Women's happiness is the basis for the fulfillment of any desires

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

The question “What constitutes a woman’s happiness” is always relevant and controversial. For some, it is important that “the sweetheart is nearby,” while others plunge headlong into motherhood, pushing their husband into the background. And some people strive to become a “business shark” all their lives. Is there a golden mean? And if so, how to achieve it? Psychologists say that a woman truly feels happy when she reveals herself to the maximum and evenly in all her forms. Which ones? Let's read about this further.


Girls have been striving to become a bride since childhood. Looking at wedding dresses in store windows, everyone imagines themselves in them. In the old days, in order to get married successfully, entire strategies were developed. Teaching handicrafts, manners, languages ​​and everything in general was aimed precisely at catching a worthy companion in one’s net and living with him all his life, hiding from difficulties “for a husband.”

Today, when society has overtaken emancipation, both sexes have equal rights. But do women now want to get married less? No, the desire remained unchanged, but the concept of marriage has still undergone that metamorphosis. A modern couple strives for harmony and partnership, bypassing the gender distribution of responsibilities. “It’s not a man’s job to cook borscht,” “What, you don’t know how to bake pies? You are the hostess! - phrases that are a thing of the past.

Mutual reproaches were eradicated by joint efforts to have financial independence, self-development, and raise children. Partner births, wives driving cars, husbands with children on playgrounds create a new idea of ​​marriage. The female body is designed in such a way that it must constantly give out its warmth and care, but at the same time, it requires immediate replenishment. And it’s hard to do without the intervention of a partner. A union where there is mutual respect, understanding, love, still remains a source of female happiness.

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What does a woman need to be happy?

What does a woman need to be happy?

To be loved and to love

The overwhelming number of women cannot imagine their lives being happy without love. Of course, first of all we are talking about mutual feelings. Unfortunately, from a young age, many representatives of the fair sex experience a series of disappointments in their personal lives, which further confirms their belief that meeting a worthy man is not so easy. Gradually, such a meeting becomes the most desired goal of a woman.

A man's reliable shoulder is nearby

Of course, love is a wonderful and inspiring feeling, and yet many women are inclined to believe that love alone is not enough, and it does not always lead to happiness. For a harmonious union with a man, not only feelings, but also actions are important - if a woman is in love with an unreliable chosen one, then she considers her love more of an annoying burden than a blessing. Each of us has our own idea of ​​what kind of man can be called reliable. For some, we are talking about fidelity, for others, material assistance is more important, but ideally, of course, we are talking about these two criteria at once.

Women's happiness - children and family

What makes many women truly happy is the fact that they are the caretakers of the home. Living together with a spouse and children becomes the main achievement for such women, and they realize themselves well in this area. If for some, home life and caring for household members seems to be a kind of torture, then for others it can bring true joy, and this is where they see their real purpose.

Confessions of love and compliments addressed to you

And yet, many people probably know this common expression: “Women love with their ears.” Many people do not admit it, but it is actually very important for them to periodically hear words of love from their lovers or simply fans. Knowing that someone is in love with them, even if it is unrequited, makes some women happier. They read SMS confessions and similar messages on social networks with trepidation. It's no secret that there are many women who carefully take care of themselves and flirt with the opposite sex for only one thing - to conquer men. At the same time, the woman herself may not fall in love, but she will be very pleased with the fact that she has another admirer.

Romance, actions

Of course, not everyone sees their happiness in family life. On various women's forums and in the company of friends, many wives admit that their marriage has not made them happy for a long time due to everyday worries and lack of romance. Often for this reason, women decide to have lovers or simply live unsatisfied lives if the husband is in no hurry to listen to their requests. However, this problem is present not only in marriages, but also in the relationships of many couples. We can also talk about a lonely woman who dreams of romance. Such a desire is not difficult to understand - from their youth, the fair sex watches romantic films, and is brought up on fairy tales in which knights do incredible things for the sake of their lovers. Subsequently, they really want something similar to happen in their lives - not only because it is very beautiful, but also, whatever one may say, pleasant.


Oddly enough, not all women see their happiness in a reliable husband or the attention of fans - for many it is much more important to realize themselves in a career, thereby satisfying all their ambitions. Most often this happens to women who, since childhood, have been forced to prove something to someone or to those who have experienced many hardships due to the unfulfillment of their parents. Subsequently, they promise themselves that they themselves will live differently and try in every possible way to achieve their goals. The first career victories really “inspire” them.

Internal integrity

Some people need material well-being to be happy, others need family harmony, while others see complete moral satisfaction in career fulfillment. And yet, there are those who can feel happiness without any mandatory external attributes. Of course, such women are in the minority, but they still exist. Some achieve a similar state through meditation, others delve deeper into some religion, but the result is the same - they are able to experience happiness, despite any troubles and vicissitudes of fate.


This is not about betrayal, as many might think, but about the sexual relationship of two people who love each other. In ancient cultures, theories of sex paid a lot of attention, considering making love not just a physiological need, but also a real art. According to the sages, complete fusion occurs only when the body, mind and heart of the partners are in absolute harmony. In addition, Australian scientists have proven that sexual satisfaction affects the overall standard of living of women. This conclusion was confirmed by 295 participants with whom various surveys were conducted.

As it turned out, women who feel desired almost always say: “I am the happiest!”

But what to do if you have a husband, family, children, but happiness has not come? Don't despair!

Let's sum it up

Understanding the question of what women's happiness is and how much of it is needed for a fulfilling life, let's try to sum it up. Most of the representatives of the fair half of humanity always declare that “himself” happiness is always lacking. This statement is aggravated by the rhythm of modern life, when a woman is both “in the hut” and “horse”, and does everything herself. But if you look at your life from the other side:

  • if you eat one chocolate every day and don’t gain weight, then sooner or later you’ll get tired of it;
  • if you receive gifts every day, they will cease to please and be interesting;
  • if you are “born for love” and in your relationship with your loved one there is only “peace and quiet”, life will seem boring.

Do you agree? The same is true with happiness. It’s good when it comes unexpectedly and fills the soul to the brim with unbridled light and joy. It will “live” a little and disappear, leaving behind sweet memories that you put in the “piggy bank” of memory. Look into your “piggy bank” and realize that your whole life consists of big or small moments of happiness.

It turns out that every woman has her own happiness. Look around, someone’s husband brings coffee to bed, someone’s baby is snoring in the crib, someone’s favorite promising job, someone’s best friends fill every day with joy. Happiness is what surrounds you, what gives you joy. Therefore, look at what and who surrounds you, and allow yourself to be simply happy.


It has been proven that women are already born with maternal instinct. It is rare to find a girl who does not have a daughter doll that constantly requires care: to bathe, feed, change clothes, put to bed. The same instinct first tells you how to care for younger brothers or sisters, and then reliably helps when caring for your own child.

Many young mothers admit that until the moment they met their child, they did not even suspect how unfulfilling their life was. Experience shows that many people find their professional calling after the birth of a child. This is explained by the fact that in the status of “mother” a feeling subconsciously appears: the main mission has been completed, you can proceed to another level.

The happiness of motherhood is accompanied by spiritual growth, a sense of pride and complete satisfaction, as well as a transition to a new stage of personal development.


Every woman hides a mistress. Belonging to this status is not due to the ability to make first-class dumplings, to always have a perfectly clean stove, to iron shirts, but to the ability to manage one’s own hut. This gives you the right to determine for yourself what is more beautiful or better.

It may not be strange, but the hassle of arranging and decorating a home nest really makes the housewife happy. To realize this incarnation, it is absolutely not necessary for her to run a vacuum cleaner from corner to corner every morning; it is enough to arrange the dishes to your liking, find a place for your favorite vase, and prepare a signature dish.

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This is not about career growth, but about developing abilities. It is important that every woman has a favorite activity in which she would be a real pro. It is not at all necessary to hold a senior position in any audit company. It is enough to develop existing talent, no matter what industry it belongs to. Handicrafts, copywriting, choreography or makeup can later develop from a hobby into a profitable job.

No matter how much the keeper of the hearth loves her family and children, she must develop and grow professionally. Why is this so important? The craft will become an outlet in difficult situations, raise self-esteem, promote comprehensive development and ensure the formation of a holistic personality.


To be a source of inspiration for someone means to take the form of one of the nine ancient Greek goddesses. Who wouldn’t want to become a patron of art, to whom talented masters dedicate music, poetry, and painting? It sounds pretentious, but in real life everyone wants to feel like a goddess, ascend to Olympus, and receive admiring odes.

This is what happens when the stronger sex notices something extraordinary, mystical, unique to her alone. It’s not for nothing that people say that a woman should be a mystery. It is she who attracts attention, causing a thirst to unravel it. The desire to match the image forces ladies to spend hours training, in beauty salons, and fashion boutiques. After all, looking great is simply the duty of the muse.

Naturally, there are not enough real artists for everyone, and there is no need for this. Every man who has the desire, of course, can sing the image of his beloved.

How to become happy?

So, we have finally come to the answers to the questions “How to find female happiness?” and “How to become happy?”

Despite the fact that there is a whole guide to finding female happiness, which I will gladly share with you, it is incredibly easy to do.

Step 1. What exactly gives you happiness?

First, let's define what makes you happy. Answer the question “What brings happiness to you personally?”

It could be anything: go to the cinema with a friend or read a book alone, go shopping or go to the SPA, eat a huge piece of unhealthy cake or lie in the bath enjoying velvet foam.

Perhaps you will object to me that you cannot feel happy “just like that”, that your happiness depends on some circumstances and reasons, for example, the approval of others or signs of attention from a particular person, even a loved one.

But remember the situations when you were happy without these factors and conditions. Surely there have been such cases. Think about it - what exactly made you happy at that moment?

If you could be happy then, in those very moments, then you can feel happy now. But at the same time, you must clearly understand that your happiness depends solely on you! Just stop suffering and allow yourself to be happy.

Step 2. How often did you please yourself and make yourself happy?

Now remember how often you fulfilled your little desires, your little “wants”, how often you gave yourself pleasant surprises?

Take a walk in the park, buy yourself a bouquet of flowers, take yourself to the movies, have a day off, find a hobby - the options can be very different. You define and decide what can fill you with happiness.

Pamper yourself! It is advisable, no, even mandatory, to do this daily!

Drowning in routine, boredom and negativity, we forget about ourselves. Instead of taking care of ourselves, we begin to painfully love someone and wait for this someone to make us happy, and sometimes even demand. As a result, he only moves away from us. After all, being happy and fulfilled is our own task. Shifting it to someone else, and at the same time the responsibility for your life, is a stupid and fruitless endeavor.

How to become happy? Here are three important tips:

  • Find in life what lights you up, inspires you and makes you move forward. Set yourself a clear goal to get it.
  • Make yourself happy every day, give yourself bright, lively emotions, laughter and joy. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Take action yourself.
  • Come up with and draw in your subconscious a picture of your ideal future - the life of your dreams. Fall in love with her, dream about the desired events every day, imagine them, filled with positive emotions.

You will be surprised how quickly and easily the right situations, circumstances and people will be attracted to you when you begin to experience happiness “here and now” and dream with pleasure about what you want.

If you can’t tune in to happiness on your own, use the audio tune-up for a man’s care and the return of women’s happiness.

how people become happy

Step 3. How your state of happiness can change your life

Above I have given some valuable tips and recommendations that will help you become a happy woman. And now I want to share feedback from my students who learned to be happy “right now” and, as a result, realized their dreams and fulfilled their desires.

Review by Nadiraz:

I really wanted to spend a special day with my beloved guy, smoothly turning into a pleasant night. The difficulty was that the guy had no reciprocal feelings. And in general we did not have a relationship, and my desire seemed unrealistic, to be honest.

During the marathon, I did different techniques every day, learned to observe synchronicity, practiced mindfulness, paid attention to my attitudes, sent love energy, mastered self-hypnosis and reaching the alpha level.

After the twentieth day of the marathon, I began to notice changes in the surrounding space. My boyfriend at that time had not yet entered into a relationship with me, but with other people I began to form connections and situations similar to my desire.

It was great and very inspiring. I realized that we create our own lives, and everything we have or don’t have is simply the result of our choices made in the past.

Ten days after the marathon, my wish completely came true. I don’t know what was the key moment in execution, but it seems to me it was: a strong intention and careful formulation at the beginning, as well as letting go of importance, inner relaxation, and a willingness to accept any result.

Now I wholeheartedly believe in the power of thought, because in practice I have seen how with my thoughts I create my own mood, and through it, situations. And through them my desires come true, that’s great!

I am very grateful to Lisa for this marathon, with her inspiring videos and sincerity that is felt in every lesson, it was easy to move forward, work on yourself, thank you very much!

This is exactly what Nadiraz talked about in her video:

After analyzing my student’s feedback, I can say with confidence that she found happiness within herself long before her wish came true. She understood how important it is to find female happiness even before the implementation of her plans, she clearly realized that she must first recreate harmony and love within herself, and only then - outside.

I want to note that she was unrequitedly in love with her man and, it would seem, could lament and suffer for him, persistently demand attention and reciprocal feelings, as many of us do. After all, you see, you really want reciprocity, especially when it comes to unrequited love.

But my student took a different path. Having asked the question “How to become happy?”, she made her own choice: to find happiness and harmony regardless of whether her lover is with her or not, regardless of circumstances and obstacles.

At first she found her female happiness without him. Nadiraz was convinced that we create our own mood: with our thoughts, through the high vibrations of our state, we create situations and circumstances that lead us to the fulfillment of our desires.

Please note that my student was not afraid to visualize a specific guy. She created a beautiful and strong relationship with him, first mentally, filled with happiness, and only then saw her dream come true.

Now this man loves her and is loved by her. And this was not “violence” on her part: no one forced or forced him. She only built and created a reality in which she is loved and happy, in which her man is always near and happy with her, in which they live in mutual love, harmony and fidelity.

At the closed master class, I tell a few more stories about how I personally and my students were able to realize the most unrealistic desires in a short time.

Find out how you can achieve this too >>>>

happiness how to become happy

And now let's meet another one of my students - Galina.

By her example, I want to show you that women's happiness is multifaceted. And if for some happiness is love, then for others it is the desired income and the desired job.


I live in a small town. Accordingly, we have very little work and it’s difficult to find something decent, especially if you don’t have connections. I worked as both a cashier and an administrator in a beauty salon. But I realized that I don’t want to live like this anymore. That it’s terrible, living from paycheck to paycheck, having a job you hate...

Therefore, I began to apply the law of attraction myself, Zelanda read, but since much was incomprehensible to me, it did not bring me any results. Therefore, I came to the marathon, inspired by the results of other participants, trusted Elizabeth, and set an ambitious goal to:

1. The work was at home. 2. The salary was twice as high as before.3. The work was in a good company.4. So that she brings me joy.

I decided that this was a job in a furniture showroom in a nearby shopping center. But I was afraid that I had no experience in sales, I was afraid that there were no vacancies, that I didn’t know computers, Excel, but nevertheless, I made an intention, didn’t miss a single marathon practice, believed that the Universe would help me.

And so, literally 1.5 months later, a friend sent me an advertisement for a vacancy in this shopping center. I went and was accepted, and now I’ve been working there for a year!

This month I even became the best seller because I exceeded the target.

I just love my job, I don’t believe that my wish came true so easily and the salary is not even two, but three times more than when I made my wish. After all, when I wrote in the first lesson, I laughed from the unreality. In general, this is how our dreams come true.

Video from Galina for those who are more comfortable watching than reading:

Galina took part in the “Wishes Come True Marathon 2.0”. As a result, she managed not only to find her dream job, but also to become happy.

The marathon is structured in such a way that you simply will not be able to live a day without happiness and joy. We focus on desire daily and raise our vibrations. After all, in order to achieve success in the future, you need to experience happiness now and anticipate a positive result.

And one more review that I want to give is Julia’s review. It clearly illustrates that every woman can become happy and love herself no matter what. Read it carefully - perhaps you will recognize yourself and see the mistakes that many of us make.


I want to tell you about how I took the course to return love relationships, where it led me and, in general, what I achieved after completing this course.

In general, until the course itself, I was completely confused. I no longer had the strength, I didn’t even want to live. I had such terrible thoughts, I lost the meaning of my life because my relationship failed.

This has already happened again. My husband and I often separated and got back together. I didn’t know what the reason was, I tried to understand all the situations, but I couldn’t find the answers, what was the reason, what was I doing wrong?

I gave myself completely and completely to him. I always confessed my feelings to him, arranged some interesting things for him so that there was no monotony, organized trips with him, that is, I was the initiator everywhere...

But somehow by chance, while surfing the Internet, I found Elizaveta Volkova, I found her course on getting relationships back. She was the only one who said that yes, you need to fight for your love, you don’t need to give up, love doesn’t come easy and you need to know that you can’t despair, you just need to work a little on yourself.

And I trusted her, I don’t know, but she really inspired such trust in me, as if she were my own person, like a sister or friend. And I trusted her, I completely purchased the course and I don’t regret it one bit, because I discovered a lot of things for myself:

— I began to work on myself and increased my Self-Esteem.

— If before the start of the course my ex-husband blocked me, then at the moment of completing the course, he unblocked me, he began to write to me, and I completely felt that he understood how I had changed and he himself even told me about it.

“I got rid of the pain from the grievances that caused me this pain, I looked at this life with completely different eyes.

“I began to understand where all my misfortunes, sorrows, sadness, disappointments, failures come from, and now I’m watching how I need to think.

One of the most common mistakes in relationships is that a woman, instead of making herself happy first of all, tries to make someone else happy and expects that same love in return. Julia also admitted it.

Trying in every possible way to please her husband, she, unfortunately, did not like herself. Having corrected a key mistake, beginning to appreciate and love herself, Julia created her own happiness, independent of external circumstances, and ensured that her beloved returned to her as a completely different person.

These and many other reviews, which you can find here and on other blog pages, indicate that all your wishes can be fulfilled. You can attract any salary, any person and any job.

The main thing is to make the right choice now. Visualize how you will feel at the moment when your wish comes true, and sincerely enjoy these sensations.

On topic: Self-love. The main ingredient in the recipe for your happiness

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