The origins of the development of hysteria
Boys should not cry, complain, or show any emotions, but if a person closes himself off, then at some point his psyche fails. The overflowing cup is “poured out” and a violent emotional outburst occurs. The male form of “hysterical syndrome” tends to recur frequently and not everyone wants to realize that they have a problem.
With women everything is simple - there is an established stereotype that they are all hysterical, bitches, etc. With men the situation is more complicated. Nervous breakdowns occur more often in people who are used to hiding everything to themselves. If you pay attention to the trend towards suicide, suicidal people do not talk about their problems, they always look smiling, get along well with people, but do not open their souls.
Every trait of the human psyche needs to be fulfilled, and every dream needs to be realized. When we get what we want, we feel satisfaction; otherwise, we feel pain, annoyance, and disappointment. The ways to achieve goals are different for everyone; they correspond to the level of psychological properties that a person has achieved from 2-3 years to adolescence. In childhood, tantrums are a normal behavioral reaction of a child of any gender.
In infancy, the baby cannot otherwise express the desire to eat, drink, sleep, or talk about pain, boredom or discomfort. As a person grows up, he acquires communication skills and copies the behavior of those around him, who are his authority. At 2-3 years of age, a personality crisis occurs, when the child does not yet understand how to express his protest, show independence, and get what he wants. Here the task of parents is to find a balance between harsh upbringing and indulgence in whims. It is important for them to become a role model and show them how to achieve their goals, teach them to understand “why it’s not possible.”
Provoking factors
Hysteria in men can be triggered by several factors.
- Accumulation of stress.
- Interpersonal conflict.
- Gender role.
- Guilt.
- Mental predisposition.
- Frequent drinking of alcohol.
Frequent drinking of alcohol is a provoking factor for the appearance of hysterics in men
The accumulation of stress does not go unnoticed. If a person is not accustomed to sharing problems, then sooner or later a nervous breakdown will occur, provoked by physical and nervous exhaustion.
Intrapersonal conflict often becomes the cause of hysterical behavior in men.
When he cannot fulfill what society demands of him, the inner “I” begins to actively resist. An individual experiences pangs of conscience in front of his wife, mother, and neighbors for not being able to provide for himself or others properly, but “he should.” Inside, a person realizes that it is not his fault, but sometimes he loses his positive attitude and motivation. Torment causes a violent outburst of emotions. In reality, hysterical behavior begins to appear after a certain push: meeting a more successful person of the same age, disappointment in work, etc.
A man tries on a gender role already in childhood. This is usually the result of improper upbringing. The child sees how mom manipulates dad through hysterics or achieves everything himself in this way. As he grows up, he is not taught that these behaviors are not normal. Usually in such families, the father takes little part in raising his son.
A heightened sense of guilt causes psychological pain. Makes a man tormented and experience moral discomfort. This can also be the merit of the parents. This often happens in single-parent families. The child feels deprived and has a strong opinion that the parent left the family because of him. As an adult, through hysterics he will pour out his grievances to his other half. Hysterics against a background of jealousy are attributed to the same factor. Often a man, having cheated himself, begins to suspect the woman of this sin.
Mental predisposition is determined by temperament. Nervous outbursts are observed in choleric and melancholic people. In the first, hysterics pass violently, they become aggressive towards others, in the second - hidden, aimed at self-flagellation, and can lead to suicide.
Drinking alcohol can trigger hysterics. Men, in an attempt to drown out their mental torment, often turn to the bottle. Under the influence of alcohol, all hidden aspects of character become apparent.
Hysteria and features of its manifestation in men
Before analyzing the problem of hysterical seizures in men, you need to determine their meaning, symptoms and causes. The manifestation of the disorder has controversial issues that require clarification.
Most people do not share the concept of hysteria and hysteria. But in the scientific understanding these are different phenomena.
Hysteria is a psychological breakdown that manifests itself in the emotional and behavioral spheres.
Hysteria is a psychological disorder of moderate to mild severity.
In modern psychology, hysteria is associated with hysterical personality disorder. Emotional breakdowns often act as an independent phenomenon, but are often a vivid expression, one of the manifestations of hysteria.
Signs of hysteria:
- Theatrics, excessive exaggeration of emotional reactions to events.
- Susceptibility to the influence of others and circumstances, suggestibility.
- Changeability, transience and superficiality of emotions.
- Excitement, desire to be the center of attention.
- Expressed “frankness” in behavior and appearance. Appearance is used to attract attention.
- Preoccupation with one's physical attractiveness.
- Provocative behavior that is aimed at seduction.
- Vague speech, ignoring details.
- Exaggerating the importance and depth of relationships with specific people.
Signs of hysteria:
- Aggressive behavior.
- Crying, sobbing.
- Scream.
- Rapid, unintelligible speech.
- Expressed facial expressions.
- Rapid, erratic and unconscious movements of the hands.
- Walking from side to side.
- The desire to blame others, family members and close relatives for one’s condition and problems.
The causes of hysteria include psychological trauma that a person receives in childhood or adolescence. These are painful, distorted transformations of the perception of oneself, others and reality, which is fixed in the subconscious. These processes occur during puberty.
Hysteria is a single or repeated manifestation that occurs as a result of strong influences from external factors (work, family, personal relationships, health).
Hysteria is a process of changing a person’s mental state as a result of the action of a traumatic factor, which is expressed in the transformation of a person’s emotions, thinking and behavior.
Causes of hysteria:
- A large number of suppressed desires that have gone into the subconscious.
- The presence of internal conflicts that the person himself is not aware of.
- Violation of family education. During puberty, a boy's sexuality is rejected in the family, the mother becomes distant, and the father is perceived as a competitor. Parents' behavior demands that the growing young man remain a child; changes in the body are ignored.
Causes of hysteria:
- Nervous overstrain.
- Physical fatigue and tiredness.
- Stressful situations.
- Internal conflicts.
Signs of male hysteria
Symptoms of hysteria in men:
- complete rejection of criticism - the individual takes everything with hostility, does not know how to use irony towards his person;
- irresponsibility - he delays making a decision until the last minute, every time he finds a reason to shift his responsibilities onto his wife’s shoulders;
- refusal to admit mistakes;
- the ability to create a problem out of the blue;
- nervousness;
- superficial perception of the situation;
- egocentrism - a person concentrates only on his problems, he needs everything to revolve only around him.
The hysterical guy loves to complain. He will make a problem out of any little thing: his wife did not cook what he wanted, the computer takes too long to boot, etc. Complaints usually do not contain constructive information.
A hysterical man loves to complain to a woman
Hysteria manifests itself in heart-rending screams, sometimes tears, reproaches, and resentment. Sometimes a representative of the stronger sex is able to raise his hand against the “spectator” of his performance. Depending on your temperament, there may be a desire to harm yourself.
Methods for solving the problem
If your husband behaves like a hysteric, you need to win him over with cunning and feminine charm. Not every woman can please her husband. Today, in the age of emancipation, no one wants to listen to reproaches from a man after a long day of work.
Today it is time to write off the stereotype that a man works more and is subject to stress. In many families, the woman works all day, does household chores, goes to school, takes care of the child, while the man just attends his work, and eats and sleeps at home, doing nothing.
A woman needs to learn to value herself, but responding to a reproach with a reproach will cause an intensification of the emotional breakdown at the moment of hysteria.
Lie in ambush
Bite your tongue and retreat from the “battlefield.” Let your husband shout and speak out. It is important to understand that at this moment he will not hear you anyway.
If it comes to assault, you should contact the relevant authorities and file for divorce. A man's hysteria is not a reason to beat a woman. Today he will hit you, and tomorrow he will beat you half to death - respect yourself.
If a man raises his hand, you should get a divorce
Be adamant in your decisions
Don't allow yourself to be manipulated. Talk to your husband calmly, make it clear that no one will make serious decisions in this state.
Be adamant in your decisions. Imagine that there is a small child in front of you, this is partly true. A man with a manner of manipulating people through hysterics has a psychological development at the level of a child.
Change your point of attention
The hysterical husband needs to be distracted. Psychological attacks are often used. It is enough to say any banal phrase in the midst of his hysteria and his attention will immediately switch from his own person: say “my mother will arrive in an hour.” Then we can say that mom changed her mind about going.
The second way to switch attention is physiological. This could be a slap in the face or a stream of cold water in the face, but this method is not used with an aggressive person, otherwise you may get a response.
Use safe words
If a man makes contact and wants to correct the situation, come up with safe words that you will pronounce in the midst of a scandal. This will be a sign for both of you to shut up for a minute.
Your husband is also allowed to use safe words in relation to you when the quarrel was your initiative.
Work ahead
If you notice a problem with a man, talk to him in a calm environment. Convince you to go to the doctor for a consultation. It is especially important to do this if the cause of breakdowns is overwork.
Prevent a scandal in advance every time. During their life together, every woman knows what can make her man flare up. If these are work topics, purposefully avoid them. If your husband is touchy or jealous, try not to provoke him. Everything is relative. There are boundaries that a man must also respect and be aware of his actions. It also happens that a scandal in the evening ends with the words: “don’t touch me, I’m tired,” in the morning, “don’t make me angry, I’m off to work,” but it’s necessary to talk and solve the problem.
A hysterical man: how to deal with him
Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to talk about their scandalous tendencies. After all, a man will not be able to get rid of such a mild and inexplicable cause as premenstrual syndrome. He will have to explain why, during a conversation with his beloved, he broke into a scream or burst into tears. And sometimes he himself does not know the answer to this question. And it’s a shame to admit this hysteria to yourself. Therefore, the man prefers to “forget” about her, pretending that nothing special happened. If the partner remains silent, he will finally become convinced that he is right, and the emotional explosion will repeat after some time, and more than once. So that you do not have to experience all the delights of your lover’s nervous breakdown, you must know how to react to such a situation in order to nip in the bud a man’s attempt to fall into hysterics.
Why does the second half become the object of male hysteria? Because demonstrating such weaknesses in front of your boss or friends is simply shameful. But the negativity accumulates, emotions seek a way out. Friends can twist a finger at your temple, and the boss can reprimand you or even fire you. And the beloved woman seems to be obliged to be there in sorrow and joy. Therefore, the man addresses his “one-man theater” to her.
The cause of a man's hysteria may be a protest against your point of view, an unwillingness to put up with life circumstances, or simply a bad mood. During a hysterical attack, a man cannot control his emotions; it is useless to appeal to his conscience and common sense at this moment. The hysterical person's face turns red, the veins in the neck swell, and shortness of breath appears. Such a performance is not only detrimental to the nerve cells of the spectator, but also dangerous to the health of the actor himself. If there is a physiological predisposition, during an outburst of emotions, an attack of allergic or bronchial asthma, epilepsy or angina may occur.
A separate type is the sentimental brawler. The final stage of hysteria in such a man is necessarily accompanied by crying. Psychologists believe that this behavior is typical for men with a feminine line of behavior. This does not mean at all that your partner is weak-willed and effeminate. Most likely, excessive emotionality is caused by upbringing, the main role in which belonged to the mother. An alternative option is that your man often witnessed family scenes between his parents as a child and over time began to perceive them as the norm.
Both classic hysterics and sentimentalists are distinguished by their tendency to causeless jealousy. Suspicion and mistrust are an ideal reason for another scandal. If you want, even in innocent communication with a colleague on the phone, you can spot signs of betrayal. Jealousy can lead to domestic violence if your tantrum loses control.
Has your domestic tyrant finally decided to raise his hand against you? This situation requires you to respond. Are you ready to endure beatings for rare moments of happiness? Will you be able to give birth and raise a psychologically complete child in an atmosphere of scandals and fights? Give the hysterical man an ultimatum: break up or have a normal relationship without any violence. Don't fall for his apologies and pleas for forgiveness. Leave the beatings unpunished - he will hit you more than once.
The hysteria will not last long if you do not respond to your partner’s attacks. Its goal was to attract your attention and “pump out” emotions: the hysteric wants to be pitied, reassured and followed his lead. If you feel tension while communicating with him, do not show it. If he slams his fist on the table or starts shouting insults, silently leave the room without reacting to insults or tears. Read an interesting book, get some fresh air outside, go to the gym. When you return, act as if nothing happened. When a discouraged man starts asking questions about your disappearance, invite him to have a heart-to-heart talk. Say that you intend to resolve any issues that arise exclusively in a calm atmosphere, without scandals or hand-wringing. Emphasize the kinship of your souls with your partner: tell him that you also want to work on the relationship, develop it, change it for the better. But in more peaceful ways, without scenes and hassle.
Don't force your man to admit that he is hysterical. Social attitudes prohibit a man from being hypersensitive, vulnerable, and psychologically unstable. Focus on awareness of the very existence of the problem of quarrels in the family, and not on psychological terms.
Hysterical man / Newspaper “Stavropolskaya Pravda” / June 14, 2013
Advice from psychiatrists
What to do if your husband is hysterical, a psychotherapist will advise:
- be calm yourself, the man will calm down faster, realizing that his performance is not working;
- take him to a secluded place;
- pour water;
- try to distance yourself.
After the attack ends, urgently take your husband to the doctor. Hysterics need to be treated with psychocorrection. Without doing this, you risk falling under the hot hand and raising mentally unhealthy children.
Develop your own tactics for symptom relief. Do breathing practices together. Monitor your man's immunity. Periodically carry out a preventive course of treatment with valerian (you can use any suitable herbal-based products) and vitamins. Ideally, it is better to consult a doctor. If no method helps, your husband shows no desire to change, you are not on the right path.
Male tantrums
It just so happens that men don’t cry.
Tears, screams, breaking dishes - women can do this. If a man starts yelling and stomping his feet, this is already hooliganism. But in reality, men are people too. And they, too, can have a real hysteria. Defensive reaction
Often male hysterics are a defensive reaction of the psyche in response to very strong stress. In this case, hysteria is like a valve that allows you to reduce internal pressure and avoid total destruction. He spent two years building his own business, and everything collapsed overnight; he was going to propose to you, and you invited him to your wedding with someone else... His reaction can be very violent: he will scream, bang his fists on the table, hit salad bowls against the wall. In a word, there is not enough adequate. And it looks creepy. But here it is important not to get scared, not to start crying in response, not to get under the hot hand with exhortations or consolations. Step aside and be quiet. Wait until he calms down, and only then can you come up, hug and kiss. Very kind and gentle. If it's appropriate in your relationship, sex can be a good way to calm down.
The power of a woman
For a man to start yelling and sputtering, severe shocks are not at all necessary. If you want, you can drive anyone into hysterics. Two people are guaranteed to do this - the mother and the woman she loves. Men are logical creatures. They quickly transform their problems into tasks and solve them. But women have an amazing ability to set basically unrealistic goals: “I want you to earn money, but don’t you dare go on business trips!”, “Either me or your work!”, “Either me or your mother!”... He can neither fulfill the conditions nor logically justify why this cannot be done. And you continue to demand, simultaneously threatening to leave and methodically exploiting feelings of guilt: “You always didn’t give a damn about me!” In such a situation, the man begins to scream in despair. If he does have a tantrum, it is important to bite his tongue immediately. You went too far. There is no need to get even more wound up and continue to sort things out. We need to dwell on the demands and try to understand the man’s logic. Most likely, he refuses to do something because of objective circumstances, and not out of harm. And you need to change something in this life: either your demands, or the form in which these demands are presented. Because you can't constantly drive a person into a corner.
It's scary, it's creepy
Sometimes men become hysterical from fear. Often these are funny fears. He is afraid of injections, afraid to go to the dentist, afraid to fly on an airplane. This happens in suspicious men or in those who like to control everything in their lives. And when it comes to an area in which, by and large, nothing depends on them, they begin to really panic. They begin to behave like unreasonable children: they can start screaming, lie down on the floor and declare that they are not going anywhere. And they can also get drunk... Don't laugh at him, he's really very scared. Treat him like a child. Console, promise to go and buy a toy for an adult boy. And don’t forget that kindness and logic are very effective in such cases.
One-man theater
In addition to hysteria - an instant reaction, there is also hysteria as a way of life. A typical hysterical man does not waste time on trifles. These are not women’s whims like “Buy me a fur coat.” Such psychotypes choose a wide audience; they need a crowd for their demonstration performances. A crowd of journalists, subordinates, just a crowd. And then the escalation of emotions, screams, and exaltation begin. At first glance, it looks like a momentary impulse. In fact, this is a well-calculated step, a kind of PR campaign. Politicians, revolutionaries and military leaders skillfully play out such hysterics in order to evoke the desired reaction in the public, and then lead them along. In everyday life, of course, such things look pitiful and absurd. But if you get such a failed commander, you will have to play the role of the troops. You are required to portray fear, delight, excitement in a timely manner, that is, to give out the expected emotions. Otherwise, instead of a calculated performance, you can get another hysteria - already uncontrollable.
"A real man
ABOUT! This is the most interesting type of hysterics. Outwardly, men of this type are real machos. Inside there are typical women, in the worst sense of the word. Romantic, sentimental, jealous, they understand women wonderfully, or rather create the illusion of understanding. You want to get married - he will tell you about the wedding. You want a child - he will want it with you. You don't want a child - he will become a convinced childfree. He will look after you beautifully and listen to your monologues for hours. But as soon as he realizes that you are caught, he will change. He will start banging his fists on the table and yelling. He will dictate the terms: when to come, what to wear, where to work and who to be friends with. And God forbid you disobey him! This is a veiled type of tyrant who, with his hysterics, will achieve one thing - complete control over your life. There can be only one piece of advice here: at the first manifestation of such symptoms, after the first hysteria, you need to run away from such a man. Quickly and without looking back.