worked as a secretary in a law firm.

Several bloods flow in his veins: American, Italian, German and Russian. The actor's grandmother on his mother's side was called Elizaveta Smirnova ; she emigrated from Russia to Germany .

Leonardo firmly decided to become an actor at the age of 10. They found him an agent who began to promote Leo to fulfill his dream. Already at a young age, DiCaprio starred in 30 commercials and several TV series, including the famous soap opera Santa Barbara .

One day, an agent suggested that he change his name to a more American one - Lenny Williams , but neither Leo himself nor his mother supported this idea.

The actor received his beautiful name thanks to his mother and a sign of fate. When Leo's pregnant mother was in a museum looking at paintings by the legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci, the baby suddenly moved in her stomach. This is how Leo got his famous name.

Before becoming an actor, he dreamed of being an oceanographer.

At school, peers often teased the future star. Due to his poor academic performance and bad grades, his classmates dubbed him Brake .

“Zubastiki-3” was released , which can be considered the actor’s debut in big cinema.

Leo’s talent captivated film directors, and “The Critters” was followed by a more significant and serious role in the film “This Guy’s Life ,” where Robert De Niro (72) and Ellen Barkin (61) became his partners.

At the age of 19, Leonardo was first nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe after his role in the famous film What's Eating Gilbert Grape , where he played a mentally retarded young man.

All subsequent films in which DiCaprio were a huge success, and the actor himself received the highest ratings from film critics.

A significant date in the actor’s career was 1997. After the release of the movie "Titanic" on the big screens, Leonardo became known throughout the world. In the film he played the young artist Jack Dawson .

Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar nominee , but the actor has still not been able to receive this award.

By the way, DiCaprio was supposed to play Peter Parker in the famous film “Spider-Man” , but lost this role to his best friend Tobey Maguire (40).

In 2011, Leo earned five million dollars for appearing in an advertisement for a Chinese mobile phone manufacturer.

Leonardo loves Bavarian sausages with sauerkraut and Italian pasta.

DiCaprio can play the organ. And the actor’s favorite book is Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea .

DiCaprio considers his short temper and habit of biting his nails to be his shortcomings, and his strength to be his sense of humor.

His favorite movie is The Godfather .

DiCaprio is embarrassed by his foot size, believing that with a height of 185 cm and thin legs, his feet are too large. The actor wears shoe size 46.

Once, when asked what kind of girls he liked, the actor answered that they were brunettes, and explained this by the fact that there are more dark-haired handsome men on Earth . But as practice shows, Leo is clearly partial to blondes.

The actor can be considered a record holder in matters of the heart. Leo changes partners so often that journalists have difficulty tracking down the new passion of the Hollywood womanizer.

From 1996 to 1997, the actor dated Kristen Zang (41). The relationship ended after the stunning popularity that Leo's role in Titanic . The model could not cope with the increased media attention and jealousy.

In 2001, supermodel Gisele Bündchen (35) became the actor’s lover. This vibrant romance lasted four years, but it never came to marriage.

The Brazilian was replaced by the Israeli Bar Refaeli (30), with whom Leo also had a long-term relationship. The romance lasted for six whole years. The lovers quarreled, then passionately reconciled, but also did not get married. In 2011, Bar and Leo finally broke up.

A couple of months later, Leo began an affair with the American actress, star of the TV series “Gossip Girl” Blake Lively (28). This relationship lasted only five months.

The next passion was another model - Erin Heatherton (26). Leo spent 10 whole months in the arms of another blond passion! After breaking up with the actor, Erin shared that the breakup was not painful for her. She did not take her relationship with Leo seriously and enjoyed the present without getting ahead of herself.

Having not cooled down from the previous novel, Leo again embarks on an adventure with another model, Toni Garrn (23) . The young German woman managed to win the actor’s attention for almost a year.

Since July 2015, DiCaprio has been dating model (and also blonde) Kelly Rohrbach (25) . The lovers have been spotted together more than once. Whether Kelly will be able to get Leo to take decisive steps, only time will tell.

DiCaprio has an official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LeonardoDiCaprio

In one of his interviews, he jokingly stated that he was in no hurry to get married, and could easily play the role of a family man in a movie. But he doesn’t want to try on this image in real life.

The actor is currently busy filming the film The Revenant , which is scheduled to premiere on December 25.

On Leonardo's birthday, we bring to your attention other interesting materials:

Leonardo DiCaprio: photos that prove his beauty

Editor's Choice: Why DiCaprio deserves an Oscar

Leonardo DiCaprio's most memorable kisses

Top 15 films with Leonardo DiCaprio that you need to see

Leo knows everything


Tom Hardy has a tattoo that says "Leo Knows Everything." She appeared after the announcement of the Oscar nominations in 2015. DiCaprio believed that Hardy would be nominated for an Oscar for his work in The Revenant, but Hardy insisted that he would not. They made a bet, and since the nomination did happen, the Briton was obliged to fulfill the terms of the bet. He put it off for a long time, explaining that Leo had terrible handwriting and all the sketches he sent were unacceptable. However, in the end I got a tattoo - apparently, they agreed on the last option.


Leonardo DiCaprio is very passionate about preserving the environment. He even flew to St. Petersburg for the International Tiger Conservation Forum. Moreover, at some point the flight had to be interrupted because one of the plane’s engines caught fire. But the actor still made it to the forum and donated a million dollars to the World Wildlife Fund to create a tiger reserve.

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Smile for the camera

Leonardo is so firmly entrenched in Hollywood that few viewers now think about how his career began. It seems like he has always been popular. But actually it is not. Leonardo has really been involved in the film industry since early childhood. His mother is a famous producer and actress, but her son had to make his own way.

As a teenager, Leo had to go through more than 100 auditions before landing his first role. And his smile helped him with this. And from the photo above you can see that from a young age Leonardo loved to smile and felt comfortable in front of the camera.

Basketball fan

Leonardo is still an ardent basketball fan. Paparazzi often publish photographs from the matches he attends. But in them, Leo looks like what he is: a real Hollywood star. But in his youth, the actor did not think through his image, choosing a comfortable sporty style. Leonardo came to matches in a basketball uniform, as if he was ready to enter the game at any moment.

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