Physiognomy of the lips - large, small, narrow, drooping corners of the lips, the lower lip is larger than the upper: what does this mean in the character of men and women?

Physiognomy - the lower lip is larger than the upper lip in women and men: what does this mean?

For men, large, large, well-defined lips indicate openness, self-confidence, and charisma. However, some features need to be taken into account.

Physiognomy - the lower lip is larger than the upper lip in women and men, what does this mean:

  • If the lower lip is significantly larger in size than the upper lip, this indicates non-compliance, persistence, and obstinacy. Such a person will never give up the laurels of championship, and does not like to lose.
  • That is why you need to be careful with such people and argue less often. Conflicts with them are a lost cause, since nothing will be achieved. A person will always prove his superiority and superiority over you.
  • The same applies to women, but there are some subtleties. Representatives of the fair sex with lush lips are distinguished by sensuality and love experiments in bed. Therefore, if you are in doubt about whether you should meet a girl or not, you definitely need to flirt with her.

Beautiful lips
Beautiful lips

Doll lips

Puppet lips with a bow give the deceptive impression that in front of you stands a delicate flower that needs to be protected from the dangers of the big world. Don't be naive: girls with this lip shape can always stand up for themselves. They make strict but fair leaders who demand iron discipline from their subordinates. At the first meeting, the owners of doll lips may seem stern, selfish and withdrawn, but you should definitely get to know them better. Such girls are simply accustomed to keeping their experiences to themselves. They are not iron ladies, they are characterized by compassion and self-sacrifice, and if you earn their trust, you will find reliable support and a devoted friend in them.

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Physiognomy - small lips in women and men: character

It used to be thought that thin lips were characteristic of stingy people, but in fact this is not the case.

Physiognomy - small lips in women and men, character:

  • Thin, small lips, which are distinguished by a wide slit, indicate that a person always sees something bad in events. That is, he is a pessimist.
  • In most cases, such lips are found in women and men who are distinguished by their gloomy and taciturn character.
  • They don’t like to talk a lot, even in the company of friends it’s difficult to get a word out. Very often such lips indicate excessive tension, a person is not at ease.

small lips
small lips

Plump lips

Sensual and friendly people. Empathy and caring for others are a hallmark of people with full lips. Maternal instinct and a high sense of compassion will not allow these people to pass by someone who needs help and support. A sincere desire to help a loved one makes them loving parents, capable of taking on any responsibility.

Physiognomy - plump lips in women and men: character

Similar studies that connect character with facial features appeared a long time ago, back in the time of Aristotle. Since then, many have tried to connect a person’s character with the features of their eye shape, smile or face shape.

Physiognomy of plump lips in women and men, character:

  • Now many companies that are engaged in sales are trying in every possible way to increase the sales of goods. That is why they also resort to the intricacies of physiognomy and its study. It has been proven that people with lush, brightly defined lips, even if they are not very large, can make decisions for quite a long time.
  • They are not used to doing things rashly. Therefore, if you approach such a person in a store and begin to impose your help, he will most likely turn around and leave. Conversely, people with thin lips, which are practically invisible, are prone to analytical thinking and the implementation of certain algorithms.
  • Such people rarely come to the store just to look and ask the price. Most of the time they come to buy. That is why it is much easier to persuade such a person to buy, and he will not think for long. This is not due to the fact that he makes a rash decision, but because of careful consideration when making purchases.

plump lips
plump lips

Facial physiognomy - lips

Many people don’t think much about the fact that not only the eyes can tell a lot about a person. The shape and size of the mouth make it possible to create a complete psychological portrait: what emotions and experiences bother a person, what is his fate, what mood is he most likely to be in, whether he is generous and lucky. The position of the mouth and the shape of the lips will indicate the character traits and habits that a person has acquired in life.

Protruding lips

If the lips, due to their shape or size, protrude beyond the jawline, then it is believed that their owner is either stubborn or not inclined to take into account the opinions of other people, is overly self-confident, but sociable and loves to talk.

Small mouth

As a rule, timid, insecure and weak individuals possess this trait. Both men and women with small mouths are prone to selfishness, and this is directly related to the fact that their parents spoiled them greatly in childhood. Excessive emotionality does not allow them to achieve any significant heights in life. Men, for example, lack the qualities inherent in leaders: courage, perseverance, a sharp mind, the ability to communicate with others, and so on. A small, beautifully defined mouth in women, despite the coldness of their character, is an attractive feature for men, as it subconsciously evokes a desire to protect and protect a woman.

Large mouth

As a rule, both men and women with big mouths live life to the fullest, that is, without denying themselves anything and never. They are successful because they are smart, intelligent, sociable and ambitious.

If the mouth is large, but the lips are tightly compressed, then this indicates success in politics and business. If the mouth is large, but the lips are relaxed, then this trait indicates an unrestrained character, characterized by unbridledness. People with large mouths but thin lips are calculating and able to control their actions, although they also have immoderate desires. If a woman has a large but harmoniously defined mouth, then she is active in life, reaches great heights in her career and social activities, and is popular with others because she has a friendly character.

Mouth with overly plump lips

Such traits are inherent in very emotional people who have strong willpower and love entertainment, luxury and comfort. Inflated self-esteem makes them fierce debaters, accustomed to taking into account only their own opinion. If harmony is disturbed in the features (this especially negatively affects women), then the person’s appearance is more likely to repel than attract the attention of others. Although for men this is not such an important factor as for women.

Mouth with thin upper lip

People with a thin upper lip are, as a rule, phlegmatic, to whom violent passions are alien, especially when it comes to sex. Women, according to statistics, are unhappy in marriage, since they almost always connect their lives with men of opposite character traits - aggressors. Men, on the contrary, live in love and harmony with their wives.

Facial physiognomy - mouth with a plump upper lip

A plump upper lip is a sign of passionate natures, and passionate to the extreme. As a rule, both men and women are very attracted to the opposite sex, loving and sensual. But if they do not resist their violent desires, then the lack of harmony in their sex life can negatively affect their lives. If the upper lip is especially thick, then the person has extraordinary kindness and good manners.

Mouth with both plump lips

Almost many people have a mouth shape where the lips are plump and the line between the lips is almost straight. Such a mouth indicates a person’s practicality, affecting all aspects of life: marriage and love, relationships with people (according to the principle “you - to me, I - to you”), doing business or work.

Mouth with raised upper lip

When a person’s upper lip is raised so much that it slightly reveals the upper row of teeth, then you are looking at a natural politician or a born actor. Eastern physiognomists believe that both men and women with this trait have conceit and an overly developed sense of superiority over other people, in everything - in appearance, in creative abilities or even talents, in physical strength.

The lips of an intellectual

If the depression in the center of the upper lip approaches the outline of an acute angle, then this feature indicates a person gifted with great intellectual abilities, possessing “ebullient” energy, patience, efficiency and diligence. And vice versa: people whose upper lip is curved upward in this place have completely opposite qualities.

Mouth with downturned corners

A mouth with downturned corners usually indicates serious psychological problems of its owner. Such people have an unfriendly and unsociable character, and their career depends on how often they have to build relationships with other people. The appearance, for example, of a man with such a mouth will be repulsive, as it is associated with poor health. In women, this trait indicates perseverance and efficiency, hard work and diligence.

Mouth with small lower lip

This trait characterizes a person as passive, inert, weak in character, unreliable and unable to make a career.

Mouth with a plump and protruding lower lip

It is more common in women, indicating the typically female traits of an inveterate egoist who is unable to show her love for people of the opposite sex. To avoid problems in marriage, such women can be advised to gain financial independence from their husbands.

Facial physiognomy - uneven lip line

An uneven lip line is a sign of hot temper and confidence only in one’s own rightness. People with this trait, although they love to communicate in order to prove their point of view, are completely unable to do this.

A mouth with many wrinkles on the lower lip

This trait is characteristic of a very sociable person who knows how to be pleasant, good-natured and popular with people of the opposite sex. But a negative feature can be called a pathological dependence on alcohol and food.

Deep hollow above the upper lip

If the space - the hollow between the tip of the nose and the upper lip - is elongated, then the person has many positive qualities. Many great actors, politicians and businessmen have had and still have this trait, no matter how attractive their appearance is or was. Such people achieve success in life thanks to their enormous vitality and energy. On the contrary, a short space between the nose and upper lip is a sign of an ill-mannered person with a low level of intelligence.

Mouth with upturned corners

Unlike a mouth with downturned corners, this option, creating the impression of a constant smile, causes a positive reaction to a person’s appearance. Both men and women with a “smiling” mouth are open, soft, friendly and very kind personalities. With such facial features, it doesn’t matter to them whether they have talents or not - they are always friendly and simply enjoy life.

Indentation in the center of the upper lip

If the depression is clearly expressed and the contour of the lower lip is repeated, then the owner of such a mouth is developed both physically and mentally. On the contrary, a less pronounced (narrow) depression is evidence of weakness and lack of self-confidence.

Harmoniously proportional mouth shape

This trait is characteristic of very happy people; they are well-mannered, attentive, and polite. While not capturing the stars from heaven, these people nevertheless enjoy harmonious relationships with everyone around them.

Signs of ambition and success

The most successful people have the following characteristics of appearance: a plump upper lip, removed at a sufficient distance from the tip of the nose, a tightly compressed and large mouth, and a large nose. They have a sharp mind, ambition, intelligence, good manners, have weight in society and power over the people around them.

Protruding front teeth

Such traits are characteristic of many representatives of Chinese nationality, so they are classified as a special category. For Europeans, with their regular visits (since childhood) to the dentist, this trait is uncharacteristic. But let’s still give a brief analysis of a person with such a mouth: in most cases, these are successful, energetic, purposeful, hardworking people; all of the above qualities help them quickly move up the career ladder.

Facial physiognomy - mouth with two large front teeth

The size of the front teeth is a key factor in determining a person's character traits and behavior. If the two front teeth are large, then both men and women are more passionate, bright, extravagant personalities than those with small teeth. But if the two front upper teeth protrude too much, then women should think about changing their appearance, otherwise they will be unattractive to men (it should also be taken into account that dental defects leave an imprint on a person’s diction).

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Drooping corners of the lips in women and men: character

In some people, you can see drooping corners of the lips, which give a certain frown to the face.

Drooping corners of the lips character in women and men, character:

  • The drooping corners are responsible for the triangular muscles, which extend from the lower jaw to the chin. In most cases, drooping corners are associated with a person’s frequent frustrations, his general dissatisfaction with life and work.
  • That is, a person often purses his lips and tenses these muscles. This is why corresponding facial wrinkles and folds form in this area. Thus, a person’s face looks sad almost all the time.
  • There is a way out of the situation; you need to train the triangular muscles, perform an appropriate facial massage, which will tighten them and move the corners a little higher.

Corners omitted
Corners omitted

Corners up

The owner of this lip shape with raised corners has everything in harmony in life, both with the world and with himself. Such a person is always in a good mood, knows how to share joy with others, charges with positivity, and gives vital energy. If he still has dimples on his cheeks, then, without a doubt, he is an optimistic, friendly and sociable person.


Physiognomy - large lower lip in women and men: character

People don’t always have both large lips, or vice versa, thin ones. It happens that the upper lip is very thin, while the lower lip is quite plump.

Physiognomy of the large lower lip in women and men, character:

  • Such people have a concentrated cocktail of emotions and an explosive mixture. They are usually quite hot-tempered. From people with lush lips they inherited a love of pleasure, sexuality, and emotionality.
  • But the upper lip also affects the person as a whole. It is precisely because of their thin upper lip that they do not allow themselves to relax, and are often on the verge of making a mistake, but do not make it.
  • Therefore, such people are very careful, although they are not averse to having fun. Physiognomists advise not to trust such people, as their mood often changes. They can be very stingy, or, on the contrary, they indulge in carnal pleasures and spend money at the speed of sound. This is not the best option for a partner; you need to be prepared for the unexpected.

plump lips

Protruding lower lip

In China, women with protruding lower lips are not trusted. They say about them that they always drag the blanket over themselves. In our latitudes, these people are considered kind-hearted and, above all, free and independent. They often amaze with their active activities, especially in the business field. For women of this type, their professional prestige is less important than the financial well-being that they achieve in any way.

Protruding lower lip

On the contrary, men of this type are more interested in leadership positions. Their claims to a leading role are explained by their upbringing, since the idea of ​​their exclusivity is often hammered into their heads in their youth.

Tactful behavior is as foreign to people with a protruding lower lip as attachment to a particular place or region.

In their personal lives, they are like tumbleweeds: they seem to find pleasure in constantly changing partners. If the mistress declared her desire to legitimize the relationship, then the man with the protruding lip would feel a threat to his independence. A woman of this type will not faint if she suddenly finds out that her lover is cheating on her; the world will not collapse for her.

Physiognomy - large lips in women and men: character

Full, lush lips speak of sensuality and excessive sexuality.

Physiognomy of large lips in women and men, character:

  • Almost all women dream of lips like these, so it’s no wonder plastic surgeons have a lot of work to do.
  • Lately, lip augmentation procedures have become very popular. If your lips are natural, quite lush, full, this speaks of a sultry beauty who loves the attention of men.
  • She tries in every possible way to attract men, often goes on a diet, does fitness and loves herself very much.
  • Such women are the dream of men, but they are not very good housewives and wives. Such women love the attention of not one man, but several, so you shouldn’t count on loyalty.

Beautiful lips
Beautiful lips

Big mouth with full lips

A large mouth with full lips undoubtedly creates a sexual impression and signals, especially in women who further emphasize their luxurious lips, increased sensuality. Sometimes such persons are prone to frivolity.

According to Siang Ming, a large, well-defined mouth is a clear sign of a passionate nature. Such people are naturally sociable and love to be in society. True, they are often satisfied with superficial flirting. It is very important for them to gain the admiration of others. Sometimes it seems that they are not capable of a serious connection. In partnership, people with luxurious mouths conquer lovers

Big mouth with full lips

with its frank sensuality. Anyone who can satisfy them will be overwhelmed by their generosity. Strong egocentrics, they are not particularly sensitive, but you can count on their constant, faithful passion.

Physiognomy - short upper lip in women and men: character

The most unusual are the fair sex, who have a short upper lip. This structure is not very common, but the owners of such sponges are emotional, so they stand out among the crowd. They value themselves highly and often suffer from increased self-esteem. Uncompromising in achieving success and goals. These people will move mountains on their way to achieve success. They adapt well to any conditions and can find a way out.

Physiognomy - short upper lip in women and men, character:

  • They change their minds infrequently, despite the fact that they can adapt. They often think about mistakes and correct them. People tend to be introspective and often study psychology. They do not achieve success in their personal life very often, because they are characterized by increased sensitivity and libido.
  • They often have many affairs that end in failure. They are very easy to win over, they are trusting, which is why they often suffer. If the corners of the lips are raised upward, people are prone to various affairs. They never suffer from attention deficit disorder.
  • It is believed that women with such lips are excellent lovers and are ready for sexual experiments. A man with such lips has a lot of girls, whom he changes quite often.
  • The person is kind, sympathetic, but not constant. If the corners of the lips are not drawn, blurred, the person has a weak character. They are prone to manipulation and are easy to lure to their side and manipulate.
  • Such people are very naive, which is why they suffer and get into various troubles. If the corners of the mouth are outlined, then the person is romantic, intellectual, and emotional. Such people love to analyze and never make frivolous decisions.

Beautiful lips
Beautiful lips

The upper lip is fuller than the lower lip

If the upper lip is fuller than the lower lip, then the Chinese view this as a sign of insincerity. On the contrary, in our cultural circle, individuals with an upper lip are assessed much more positively; they are considered emphatically emotional, sensual and generous. Among them there are many good speakers who can openly and convincingly defend their point of view. As skillfully as they can imagine the significance of the work they do, they also actively demand material wealth for themselves. As a rule, they are extremely sybarites, therefore they have a weakness for good food and other pleasures. They are often excellent cooks. Despite this, they love poetry and other arts Although there is a danger that their fantasies of pleasure will go too far and deprive them of their sense of reality.

These people seem to take life easily. They do not think about problems for a long time and prefer to do pleasant things - love or the art of seduction, and they masterfully succeed in this. It is therefore not surprising that these individuals, men or women, are considered the best lovers.

The upper lip is fuller than the lower lip

mi, capable of fulfilling any whim of their partner.

Physiognomy - thin upper lip in women and men: character

If the mouth is asymmetrical, for example, one corner is higher or lower than the other, then you need to be careful with such people. The person is very kind and sympathetic, curious, and easy to win over.

Physiognomy - thin upper lip in women and men, character:

  • Most of these people are pessimistic. They expect bad things from almost everyone and tend to become depressed. People who have very full, protruding lips have a capricious character and want to have fun.
  • For the most part, such people do not want to do anything; they almost never have work. They spend a lot of time on self-admiration. Mostly such women become kept women.
  • Men either drink themselves to death or find a woman who is ready to sponsor them. It is necessary that the person who is nearby takes care of them and provides for them.

Thin lips
Thin lips

Thin upper lip and plump lower lip

Lip shape and characterPhoto:
People who dream of living an interesting life have lips like these. They love attention, strive for new experiences and do not care much about their own safety. Their social circle is rarely constant, just like their partner in their personal life. Such people rarely live into old age with their first spouse. In their hearts, of course, they would like more stability, but the thirst for change takes its toll.

Physiognomy - narrow, thin lips in women and men: character

It is also necessary to pay attention to the hollow between the lips. If it is present in the area of ​​the upper lip, pointed, then these are creative individuals with a sharp mind. They achieve success, always strive for their dreams, achieve great success, both in work and on the personal front. If a person has a rounded cleavage, then this indicates a romantic character.

Physiognomy - narrow, thin lips in women and men, character:

  • Thin lips speak of secrecy, modesty, and restraint of the owner. Usually such people are stingy, not only in terms of financial spending, but also in the area of ​​emotions. They are always reserved and rarely express their opinions. But that doesn't mean they don't have it.
  • They are always somewhat self-confident and do not say what they are going to do. Such people are usually not very liked, since they calculate everything in advance, and, if necessary, can go over their heads when it comes to the career ladder.
  • They often get upset over little things, any negativity immediately becomes the cause of frustration and worsening mood. If a person has practically no hollow, that is, there is a solid line in the center of the lip, then the nature often remains at work and loves to work.
  • Despite the large amount of work, he will always find a solution. These are excellent workers who unquestioningly follow all instructions from management, and do it brilliantly. Achieve great success in work and in financial matters and are absolutely independent.

Thin lips
Thin lips

What do wrinkles around the lips mean?

  • Wrinkles above the lips are a sign of natural aging, and nothing more.
  • Wrinkles located symmetrically on both sides of the mouth - two on each side (in Chinese physiognomy they are called depressions) - evidence of a person’s real power and authority. However, this is only true with the support of favorable cheekbones, eyes and nose.
  • Straight, long and deep depressions that run symmetrically on both sides of the mouth up to the chin are considered favorable (many major political and military figures have them).
  • Short, curved and shallow depressions are considered unfavorable.
  • If the depressions are not only long and deep, but also located further away from the corners of the mouth, such people are self-confident, aggressive and strive to impose their will on others.
  • If the depressions of wrinkles around the mouth extend directly to the corners of the mouth, this is a very unfavorable sign. The Chinese say about such a case: A snake crawls into the mouth and they believe that after fifty years this person will have to fight for his life.
  • If the depressions bifurcate, this indicates the authoritative nature of a person in two areas at once.
  • Wrinkled lips (the lips are literally carved with a network of wrinkles, but these wrinkles are not indicators of aging) are evidence of a person’s longevity, but they are loners by nature, they are smart, observant, but unsociable. These are the famous philosophers and seers.
  • Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are a sign of old age, self-awareness, and solidity. Such a person is always convinced that everything important is behind him, and blocks his own path to development.
  • A wart on the lips is a sign of bestial instincts in a person.

A smile with downturned lips: what does it mean?

By the nature of the smile and the position of the lips, one can determine what a person is thinking about. Experienced psychologists always understand what this or that lip gesture means. Therefore, if a person smiles with all 32 teeth, he does it sincerely, he likes everything that happens.

A smile with downturned lips, what does it mean:

  • However, a smile in which the corners of the lips are drawn down means that the person is doing it tensely; perhaps he does not like what is happening, he feels some tension. By the nature of the position of the lips, you can determine what a person is thinking about.
  • A free smile speaks of naivety and good mood. If the smile is strained, this indicates hypocrisy. A smile of embarrassment is a kind of commissioned gesture. This lip position is fictitious, and often indicates how a person is feeling.
  • If, while smiling, the lips remain closed and pressed tightly against each other, this indicates detachment from everything that is happening. In addition, such a smile speaks of dominance. A crooked smile indicates that the person is pretending to be friendly.
  • In fact, he has a bad attitude towards the interlocutor, and may feel hatred or wariness towards you. For example, such a smile often occurs if the manager tells a joke that is not funny, but the employees are supposed to laugh.

Corners omittedCorners omitted
A lot of interesting information about the face can be found in the articles:

Physiognomy of a man and a woman by the shape and location of wrinkles, moles on the face, facial expressions

How to read a person’s character by facial features - physiognomy

Please note that you can tell about a person’s character and mood not only by a smile, but also by the position of the eyebrows, nose and direction of the eyes.

Other lip shapes

There are other lip shapes that indicate certain personality traits, namely:

The lines above the mouth converge (convergent)

Strong feelings, passionate, temperamental type, very sensitive to the demands of others.

The lines above the mouth diverge (divergent)

Disciplined, self-controlled, undemanding but purposeful, loves adventure.

Thick lips.

Passionate, enthusiastic, intensely emotional, soft, loves risk

The lines above the mouth are parallel

Thoughtful, reliable, considerate of others, afraid of risks and any changes

Wavy line between lips

Great self-confidence. Open, needs material security, good speaker, willing to be in the center of attention.

Dimples in the corners of the mouth

Suffering from an inferiority complex, vindictive, has a reputation as a clever person who knows how to live, gifted with artistic talents

Mouth size

A big mouth is an indicator of success and intelligence. Such people are endowed with high intelligence, quickly get along with people, and are quite proud. If the lips are thin, then their owners have incommensurable desires with sufficient prudence. They have good control over their actions. Women with a harmoniously defined large mouth usually have many friends; their careers rise easily due to their sociability and openness.

Small mouth

Those with small mouths were often spoiled by their parents in childhood, so for the most part they are selfish people. Men are often timid, shy, and do not know how to achieve their goals. But women are popular with the opposite sex, although they are cold by nature. The stronger sex feels strong and needed next to such a lady.

Based on the statements of physiognomy, thin and compressed lips speak of fear and deep conflict within a person. And a slightly open mouth with relaxed lips seems to indicate that you can easily trust this person.

Beautiful lips

The surface of everyone's lips is different. There is not a single repeating pattern. This is what prompted the French doctor Michel Renaud to think that lip impressions could be informative for forensic science. The exception is twins.

Physiognomy of the face and lips is a very interesting science that has come to us since ancient times. It is being studied to this day, revealing to us more and more secrets of the human appearance.

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