Superstitions that bring happiness - wedding signs for the bride, groom and parents

Although many modern couples say that they do not believe in omens and superstitions, considering them wedding stereotypes and prejudices, most of them think differently in their hearts, especially when it comes to their own happiness.

Brides often do not show their dress to the groom before the wedding, newlyweds are afraid to drop their rings at the wedding - many couples in love believe in these and other signs for fear of ruining their happiness. What other signs exist, what can be done at the wedding and before it, and what cannot be done, the portal will tell you.

Wedding signs

Superstitions with ancient roots

In Rus', weddings were held according to the established scenario. It’s not for nothing that the expression “play a wedding” exists. The wedding was just a game, a theatrical performance. Traditional rituals have not changed for centuries. There were always matchmaking, bridesmaids, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, ransoms, weddings, and feasts.

The most popular wedding signs for the bride, which came from Ancient Rus', are shedding tears before the wedding and unraveling the braid of the hero of the occasion at the bachelorette party. The girl sang sad songs and wailed so as not to be sad in her married life, and the ritual with the scythe symbolizes farewell to her parents' home.

In the evening the groom appeared with gifts. The bride gave the chosen one a totem animal - a bear. The groom kept the talisman or figurine until the wedding; after the wedding, the amulet was taken to the newlyweds’ home.



  • Before entering the hall, the newlyweds treat each other with salty bread. This should be the last time they hurt each other.
  • After the registry office, the most revered relative leads the newlyweds around the festive table three times, this symbolizes the inextricable bond of the married couple.
  • You should definitely break the first glass of champagne - for good luck! If dishes break at a wedding, it is fortunate.
  • At the wedding table, the newlyweds are required to sit not on chairs, but on the same bench, so that family life can be friendly.
  • There is such an interesting sign: if the bride accidentally drinks from her betrothed’s glass, it means that she will take his entire salary.
  • So that the newlyweds always have money, the newlyweds place a scarf with dry cockroaches under the bench.
  • If one of the guests drops a piece of food on the floor, the young people will always have a lot of treats.
  • If the bride's friend accidentally stepped on the hem of her wedding dress, it means she will soon be married.
  • If the young woman knocks back a full glass, the husband will drink.
  • If there are many children at the wedding, this means a fun and noisy family life.
  • A special decoration of the table is the wedding cake. The bride needs to cut it, and the groom supports the knife. The young people are treated to the first piece of cake - for good luck.

European roots of customs

Over time, Old Russian pagan and Christian rituals began to supplant European traditions. It was from Europe that the fashion for a white dress came, because in Rus', from time immemorial, the dress was scarlet. Let's look at some European wedding signs for the bride and groom.

  • You must insert a safety pin into your outfit to protect against the evil eye.
  • The outfit should contain blue color: you can make a few stitches with blue thread on the wrong side.
  • The toilet should have at least one not new accessory: it is advisable to wear shoes at home a few days before the wedding day.
  • Earrings should be worn by a happily married woman.
  • The dress can be of any shade, but the linen is only white.
  • The unlucky colors of a wedding dress were purple, green, black, and blue. Widows wore dresses of these colors.


Wedding gifts are considered an important aspect of the special day. Signs regarding this part of the important day read:

  • You cannot give sharp objects: knives, forks, which carry aggressive energy that can fill a new family. If such a gift was nevertheless presented, the donor should be given a handful of coins so that there will be no troubles in life.
  • You cannot give a watch, because it will count down the minutes and seconds of your life together, and it will last as long as the gift will work.
  • Spouses are advised to choose their own bed linen, because intimate life is a private matter, not a public one.
  • You cannot present towels and handkerchiefs, so as not to condemn the newlyweds to tears and sadness.
  • Icons can only be given by the closest people: parents, grandmothers, godparents, because it is with such a valuable gift that the energy of the family is partially transferred into the hands of the young. If one of the invitees decided to make such a present, then the icon must first be consecrated in the church.
  • You also cannot give antiques that retain the energy of their previous owners. After all, they will influence the young family in their own way, and such influence may not always be good.
  • You cannot give a mirror. This is a magical object, and what is reflected in it is an astral projection of everything that a person sees in reality. As a wedding gift, the mirror will become a door to a parallel world (illusionary), which will provoke the newlyweds to lead a double lifestyle.
  • You cannot present pearl jewelry to the bride, otherwise the latter will often cry and grieve in her family life.
  • Also, guests should not give rings or cufflinks with amber, the energy of which can cause failure in their career. It is recommended to re-gift such gifts immediately.
  • For a smooth path in life, the bride should be given a white tablecloth as a gift.
  • You cannot give red roses. It is better for them to prefer a bouquet of wildflowers from daisies, cornflowers, lungwort and others, symbolizing love and tenderness. Lilies of the valley will be original as a wedding bouquet - a symbol of romance, happiness and fidelity. You can opt for violet - a flower that symbolizes the purity of soul and thoughts.

What rings will bring happiness

wedding signs for the bride and groom 4For weddings, only smooth rings are chosen, without engraving. Accessories for the bride and groom are chosen in the same color scheme and in a similar style, so that the newlyweds live on the same wavelength - in peace and harmony.

  • The rings must be new. Jewelry is not made from melted metals, including parents’ rings. Old metals one way or another carry energy, including negative energy.
  • No one should touch wedding rings. This will help avoid the transfer of negative energy. Only an innocent child can touch the rings of those getting married.
  • The pillow and box are removed by the bridesmaid or groomsman after the rings are exchanged. The newlyweds themselves should not touch the pillow - this means separation.
  • In the ancient Russian tradition, it was considered bad luck to drop a ring during a wedding. This promised a break in the marriage. However, failure can be avoided - the witness must take a thread to the registry office. If the ring falls, it is strung on a thread and handed over to the bride or groom.
  • Apart from rings, the newlyweds should not have any other jewelry on their hands.

People don't part with their wedding ring throughout their entire married life. It is considered bad luck to lose a ring. In some cases, it is not possible to wear a ring on your finger. For example, in a workplace, wearing a ring can lead to injury. In this case, the accessory is worn on a neck chain.

Bad omens: what not to do at a wedding

Under no circumstances should you drop your wedding ring. If this happens, the newlyweds may soon separate. To eliminate the negative influence, you need to thread a thread through the fallen attribute, to which all the negativity will be transferred.

The used thread must be burned after the wedding ceremony has been performed. Burning is carried out only by the person responsible for the incident. While the thread is burning, he must say:

Lost or suddenly burst jewelry indicates separation, divorce, breakup.

If during a wedding, while standing under the aisle, a girl drops her scarf, she will remain a widow.

A bride's broken heel at a wedding promises trouble in family life.

If a bride cuts or pricks her hand, she will live her whole life in quarrels with her husband.

Rituals for the groom

Although there are mainly wedding signs for the bride, before and during the wedding the groom must also observe several customs.

  • To seal the union, the groom must carry the bride across the bridge.
  • After the wedding, coins are placed in the groom's wine glass and kept away from prying eyes.
  • The groom can place a coin under his right heel for good luck. This custom is also relevant for the bride.
  • The groom at the evening should dance only with the bride in order to maintain a strong marriage. In addition, you can dance with your mother-in-law for a short time.

Interesting! In Ancient Rus', the groom was assigned a passive role - during the ransom, the groom did everything for him. Now the witness and friends of the groom are actively involved in the ransom.

There is a long-standing tradition of planting young ones on the skin with the fur facing up. It is believed that then peace and prosperity will reign in the family, and the family itself will adhere to established traditions, where the husband is the head of the family and the breadwinner.

Wedding: signs for an ancient ritual

Today, a wedding is not a mandatory ritual, but it is better to carry it out. After him, the couple will be under the protection of the Lord, and he will begin to protect the union of lovers.

It is impossible to dissolve this union, since it was concluded not in the mortal world, but in heaven. There are a number of signs that must be followed during the wedding:

  • under no circumstances should those who hold crowns over the heads of young people lower or change hands;
  • the bride should not change her shoes during the ceremony (especially if this is done by a stranger);
  • whose candle of the couple burns out first will have a shorter life;
  • The newlyweds must blow out both candles together, then they will have a long life together.

Do's and Don'ts for Parents

After marriage, two families become one. This can be secured using a magical ritual - parents on both sides should stand on the same carpet. Let's look at the rest of the wedding signs for the parents of the bride and groom in the following list.

  • The first glasses are raised to the father-in-law - to prosperity in the new family.
  • If mothers of young people wish their children a strong relationship, they come to the wedding in dresses, not suits.
  • Parents should not get between the newlyweds, so as not to cause quarrels and troubles.

It is also considered a good omen for parents to cry at the table.

Interesting! We advise you to familiarize yourself with what the wedding cake and groom's suit should look like in terms of signs.

Signs for the bride and her dress

The main signs for brides related to the wedding relate to her dress. For example, it is not advisable for a bride to look at herself in the mirror in her wedding dress. Under no circumstances should you wear someone else's wedding dress. Fur trimming a dress brings wealth. Of course, if this fur is natural. The shades of flowers in the dress also have symbolism. People believe that a blue ribbon decorating a wedding dress symbolizes the fidelity and purity of the bride. It doesn’t matter in what form it appears - in the hair, as a belt, or as a garter. There is a sign associated with the bride’s shoes. Folk wisdom has taken good care of the traditions of what wedding shoes should be like. First of all, they must be closed. This will help protect the bride from the attacks of other men. It is also considered a good omen to wear worn shoes to a wedding.

What color of wedding dress should I choose? The dress is the main attribute of the wedding. Therefore, brides are constantly faced with the problem of what a wedding dress should be. Let's look at the main colors of dresses and see how suitable they are for a wedding:

  • White wedding dress - life will be light and bright
  • Red wedding dress - the future will be full of love
  • Yellow - the bride will be ashamed of her groom
  • Blue - the groom will always be faithful
  • Green - the future will take place in a quiet, narrow family circle
  • Black - unfortunately
  • Pink – unpreparedness for marriage. Lots of challenges
  • Gray dress - to sadness

Selling a wedding dress is also considered a bad omen. Thus, the bride sells her family joy to another woman. Trying on a wedding dress long before marriage means a short relationship.

Rituals for guests and witnesses

A strong marriage, according to legend, also depends on the participants in the wedding.

  • Only unmarried witnesses are invited to the wedding.
  • The number of guests must be odd.
  • You cannot give cutlery to young people - this means separation.
  • When leaving the Wedding Palace, the newlyweds are showered with wheat grains, rice, and small coins to bring good luck and longevity to the family.
  • Guests should not pass between the bride and groom or stand between them. Otherwise, there will be many scandals in the family.
  • If the bride wants to help her unmarried friend get married sooner, she should ask her to take off her veil after the wedding.
  • If someone sneezes a lot at a wedding, the newlyweds will have a happy marriage.

As for the bouquet, two traditions have united in our country. According to European tradition, the bride throws the bouquet to her bridesmaids, standing with her back to the audience. The lucky one who catches the bouquet will become the next newlywed.

wedding signs for the bride and groom 7According to Slavic custom, the bouquet could not be released from one’s hands even for a short time. That’s why at Russian weddings they throw not a real bouquet, but a substitute.

Signs that prevent marriage

Many of them are simply inverted signs of imminent marriage. For example, you cannot sweep the floor from the windows to the doors and around you: by doing this you are sweeping family happiness out of the house. And you can’t give or take anything over the threshold - it leads to many years of loneliness.

If at a wedding you managed to catch a bouquet, but it jumped out of your hands and another guest picked up the flowers, then in order for both of you to get married, you need to “cheat” the omen: take the bouquet apart and make two of it for each. Otherwise, you will both be left without a groom.

If you don't want to miss your chance to wear a white dress, here are some things to avoid:

  1. Do not remove trash from the table with your hand.
  2. Do not comb your hair or do your hair in the presence of strangers.
  3. Do not braid your hair on Annunciation Day.
  4. Do not wear rings (other than an engagement ring) on ​​your ring finger.
  5. Do not try on the bride's outfit and veil if they already belong to someone.
  6. Don't sit on a windowsill or on a corner.
  7. If you are invited to a wedding, do not take part in competitions.

Wedding omens for unmarried girls can also tell you how to avoid a bad husband. If your feet get wet when doing laundry or washing dishes, and the laundry is poorly wrung out and water flows from it, this will lead to problems with alcohol for your future husband, do such work more carefully.

Be careful and do not miss an important sign of fate or sign. And if they have already led you to your goal and the wedding day is scheduled, then on the website read about the signs before the wedding.

  • 7 photos


There are also several other happy wedding omens known. For example, rain on a wedding day promises a strong union, and wind promises violent quarrels. Superstitious people should pay attention only to favorable beliefs and not think about bad omens. There is no justification for the fear of getting married in May or on a leap year. In May, as you know, sowing work began, which is why the statement was invented that getting married in May means toiling for the rest of your life.

Wedding signs and superstitions for the bride and groom are most often associated with ancient traditions that have developed over centuries, which is why faith in them is so strong.

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Wedding ritual of covering the bride

In this rather beautiful wedding ritual, a special place and participation is given directly to the bride and mother-in-law. It was our ancestors who endowed this ritual with special magical features. In the very ritual of covering the future wife and mother, the mother-in-law herself removed the veil from the young woman and covered her head with a scarf. It was precisely such actions that embodied the sacred meaning that a girl was already becoming a woman and a wife.

At this moment, the bride herself can, as if jokingly, throw off her scarf twice, but the third time the mother-in-law ties the scarf on her daughter-in-law’s head. After this, all the unmarried girls present at the wedding lead a young round dance around, while the bride herself tries on her veil on each head, thereby wishing each of them to get married as soon as possible and find their family happiness.

All the wedding signs you need to know about

Marriage signs and superstitions are divided into “good” and negative. General signs that all newlyweds adhere to are that you should not see the bride in full decoration before the wedding, drop rings, and not sleep together before the holiday.

wedding ceremony

Good signs:

  • Newlyweds going to the registry office should choose a confusing road route for a comfortable, happy life; in the West, banks are tied to the newlyweds’ car.
  • After leaving the registry office, it is customary to shower the newlyweds with rose petals, small coins, and rice - this promises wealth to the newly-made family.
  • The bride and groom make sure that no one stands or passes between them before and after registering the marriage - a sign that there is no discord in the family.
  • The first glass of champagne is broken “for good luck”, with large fragments indicating the birth of the first-born boy, and small ones indicating the birth of a girl.
  • Crosswise pins attached to the clothes of the spouses will protect the couple from the evil eye and negative influence from the outside.
  • The sweetness eaten in half promises a “sweet”, good life for the newlyweds.
  • Rainy, snowy weather on a holiday predicts a happy union.
  • It is advisable to sit on the same bench at the holiday - this promises a community of interests and family coherence.
  • In wedding photographs, lovers should stand next to each other.
  • After the feast, the wedding attire must be carefully stored - a happy marriage will last for so many years.

A wedding in the drizzling rain is a good omen
. Negative signs:

  • A black cat running across the path of a wedding cortege means disaster.
  • If you encounter a funeral procession along the route, this means an unhappy marriage.
  • Renting someone else's accessories or wedding dress also promises misfortune for the future family. The exception is things from a woman living happily in a long marriage.
  • You can't hit a mirror on your wedding day. Although such a sign applies not only to the ritual, it is to misfortunes.
  • You cannot put rings on gloves or lose them or drop them - this means your husband will cheat on you and your family life will be difficult. This also includes the sign of a broken heel of a bride’s shoe.
  • The groom should not cut the birthday cake - this means the couple will be childless.
  • If the groom steps in a puddle in front of the bride's house, the wife will suffer from her husband's drunkenness. The same consequences threaten if your beloved drops a glass of alcoholic drink.
  • At a celebration, you cannot eat from the same spoon or fork - this promises constant claims against each other in the future.

Newlyweds can’t eat from one fork – it’s a bad omen

Selecting the date of the ceremony

Esotericism will tell you the numbers by which it is better to get married. It all depends on the selected month.

Selecting a celebration date

Many believe that the lunar calendar largely determines future family life. Health, poverty, and happiness are promised by odd numbers.

Newlyweds also prefer to legitimize their relationship on symbolic holidays: Valentine's Day, Family and Fidelity Day, Kissing Day, Hug Day. This year, the largest number of wedding bookings fell on 02/20/2020. The so-called “beautiful days” are also selected based on the same years, months, and dates.

Orthodox Christians focus on church holidays. It is customary to get married on the day of a saint who will protect the newly-made family and help in their endeavors. The only exception is that you cannot get married, get married during Lent, or other holidays on which getting married is not recommended.

Signs for marriage by month:

JanuaryTo be a widow
FebruaryHappiness, okay
MarchLive away from home
AprilA fickle marriage
MayA difficult alliance with betrayal
JuneStrong, happy marriage
JulyAlliance with varying success
AugustHappy, friendly marriage
SeptemberConflict-free life
OctoberThe hard way
NovemberMaterial well-being
DecemberBright marriage, from year to year

Wedding Dress

Married friends help put on the wedding dress.
Every girl, according to custom, dreams of looking like a princess at the celebration. The dress is chosen long before the event. Mothers and friends help the future bride. Wedding salons offer a large selection of both colors and styles. However, some female representatives prefer to sew a dress to order. Things to consider:

  • The decoration should not be dark shades, green - this portends misfortune, troubles in the house.
  • The dress cannot be tried on by anyone except the bride.
  • If the outfit is torn, this is a sign that you will get a grumpy, angry mother-in-law.
  • If the number of buttons on a dress is even, then the wife will be protected from her rivals.
  • The long tails of the bride's robe promise a long, happy, family life.
  • To prevent your husband from leaving for another woman, you should wear the outfit over your head. It is better to choose one-piece dresses.
  • It is better for a woman with a happy marriage of more than 7 years to repair torn clothes.

Important! To live your life, you should not buy a used dress, rent it. This way you can repeat the fate of the former owner. The exception is outfits from women living in long-term, strong marriages.


The longer the veil, the longer the family life.
You should also not rent a veil, buy someone else’s accessory, or let it be tried on. There are even more superstitions associated with the veil, for example:

  • The attribute is kept for life; it protects the bride herself and her future children. According to legend, a sick child is wrapped in a veil, and he recovers faster.
  • If the veil is replaced with another headdress, hat, tiara, then there will be a quick divorce.
  • If you drop the veil, expect misfortune.
  • The length of the veil is proportional to the duration of the newlyweds' relationship. The longer it is, the longer they will live together.
  • If the veil is adjusted during a feast, a hole has formed in it - strangers will interfere with the marriage.
  • A bride's hairstyle without a veil will lead to disappointment, gossip, and lies.
  • If the accessory is already worn, but the wedding did not take place or was postponed, then only a man who is not related to her can remove it.

Wedding Shoes

Wedding sign - closed shoes
Wedding shoes should have a closed toe and heel. This way, family happiness will not leak out. The height of the heel does not matter, a bad omen is only associated with breakage - this portends a “lame”, changeable family life.

There is a popular belief that shoes should be broken in before the wedding. This will not only make it easier to get to the registry office during the holiday, but will also bring good luck and prosperity to the family. After the festive banquet, the shoes are worn until they are worn out.

Shoes without fasteners - for an easy birth, without lacing - for a strong union.


There are few signs regarding the wedding bouquet. The main one is to hold the bouquet in your hands or nearby on the table during the event. No one should touch it except the bride.

Newlyweds should take the presented flowers to their home, not give them to anyone, give them away, forget them. Before entering the room, the number of buds is recalculated; it must be odd.

White roses are a symbol of innocence

Preference is given to white and soft pink roses, which symbolizes tenderness between spouses, the innocence of the newlywed, and the sensuality of the couple. Red roses symbolize the passion of a relationship; adding blue flowers to a bouquet, according to the sign, will add wealth and prosperity to the union.

Wedding rings

There are many wedding signs and superstitions associated with rings, many of which have been tested for centuries. Rings are bought new, they cannot be lost, dropped during painting, pawned, or sold. Preference should be given to jewelry without inscriptions, notches, or stones, so that nothing disturbs family peace. The exception is rings with rubies - this signifies the brightness of relationships, diamonds - this signifies the longevity of the union, and emeralds - promise tenderness between partners.

During the painting, the spouse should not put the ring on his gloved finger; it is better to take them off before the Wedding Palace - this can lead the couple to an unhappy marriage. Jewelry that is inherited should also not be worn at registration.

Important! The groom buys rings in one place for both himself and his betrothed - this is for a long, joint, strong family. According to popular belief, anyone can touch the jewelry of the newlyweds, thereby bringing their own wedding closer.

You can break a bad omen in the form of falling rings at the legalization of marriage by threading a white thread through the raised ring.

The decoration on the bride's finger should be wider than that of the groom. This is a sign that the husband will listen to his wife.

The bride's ring should be wider

Festive glasses and champagne

One of the attributes of the newlyweds’ wedding table is unique glasses and champagne. Only young people drink from these glasses; according to wedding tradition, one pair of glasses is broken at the threshold of the registry office, after painting. Containers drunk to the bottom symbolize the absence of bitter tears in the family.

Other, more expensive, exclusive wine glasses are used during the celebration. Two bottles of champagne are bought to accompany the glasses, the first of which is drunk on the wedding anniversary, the second on the birth of the first child.

The glass of the wine glasses should be transparent, this indicates the openness of the relationship; darkened or colored crystal foreshadows secrecy between spouses, misunderstandings, and quarrels.

It is believed that glasses preserved for years protect the hearth and are passed on by inheritance.

Transparent wine glasses


This wedding sign was born from the custom of greeting dear guests with bread and salt. The loaf is baked in the groom's house by older married women, headed by their own godmother. You cannot prepare wedding bread for widows, divorced women, or childless women. Only happy relatives with many children are allowed to bake a loaf.

They are also tasked with making a towel that protects the loaf from the evil eye. The top of the bread has a meaning:

  • Swans touching each other symbolize swan fidelity
  • Ears of wheat, braids promise monetary wealth
  • Grapevines, grapes - to a comfortable, happy life

The groom's parents greet the newlyweds with a loaf of salt and a salt shaker; each one bites off a piece without touching it with their hands. Whoever bites off the most will be the master of the house. Relatives and guests are treated to leftover bread. This custom promises well-being of family life, harmony, mutual understanding, and prosperity.

Wedding loaf

A wedding cake

Cake is an essential attribute of any wedding. There are no restrictions on height, color, size. It all depends on the tastes of the newlyweds, budget, and mood. The cake is brought out at the final official part of the wedding celebration. The young ones eat first. The wife cuts, the husband supports his beloved by the arm.

An interesting sign for a wedding is that the one whose hand is higher when dividing the cake will dominate.

It is customary for a new husband and wife to feed sweets from each other’s hands. This unites the union and harmonizes the marriage. Next, the cake is distributed to relatives and guests. Everyone who eats a piece of the treat is promised happiness and good luck.

According to folk tradition, if an unmarried girl wanted to get married quickly, she was supposed to eat a piece of wedding cake before going to bed and put the crumbs under her pillow. In her dream, she was supposed to dream about her future groom.

Important! Another belief is associated with crumbs - at a wedding it is customary to scatter them, so that wealth and prosperity will come to the new family.

Negative superstitions associated with wedding cake:

  • dropping a piece of delicacy means divorce, and the culprit will be the one who dropped it;
  • the cake needs to be finished - as the treat will dry out, so will the bride;
  • dropping a piece intended for a guest means trouble for the latter.

Wedding loaf

A wedding ring is a magical item

A wedding ring, as a symbol of infinity, unites spouses into one union. People at all times firmly believed in omens about rings and were afraid of their fulfillment. Our task is to dispel the fears of newlyweds. Young people are most afraid of dropping a ring. Anything can happen from excitement! They say that if a ring falls on the floor, it means separation. Nothing like this!

Before going to the registry office, put a small piece of thread in the groom's pocket. This is just in case. You will be more confident exchanging rings. What does the thread have to do with it? And here's what it has to do with it!

If you drop a ring, then calmly pick it up and pass the prepared thread through it. After painting, burn it and that’s it! You will burn all the negativity that she has absorbed. The entire procedure must be completed by the one who dropped the wedding attribute.

In addition, the ring should not be given to anyone to try on. After painting, the boxes from under the rings should be given to unmarried people, and you yourself should not touch them again.

A wedding without traditions - interesting and unusual wedding ideas

The most popular ceremony is the sand ceremony for a wedding: the bride and groom pour black and white sand from vessels into one container, thereby promising each other that from now on they will be one and can never be separated. The pattern that is obtained by mixing sand of different colors always turns out individual, just like people’s destinies.

pour sand at a wedding
Sand ceremony at a wedding

The next touching ceremony begins with the newlyweds writing two letters to each other . In them, young people guess the first 10 years of married life. The following provisions can be specified :

  • what joint goals do they adhere to;
  • what feelings they experience the night before the wedding;
  • how they wait for this day;
  • who will drink the most at the holiday;
  • who will dance the most fiery dance;
  • who will say the longest toast;
  • who will give the largest bouquet;
  • what they swear to each other.

In addition, messages can be supplemented with :

  • include additional letters to future children;
  • add pictures;
  • express feelings in poetry.

The longer the letter, the more interesting it will be to read on your 10th wedding anniversary. Next, you need to purchase your favorite drink that will not spoil within such a period of time. It is placed in the box along with the letters. The joint of the lid is sealed with wax candles and, accordingly, with a seal.

what traditions are honored at a wedding
Wine ceremony

If it happens that the newlyweds in a few years will not be able to cope with any life situation, this box can be opened ahead of schedule. By taking out your favorite drink and remembering your feelings, you can improve your relationship. This idea is called the box hammering ceremony and is even recommended by psychologists.

Hay or wood shavings, as well as ribbons, will make the box more elegant. You can close it with a lock or nails

It is better to have a beautiful wine ceremony at a wedding during registration. This will make the marriage more complete. A time capsule can become a family heirloom, reminiscent of this day, and a good piece of furniture.

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