The best sketches of tattoos on the lower back for girls, women's with meanings: butterfly, patterns, flowers, animals, roses, wings, small. SKETCHES + 60 PHOTOS

Tattoo on the lower back: pros and cons

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Tattoos are popular among both young people and older people. They are stuffed with pleasure by both girls and boys. The former prefer finer strokes, exquisite sketches, beautiful images, while the stronger half of humanity applies brutal, masculine and aggressive motifs to the body. If we talk about the place of application, then it also differs by gender. If guys prefer to get tattoos on the forearm or leg, then girls often do it on the lower back.

Lower back tattoo

Lower back tattoo

Lower back tattoo

Lower back tattoo

Lower back tattoo

Lower back tattoo

According to statistics, it is this honor of the body that breaks all records for the number of tattoos on it. There are several reasons for this:

1The area on the lower back is quite large. Therefore, on such a “canvas” you can depict a fairly large-scale tattoo. Although those who like small designs can get a miniature tattoo on their back.

2The application process is quite painless, since in this area the skin is less sensitive and denser than on other parts of the body.

3If desired, you can easily hide the tattoo under clothing. But on the beach or by the pool it will highlight your individuality and attract the attention of others.

4The skin on the lower back is minimally subject to stretching, which is important for girls. For example, an area such as the stomach is the least suitable for tattoos. If a girl gains excess weight or is pregnant, the skin with the tattoo applied to it will stretch. Even if you later manage to bring your body back to normal, the drawing may be distorted beyond recognition. But with a tattoo on the lower back, this will never happen.

5Another advantage, but at the same time a disadvantage, is that you will not constantly see your tattoo. Therefore, it will not have time to become boring over many years. But for those who want to constantly admire their new jewelry, it is better to choose another part of the body.

Flower tattoo meaning

Basically, flowers represent love, togetherness, birth, growth and unity as they constitute the main reproductive organ of the plant. Each plant has a different symbolic meaning, depending on the location, number and combination. Additionally, the symbolic meaning used in tattoos changes when it comes to different cultures. Let's take a closer look at the meanings of the most popular types of flowers.


flower tattoo

One of the most popular flower tattoo symbols is the lotus.

The symbolic meaning of the lotus varies depending on the culture. In Ancient Egypt, it was perceived as an allusion to the acts of creation and rebirth, signifying the power of the sun god Ra. In the Buddhist tradition, it represents purity, spiritual awakening and beauty, although it grows in murky waters, it always appears immaculate and pure. It also represents the victory of the human spirit over adversity, just as a lotus breaks the dirty surface of a pond and turns into a beautiful flower, so too our spirit can overcome difficult and painful moments in life to achieve happiness. The meaning of a lotus also depends on its color. Blue petals are associated with wisdom, white ones mean purity, and red ones mean feelings of love and compassion. The pink lotus is known as the Buddha flower.

flower tattoo on hand
Flower tattoos are universal and look great both on their own and in combination with other motifs.


flower tattoos

Another popular flower often used in tattoos is the peony. In China, this magnificent and captivating plant is of particular value. It is a symbol of the country, and its local name translates as “the most beautiful.” Because of this, it is associated with royalty and signifies honor, wealth, luck and prosperity.

flowers tattoo
Whether large and intricate or small and minimalistic, flower tattoos are always captivating.

In Western tradition, fairies were believed to hide among peonies. In this regard, the flower symbolizes love and beauty, as well as modesty. Peony flowers tattoo amazes with its variety of designs. There are colorful compositions with dragons, birds and other creatures, as well as simple minimalist options made in black.


flower tattoo

Daisies are great for people who want a simple and subtle design on their body. They symbolize innocence and purity and also signify new beginnings and true love. In Norse mythology, daisies were the flowers of Freya, the goddess of love, fertility and beauty.

flower tattoo on hand for girls

Depending on the color of their petals, these lovely plants have different meanings. Thus, white is associated with innocence, and pink is associated with love and seductive beauty. Blue petals mean loyalty and devotion. The simple design of the daisy makes it ideal for delicate, minimalist tattoos, although they can also include large, complex designs.


flower tattoo

In Western culture, roses are an undisputed favorite. Because since ancient times they symbolize romantic love, beauty and passion. The ancient Greeks associated this plant with the goddess of love Aphrodite, and the Romans depicted Venus adorned with a beautiful flower.

flower tattoo on leg

Traditionally, red roses are believed to embody passion and love. A single red rose usually signifies endless love that cannot be affected by time or even death. White roses convey innocence, while yellow and orange roses convey friendship and desire, respectively.


flowers tattoo on hand

Cherry blossoms are very popular in traditional Japanese tattoo designs. In this culture, the beautiful and delicate flower symbolizes transience, as the tree's flowering occurs over a short period of time. In Chinese culture, sakura signifies femininity and love.

flower tattoos


flower tattoos for girls

Another exquisite looking flower that is often used in Japanese tattoo art is the chrysanthemum. In this country it means wealth and perfection. In addition, this annual plant, which blooms in autumn, is a symbol of the temporary state of life and death, being the highest truth for every person.


tattoo with flowers

The orchid flower has different meanings depending on the culture. The Japanese associate it with courage, while Chinese culture associates it with fertility and prosperity.

flower tattoo on hand


flower tattoo on stomach

Lilies symbolize purity, spiritual enlightenment and nobility. But the meaning of a tattoo can vary depending on the culture. For example, a tiger lily tattoo means prosperity, an orange lily means hatred, and a calla lily means beauty.

flowers tattoo on leg

Some peoples use lilies during weddings because they associate them with union and long-term relationships. When we talk about flower designs, the different types of lilies used in tattoo designs have different meanings.


flower tattoo on wrist

Sunflowers amaze with their large size and spectacular bright yellow color. This can be seen in the tattoos as well, as they are comparatively larger and brighter than other flower tattoos. Sunflower tattoos are associated with good luck, achieving goals and new opportunities in life.

flowers for tattoo


flower tattoos for girls

The tulip is a flower of opportunity and aspiration. Growing from a bulb, it regrows every year, making it a symbol of rebirth and determination.

flower tattoo under breast

In addition to the plants mentioned above, let's add the meaning of a few more flowers.

flower tattoo on shoulder

The beautiful and delicate sweet pea flower is responsible for pleasure. Violets represent modesty, irises reflect passion, pansies symbolize the memory of those who are no longer alive. Camellia symbolizes passion and perfection.

History of back tattoos

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Nowadays, any girl can get a tattoo on her lower back. It will serve as a decoration for the body, an expression of its peculiarity, nothing more. But in the old days, things were a little different with back tattoos.

In this place, those girls who belonged to noble families as servants were branded with a hot iron. Most often it was a coat of arms or monogram, which indicated that it belonged to this family. In the Middle Ages, witches and those suspected of witchcraft were branded in this way. Also, several centuries ago prostitutes, girls of easy virtue, wore a mark on the lower back.

Fortunately, now a tattoo on the lower back does not carry any such interpretation. Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo, you can safely do it in this area.

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