Tattoo on the leg for girls - how to choose a place for a tattoo (thigh, thigh, ankle, foot), cool sketches and photos

In the recent past, a tattoo on a graceful girl’s leg could cause a storm of indignation, attracting overly interested glances from passers-by. Today, permanent designs on women’s bodies no longer indicate that tattoo wearers belong to certain subcultures. On the contrary, more and more often former critics agree that a correctly chosen tattoo can emphasize the beauty and grace of a girl’s legs. However, in most cases, a deeper subtext is hidden behind body designs.

Tattoos in the form of inscriptions

Various inscriptions, quotes and letter symbols on girls’ legs are most often made in monochrome. Among the most trendy are the wise sayings of the famous ancient Greek philosophers. Quotes from books and aphorisms are no less popular among girls, but hieroglyphs are gradually disappearing from trends.

When choosing an inscription, you should think carefully about what language it will look more harmonious in. Latin symbolizes wisdom, French - sophistication, German is associated with firmness, and Italian is characteristic of passionate natures.

Simple tattoos on hips

In the classic sense of fashionable tattoos, a thigh tattoo should be large and colorful. But more and more people are abandoning such techniques in favor of elegant and simple tattoo styles. For example, linework or silhouette drawings.

Linework tattoos look especially impressive on the front of the thighs or under the buttocks. Images of animals, flowers and nature will look fashionable.

An interesting placement of tattoos on the thigh is on the side. It is best to stuff a number of identical objects connected by a chain. For example, a line of flowers or butterflies.

These tattoos look good in color or with the addition of bright color accents.

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Ankle tattoo

This area holds the lead among most girls who dream of getting a tattoo. A design, an inscription or even a tiny symbol applied to the ankle looks romantic, gentle and graceful. A thin bracelet or chain wrapped around the ankle adds romance to the look, reminiscent of feminine fragility. The ankle is well suited for tattoos in the form of inscriptions applied by modifying the font. Choosing this place for a tattoo is very convenient: the design can be easily hidden from unwanted glances under trousers, jeans, or high shoes.

Place of application

A girl who decides to decorate her legs with a tattoo must decide not only on the pattern, but also on the place where it will be located.

The ideal area for applying an erotic image will be the thigh. Such tattoos look great against the background of lace lingerie and, if necessary, can be hidden under clothing. The design on the thigh can be separate or form part of a composition with a tattoo on the lower abdomen.

Getting a tattoo on the shin is quite painful, as there is little soft tissue here. Getting a tattoo on the calf is less painful. The option where the pattern runs from the ankle up the calf or wraps around the shin can be called gentle.

A tattoo applied to the bottom or side of the foot looks very piquant. However, here the pattern is constantly in close contact with the shoes and is quickly wiped off. Therefore, this tattoo option is only suitable for you if you are ready to update it often.

The process of tattooing on the instep of the foot will also give you a lot of unpleasant sensations, since there are no soft tissues here. In addition, in the warm season, you may have difficulty choosing shoes, since in some models the pattern may be partially hidden.

A miniature design can be applied to the ankle, since there is no free space for applying a large tattoo. A good option is a pattern that flows smoothly from the base of the foot.

It is better to do a tattoo in the foot area in the warm season, when you can wear the most open shoes that will not injure the healing wound.

Tattoo on calves

Permanent drawings made on this part of the body are visible to others during the hot months, but as the weather gets colder, they can be seen extremely rarely. When choosing an inscription or sketch for such a tattoo, you should answer an important question: what clothes will the design go with? Mostly small-sized works are stuffed onto the calves. A particular trend today is snakes that gracefully wrap around the lower leg, thereby emphasizing the slenderness of the leg. To visually lengthen the leg, girls choose oblong patterns and ornaments.

Disadvantages of a tattoo on the leg

  • During the hot season, you will not be able to hide tattoos on your legs. Because short shorts and dresses will not completely hide your legs, and wearing closed clothes is too hot.
  • In any case, everyone will be able to see your tattoo if you go to the sea.
  • You will be denied access in the modeling business and in some other professions where tattoos on an employee’s body are unacceptable.

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Tattoos on the leg: options for the placement of designs

A beautiful tattoo can be placed on any part of the leg: in any case, the picture or inscription will look very impressive. Small tattoos will fit perfectly on the foot or ankle, while larger designs will find their place on the girl’s thighs or calves.

tattoos on thighs for women

Tattoo on thighs

Drawings on the fronts are always printed in a fairly large size. The most popular motifs for hips are geometric shapes, dream catchers, flowers, skulls, animals, garters, bows or lettering.

Tattoo on calf

The calves are the most successful area of ​​application for those with a low pain threshold. The most popular sketches that are applied to this area are abstraction, lions and tigers, cartoons, dragons, snakes, and religious paraphernalia.

Tattoo on shin

The lower leg is one of the most painful parts to draw due to the close proximity of the bone to the skin. Because of this, many ladies avoid getting tattoos in this area. Common motifs are ornaments, flowers, mandalas, butterflies, etc.

Tattoos on the foot

Small tattoos for girls on the leg are often applied in the area of ​​the feet. This is explained by the small area of ​​this zone and the visual appeal of a small pattern. As a rule, inscriptions, feathers, patterns, stars or swallows are applied to this part of the body.

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