Women's tattoos: the meaning of the designs, meaning and what they symbolize

Tattoo: what is it?

The word "tattoo" comes from the Tahitian "drawing", which fully explains its meaning. Tattoo is a way of applying a design to the body by introducing coloring substances under the skin.

The very idea of ​​tattooing was born in ancient times. Then, with the help of drawings on the body, people learned the most important information about the stranger. From the picture it was possible to determine where the wanderer came from, what the symbol of his tribe was, as well as the most important achievements of man.

Later, tattoos as an art form filled Europe. The original meaning of patterns on the skin has been lost, making body decoration part of a fashion trend. Today, decorating with subcutaneous patterns is at the peak of popularity among, mainly among the young population.

Women's tattoos as an art form have come into fashion not so long ago. However, today each drawing can be explained by one or another meaning of tattoos. For girls, not only symbolism matters, but also the beauty of the image itself.

Tattoo symbols

The use of single characters rather than long phrases is convenient if a girl wants an inconspicuous tattoo - more for herself than for show under the influence of fashion trends. You can choose any symbols - from ancient Egyptian and Scandinavian to mysterious Hindi, fashionable Chinese / Japanese characters, Arabic script, Hebrew. They have strong energy, so before getting such a tattoo, the symbols and their designations need to be studied as diligently as possible and the artist must be familiar with the sketch as accurately as possible.

Tattoo on a girl's ankle - Om symbol

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Chinese characters and their meaning in Russian

It is difficult to work with a group of Asian languages, because... the slightest mistake in the spelling of a symbol leads to a complete change in the intended meaning. However, even without the absence of distortions in the letter, oddities arise due to several variants of the meaning of one sign. The same applies to the features of combining several symbols. As a result, it is advisable to choose hieroglyphs and their meaning in Russian for a female or male tattoo with a person who knows Hangul, Hancha, Hiragana, etc. well. Additionally, you should carefully study the photo from reliable sources and take it to the master.

Particularly popular tattoo ideas for girls:

  • 愛 – read as “ai”, means “love”.
  • 竜 – dragon;
  • 生命 is a compound designation of the word “life”, which carries the meaning of the predetermined fate of each person. A modification of this tattoo option with meaning for a girl is 永远, which means “forever” or “for life” and can be tattooed on a particularly significant day.

Slavic symbols

The runes that were used by the ancient Slavs can also be a strong amulet, but like other talismans, they are not for public display. If you have chosen an image of Slavic symbols, it is better to make a tattoo on the neck, lower back, thigh or other place that is mostly hidden by clothing, otherwise the energy may go in the wrong direction. It is better to choose, as with other signs (Japanese, Egyptian, etc.), not according to visual appeal, but according to the exact meaning:

  • the symbolism of the overpowering herb protected against diseases;
  • fern flower means strength of spirit;
  • solard – fertility, i.e. for the expectant mother;
  • the rune of peace can give inner peace.

Fern tattoo

The meaning of women's tattoos

Depending on the design or inscription applied to the skin, you can determine what the woman wanted to say when choosing this or that pattern.

Flowers and plants

  1. Rose . The meaning of a rose tattoo is quite extensive. The flower symbolizes youth with its inherent naivety, love and passion. The prickly beauty is also commonly associated with purity. The leaves of the plant symbolize joy, the thorns symbolize sadness, and the rose itself symbolizes fame and glory.

In Christianity, the rose is considered to be a symbol of forgiveness and mercy, and in China the flower is associated with prosperity and wealth.

  1. Orchid . A tattoo in the form of this flower means, first of all, the feminine principle: tenderness, femininity, harmony and charm. Chinese culture claims that an orchid is an attribute of an ideal person, the embodiment of love. According to Feng Shui, this plant represents love and can only grow in a home where peace reigns.
  2. Clover . In Christianity, clover represents the Holy Trinity. In tattoo art, the meaning of the plant is slightly different: the first leaf means faith, the second is a symbol of hope, and the third is the embodiment of love. The fourth petal is rare and is considered a symbol of good luck for the one who wears the image of such a clover.
  3. Lotus . A flower symbolizing life and death, truth and the desire for it, fertility, peace and tranquility. In India, the lotus flower is considered to be a symbol of the feminine. However, in some ancient cultures this flower was associated with a funeral ceremony, with a person’s transition from life to death. Today, the lotus represents wisdom and perfection of the spirit.


Animals have always been associated with certain qualities inherent in people. They symbolized character traits and temperament.

  1. A lion . The king of beasts in tattoos is usually associated with power and respect. An integral part of the character of a lion is courage, nobility, power, and justice. Their combination gives birth to a proud and strong animal.

In Buddhism, it is customary to endow this animal with courage, balance and wisdom. A roaring lion symbolizes aggression and danger. A lion tattoo is considered a traditionally masculine image.

  1. Fox . The meaning of the fox image has changed over time. For a long time it was believed that this animal was endowed with exclusively negative qualities. However, today there is an opinion that the redhead personifies cunning and enterprise. Girls apply such a pattern to their skin, trying to emphasize their attractiveness, playfulness and sexual appeal. Another option for interpreting such a picture: independence and ambition, high intelligence.
  2. Cat . In ancient Egypt, this animal was revered and identified with the feminine principle. It is not surprising that the image of Murka has become incredibly popular among girls’ tattoos. Those who wear this image associate themselves with the qualities characteristic of a cat: dexterity, grace, mystery and cunning.
  3. Panda . This skin image is more popular for Asian girls. The polar bear cub is associated with friendship, reconciliation and tranquility. It is also a well-known sign of trust.
  4. Martin . It has long been associated with devotion to one’s home. Also represents tenderness, love and fidelity.
  5. Dolphin . The image of this sea animal is considered a symbol of incredible luck, as well as nobility. Two dolphins in one image are a positive sign, they mean the Yin-Yang symbol. In Greek myths, the animal was associated with eroticism and love.


Recently, tattoos in the form of inscriptions in Latin have gained extraordinary popularity. Such a “message” to others is, as it were, encrypted and conceals a special meaning accessible to the “chosen ones.”

A tattoo in the form of an inscription in Latin carries feelings and emotions that need to be conveyed to the environment, encrypted in a few words.

Women's tattoos

Women's tattoos and their meaning

This category combines a huge variety of designs and inscriptions that are used as tattoos only by females. Today, high-quality women's tattoos are performed by masters of the Moscow Tattoo77 : here you will find photos and examples of tattoo sketches, examples of completed work and you can find out the price, as well as get a free consultation.

Women's tattoos have come into fashion relatively recently, and have spread with great speed among women around the world. It should be noted that modern women’s tattoos are precisely part of fashion trends, so in principle they cannot have any sacred or hidden meaning. The ancient, true meaning of a tattoo could only be preserved in a country with established traditions and a culture closed to influences. A striking example of such a country is India : Indian women's tattoos are still done in accordance with the traditions and customs of the country.

Well, in most cases, any tattoo on a modern woman serves only the purposes of decoration and self-expression.

Women's tattoos are dominated by images that resemble and emphasize beauty, love, tenderness and mystery. That is, the meanings of women's tattoos are aimed at exalting or emphasizing the physical and moral characteristics of a woman .

Each image or tattoo design always has its own meaning and purpose, but it is rarely understood and perceived correctly, both by the wearers themselves and by those around them.

The ideal option for a girl is a compromise but harmonious combination of beauty, originality and unusual meaning.

Sketches of women's tattoos Photos of women's tattoos

Tattoo meanings


Meanings: beauty, love, youth, rebirth, glory

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Meanings: beauty, love, perfection, splendor, luxury, rarity

The orchid flower is found in tattoos quite often and its meaning is aimed largely at expressing and emphasizing feminine characteristics and feelings. The orchid is a symbol of splendor, incredible beauty and feminine charm. Not rare...


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The meaning of a tattoo depending on the part of the body

What the person wanted to tell others depends on where exactly the tattoo was made. Every part of the body has a sacred meaning and decorating a certain area has a special meaning.

  • Head . A tattoo on the head means that a person is trying to take an important position in society, the desire to stand out and gain recognition.
  • Neck . Tattoos are “drawn” on the neck by those who want to draw the attention of others to their outstanding qualities and indicate their superiority. However, a tattoo on the neck has another meaning: a person is trying to overcome difficulties, to withstand the test of fate.
  • The right hand of a right-hander . Self-expression, active life position, firmness and determination.
  • Left hand of a right-hander . Shielding your ambitions from the plans of others, one-sided thinking. The left hand carries a sacred meaning.
  • Breast . Challenge to the outside world, dictation of your own rules. It can also mean that a person is closed.
  • Belly . Materialism. The desire to get what you want at any cost. Another explanation for a tattoo on the stomach is problems in communication, a narrow circle of contacts.
  • Back . A tattoo on an “invisible” part of the body is a demonstration to others of strength and power, potential and inner aspiration.
  • Lower back . Uncertainty in life, doubts about previously made choices, searching for the best.
  • Buttocks . An attempt at self-realization and the collapse of plans. Inability to take a clear position in life.
  • Genital organs . Drawing in intimate places indicates dissatisfaction with the partner, an attempt to make dreams come true.
  • Legs . A person’s desire to find support in life. The meaning of the inscriptions on the feet is especially important.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo for a girl?

The choice of place for a tattoo is determined mainly by social status. The second factor is the sketch itself, the size and shape of which can set requirements for the area where it can “sit.” If we talk about inscription tattoos on the hand, we also have to take into account the characteristics of the skin: closer to the hand, it is actively renewed, so the outline here will quickly blur, the color may change - thin handwriting is highly not recommended. On the girl’s forearm, the tattoo will remain for several years. The same applies to the back, hips, etc.

Experts give girls the following advice:

  • As a variant of the popular tattoo, inscriptions on the wrist with meaning are considered one of the most successful: here you can form a whole bracelet, add numbers, a small design going up the arm. This is a good place for couple tattoos, declarations of love, preserving memorable moments, especially if the wrist is left, connected to the heart.
  • A tattoo on the leg is convenient for girls whose dress code does not allow them to show body decoration, especially if it is tattooed on the foot, ankle, etc. You can see the tattoo only in the summer or at home, when the girl walks barefoot. Mostly the same ideas as for the wrist are relevant here.
  • If you need to hide a tattoo, inscriptions on your back can also be a solution, because... in the office it will be hidden by the thick fabric of a blouse. Due to the large surface area for tattoos on the shoulder blade or below, you can use large pieces of text, entire passages or quatrains, and supplement them with drawings.
  • Single symbols (especially hieroglyphs) are good as a tattoo on the neck - along its back surface. They will be hidden by hair, unless the girl wears a very short haircut, and will act as a talisman.
  • If a girl decides to get an inscription tattoo on her collarbone, she should choose short phrases of 1-2 words, or write a longer one in small handwriting, because... otherwise it may look rough.
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