How often should you really wash your hair? Be sure to read this text if you wash your hair every day

The main rule of washing hair

Many dermatologists and trichologists agree that there is simply no one-size-fits-all solution for hair frequency. But there is one rule that applies to everyone: washing your hair every day is harmful!

So, washing your hair too often can do more harm than good. In this case, a person may encounter the fact that the more often he washes his hair, the faster it becomes dirty. The fact is that with frequent hair washing, the sebaceous glands begin to produce more oil - such a vicious circle.

Is it harmful to wash your hair every day?

Trichologists agree that you should wash your hair as it gets dirty and depending on your hair type. If the very next day they look greasy and unpresentable, there is no need to force yourself to go to work in this form. Still, if possible, it is recommended not to wash too frequently for the following reasons:

  • shampoos wash away the protective layer, and the sebaceous glands begin to secrete more oil;
  • Frequent washing can make dry scalp even drier, which can result in itching and dandruff;
  • Most often, the hair begins to become oily at the roots, while the length remains visually clean. In this case, with daily washing, long hair can become drier, lose shine, and begin to split and break.

    itchy scalp

How hair works

Deep in the skin there is a follicle - a small sac for the root, which has a thickening at the end - a bulb. It is from here that each new hair begins to grow. Adjacent to the bulb is the hair papilla, which contains blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells. The appearance of the curls (whether they will be curly or completely straight) depends on how this follicle is located.

hair structure

In the center of the hair itself there is a shaft - these are keratinized cells, around which the cortex or cortex is located. It is he who is responsible for hair color and strength. The topmost layer of hair is the cuticle, consisting of thin keratinized scales that completely cover the cortex.

Why does my hair look greasy?

Hair can become greasy for various reasons:

  • due to hormonal imbalances, especially during adolescence and menopause;
  • due to bad habits and poor nutrition;

    Unbalanced diet

ATTENTION! A balanced, proper diet is important for beautiful hair. If you abuse fast food, fatty and fried foods, sweets and baked goods, your curls will eventually lose their shine and vitality and will fall out more.

  • with improperly selected care. Sometimes, in an attempt to get rid of oiliness, girls only dry out their scalp even more, which aggravates the problem. We must not forget that even with oily hair type, the skin needs hydration;
  • from a lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as non-compliance with the drinking regime;
  • due to genetic predisposition;
  • as well as with frequent stress, excess body weight, gastrointestinal diseases, dermatitis and even incorrectly selected headwear.


How to determine how often you should wash your hair?

We have already noted above that everything is individual. To understand how often you need to wash your hair, focus on three factors:

  1. Skin type. Those with oily skin types are least fortunate - they need to wash their hair three times a week. If you have normal or dry skin, then you can wash your hair no more than twice a week.
  2. Hair texture . Coarse or curly hair does not get dirty as quickly, since sebum does not spread so quickly from the roots along the entire length of the hair. People with fine and straight hair need to wash their hair twice a week.
  3. Hairstyle type. If you dye your hair, this is another factor that can affect how often you wash it. Hair length also affects. As a rule, you won’t be able to wash your hair down to your toes often—it’s too labor-intensive.

Thus, it is best to wash your hair about once every three days .
Or less often - if that suits you.

How to care for your hair after washing

The well-groomed and healthy curls largely depend on proper care and careful handling of your hair. Let's talk about how to choose the right care.

Do you wash your hair every day?

Not really

Care products

There are 3 types of hair care and nutrition products immediately after washing:

The conditioner is designed to remove static from the hair , so if it is often frizzy or electrified, you must use it. Balms weigh down and moisturize the strands, nourishing them, which is necessary for thick, normal and dry strands. For oily types, one conditioner will be enough.

Masks are considered a more effective and efficient remedy, so it is enough to use them no more than once a week . Otherwise, the hair will be oversaturated and will look poorly washed, heavy and greasy along its entire length.

To add shine and a healthy look, you can resort to rinsing. Decoctions or tinctures of nettle, chamomile, oak bark, etc. are perfect for this. To prepare this remedy, you need to pour boiling water over a handful of dry herbs overnight and let it brew. After that, all that remains is to strain the broth and rinse your hair with it as the final stage of washing your hair.


It is advisable to minimize the use of hair dryers, as well as curling irons and hot rollers, and try to let your hair dry naturally. If it is impossible to do without the help of a hairdryer, experts recommend choosing models that have a cold air drying function, since hot air is more damaging to the strands. You need to bring the hair dryer no closer than 40 cm to your hair.

Spray thermal protection Compliment

When drying with hot air or using a curling iron, it is important to use heat protection.

Styling products

Today there are a huge number of styling products designed to provide fixation of styling or ease of creation.

  1. Foam . To add volume to the hair, it is applied to the entire length and the hairstyle is shaped using a hair dryer or brushing.
  2. The mousse separates curls and thickens them without weighing them down.
  3. Oil . It is used to retain moisture, making hair look more nourished, healthy, soft and smooth.
  4. The paste is needed for dry hair styling. If you rub it into clean, dry hair and style it, you won't have to worry about it falling apart at the most inopportune moment.
  5. The gel is also designed to maintain the shape of the hairstyle throughout the day.
  6. Wax is a universal styling product. It smoothes the strands, makes them shiny, dense, elastic and moisturized.
  7. The powder is ideal for short haircuts . It is applied to the roots to give more volume.

What to do if you have dyed hair

When using dye, girls should be prepared for the fact that with frequent washing, the pigment will be washed out faster, even if you buy special products for colored hair.

shampoo for colored hair

REFERENCE! You need to dye the strands immediately before washing, on a dirty head. This significantly reduces the risk of damage.

Each person must decide for himself how often it will be comfortable for him to wash his hair. In any case, it will depend on the specific hair type, as well as on how it reacts to the care products used.

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Why does hair quickly become dirty?

This natural lubricant protects the hair structure from drying out and gives elasticity due to the negative effects of external conditions. The reasons for excess sebum secretion are as follows:

Metabolic disorders in the body; Hormonal disbalance; Lack of vitamins; Bad habits; Excessive intake of caffeine, consumption of unlimited amounts of sweet, fatty and spicy foods.

In addition to the reasons listed, the body reacts in a similar way to the overly aggressive effects of detergents, care products and hair styling devices. The more often you wash your hair, the more oily your hair becomes. Washing your hair every day causes the ends to begin to flake (split), the outer shine is lost, and fragility increases. A concomitant factor accompanying these phenomena is dandruff.

Frequency of washing depending on skin type

When choosing care products and frequency of washing, it is recommended to pay special attention to the type of skin. Care recommendations will depend on the type of epidermis.


Excessive sebum production causes the roots to quickly become dirty. By evening, the hairstyle loses its volume. Strands become separated and dull. Dandruff is often associated.

The problem of excessive fat content is known to many. Dead Sea salt, which can be used for bathing and scrubbing, will help cope with it. Before using salt, it is recommended to apply any vegetable oil to the ends to prevent excessive drying.


It is enough to wash every 3-4 days. But if necessary, you can carry out cleansing procedures more often. A full shampoo wash can be replaced by a “conditioning wash.” To do this, apply conditioner and rinse with warm water or use dry shampoo.


Washing – no more than 1-2 times a week. Cleansing procedures tend to cause a feeling of tightness and discomfort. Dry scalp requires periodic moisturizing. Excessive dryness may be a manifestation of allergies, dermatitis or psoriasis, which requires consultation with a trichologist.

Requires a special approach - the use of magnesium oil (magnesium chloride dissolved in purified water). The natural product is quickly absorbed, delivering nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis without leaving any traces. Just 3-4 applications help eliminate flaking and restore radiance. Apply with caution to damaged areas of the skin. because slight discomfort is possible.

Frequency of hair washing depending on length and structure

hair type

There is a reason why there are different grooming products. Every hair texture and type requires special attention, and the wash routine is no exception. Hair with thicker strands can go longer without cleansing, while thinner strands tend to get dirty and greasy faster.

Curly hair tends to be dry and can go longer without washing, while straight hair may require more frequent cleansing. Coarse hair can be left longer without scrubbing, but silky hair cannot.


long hair

Every 4-5 days, depending on the density of the hair. If it seems like it's taking too long, cut back a day or two and see how your hair and scalp react.

The length of the hair itself deprives it of volume due to its heaviness. The release of sebum only aggravates the situation. Owners of long hair should not neglect cleansing procedures.


short hair

Short haircuts are less demanding, but despite this, they require washing at least 3 times a week. More frequent use of shampoo leads to drying, thinning hair and dandruff.


normal hair type

Washing when dirty is recommended. You can cleanse 1-2 times a week, provided that no styling products have been used. Otherwise, the procedure should be performed more often.


dry hair

Dry hair does not require frequent use of shampoo. With excessive sebum production, the sebaceous glands become clogged, which interferes with the breathing of hair follicles. As a rule, itching appears. Due to the accumulation and decomposition of sebum, an unpleasant odor may appear.

Blocked hair follicles affect hair growth and hair loss may begin. Therefore, people with this type of scalp are better off not taking risks and washing their hair as it gets dirty. For prevention and restoration, you can apply magnesium oil to your hair, which normalizes the natural processes of sebum (subcutaneous fat) production.


damaged hair

1-2 procedures per week are enough. It is recommended to use the reverse wash method, first applying conditioner and then shampoo. This approach allows you to minimize the negative effects of hard water and chemical compounds contained in shampoo.

For dandruff

hair care for dandruff

If this problem is present, keratinized skin particles interfere with aesthetics. The reason is frequent renewal or excessive dryness of the epidermis. Dandruff often appears in those with oily hair type.

The problem is the rapid loss of a neat appearance. To correct the situation, you need to use special care products. The most effective is Epsom salt. The care product is absolutely safe and does not cause allergic reactions due to its natural composition.


Requires daily washing. The only way out of the situation is to use dry shampoo, which should be sprayed exclusively on the roots. As a result, you can wash your hair after 1-2 days, maintaining volume and a well-groomed appearance.

Fall out

washing hair for hair loss

How often should you wash your hair if you are experiencing hair loss? Due to improper care or other factors, excessive hair loss occurs. This problem is of a purely individual nature and requires consultation with a trichologist.

In case of hair loss, you can use natural salts that improve blood circulation in the epidermis, normalizing lipid and fat metabolism. The skin is saturated with microelements, vitamins and oxygen, which helps restore and strengthen the bulbs.

How to wash your hair correctly

Wash your hair twice. The first one is to remove dirt and the second one is for hair treatment.

Gently massage your scalp for 3-5 minutes. The water should be warm, not hot or cold. Hair doesn't like temperature changes.

Cold rinsing constricts the blood capillaries in the scalp, which can starve your hair of important nutrients needed for healthy hair growth in each follicle.

Do not apply conditioner to the scalp, only to the length of the hair. If you use a natural conditioner, leave it on your hair longer, at least 5-10 minutes.

Dry your hair before bed to avoid sleeping with wet hair.

Many people think that their hair gets used to one shampoo and it stops working. If your shampoo stops giving you the results you want, your hair's condition and needs have likely changed.

For example, you could cut it, dye it, straighten it, or grow it out. Your health condition or hormone levels may also differ and affect your hair.

If you use the right shampoo for your hair type and needs, you will get good results.

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