Turn back time - 10 anti-aging products from an expert

Nutritionist Alena Rechkalova discusses how to diversify your diet with products that help preserve youth and slow down aging.

Aging is a natural biological process that involves certain metamorphoses in the human body. This concept is usually associated with:

  • The appearance of wrinkles.
  • Hair loss and gray hair.
  • Bone fragility.

After 25 years, our body stops producing collagen, the same protein that is involved in correcting the above problems. We can get it from food and from dietary supplements, but the aging process cannot be stopped by this alone. Let's discuss what foods you need to include in your diet to prolong your youth.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish is a source of healthy fats necessary to maintain youth and beauty.

It is rich in vitamins A and D, and is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help protect cell membranes and internal organs from destruction. Without these acids, the full functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems will be impossible.

Omega-3 fatty acids suppress inflammatory processes that arise in the body, improve the condition of joints and have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background.

Try to eat fish at least three times a week - bake it and steam it. Choose non-starchy and semi-starchy vegetables as a side dish (fresh vegetable salads, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant) and never combine fatty fish with potatoes.

What are today's recommendations based on?

In the last article, we found out that youth and beauty are stolen from us by inflammatory processes in cells, as well as harmful particles called free radicals. These processes always occur in your body to one degree or another, even if you eat well, rest, exercise and regularly take anti-stress measures (shopping does not count). However, you can structure your diet in such a way that you neutralize free radicals as much as possible, and also stop inflammatory processes in the body, which means you will regain the coveted beauty and youth.


Add 82.5 percent butter to your diet. It is a source of a lot of vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E and K, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Healthy fats, combined with microelements, slow down aging, protect skin from ultraviolet radiation, help stimulate hair and nail growth, and also have a beneficial effect on bone strength and joint elasticity.

Butter contains healthy cholesterol, which benefits the health of the cardiovascular system.

I recommend consuming butter on a regular basis, in combination with cereals or dark bread. Try not to fry with butter because its smoke point is not high, only 150 degrees.

General rules

Aging is accompanied by an irreversible and progressively increasing decline in almost all physiological functions of the body. Against the background of degenerative changes caused by aging, there is a decrease in metabolic , weakened muscle tone, decreased bone mass, impaired cognitive function, decreased immunity , accumulation of lipid components ( cholesterol ) in tissues, and decreased enzyme .
The current stage of development of earthly civilization is characterized by a significant increase in human life expectancy, which makes the search for anti-aging remedies that allow one to maintain satisfactory health even more urgent. During the aging process, the body of older people decreases the ability to assimilate proteins, which contributes to an increase in the endogenous loss of essential food components (protein, minerals, vitamins ) and the appearance of signs of accelerating the aging process. Accordingly, one of the leading factors in countering this trend is the nutritional factor. An entire nutrition system has been developed that takes into account the specifics and characteristics of the biological processes occurring in the body of older people - gerodietetic nutrition. However, any anti-aging diet is based on the following principles:

  • Balancing the calorie content of diets with actual energy expenditure.
  • Maximum variety and balance of nutrition for all food macro/micronutrients.
  • Inclusion of easily digestible foods and dishes that normalize intestinal microbiocenosis and moderately stimulate the secretory/motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Inclusion in the diet of substances that stimulate enzymatic activity.
  • Anti-atherosclerotic nutrition.

Numerous attempts to determine the role of nutritional factors in the aging process continue to this day, for which the lifestyle of centenarians living in various places on the planet is carefully studied. In particular, the inhabitants of the Hunza tribe, whose life expectancy is 110-120 years, are of great interest and at the same time, they have good health and look very young. In search of the reason, we found out that this tribe's diet is dominated by plant foods - raw vegetables and fruits in the summer, sprouted grains, sun-dried apricots and sheep's cheese in the winter. At the same time, during the period called “hungry spring,” when the fruits have not yet ripened, they practice extremely poor nutrition for 2-4 months and only drink a drink made from dried apricots once a day. This fast is strictly observed by all residents and is elevated to a cult.

Doctor McCarrison, who has been studying the inhabitants of this valley for 14 years, including their diet, states that the amount of protein is below normal, and the daily calorie content averages 1933 kcal and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 g carbohydrates. In conclusion, he came to the conclusion that it was precisely this diet, a kind of “rejuvenating diet,” that was the main secret of the longevity of the people of the Hunza Valley.

Of course, such a diet cannot be recommended to everyone, but nutrition after 70 years should be as rational as possible. A rejuvenating diet against aging of the body provides for a reduction in the energy value of the diet to 2000 kcal for men after 60 years of age and 1750 kcal for women. Its reduction is achieved by eliminating/limiting confectionery/flour products, refined sugar, high-fat meat and dairy products. Controlling the correspondence of calorie intake to the energy needs of the body is the stability of body weight.

The daily requirement for proteins due to a slowdown in basal metabolism is reduced to an average of 65 grams for men and 55 grams for women, however, their deficiency cannot be allowed. The approximate requirement is 1.0 g/kg of body weight, which will not allow the development of protein-energy deficiency, but will not activate catabolism .

In this case, the share of animal protein should not be lower than 60% relative to the total amount. To improve the amino acid composition of the protein component of the diet and increase its digestibility, it is recommended to combine animal proteins with plant proteins. Particularly valuable protein products for older people are seafood, fish, cottage cheese, poultry, legumes, soybeans, and nuts. If the diet contains more protein, there is an increased load on the liver/kidneys, the functionality of which is reduced with aging.

The fat content is calculated based on the requirement of 0.8-1 grams/1 kg of body weight, while the content of animal and vegetable fats should be approximately equal. Limitation of animal fats occurs due to the exclusion of refractory animal fats (beef, lamb lard, meat and fatty sausages, cooking fats). It is extremely necessary to include fish oil in the diet of older people, the regular and moderate intake of which in the body helps to normalize the metabolism of fats and cholesterol , reduce blood pressure and blood clotting. In addition, omega-3 contained in fish/fish oil stimulates metabolism, enhances the production of fat-digesting enzymes and reduces the content of enzymes that promote fat accumulation.

Milk fats are also useful, they are easily digestible and are a source of fat-soluble vitamins and lecithin, and therefore their quota can be up to 30% of dietary fat. Also, vegetable oils, especially cold-pressed ones, deserve attention, which are best not subjected to heat treatment, but used for dressing porridges, salads, and vinaigrettes.

Carbohydrates in the diet of older people should be contained in smaller quantities (340 and 300, respectively), but the contribution of the carbohydrate component to the energy value of the diet should not change even in old age and is about 55-60% of the daily energy value. With a high level of physical activity and an active lifestyle, caloric intake should increase due to carbohydrates, but not fats.

Sources of carbohydrates in the diet of older people should be foods rich in dietary fiber and pectins - grain bread and wholemeal bread, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, berries, which are necessary for removing toxins , stimulating the function of the gastrointestinal tract and bile secretion - prevention constipation and stagnation of bile in the gallbladder.

Easily digestible carbohydrates - sugar, sweet drinks - are subject to restrictions. sweets, confectionery. Of the simple carbohydrates, fructose and lactose from fruits, berries, and dairy products are more beneficial. The content of refined sugars and simple carbohydrates in the diet should not exceed 10-15% of the total carbohydrate quota, and in the presence of excess body weight - 5-10%, which is due to age-related changes in the insular apparatus of the pancreas and a decrease in glucose tolerance, increased formation processes fat and cholesterol from simple carbohydrates.

It is extremely important to provide the body of older people with a sufficient content of vitamins and microelements, which helps normalize metabolism, improve oxidative processes and slow down the aging of the body as a whole. vitamin C , P , choline , inositol , folic acid , and B vitamins (B6, B12) in the diet At the same time, it is important to prevent both their deficiency and excess.

The same applies to minerals. Although the need for them in older people is relatively small, it is not so easy to provide their body with them, since the body accumulates some and decreases others with age. Thus, the content of iodine, iron, potassium, copper, chromium decreases, while the content of lead, sodium, and zinc increases. It is especially important to control calcium levels, since the aging body accumulates calcium in the wall of blood vessels, and its deficiency is the cause of senile osteoporosis . It is extremely important to monitor iron levels, as its deficiency leads to iron deficiency anemia .

In elderly people, a change in the ratio of potassium and sodium towards an increase in sodium deserves serious attention, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system and causes fluid retention in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in minerals that are deficient for the body.

The best foods that are low in sodium and high in potassium are vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should be consumed with vegetable oil/sour cream without adding salt. Various dried fruits are especially rich in potassium: dried apricots, prunes, apricots, raisins. The content of table salt in the diet of elderly patients should be reduced to 7-9 g/day. To reduce iodine deficiency, seafood (squid, shrimp), seaweed should be included in the diet, which also reduces blood clotting activity, improves lipid metabolism, and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Control of calcium and magnesium levels is also important.

Particular attention should be paid to sufficient fluid intake, the amount of which should be at least 1.5 l/day, mainly in the form of still mineral waters, herbal teas, freshly prepared juices, green tea, rosehip decoction. It is recommended to reduce coffee consumption.

It is generally accepted that a number of products have the most pronounced effect on the aging process and slow it down. Food products for rejuvenating the body - mainly with high antioxidant activity: cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, radishes, turnips), fruits and berries, artichoke, cold-pressed vegetable oils, beans, tomatoes, garlic, avocado, whole grain cereals, carrots, fish (herring the collagen it contains is good for wrinkles - increasing elasticity and moisturizing the skin).

Products that accelerate the aging process include refined foods, fast food products, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, animal/poultry meat containing hormones , foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates, salt (salty foods), coffee, alcohol.

Equally important is the correct diet, taking into account the decrease in the functionality of the digestive system. In this regard, it is extremely important to avoid eating large amounts of food, eating at the same time, and eliminating long gaps between meals. It is recommended to eat 4 meals a day with the distribution of the energy value of the daily diet in the following ratio: breakfast - 25%, second breakfast - 15%, lunch - 35% and dinner - 25%. In the presence of various diseases ( hypertension , osteoporosis , diabetes mellitus , atherosclerosis , arthritis/arthrosis and others), nutrition must be corrected.

Dark chocolate and cocoa

Cocoa and chocolate contain special substances – flavonoids. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and help fight free radicals, which lead to premature aging.

Regular consumption of these products in moderate quantities will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the skin and the general condition of the body.

Choose chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content and consume 2-3 slices per day. If you love cocoa, use plant-based milk and minimal sugar to make it. Also, natural cocoa powder will go perfectly with your morning oatmeal or yogurt.


Nuts are a source of the protein and healthy fats we need. They contain B vitamins, vitamins E, C and A.

I recommend purchasing several types of nuts and eating them daily, one at a time. Add hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and pine nuts to your diet - watch the portion size, eat no more than 30-40 grams per day.

Regular consumption helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and normalize cholesterol and glucose levels. Nuts are a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process, and the B vitamins they contain have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Add pine nuts to your salad or porridge, or use almonds or other types as a snack.

Vitamins, minerals for beautiful skin

Let's figure out what useful components we need for youthful, beautiful skin.

Vitamin A

You can't go anywhere without him! Vitamin A directly affects collagen (connective tissue protein), its synthesis and regeneration. The elasticity and firmness of the skin depends on collagen, the production of which decreases with age.

A lack of vitamin A leads to many problems:

  • various epithelial lesions;
  • long-term wound healing;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • dry skin;
  • decreased tone.

The vitamin has powerful antioxidant properties, increases the body's immune defense, and improves metabolism.

Vitamin E

Works in tandem with A, increasing its digestibility. Vitamin E is called the “vitamin of youth” because it helps slow down the aging process, the formation of wrinkles, smooth them out, and stimulates cellular renewal. Thanks to it, our skin looks moisturized and healthy.

B vitamins

This group includes 13 vitamins, each of which affects the condition of the skin in one way or another. Vitamins of this group are involved in metabolism, strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the nervous system, helping to “resist” under stress, because, as you know, stress is the first enemy of beauty. They make the skin soft, protect epidermal cells from dehydration, and prevent facial ptosis.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, is endowed with antioxidant and absorbent properties, prevents the formation of spider veins, swelling, whitens, and restores the epithelium. It is a protective barrier to ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin D

Regulates biochemical processes in cells, helps calcium absorption, supports skin barrier functions, and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors. Vitamin D is a powerful skin immunomodulator.

Vitamin K

Prevents the appearance of freckles, age spots, inflammation, swelling.


Participates in the formation of collagen. The appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks may indicate a lack of zinc. It is necessary for cell regeneration and wound healing. The mineral reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and improves immunity.


Calcium is involved in many processes associated with intercellular contacts. Its deficiency leads to:

  • premature skin aging;
  • incomplete maturation of keratinocytes (epithelial tissue cells), and, accordingly, to thinning and drying of the epidermis;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness of the dermis, its depletion;
  • weakness of capillaries;
  • disruption of lymph flow.


This trace element is directly involved in the formation of hemoglobin. “Noble” pallor speaks of its lack. Without this mineral, the skin becomes sagging, recovers poorly, and loses moisture.

It is quite obvious that a deficiency of at least one of the above substances will negatively affect the condition of not only all layers of the skin, but also the body as a whole. Therefore, it is simply necessary to have products containing them in your daily diet.


Leafy greens are rich in vitamins, mineral salts, essential oils and pigments that have a positive effect on the health of the body, and they also give the skin a healthy glow and slow down aging.

Green leaves contain ascorbic acid, which helps prolong youth, and folic acid, which prevents memory loss and the development of dementia, and also reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Add parsley, dill, green onions, chard, spinach, and lettuce to your menu. Try to use greens in your dishes every day, and to increase the amount in your diet, I suggest you make a smoothie: mix your favorite berries, banana, nuts, a bunch of spinach or other greens to taste in a blender.

Make a delicious unsweetened smoothie: add cucumber, parsley and dill to kefir, add salt - this cocktail will turn out not only tasty, but also dietary.

Anti-aging programs for women

If you liked it and want to delve deeper into the anti-aging program more seriously, start by watching this useful video on my YouTube channel:

In the video I talk about what foods you should include in your diet so as not to age? How to stay beautiful, young, energetic? These are anti-aging, secrets of beauty and youthful skin. I invite everyone who wants to delve into the topic of effective rejuvenation to the program “Minus 8 years in 8 weeks”

Are you afraid you won't be able to cope alone? Or do you want to get results faster? Then I invite you to join my program “Minus 8 years in 8 weeks ,” which periodically starts in my online school. There, under my strict guidance and with the support of the group and a specially invited psychologist, you will be able to implement many of these changes into your life in just 2 months. I will tell you WHAT to do and in what order, and the psychologist will explain HOW not to go astray. It's worth it!

Don’t believe that a nutrition program can make you a beauty in just 2 months? Then here is an example from one of the participants in my program. Just from February to April, and such changes!


If possible, try to choose a variety of berries rather than fruit. Why? They contain less natural sugars and more fiber, which helps blood sugar levels rise more smoothly.

Fiber is food for beneficial bacteria living in the intestines, and the richer their composition, the healthier a person is.

The berries contain antioxidants, vitamins A and C, as well as iron, manganese, zinc, sulfur, copper and iodine.

Try to eat berries on a daily basis, add them to smoothies, cottage cheese and yoghurts. Stock up on them in the summer and freeze them for the winter - the benefits of the berries will not disappear anywhere.


The antioxidants contained in coffee help us fight aging and reduce the risk of various diseases.

The National Institute of Cancer Research (USA) confirms that people who drink coffee have a 20% reduced chance of developing malignant melanoma.

People who drink coffee frequently are less susceptible to neurological disorders, heart disease and even suicide. Caffeine prevents the development of Parkinson's disease and cognitive impairment.

Coffee also helps increase collagen levels, which is necessary to slow down the aging process.

Drink up to two cups of coffee per day unless you have contraindications.

Green tea

Green tea, like coffee, contains antioxidants, which are the main enemies of free radicals that damage skin proteins and reduce the protective function of the immune system.

Green tea is rich in polyphenols, special compounds that protect skin health and help prevent early aging. In addition, drinking this drink reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 25%.

In order to support your body, it is enough to drink 1-3 cups of good green tea per day.


All organs need water, and the skin is no exception. It consists of approximately 70% liquid and moisture deficiency leads to the most unpleasant consequences. Calculate your norm and drink it every day.

  • for low activity (up to three workouts per week or no workouts), multiply 25–30 ml of water per kilogram of weight
  • for average activity (3–5 workouts per week), multiply 35 ml per kilogram of weight
  • with high activity (more than five workouts per week), it is necessary to make a calculation based on 40–45 ml of water per kilogram of weight

Calculate the amount of water you need based on the recommended body weight, and if you have a certain amount of extra pounds, do not take them into account.

Foods to Avoid

It is necessary to remember not only about foods that will help you maintain youth, but also about foods that accelerate aging and negatively affect your health and appearance.

  1. Eliminate added sugar. Do not consume industrial sweets and baked goods, give up juices and carbonated lemonades.
  2. Avoid processed foods - sausages, frankfurters and store-bought dumplings have no place in a healthy, balanced diet.
  3. Limit alcohol to one glass of dry red wine per week.
  4. Give preference to cooking methods such as stewing and baking. And if you do fry something, choose high-quality refined oils and take into account their smoke point.
  5. Eliminate fried foods from your diet.

Only a balanced diet, an established sleep schedule and constant physical activity will help you maintain health and prolong youth. Invest time in maintaining your body, love yourself and the results will not keep you waiting.

General Food - the best diets for beauty and youth

Ready-made diets from General Food were compiled by the best nutritionists, taking into account the recommendations of leading trainers in Moscow, so they include all the smallest subtleties of healthy nutrition to achieve various goals of physical activity, health and beauty. Our company General Food offers 7 ready-made nutrition programs:

  • "Weight loss."
  • "Vegan"
  • "Home".
  • "Balance".
  • "Weight".
  • "Weight XL".
  • "Cyber-Food"

Ready-made food rations from General Food differ in their energy value and quantitative balance of BJU. Increasing muscle mass, maintaining physical fitness or reducing body weight are only part of the functions of these nutrition programs. Healthy and wholesome products, prepared in the most gentle way, in the daily menu will fill a person with energy, improve the performance of their tasks, and also make the skin and hair more beautiful and healthy.

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