The taste of vagina: 13 men tried to describe their sensations

Smells are a very subtle matter, thanks to which you can become interested, fall in love or hate. This can apply to anything, any objects or animals. But most often and most interestingly it works in people. The smell of a woman is something that can drive a man crazy, the great director Martin Brest told us about this back in 1992. But what do girls smell like and why is it so exciting?

Composition of female lubricant

The natural clear mucus that is secreted by the female genital organs is also called vaginal fluid.

It has a very complex composition: it includes cellular and fluid components; special mucus that is produced by glands located in the epithelium of the vagina and uterine cavity; as well as leukocytes and some types of microorganisms.

The latter, in the absence of pathologies and diseases, are contained in minimal quantities, but during infection their number increases, just as nature changes.

Lubrication is constantly secreted, but during sexual arousal its amount increases several times. Firstly, it is a natural lubricant that protects the vagina from mechanical damage during sexual intercourse. Secondly, it contains a number of substances that protect the female body from infections.

During arousal, blood intensely rushes to the walls of the vagina, the vessels dilate and “sweat” - due to this, small droplets of liquid appear in the vagina. This is a natural lubricant.

In a healthy woman, vaginal lubrication is not too thick, a transparent substrate without a distinct odor or color.

In some cases, the color may change - for example, after sexual intercourse it becomes thicker and milky white.

A woman's appearance and consistency should not be ignored: timely detection of changes will quickly identify pathologies in the reproductive system of the body.

Should I wash or not?2

After reading this article, many will decide to go on a date without taking a shower. But this is wrong, because there is a “good” smell and a “bad” one. Let's understand the difference between these concepts.

a man likes the smell of discharge

A person's scent is as unique as a fingerprint. It is the aroma that emphasizes a person’s individuality.

For example, if a woman is not attractive in appearance, she has a bad character, but there are always a lot of suitors around, this will indicate that her body exudes a lot of secretions that are attractive to the male sense of smell. But even such a lady can lose all her gentlemen at once if she forgets to wash herself. How so? What's the matter?

The body has eccrine sweat glands, and they remove excess moisture from the body, protect against overheating, and this sweat is 100% water and has no odor in itself. And there are apocrine sweat glands located in the genital area, chest, and under the arms. It is from them that secretions are produced, so attractive to the opposite sex by smell, and almost imperceptible to people of the same sex. In its pure form, a man likes the smell of discharge, but lack of hygiene can ruin everything.

An unpleasant odor appears when bacteria begin to actively multiply in the sweat and secretions formed on the body. It is the products of their vital activity that have that very “bad” aroma that makes everyone turn their noses up. After taking a shower, a woman will not completely wash away the smell that is attractive to men. The aphrodisiacs released accumulate in armpit and pubic hair, and men are able to detect it! This is why many guys prefer girls who are unshaven in the genital area, since the smell of sex is stronger from them.

about the smell of discharge

Finally, I would like to say that if a boyfriend asked not to wash before going to bed, there is no need to classify him as a pervert. The fact that a man likes the smell of discharge is even a compliment for a woman; she attracts him sexually!

Victoria Fomina


Doctor sexologist of the highest category, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. I have been working as a sexologist for more than 10 years. I help couples resolve problems in their sex life.

The aroma of female secretions forms the same smell in the room after love pleasures, which is called the smell of sex. This is not surprising - vaginal discharge is rich in various microorganisms. Normally, they have a neutral, not pungent, slightly sour odor. The discharge may taste metallic - it all depends on the day of the menstrual cycle. If the smell of the discharge is unpleasant or unusual, you should consult a doctor. This may be a symptom of a developing disease that requires immediate treatment.

Message from the Editor

Our team has tried to select for each of you only the most interesting and detailed information on this topic. And in conclusion, we recommend reading one more fun fact. Have any of you heard that when we look at the one we love, approximately the same thing happens in our body as during dangerous entertainment - skydiving, kayaking down the river or riding a fast motorcycle? Adrenaline is released, which leads to the famous “butterflies in the stomach.” During this period of time, it seems to us that we are ready for new achievements. In essence, this is the case, the main thing is to never get upset, continue to act and believe in yourself!

How does sexual intercourse affect discharge?

On average, moisture begins to form on the walls of the vagina approximately 10-15 seconds after the start of active stimulation of the erogenous zones or with strong psychological arousal.

It serves as a kind of signal that the woman is ready for the insertion of her partner’s penis.

After administration, the natural lubricant does not cease to be produced; on the contrary, its amount increases. Maximum lubrication is released during orgasm. And after the excitement subsides, the discharge returns to normal.

It is interesting that natural lubrication is a sure sign of female arousal, because it cannot be simulated or somehow faked.

Due to sperm entering the vagina, the color of the discharge may change. Thick white vaginal lubrication is a characteristic consequence of unprotected sexual intercourse. Thus, unnecessary sperm is removed.

When using a condom or when intercourse is interrupted, the discharge also thickens, but at the same time its consistency becomes creamy and becomes viscous.

If the discharge suddenly changes color or consistency before sexual intercourse or in the absence of it, be sure to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Causes of insufficient vaginal lubrication

If the body produces too little natural lubricant, the consequences can be very different: the genitals become more vulnerable to bacteria and microorganisms, and sexual intercourse is accompanied by severe discomfort.

The lack of secretion in a woman and for her sexual partner is harmful: with excessive vaginal dryness, rupture or damage to the frenulum of the penis can occur.

What can lead to a decrease in the amount of discharge?

  • Taking hormonal and some other pharmaceutical drugs;
  • Constantly being in a stressful state, severe emotional and physical overload;
  • Venereal diseases and infectious processes. In this case, a woman should pay attention to what the vaginal fluid looks like: what color it is, what smell it has, whether it is thick or thin;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system;;
  • Insufficient degree of arousal before intercourse, libido disturbances;
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Breastfeeding period.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate - always seek help and advice from a gynecologist. After a complete medical examination, it will be possible to accurately diagnose the pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

If scanty vaginal fluid discharge is a feature of a particular woman’s body, partners are recommended to use artificial lubricants, which are sold at any pharmacy.

Folk remedies

Decoctions and tinctures

  • Lovage. A flower that is sold in pharmacies in dried form. To prepare the decoction, use 2 teaspoons of lovage and 1 cup of boiling water. After the decoction has infused for 2-4 hours, consume 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Sagebrush. The amazing healing properties of wormwood still never cease to amaze. So, take 30 grams of fresh wormwood (you can dry it, but in this case you need 15 grams) and pour it with a liter of boiling water. After the decoction has infused, take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
  • viburnum juice and barberry juice (preferably freshly squeezed) 1:1 and take ½ glass on an empty stomach.
  • Nettle. Take some nettles (dried or fresh) and pour boiling water over them. When the decoction acquires a distinct indigo color, it should be taken ½ cup 3 times a day.
  • Fenugreek. A wonderful remedy in the fight against unpleasant odors. In order to get results, you need to prepare a decoction of fenugreek and drink 1 glass on an empty stomach in the morning and evening (then stop eating). Fenugreek can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, loose stools, and constipation, and if these symptoms have already begun to appear in you, reduce the dose by half.

Hygiene products and interesting ways

  • Flavored tea tree oil. So, take a few drops of oil and place it in 2-3 liters of warm water. We wash ourselves and use rinsing movements to wash the genitals with this solution. Helps not only with unpleasant odor, but also with itching and various viruses.
  • Soda. As always, baking soda can eliminate any unpleasant odor. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of boiling water and use it when it has cooled. You need to wash yourself with a soda solution after basic hygiene, when you wash your vagina with soap.
  • Vinegar. For 3 liters of warm water, 5 tablespoons of vinegar, move everything and, placing the solution in a basin, hold the genitals in it for about 10 minutes.
  • Yogurt. We take yogurt (preferably homemade, made independently, without sugar and dyes), apply it to a tampon (do not use a menstrual tampon, it is better to make it from gauze), insert it into the vagina and leave for several hours. This method works well if you have yeast infections.
  • Garlic. Grate the garlic on a fine grater and wrap the paste in cheesecloth. Insert into the vagina for 2-4 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a week.

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Diet is an important factor in controlling vaginal odor

  • Garlic. This antibacterial and antifungal remedy is great for controlling vaginal odor. To do this, you need to eat 4-6 cloves of fresh garlic per day (add to salads, eat with first and second courses).
  • Water. In order to get rid of vaginal odor, you need to drink a lot of water (not tea, juice or coffee, but purified still water). With yeast infections, there is a large amount of sugar in the body, which triggers the development of this infection. Water will help get rid of excess sugar and eliminate yeast infection.
  • Do not eat a lot of spicy spices, as well as foods containing a lot of unnatural dyes and easily digestible carbohydrates (fast food).
  • Citrus fruit. Due to the high content of vitamin, which inhibits the active development of pathogenic bacteria, citrus fruits will help combat vaginal odor.

Maintaining hygiene

An integral part of the fight against unpleasant vaginal odor. In order to get rid of it, you need to wash yourself daily with antibacterial soap. And also after visiting the toilet, try to rinse your genitals with water.

If you wear underwear that is too tight or too tight, stop wearing it for the duration of treatment (or better yet, forever). And also if we are talking about panties, you need to wear underwear exclusively from natural fabrics: cotton, silk, linen. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, the genitals do not breathe and become soggy.

Hygienic daily routines. Usually panty liners have a certain pleasant smell, so, oddly enough, changing them more often can help solve the problem.

If natural lubrication is too abundant

For the most part, the phenomenon causes inconvenience of a psychological nature - a woman may be embarrassed by strong discharge and for this reason refuse sex.

In addition, some illiterate males consider increased moisture in the female vagina to be an unambiguous sign of a woman’s promiscuity or even her infidelity.

In fact, the abundance of discharge is a sign of a healthy libido and a normal reaction of the body to a state of arousal.

Consulting a sexologist or family psychologist rather than a gynecologist will help you cope with the “problem.”

How to treat vaginal odor?

Treatment for unpleasant vaginal odor varies depending on the underlying cause that caused the symptom. To determine an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a gynecological examination, a smear for microflora, PCR to detect hidden infections, a test for bacterial vaginosis, etc. Once the diagnosis is determined, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In most cases, the problem can be solved with the help of drug therapy, sometimes various physiotherapeutic procedures are additionally prescribed.

We strongly do not recommend starting treatment on your own, relying only on reviews of women from online forums. Such actions can only harm and aggravate the course of the pathological process. If a problem occurs, contact your doctor immediately.

Experienced gynecologists work at the Alzoriya medical clinic. Specialists will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and identify the root cause of the smell from your intimate area, after which you will be prescribed effective treatment. Be healthy!

Composition of seminal fluid

To evaluate the benefits of sperm, you need to know its composition. The liquid contains a large number of microelements beneficial for women's health. The following substances are of great value:

  • B vitamins;
  • calcium compounds;
  • potassium and fluorine;
  • hyaluronic acid compounds;
  • collagen fibers;
  • grape acid;
  • zinc and magnesium.

Seminal fluid also contains amino acids. These substances stimulate cellular renewal. This quality of sperm allows you to normalize the functioning of many systems of the female body.

The effects vary depending on how sperm enters the body. When consumed orally, the effect extends to the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Benefits for the skin are also revealed.

With vaginal contact, there is an improvement in the functioning of the hormonal system and normalization of the vaginal microflora. The chances of a positive conception also increase.

It is no secret that animal semen is used in the creation of modern cosmetics. Based on it, various creams and serums are made that prevent the aging process. Such cosmetics effectively fight deep wrinkles and stop their further spread.

Separate substances from sperm are isolated in the laboratory to create products that can instantly tighten the skin and restore the production of its own collagen. Thanks to these qualities, sperm is believed to be useful for maintaining female beauty and health.

What can an unusual smell mean?

Almost no one notices their scent until it changes. If it becomes unusual, then this indicates that changes have occurred in the body. Every time something has changed a lot or is out of order, the body signals this. Metabolic products appear through the sebaceous glands; they can always signal serious changes in advance. A doctor with extensive practical experience can understand what he has to deal with when the patient just walked into the office and said nothing. The spirit of many gastrointestinal, bacteriological and infectious diseases is difficult to confuse with healthy.

What a woman should smell like is an unanswered question. A healthy person does not cause a desire to examine him for rotten food in his pocket - he hardly changes the surrounding air. The sick person will definitely carry with him a hint of the disease. If your body begins to produce sweat that is sour, cheesy, or simply unpleasant for no apparent reason, this is not good. If this happens over a long period of time, you should consult a doctor. There is no need to rush to label yourself and diseases, but some of the smell of diseases is worth paying attention to. A woman and an unpleasant aroma must be incompatible:

  • Persistent fish amber - possible metabolic disorders in B vitamins.
  • Acetone in any concentration - problems with the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract, blood sugar levels, the presence of stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • Ammonia is a lack of carbohydrates in the daily diet for those who have switched to a full protein diet.
  • Sour - there is a possibility of tuberculosis.
  • Burning - lets the heart down.
  • Sheep wool comes from the body - the adrenal glands are in a phase of hyperfunction.
  • Rotten meat - possible disruption of the bladder, including oncology.
  • The smell comes specifically from the feet - skin or nail fungus, possibly diabetes.

Whatever your doubts, it is better to double-check with a specialist and get tested. If there is something wrong, it will be known from the very first results.

influence of smell

Action during oral contact

During oral sex, women wonder whether swallowing liquid is harmless. There will be no harm from oral consumption of sperm. There are positive changes in the operation of various systems.

Internal use of seminal fluid helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Increased irritability is observed in patients with a lack of amino acids. Sperm contains large amounts of these substances. When drinking liquid internally, the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to neighboring organs and tissues is normalized. This will reduce irritability, normalize sleep, and remain calm in stressful situations.

Sperm is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract. In some women, the stomach produces large amounts of acid. Increased acidity is fraught with the development of heartburn and gastritis. This process can be normalized by following various diets and taking medications. But sperm can also eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. The pathology disappears due to the presence of amino acids in the liquid. They eliminate the negative effects of acid secretion. Reducing inflammation allows you to avoid gastritis or duodenal ulcers.

Seminal fluid is also beneficial for the condition of muscle tissue. The muscular frame of a healthy woman is elastic and flexible. These qualities are supported by magnesium and potassium. Sperm contains sufficient amounts of these microelements to maintain the functioning of the muscle frame.

Liquid is also needed for the oral cavity. Thanks to the content of grape acid, zinc and calcium, there is an improvement in the condition of the gums and teeth. There is also a change in the bacterial composition of the mouth. The ejaculate can eliminate candidiasis of the gums and restore their properties.

Zinc is involved in strengthening the blood vessels that nourish the gums. With its deficiency, small vessels rupture. When brushing your teeth, an admixture of blood is observed in the wash. Restoring zinc levels helps eliminate bleeding and strengthen tooth roots.

Calcium is involved in strengthening tooth enamel. Sperm contains calcium, which can be freely absorbed by the female body. This does not require additional vitamin D intake. Also, when consuming sperm, many patients note a decrease in deposits on tooth enamel. This is due to the presence of grape and ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is also beneficial for the patient's immune system. Protective properties are enhanced. Infection is rare.

Why are the odors released by the human body so important?

Taoist healers believe that a disease can be diagnosed based on the conclusions made by the olfactory apparatus. Each internal organ has its own aura. It manifests itself not only in the light environment, but also in the smell. During the period of energetic interactions between two individuals, channels open through which energy circulates. Due to this, the smell of the discharge becomes more noticeable. Now we can only imagine how a “bouquet of aromas” can burst out during a period of passion at the peak of maximum bliss. Undoubtedly, you can even make a man fall in love with you through scents. But we are not talking about expensive perfumes. Natural aromas act on a subconscious level.

Why are young people more preferable?

Many people even form an impression of another person based largely on their sense of smell. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “Russian spirit” is heard in many Russian folk tales. Baba Yaga had a particularly sensual nose.

It is worth noting that a young body produces a more pleasant odor than an old one. Over time, the body becomes polluted, metabolism slows down, various diseases develop, and energy output decreases. The smell of the discharge of more mature women is sweetish. It indicates a slow decline. Over time, a persistent shade of old age acquires.

It is impossible to disguise it with any aromatic means, and accordingly, it is impossible to deceive the sexual partner. You can improve the aroma of old amber by giving up smoking, food rich in chemical additives, and alcohol. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise. This is the only way to delay fading and maintain physical and mental health for many years.

To improve the smell of older women's secretions, placenta-based cosmetics can be used. However, mesotherapy and intramuscular injections should only be done by trusted certified specialists.

What does vagina smell like?

1. Sour vaginal odor

Very often, vaginas produce a pungent or sour odor. Some compare it to the smell of fermented foods. In fact, yogurt, sourdough bread, and even some sour beer contain the same type of beneficial bacteria that dominates most healthy vaginas: lactobacillus. If it smells oddly similar to that sour aroma of the foods you ate last weekend, don't worry. The reasons for the pungent odor and sour smell of the vagina are its acidity. The pH of a healthy vagina is slightly acidic, between 3.8 and 4.5. Normal bacteria, lactobacilli, maintain the acidity of the vagina. This protects against excessive growth of harmful bacteria, the development of colpitis and dysbacteriosis.

2. Metallic odor from the vagina

Many men report smelling metal from their women's vaginas. This is usually not something to worry about. Rarely does this indicate a more serious problem. The causes of this odor are menstrual blood. Blood contains iron, which has a metallic odor. During menstruation, blood and tissue from the uterus are released and pass through the vaginal canal. The metallic scent should not linger too long after your period ends.

Light bleeding after sex may be common. This usually occurs due to vaginal dryness or vigorous and even aggressive sex, which can cause minor injuries or scrapes. To prevent this, try using a lubricant. Metallic odors from the vulva can also be caused by less common but serious causes of vaginal bleeding (inflammation, cancer, etc.).

If your vagina has been in contact with semen, it can change the pH level and cause a metallic odor. If you experience bleeding unrelated to your menstrual period, or the odor is accompanied by itching and vaginal discharge, it is best to see a doctor.

3. Sweet vaginal odor

When we say vagina is sweet, we don't mean it smells like freshly baked sugar cookies. But don't worry, the sweet undertone is nothing to worry about. The cause of the sweet smell is bacteria. Your vaginal pH is an ever-changing bacterial ecosystem. And sometimes that means you might smell a little sweet.

4. Ammonia smell from vagina

A discharge that smells like bleach or ammonia can be due to a variety of things and is sometimes a reason to see a doctor. The main cause of chemical odor from the vulva is urine. It contains a byproduct of the breakdown of ammonia called urea. The accumulation of urine on underwear or around the vulva or anus, especially if the girl has obvious hypertrophy of the labia, can cause a chemical odor. Keep in mind that urine that smells strongly of ammonia is a sign of dehydration.

Gardnerellosis. It's also possible that a chemical odor, where your vagina smells like urine, is one of the signs of bacterial vaginosis. Symptoms include: foul or fishy odor thin gray, white or green discharge vaginal itching burning when urinating

5. Unpleasant vaginal odor

Thanks to the sweat glands down there, vaginas and bodies themselves can smell so similar. What, besides some infections and serious diseases such as the disintegration of a tumor in the genitals, are the causes of unpleasant discharge and a foul odor from the vagina? This is, for example, emotional stress. Your body contains two types of sweat glands: apocrine and eccrine. Eccrine produces sweat to cool your body, and apocrine responds to your emotions. These apocrine glands fill the armpits and, you guessed it, the inguinal and anal areas. When a woman experiences stress or anxiety, the apocrine glands produce fluid. By itself it has no odor. But when this fluid comes into contact with the abundance of vaginal bacteria on your vulva, it can give your vagina a strong, unpleasant odor.

6. Vagina smells

You've probably heard abnormal vaginal odor described by gynecologists as "fishy." In fact, fresh fish shouldn't smell much at all. The decomposition of fish is a more appropriate comparison. Why? Trimethylamine, which is a chemical compound responsible for both the distinct rotten fish odor and some abnormal, "fishy" vaginal odors.

Reasons why your vagina has a rotten, dead fish smell:

  1. Gardnerellosis. You get bacterial vaginosis when there is an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina. And these anaerobic organisms are extremely odorous.
  2. Trichomonosis. It is the most common sexually transmitted infection in both women and men. Easily treatable with a course of antibiotics. It is known for its pungent fishy smell. Trichomoniasis infection can be quite smelly and has an even more fishy-smelling discharge than bacterial vaginosis. In rare cases in gynecology, a persistent strong fishy odor from a woman's vagina is a sign of a more serious condition, such as advanced forms of cancer.

7. Putrid odor from the vagina

A putrid smell that makes your nose wrinkle and your face contort is definitely not the norm. If the smell is putrid, like a dead organism, then it may not be your vagina, but something inside it. The #1 reason for a putrid odor is a tampon that has been forgotten for several days. Unintentionally leaving a tampon inside your vagina for days or even weeks is more common than you think. This happens to many, many girls. The combination of menstrual blood and vaginal flora (not always good) in conditions of lack of oxygen due to a swollen tampon gives the vaginal discharge a rotten smell.

Smells change and that's normal.

Subtle shifts in your vaginal scent are normal. Remember - the way your vagina smells has everything to do with its pH, and there are many things that affect your pH. Don't be afraid to truly get to know your vagina, in all its fragrant glory. The more you understand what your vagina smells like and the odors your intimate area produces day after day, the better prepared you will be when something goes wrong. After all, vaginas do so many wonderful things for us. It's time to start understanding what they really are!

Associated symptoms

A sour, “fishy” or “rotten” smell from the vagina rarely becomes the only sign of the disease - as a rule, a woman also detects other indicators of trouble. Depending on the combination of symptoms, you can understand what problem she is facing.

Thick white discharge with a cheesy consistency . This discharge often manifests as candidiasis, also known as thrush. In this condition, there is an uncontrolled growth of colonies of the fungus genus Candida. In addition to the characteristic discharge and sour odor from the vagina, candidiasis causes severe itching in the vaginal and vulvar areas, and without treatment, microtraumas and ulcerations form on its mucous membrane.

Discharge of a grayish, yellowish or greenish color with a distinct fishy odor from the vagina may indicate the development of gardnerellosis, a dysbiosis caused by the predominance of Gardnerella vaginalis in the microflora. As a rule, the “fishy” odor from the vagina is most pronounced a few days before the onset of menstruation and immediately during or after sexual intercourse.

In addition, discharge with an unpleasant odor can accompany sexually transmitted diseases, each of which has its own symptoms. They can also be caused by inflammatory and infectious processes in the pelvic organs. Depending on how long the problem of microflora disturbance has existed and why it arose, more or less pronounced discomfort during sexual intercourse, bleeding of the vaginal mucosa after intimacy and pain during urination may be observed.

An unpleasant odor from the vagina deprives a woman of self-confidence and makes her doubt her own attractiveness. It should be remembered: if the usual hygiene procedures do not help get rid of it, this has nothing to do with the quality of intimate care - it’s time to take care of the health of the intimate area.

The first reason why men sniff women's panties

In general, of course, all information about a girl can be obtained in thousands of other ways, for example, by asking her directly. With the help of smell, a man can detect pheromones indicating that in front of him is a sexually mature female, ready for mating and fertilization. Panties are only a carrier of these pheromones, since they interact as tightly as possible with the genitals, absorb sweat and secretions, which actually contain the necessary pheromones.

Why is this considered a deviation? Yes, in principle, because the information that a man receives in this way is completely useless to him. As mentioned above, he could have learned everything he needed in more adequate ways. We have evolved over hundreds of years, learned to speak, created databases and documents so that we no longer sniff between each other’s legs. And then suddenly a grown man fell into the past millennium. This is weird.


If you find a method that's right for you, good luck with your problem! However, if after using certain remedies for a certain period of time you do not observe any changes, then you need to go to the hospital.

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If there are any changes in the discharge, its color, volume, or smell, you should go to the hospital. This may be a kind of cry for help from your body, which indicates that there are more serious problems going on inside. Girls, maintain hygiene and take responsible care of your genitals, this is the part of your body with which you become a mother! What could be more responsible?

The second reason why men sniff women's panties

If the first reason is practically not found according to sexologists, then the second is much more common. A man does not set out to understand something by smell, he simply enjoys it. Nature has made sure that the attraction between representatives of different sexes is at the proper level. We evaluate others with the help of sight, hearing and smell, and reason. We draw conclusions about whether this person is capable of becoming our sexual partner, bearing and giving birth to a healthy child, or whether he is a carrier of strong genes that can make us pregnant.

So, after assessing external data and voice, we pay attention to the smell. Female pheromones are attractive to men; they cannot help but like them. They excite, give pleasure, cause attraction and addiction. Sometimes a man is so excited by the smell of a woman that he cannot live without this feeling, as if without a drug.

This is how a fetish for women's underwear appears. Panties tolerate the smell of pheromones very well, so when smelling underwear a man simply enjoys it, gets pleasure, and experiences euphoria. There are countries, such as Japan, where girls selling used panties has become a stream, it is a kind of small business. In Russia this is also quite popular; special groups and websites of fetishists are created where buyers and sellers meet.

One day, a friend of mine sent me a VKontakte correspondence in which an unfamiliar guy offered her to sell him her panties after she had spent a day, or better yet, two in them. What to do with all this and whether anything needs to be done at all, let sexologists and legislators decide, but we just have to state the fact - men love to sniff worn women’s panties and there are many such men

How our smells give us away

As in the animal kingdom, smell plays a significant role in mate selection and social behavior among humans. The individual aroma reveals, among other things,

  • our age
  • our state of mind
  • and the configuration of our immune system.

In women, hormone levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, and it is the concentration of certain hormones that makes a feminine scent most attractive to men on the days when a woman ovulates. In other words, when fertilization is possible. This has been dealt with a long time ago.

Fetishism in sex is, to one degree or another, common to all people.

Many men secretly or openly love to sniff women's panties. Why do they do this? Aren't those who like specific female scents perverts? This topic, oddly enough, is actively discussed not on women's, but on men's forums. And from an unexpected angle: men are trying to grasp the connection between the love of cunnilingus and the habit of sniffing women's panties. One of the forum participants opens the topic of women's panties from afar and very thoughtfully: “Why do men engage in cunnilingus?” And he offers three answers to this question: - Men engage in cunnilingus because they like the taste of female secretions; — Men do cunnilingus because they enjoy the process itself (presumably, without reference to taste); — Men engage in cunnilingus because they want to please a woman.

Following this analysis comes the following portion: a man performing cunnilingus, wanting to please a woman, is normal.
If he likes the process itself, that’s also okay. And if there is a predilection for taste and smell - that’s it, man, good luck - you’re a pervert! Fetishist! But without fetishism there is no sex! Some sexual fetishes live in the subconscious of every (absolutely every!) person. For many men, the ultimate sexual fetish is women's breasts. Women's thighs have about the same number of ardent admirers.

There are guys who don't care what size a woman's breasts are, as long as they smell like spicy female sweat and not the faceless aroma of deodorant. Thin wrists, a vein pulsating on the elbow, a mole on the earlobe, intimate haircuts, special preferences in sexual positions - all these secret and obvious sexual preferences in the language of professionals are simply called “fetish”! Is there a boundary between healthy fetishism and painful addictions? Eat. If love for the smell of women's panties replaces the woman herself, then this is already a disease. And the habit of sniffing women's panties before hugging the woman you love tightly is just innocent fun.

In Japan, for example, an entire business is built on the love of the smell of worn women's panties. There, schoolgirls hand over their unwashed panties to specialized stores. Young saleswomen selling their unwashed linen in Japan are called “burusera” and, in fact, are classified as prostitutes, but of a special type. This is how things are with women's panties in very civilized Japan. And our men use it completely free of charge! Maybe it's time to change things up, huh?

Worst smell for a woman

  • Smells can be a real nightmare for a man when it comes to unpleasant odors. It could be the smell of sweat or a too cloying aroma. Despite the fact that many men prefer sweet smells, not everyone likes them. Before using such perfume, it is recommended to talk with the man and find out about his preferences. Otherwise, you will have to throw away the perfume.
  • Also, the smell should under no circumstances distract a man’s full attention. Otherwise, he will be occupied not by you, but by your spirits.
  • It shouldn't be associated with shampoo, otherwise you won't be taken seriously. You should smell like a grown girl, not a little girl. Any man likes a smell that evokes some feeling in him.
  • Many people also like the smell of a woman's hair. This is why you need to wash your hair regularly. If your hair smells bad, then this will be another repulsive factor. Bad-smelling hair is often the cause of problems.
  • Too much perfume is another common mistake that many girls make. Some people pour almost half the bottle on themselves to get rid of any unpleasant odor. This is a serious mistake. In this case, your scent will only repel other people from you.

The smell of female discharge, classification

Leucorrhoea has not only a different color, but also a different smell, and accordingly, the reasons for its occurrence will be different. They are classified in the following order:

Fishy smell

A possible cause is dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora; accompanied by discomfort and severe itching; if left untreated, it leads to inflammation of the internal organs of the reproductive system.

Smell of garlic or onion

The aroma of garlic or onions suggests a malnutrition or weakened immune system. It is much more serious if the cause is a fungal disease.

The smell of rotten meat

If it smells like rotten meat, then gardnerella may have entered your body. Leucorrhoea in this case has a grayish color. At first, bacteria settle on the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls, then, if left untreated, they affect the genitourinary system, which can lead to serious consequences.

Urine smell

Unpleasant urine odor can be a consequence of stress. Extra pounds can also cause such discharge. The pressure of the weight in the peritoneum causes a small amount of urine to enter.

Sour smell

A sour vaginal odor often accompanies thrush. Caused by candida fungi, it can lead to the development of vulvovaginitis. Additional symptoms: itching, redness, burning, cheesy discharge.

Acetone smell

An acetone aroma is a clear sign of diabetes. The body naturally removes accumulated ketone bodies. They mix with body fluids, including vaginal secretions.

The smell of iron

The smell of iron comes from blood mixed with secretions. This is what the vagina smells like during menstruation, but it can also signal erosion of the cervix.

It is worth immediately determining what secret the vagina secretes so that you can understand its origin. Treatment should only be carried out by a doctor.

Causes of odor

The smell from the vagina indicates that the microflora there is disturbed, and the reason for this may be:

  • Sexual contacts with different men;
  • Low immunity;
  • Taking birth control pills;
  • Frequent vaginal douching;
  • Using condoms with antibacterial lubricant;
  • If you have an intrauterine device.

An unpleasant odor may appear if there is a malfunction in the girl’s genetics. Genetic failures are usually accompanied by impaired metabolism and the release of trimethylamine, which causes a rotten fish smell.

If there is an infection in the vagina, you will not be able to get rid of the smell on your own, and you need to go to the hospital.

If there is no infection, we provide you with a list of folk recipes that will most effectively help you overcome bad vaginal odor.

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Standard options

A healthy vulva, which includes the labia and vaginal opening, tastes and smells like a “healthy vulva.” That is, in women it can be sour or sweet, metallic or bitter, salty or spicy. It might even contain faint hints about what you had for dinner...

The taste may even vary throughout the calendar month, thanks to your menstrual cycle. Blood can affect its taste, as can the white discharge that usually accompanies ovulation. But as long as you don't experience any itching in your vagina, no unusually strong odors such as fishy or something disgusting, your aroma and taste are considered normal, whatever they are.

The taste of vagina: 13 men tried to describe their sensations

Oral sex is wonderful and incredible, especially when your partner knows what you like and gives you an amazing rollercoaster of sensations every time.

13 men shared their taste impressions during cunnilingus and tried to describe the taste of your scarlet rose. Some of the answers were very nice, others, on the contrary, strange.

“She has a real citrus garden downstairs, which I have never tried before, believe me, because I have tried so many girls, better than the selection at Baskin Robbins. But that tangerine and citrus taste always makes me come back to it,” Eric, 22.

“The vagina is completely tasteless. Or like water. She really has no taste. She’s a freak, maybe she just washes herself often and thoroughly, but I’m not complaining, because it can be much worse than not feeling anything,” Ben, 28.

“I hesitated for a long time because it seemed to me that the smell of fish was the most unattractive thing on the planet. All this was until I tried it. Maybe there are some pheromones in there, because now giving oral sex to my girlfriend is like making out with the sexiest fish in the world,” Jonathan, 25.

“I know this will sound harsh, but give me a chance to explain why it looks like garbage. Do you know what a full bucket with leftover coffee beans and fruit peels smells like? Well, my girlfriend’s vagina tastes and smells exactly like that. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s very specific,” David, 26.

“I just licked my armpit and confirmed that, yes, this is exactly what my girlfriend’s vagina tastes like. Skin with a little sweat. Not much to describe, but nothing to complain about either,” Drew, 20.

“She usually tastes salty and spicy, but when her days are about to start, she gets a whole bunch of raw liver smells, which isn't much of a turn-on. I hate liver, I would do anything to avoid eating it,” Matthew, 24.

“I know there are a lot of stereotypes about how female genitals are like seafood, but my girlfriend's vagina is like shrimp in warm oil. All I need is a whole plateau with these shrimps. I love it,” Justin, 26.

“Tastes like poop. I'll be anonymous because if my girlfriend sees me, she'll kill me. I just don't think she goes to the toilet properly. She's very pretty and has a body like a sports car, but I don't think anyone ever told her what toilet paper was for. Or she wipes her genitals in the other direction. Now I’d rather take out the trash or wash the dishes than have oral sex with her again,” Anonymous, 32.

“Scientists could definitely take samples from my girlfriend’s vagina and make a perfume out of them. This is an incredible combination of water, salt and beach sand. It sounds strange, but I’m just crazy about beaches,” Peter, 27.

“Strawberry ice cream that I eat until it runs down my chin,” Zach, 26.

“It tastes like sliced ​​ham. No, really. It was as if she had sliced ​​the ham herself and placed it between her legs. Sometimes I can detect notes of pineapple and clove,” Michael, 28.

“Many guys do not agree to cunnilingus, and believe me, they have reasons for this, because in my experience there are terrible examples. But my current girlfriend is incredibly tasty and resembles expensive and old wine. She'd be a millionaire if you could make a drink that tasted like her." - Christopher, 21

“It feels like a puppy is licking me. Best feeling in the world!” – Jimmy, 27.

Taste of vaginal discharge

Even when you take good care of your body, you may experience an unusual vaginal taste. Find out what it can be like in girls and for what reasons, how to get rid of unusual symptoms and much more.

1. Metal.

The vaginal canal has a naturally sour taste. This is very good, because... the acidity of the environment is balanced by bacteria, which form the basis of normal flora. But this natural acidity can result in some scents that are stronger than neutral ones. Some people describe it as a metallic scent. Others even call it a “battery” taste, referring to the acidic contents of portable AA batteries. A metallic taste may actually be more prevalent in the days after your period, as trace amounts of blood may still be in and around the vagina. Blood naturally has a metallic taste due to its iron content.

2. Salty or sour taste in the vagina.

Sweat – from exercise or your natural body's sweat can leave your vaginal area tasting with a hint of salt. Without properly cleaning the external genitalia after urination, especially if there is hypertrophy of the labia minora, you leave a small amount of urine on them, which, when broken down, can taste salty. A sour vaginal taste from excess sweat is also not unusual, and it is certainly not a sign of anything bad in itself.

3. It should not have the taste or smell of flowers or fruits.

If Mother Nature intended your vaginal area to smell like a bouquet of flowers or freshly cut fruit, that's what your vulva would offer. Instead, the natural smell and taste are as close to neutral as possible, with a hint of sweat, musk and body odor. After all, the vulva is often trapped under several layers of clothing, all of which can remain wet for a long time and develop a slightly musty taste as a result. This doesn't mean anything is wrong. This is how girls manifest the nature of bacteria, body fluids and the essence of the vulva itself.

4. The influence of food addictions.

Some foods do affect the taste of your vaginal area, but the list is short—and no, it doesn't include pineapple. Having asparagus for dinner is a reliable source of vaginal odor that you'll be smelling that night. The aroma of urine, which is noticeable for one reason or another, can also affect the taste of vaginal discharge. Curry sauce and highly spicy foods may also have an effect. These products often produce distinct-smelling sweat, and groin sweat can interfere with your vulva's natural aroma and taste.

5. The effect of smoking on the taste of the vagina.

If alcohol and food affect the taste of your vaginal area, then it makes sense that everything else you put into your body, such as tobacco products, will also contribute. Tobacco use can affect how much you sweat and how powerful that sweat is. This, in turn, can affect the smell and taste of the intimate area. For example, smoking tobacco products can cause a sour or bitter, stale taste. Odors from smoking tobacco can also be absorbed into your skin and hair, and the vagina is no exception.

6. Sexual infections and STDs.

Certain conditions or sexually transmitted infections can cause unpleasant symptoms in women. One such possible cause is an infection called bacterial vaginosis. It often causes yellow or gray discharge and a strong, unpleasant vaginal taste that can be described as “fishy.” Urogenital trichomoniasis can also cause odors that closely resemble the smell of dead fish. Unusual vaginal discharge may also occur. If you or your partner discover this, it's time to consult a gynecologist. They can investigate the possible cause and provide treatment to restore your smell and taste.

7. Your vaginal hygiene measures and taste

The vagina is a self-cleaning entity. Left without daily water treatments, it can and will take care of itself and maintain a healthy pH balance until external forces interfere with this process again. Therefore, you only need to wash the outside of your vulva with mild soap and water when you bathe or shower. If you don't practice good hygiene and wash regularly, you may develop unusual or off-putting odors and tastes.

To properly wash yourself, rinse your vulva and groin with warm water. You can use soap if you want, but be careful not to let it get into your vaginal canal. Part the lips of your labia and use a washcloth or your hands to clean around the folds. You should also wash the anus and the area between the anus and the vaginal opening. This area, if not clean, can affect both the smell and taste of your vagina.

What to do, how to fix everything

If the vagina tastes unpleasant, the reason in 50% of cases is a violation of the vaginal pH!

It can taste like a lot of things—salty, bitter, metallic, sour—but what it shouldn’t taste like is disgusting and nauseating. If your vaginal area suddenly develops strong odors or tastes, it may mean that your natural pH balance has been disrupted. A healthy vagina itself does a good job of maintaining a normal bacterial status quo. But when this is disrupted, opportunistic bacteria can begin to multiply intensively—vaginal dysbiosis develops. If left untreated, this can lead to inflammation, irritation and other problems.

If you really want to change its taste, try this!

There are no credible studies or proven ways to suggest that you can change the taste of your vulva.

Sprays and intimate hygiene products can mask the bitter, sour taste of the vagina or deodorize it for a short time - perhaps long enough to be unnoticeable when your partner fondles you, but this may not be permanent. If you're determined to find a way to make your vaginal smell or taste more floral and fresh, keep these tips in mind:

  • Don't eat spicy food. Asparagus, spicy or highly flavored foods can cause a specific odor from sweat or unwashed body.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking if possible. Tobacco and alcohol can also affect body odor and sweat. Ultimately, these foods can make the vaginal area and its taste more bitter, sour, or metallic.
  • Try not to worry unnecessarily without obvious reasons. Unless you smell dead fish or rotting algae nearby, vaginal taste and odor are completely normal.

Practical advice

The natural smell and taste of your vulva are unlike anyone else's, and they can change throughout your own life, even from day to day under the influence of certain factors (day of the cycle, medications, hormonal levels, eating habits, etc.). ). As long as you don't have any signs of a vaginal infection, your smell and taste are fine.

But if you are worried, visit a good gynecologist and talk to our doctors. They can look for any hidden problems, be it an infection or a hygiene problem. If the root cause of any off-flavors is identified, a woman can work more effectively to treat it to restore her natural taste to her intimate area.

Why does my vagina smell bad?

Normally, vaginal discharge in women does not have a repulsive or pungent odor. Usually it changes and acquires a metallic smell only during menstruation. Let's look at the most common causes of unpleasant odor in the intimate area in women:

  • Thrush. Very often, an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of thrush (candidiasis), with itching and cheesy discharge observed.
  • Inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs. The discharge may become more abundant, change in consistency and have an uncharacteristic odor.
  • Bacterial vaginosis. With this diagnosis, a putrid odor and profuse vaginal discharge are observed.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. We may be talking about the presence of an STD or STI; often a change in the smell and consistency of vaginal discharge is the only sign of pathology in women.
  • Dysbacteriosis. We are talking about an imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal environment.
  • Colpitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, the causative agent of which can be chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, streptococcus or other pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Also, the cause may be a banal factor - insufficient hygiene of the intimate area.
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