Chicken diet for everyone: is it possible to eat chicken while losing weight?

Particularly fearful people are interested in whether it is possible to eat chicken meat while losing weight? In what form: boiled, fried, steamed, smoked, fillet or wing, or maybe chicken by-products, semi-finished products, in broth or salad? We will answer these questions below.

If you need a quick answer. You can eat chicken to lose weight. It can be used to replace some other types of fattier meat. However, you need to understand in what form.

Chicken meat is not broiler and is of the 1st grade in general composition, together with the skin it contains up to 20 grams of fat, from 17 grams of protein and 250 kcal per 100 grams of product (without skin 110 kcal). But these indicators vary depending on the cooking method.

Note that there is a bird more suitable for weight loss than chicken - turkey. And the only thing better than this is 2nd grade chicken meat.

The best nutritional value for weight loss is 2nd grade chicken meat. They have more protein and less fat. The energy value is also lower by about 30-40%.

Yes, it may look somewhat angular in appearance, with small streaks of blood, less muscle mass. Buying this type of chicken can be difficult, because if there is a large deviation from the marketable appearance, it is sent for industrial processing.

Pros and cons of chicken meat and its individual parts

First, let's be clear: we are only talking about chicken and chicken meat, and not about broiler chickens. That is, this is a product that is suitable for broths, soups, baking, and so on. What they stopped feeding us 15-20 years ago. We will write about broilers in another article (use the search at the top - in case we’ve already written about it).

The bird itself has a number of advantages that make it stand out. It is available in stores (if we are talking only about the 1st grade), is suitable for dietary nutrition, is quickly prepared, and can supplement the body with copper and iron (although they are found more in chicken liver). Meat also contains selenium, which helps with the functioning of the thyroid gland. To help you understand which part of the chicken fits your diet, we provide a reference table.

Nutritional value of individual parts of chicken carcasses:

Chicken carcass partsProtein, g, no lessFat, g, no moreEnergy value of 100 g of product, kcal
half carcass1612170
Front quarter1610150
Rear Quarter1411160

The generally accepted European average caloric intake not for weight loss for women is 2000 kcal, and for men 2500. To lose weight, you need to reduce calories by 10-20%. But individual differences still remain. Find out your norm in our calculator .

From the point of view of the daily requirement of microelements, the least fat is in the breast - this is the most dietary part of the chicken . If you adhere to the BZHU formula for weight loss 20/30/50, it turns out that to lose weight a woman needs to get 400 kcal from proteins, 600 kcal from fats, and 1000 kcal from carbohydrates. This means that you need 97 grams of pure protein per day, 64 grams of fat and 244 grams of carbohydrates.

Thus, you need to eat (evenly throughout the day) 570 grams of chicken breast to provide yourself with enough protein for the day . And along with this, you will eat 63.3 grams of fat, which fits perfectly into the BZHU formula for weight loss. But! Where to get carbohydrates from?

The bad thing is that chicken has no carbohydrates - if you look at it without spices and any bouillon cubes. But here a side dish, or better yet greens, comes to the aid of those losing weight. The fact is that by eating 570 grams of chicken breast, you have already filled your daily requirement for two elements. Therefore, carbohydrates must come in their purest form, and they must be complex, such as through whole grains.

Please note that if you take wheat, which has almost 70 grams of carbohydrates, then along with it you will receive several more grams of fat or protein. Therefore, add a side dish or other source of carbohydrates wisely.

More on the topic >> I'm losing weight: candied fruits for weight loss - eat sweets on a diet

If you eat chicken, it is advisable to use complex carbohydrates to prolong the feeling of fullness. What kind of carbohydrates are these - look on our website.

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat is rich in proteins, linoleic acid, which stimulates the immune system, and vitamins.

Chicken contains vitamin B6, which is why it is good for the heart, as well as a lot of protein and glutamine, which are stimulants of the central nervous system and strengthen the body.

Chicken meat also contains the vitamin niacin, a medicine for nerve cells. This vitamin supports heart function, regulates cholesterol and is involved in the production of gastric juice.

People have known about the health benefits of chicken meat for a long time. In the East, and in Korea in particular, chicken meat has long been considered a healing food product and an effective means for the prevention of age-related diseases. Indeed, chicken contains much less fat than, say, beef or pork, and is easily absorbed by the body.

Protein contains carbohydrates, minerals, protein, B vitamins and amino acids, which the human body cannot synthesize on its own. In addition to being nutritious, protein also has protective properties. It contains lysozyme, which kills and dissolves microorganisms, including putrefactive ones. During long-term storage, the protective properties of the protein are lost. And such eggs become unfit for consumption.

A chicken egg is one of the most valuable food products that deserves to be known to people as much as possible. It consists of: protein, yolk and shell. These components are useful both together and separately.

Eggs contain 12 essential vitamins. For example, in terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. Minerals such as phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and iron acquire an optimal ratio in the egg.

The yolk is rich in proteins, vitamins, lipids, and other substances. The shell is 90% calcium. The yolk contains lititin, which has a positive effect on fat metabolism in the body. The yolk is also enriched with almost all vitamins, including vitamin D. A lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to rickets, changes in the nervous system, and damage to teeth. That is why pediatricians prescribe yolk to young children several times a week without fail.

Record holders for the presence of sulfur

Dangerous properties of chicken

Chicken contains histamines, so allergies are possible.
Salmonella was found in chicken carcasses in 22 EU member countries. On average, 15.7% of chicken meat was contaminated, although data also varies. In 17 countries, two types of salmonella were found in meat, which are responsible for the majority of salmonellosis infections in humans.

The bacteria contained in chicken meat is dangerous to human health if the meat is not thoroughly cooked or if other products become infected with the bacteria.

Do not forget that kut is treated with chlorine, “fed” with antibiotics, stuffed with preservatives and given injections, which negatively affects the human body, causing a number of diseases, so when choosing chicken, give preference to poultry.

Chicken meat is contraindicated for people with individual protein intolerance. It is also not recommended to eat smoked or fried chicken due to its high cholesterol content, as this can lead to atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels.

Video recipe for delicious chicken baked in a sleeve with spices.

Tatyana Eliseeva chief editor of the Food+ project

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What if the chicken is 2nd grade?

When chicken is second grade, it becomes easier to plan your diet because it contains less fat and more protein. That is, you can add carbohydrates that contain a little more than the required amount of fat. It can be fried potatoes, but be careful because there will be trans fats. By the way, chicken in this regard should be boiled.

Let's take a look at the nutritional and energy value of chicken carcasses of grades 1 and 2 per 100 grams of product:

NameProtein, g, no lessFat, including internal fat, g, no moreEnergy value of 100 g of product, kcal
Chicken carcass 1st grade1720250
Chicken carcass 2nd grade1911175

As you can see, second-grade chicken has almost half the fat and a little more protein. Yes, with it you can show more culinary imagination and not gain excess weight.

This meat can be safely called healthy. A piece of meat contains a large number of well-known vitamins, minerals and trace elements:

  • Iron (actually in the liver);
  • Selenium;
  • Copper (also in the liver);
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Groups A, PP, E, B vitamins.

Grilled chicken for weight loss

Dear readers, never eat grilled chicken when losing weight, especially if you do not have serious physical activity.

When you have a fresh uncut chicken carcass at home, it contains 250 kcal. If you remove the skin from it, then the chicken already has about 110-120 kcal. If you cut off a chicken butt, it will be about 90-110 kcal. Moreover, these calories are reduced only due to fat, while proteins remain. And if you have grilled chicken, then you get 350-400 kcal per 100 grams at once.

Let us remind you that the average grilled carcass is 1100 grams of live weight of chicken. And you eat it, as a rule, by a leg, a wing, and then another leg. That is, 300-400 grams of meat. That is, you will eat half of your daily calorie intake in one meal. But what’s worse is that these calories will contain a lot of fat: 60-80 grams. All! You have met your daily fat requirement.

The thing is that fat is located under the skin of the chicken, especially along the vertebrae. And if it is grilled, the fat saturates the meat part. And if it is prepared in a store, then it is generously poured with oil (yes, maybe rapeseed) on top, and seasonings are added so that you eat more. That is, you get saturated fats, trans fats, eat more, and then ask yourself the question: “why am I throwing up?”

All the fat from grilled chicken that is not absorbed by the body will be deposited in the body or turn into waste. And if you accompany such a meal with a large amount of bread, potatoes and sweet tea, then the hormone cortisol begins to work excessively and fills your internal organs with fat cells.

In short, you can’t eat grilled chicken while losing weight. And in general, grilled chicken practically does not exist in store-bought versions these days. They usually sell grilled broiler chicken. Yes, it has a quarter less calories (190 kcal), it has more muscle mass, less fat, and it is slaughtered at 42 days of age. This is a separate genetic breed that has little in common with ordinary chicken. And as a grill, the broiler is also covered with no less fat.

Best chicken dishes

fried chicken with potatoes, herbs and lemon

Light julienne

The recipe for this julienne will please any housewife with its ease of preparation, and lovers of proper nutrition will be delighted with the lightness of the dish, since some of the usual ingredients are replaced with natural yogurt.


  • chicken fillet (300 grams);
  • natural yogurt (200 milliliters);
  • champignons (400 grams);
  • onion (1 piece);
  • cheese (100 grams);
  • salt pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Heat a frying pan, add onion. Fry over low heat in olive oil until it turns golden brown.
  2. Chicken fillet, cut into small pieces, is placed in a frying pan.
  3. Pre-cleaned mushrooms are added to the onions and chicken and fried for 15 minutes.
  4. Add spices to the pan to taste.
  5. Pour yogurt into the pan, bring to a boil, then remove from heat.
  6. The resulting julienne is laid out in cocotte makers and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  7. The cocotte makers are placed in an oven preheated to 200° for fifteen minutes.
  8. Served hot.


Perhaps this is one of the most famous and delicious dishes of everyone’s favorite Georgian cuisine, which is based on chicken meat. Surely everyone has tried it, but not everyone has done it on their own. It is very easy to prepare chakhobili at home. The recipe is quite simple and memorable the first time.


  • chicken legs or thighs;
  • carrots (1 piece);
  • bell pepper (1 piece);
  • tomato (2 pieces);
  • tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • salt (1 teaspoon);
  • pepper;
  • spices and herbs.

Cooking steps:

  1. The onion must be peeled, cut and fried in a saucepan.
  2. Pre-washed chicken meat is added to the onions.
  3. After this, peppers and carrots are added. It is recommended to cut the pepper into small cubes. The chicken-vegetable mixture is fried in a saucepan for 10 minutes.
  4. Tomatoes are cut into large pieces and added to the saucepan.
  5. Next you need to add tomato paste.
  6. Add salt, pepper and spices. Pour some water.
  7. The dish needs to simmer for about 40 minutes until cooked.

Juicy breast with mushrooms and spinach

An interesting and unusual dish that easily dispels the myth that chicken fillet is dry and bland meat.


  • chicken breast (2 pieces);
  • spinach leaves (400 grams);
  • champignons (150 grams);
  • mozzarella cheese (100 grams);
  • salt pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a heated frying pan, chopped mushrooms and spinach leaves are fried in olive oil. The mixture of champignons and spinach must be fried until all excess liquid has evaporated.
  2. Spices are added to taste.
  3. It is recommended to wash the chicken fillet in advance, and then make deep diagonal cuts in the breasts.
  4. The cuts must be filled with spinach and champignon filling.
  5. The breasts are sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for about 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°.


The duration of use of this method of losing weight should be short, the limit is 1 week. The idea is to eat only boiled chicken loin. You can eat up to 1200 kcal (approximately 300-350 grams of meat) per day. Salt, sauces, oil are prohibited. Greens can serve as an additive. Mono-diet is a hard and fast method of losing excess weight. As a result, a person will lose 4-6 kg over the maximum period of using the diet.

More on the topic >> You can eat peas for weight loss if you are very careful

Any emergency diet with a deficiency of any element (BJU) is stress. We've warned you!

Broth technique

The question of whether you can eat chicken broth while losing weight is logical. After all, there are greasy stains floating on the surface, what should I do?

Paradoxically, losing weight with chicken soup is the most effective. A week-long course will help you lose 10 kg! For this to happen, you just need to cook exclusively the fillet. Without skin, tail and other fatty parts. Bay leaves as seasonings are quite enough for saturation. Chicken broths provide a great feeling of fullness and warmth. Be sure to drink warm liquid - then the result will become noticeable even faster.


First of all, allergies manifest themselves on the skin and are accompanied by a red rash, itching (sometimes very intense), peeling, and dry skin. In the absence of timely treatment, the situation worsens and oozing or bacterial infections appear.

An allergic reaction to chicken is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • excessive lacrimation, itching and redness of the eyes, conjunctivitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the oral cavity;
  • allergic cough;
  • severe abdominal pain, dyspepsia;
  • eczema, tingling around the mouth.

The most dangerous negative reaction to chicken that occurs in children and adults is anaphylactic shock. The complication develops rapidly and poses a threat to life. Requires immediate medical attention. Severe allergies cause swelling in various parts of the body. Eyes, ears, and legs may swell. But the most dangerous are swelling of the larynx, which makes breathing difficult.

Symptoms of an allergy to chicken meat in infants manifest themselves in the form of colic. At the same time, the child constantly cries and kicks his legs. The baby's tummy swells and becomes hard to the touch. Often the child has vomiting and diarrhea.

Chicken liver

If everything is clear with the external parts, then is it possible to eat chicken liver while losing weight?

Liver is good in several ways:

  • Not rich in calories – 170 kcal;
  • Prevents anemia by maintaining the balance of B12 and iron (even more than in beef);
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • Development and stimulation of mental activity and good mood due to the presence of tryptophan.

To help the extra pounds go away faster, experts recommend using the healthiest olive oil rather than sunflower oil. However, it is worth understanding that chicken liver cannot be taken endlessly. Yes, it contains more iron, but in other respects it is significantly inferior to beef. See the proof in the video below.

A few videos on the topic:

Contraindications to eating chicken

Due to its histamine content, chicken meat is an allergen, so sensitive people should consume it with caution.

It must be taken into account that chicken meat that has undergone poor-quality heat treatment can become a breeding ground for salmonella, and in humans can cause a serious gastrointestinal disease - salmonellosis.

In addition, you should not overuse smoked chicken, as it promotes the growth of malignant tumors. This is due to the fact that during the smoking process, amino acids undergo modification and radioactive isotopes accumulate in chicken meat. In addition, in modern conditions it often happens that when smoking meat they use substances harmful to the human body: acetone, formaldehyde, phenol.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Vegetables with chicken

The traditional combination of meat and vegetable finds, in the case of 1st grade chicken (especially chicken breast), the best application. By adhering to this diet, there will be no thoughts about a meager diet. The time for rapid weight loss is designed for 7 days with a daily dose of 2000 kcal (approximately 550-600 grams of meat) per day. The optimal ratio is usually 1:1. A slight discrepancy is acceptable. But in general it turns out that:

Any vegetables, fruits, berries, greens are allowed (except for avocado - it contains fat, like chicken itself), except for potato tubers. The remaining rules are suitable for each type of chicken diet:

  • The daily drinking norm is one and a half liters of filtered water without gas;
  • Quarter daily division - 4-6 meals;
  • Clean meat is eaten, skinless fatty tails;
  • To activate the receptors, it is possible to add natural seasonings, but not salt.

Some cereals can be a side dish for the breast: buckwheat, rice, barley.

On a chicken diet for weight loss, forget about the following products: salt, sugar, bouillon cubes (you can forget these forever), any bread, chicken skin, boiled and crushed potatoes. And do not fry the chicken under any circumstances.

Chicken with citrus

It is not suitable for everyone, meaning the exclusion of absolutely all products except chicken breasts and oranges. The daily norm is to eat no more than 2 fruits, so that the products are not taken together. The only liquid allowed is water, so to stay slim, you need to maintain its level in the body.

The diet is based on a solid protein base and no carbohydrates. The body sounds the alarm, fat cells are activated to obtain at least some energy. It is not for nothing that nutritionists classify chicken with oranges as a tough type of weight loss, since vital processes are, in fact, supported by fat deposits.

The healthy state lasts no more than 4 weeks. Having completed the course, the next month can be devoted to unloading. You can start eating fast carbohydrates, fried and spicy foods in a couple of months.

In the end, we can say that diets are useful until the weight normalizes. Prolonging the reduced diet will affect the organs and leave marks on the hair and nails. What you need to do constantly and regularly is a set of physical exercises. The abundance of protein implies its active consumption of energy during training, so no matter how much chicken you eat, the body needs to be given a strength load. But for a slim figure, nothing is a pity!

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