Bracelet tattoo. Meaning of bracelet tattoo. Sketches and photos of tattoo bracelet

Thanks to their beautiful shapes and stunning colors, feather tattoos are very popular among body art lovers. After all, feathers have had a special influence on people for thousands of years. In the past, many peoples considered them sacred gifts of the gods: they were highly valued and even worshiped. What symbolic designation do feathers convey, and which of them are most popular in modern design, read the article.

feather tattoo

Feather tattoos - meaning

Many different legends, myths and superstitions are associated with feathers. Therefore, tattoos with this motif can convey different symbolic meanings. The meaning of a feather tattoo should be interpreted according to the cultural and religious context.

feather tattoo meaning

Basically, the pictures mean:

  • beauty and elegance;
  • hope, love and faith;
  • honor;
  • freedom;
  • cleanliness;
  • the truth;
  • dreams;
  • promises;
  • inspiration;
  • cheerfulness;
  • enlightenment;
  • revival;
  • wisdom;
  • know;
  • transformation;
  • spiritual messages.

feather tattoo

When interpreting tattoos, not only the types of birds are taken into account, but also the color scheme, since color can add additional meaning to the image. Thus, tattoos with white feathers symbolize purity and innocence, while tattoos with bright and colorful ones mean passion and strength. Yellow represents intelligence, blue represents inspiration and peace.

feather tattoo meaning for a girl

Where can you get a beautiful peacock feather tattoo?

There are many opportunities to get a tattoo of a peacock feather on yourself. And when you have already decided to get a tattoo, then a very important question remains, such as choosing a tattoo parlor. It is worth noting that this is quite a difficult task. Now the problem is that there are a very large number of tattoo parlors, which, unfortunately, do not always employ specialists in their field. A tattoo is a very serious issue, because it stays with us for a long time, so if you have a burning desire, then do not run to the nearest salon. Pay attention to the presence of professional equipment and materials in the salon, and the master himself should have good recommendations and positive feedback. This way you can avoid negative consequences for yourself and there will be no need to get rid of the tattoo in a couple of months.

Symbolic meanings of feather tattoos for guys and girls

Depending on the type of bird chosen, the meaning of the tattoo can have different meanings. Below is a list of the most popular tattoo designs and their symbolism.

Peacock feather tattoo. This bird is associated with beauty, elegance and grace. However, in a religious context, it means renewal. Most often, women's tattoos are found on the wrist, on the ribs and on the back. Men prefer to wear a colored tattoo on their arm, behind their ear or on their neck.

feather tattoo meaning

Ostrich feather tattoo. The meaning of such a picture is renewal and rebirth. In some tattoos, this is a symbol of truth: the Egyptian goddess of justice Maat was often depicted with an ostrich feather in her hair. Basically, boys and girls print a design on their leg, stomach or shoulder.

feather tattoo

Eagle feather tattoo. The eagle is a majestic bird that is often associated with honor and courage. In Indian tribes, this bird was a symbol of spiritual strength and purity, and was considered a messenger of the Great Spirit. Leaders and physicians used eagle feathers in sacred rituals, such as celebrating a victory or healing the sick. Thus, they have acquired a meaning that symbolizes not only strength, courage and nobility, but healing and renewal. Popular areas for drawing are on the collarbone, on the side, under the breast.

what does a feather tattoo mean?

Phoenix bird feather tattoo. Ancient people believed that the Phoenix was a bird resurrected from the ashes. According to Greek mythology, the Phoenix feather can give its owner eternal life. Therefore, a tattoo is synonymous with immortality. Typically, tattoos are placed on the ankle, chest and back.

feather tattoo meaning

Owl feather tattoo. In Greek mythology, the owl symbolizes Athena, the goddess of wisdom, so this motif in tattoos represents reason and intellect. An owl feather tattoo can carry many different meanings, but basically, it represents protection, transformation, freedom, adaptability and cunning. A popular place for tattoos is the forearm for girls, and the neck for guys.

feather tattoo

Lettering tattoo. Often, boys and girls accompany their drawings with various inscriptions. Basically, this is done to clarify the meaning of the tattoo or for self-expression and beauty.

feather tattoo meaning

Feather tattoo with birds. The meaning of this picture is freedom, independence and fortitude. Today, this is one of the most popular sketches for girls.

feather tattoo with birds

The meaning of a peacock feather tattoo in different cultures

In the ancient country of Persia, this bird symbolized power. In India they said that this bird was able to protect them from snake bites and dark forces; it was also called the attribute of the patroness of wisdom and poetry. In China, the feather of this bird was a reward and was presented to the emperor for special deeds.

The ancient Greeks depicted a peacock feather with beautiful multi-colored patterns, precious stones, and all this symbolized the sky. Buddhist culture considered the peacock feather fan to be a symbol of vigilance. The designation of a tattoo with a feather of this bird differs significantly from the image of the feathers of other birds. It is radically different and does not mean the usual strength and courage, but on the contrary, it is a symbol of tenderness.

Look at the photo of the peacock feather tattoo.

tattoo photo with peacock feather

The Meaning of the Feather in Native American Culture

Feathers were an important symbol among Native Americans. The Indians considered them a sign of high social status and authority, so the most beautiful specimens were worn only by older members of society. It was believed that only leaders have the right to bear these heavenly gifts.

feather tattoo meaning

Also, the aborigines used feathers as protective talismans: they decorated the so-called dream catcher with them. This talisman was hung over the bed to capture evil dreams and protect sleepers from negative energies.

feather tattoo on hand

In Indian culture, feathers represented the power of the gods of thunder, air and wind, so they were often used in various ceremonies and rituals. Also, they were a symbol of nature, so they were worshiped in many tribes.

Symbolism in other cultures

Feathers are deeply symbolic not only for Indians: they are important attributes in many cultures around the world. For example, in Celtic culture they represented heavenly wisdom as they helped to summon spirits and communicate with the gods. It is for this reason that Celtic Druids wore long robes decorated with feathers during ceremonies.

feather tattoo meaning

Feathers also played an important role in Egyptian culture. For the Egyptians, they were a symbol of the heavenly gods, or more precisely, the goddess of justice named Maat. Legend has it that when a person dies, Maat weighs his heart. If it is lighter than a feather, then the person has a pure soul and can go to heaven.

feather tattoo meaning for girls

Other cultures believed that feathers represented a dead soul or messages from the dead. Therefore, they were used to communicate with people in the other world.

The meaning of a tattoo on the leg and shin

A “feather” tattoo (it doesn’t matter if it’s on a girl’s shin or leg) can be applied to any area.

Everyone chooses the place for a tattoo themselves, taking into account their clothing style, their desire to show the tattoo to others or not. Girls often choose the area on the ankle to apply the feather.

The hidden external influence of the tattoo on the left leg is an image of what a person would like to draw the attention of the world around him to.

Meanings in Christian faith

In Christianity, feathers represent virtue. Previously, Christians used certain signs to show their religious affiliation. One such symbol was a ring with three feathers, each of which symbolized one of the three virtues: love, hope and faith.

meaning of a feather tattoo for a girl

These special rings were not just religious jewelry. They were also used as seals. Melted wax was poured onto a document or letter, and then an impression of the ring was made. If someone received a letter with this seal, he knew that it was sent by a virtuous person.

feather tattoo

Tattoo color

This is interesting: Tattoo on the leg for girls. The most fashionable sketches + 120 PHOTOS

Not only the place and shape of the tattoo is of great importance, but also its color. Feathers are depicted on the body in different shades. They can be either black and white or color.

1 Red is the color of victory over everything and everyone. The brightest shade, the color of flame. Suitable for lovers, as it symbolizes passion and boundless, strong feeling.

Red feather

2 Orange or yellow - shows the level of intelligence of its owner. Bearers of this tattoo have a very high IQ. Also, these people have a special individual character.

3 White is a sign of purity, purity and innocence. Especially when it comes to feathers from angel wings. Young girls like to decorate themselves with such tattoos.

White feather

Photos of finished works

Below are the best tattoo ideas. In the presented photos you can familiarize yourself with them in more detail and choose a suitable sketch.

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