Aphrodisiacs for women. The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women, list. Aphrodisiacs for women in foods, spices, essential oils

Female libido: how to increase?

In this case, you can resort to the help of aphrodisiac products. With them, the passion for love for your husband will ignite with a new strong flame, and a spark of diversity will be added to your relationship with your lover.

It is believed that the consumption of aphrodisiac foods causes strong, uncontrollable arousal. But that's not true. Since a person is able to control thoughts, anger, hunger and other internal impulses of his body, then love desire can also be controlled.

Important : consuming aphrodisiac products only increases desire, but does not provoke passion unexpectedly, that is, “from scratch.”

In this article, we will look at aphrodisiacs for women that turn them into goddesses of love. How to ignite emotions and passion using “improvised means”? Is there an alternative to expensive drugs?

The best aphrodisiacs for women: list

Aphrodisiacs are used for one purpose: to increase attraction to the opposite sex. But if a man’s sexual desire is influenced by certain foods and oils, then women need completely different components for this. It depends on the location of the sexual pleasure centers.

This is interesting: in a man, impulses of sexual desire are triggered from the genital organ, in a woman - from the head, or rather, from the brain. If a woman’s psychological state falls into a love wave, then physiological pleasure is guaranteed.

Products, oils, sounds that are specifically female aphrodisiacs should promote relaxation and arousal. The subtle sensual aroma of essential oils, awakening notes of dark chocolate, a glass of wine and the flickering of candles will set you up for a romance that will continue.

For women with low libido, the following products are offered as aphrodisiacs:

  • ginger (after its use the sensitivity of the genital organs increases),
  • saffron herb has a similar effect to ginger on erogenous zones,
  • vanilla gives rise to erotic fantasies, is known for its arousing properties,
  • cayenne pepper effectively dilates blood vessels, helping to increase blood flow to the genitals,
  • celery leaves promote the production of pheromones, which are responsible for sexual desire,
  • dark chocolate produces happiness hormones that lead to desire for the opposite sex
  • lemon balm has a tonic effect on the reproductive organs,
  • Almonds contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the level of female sex hormones in a woman’s body.
  • seaweed replenishes the deficiency of almost all microelements in the body and restores strength well.

Types of pharmaceuticals, their pharmacy

Pharmaceutical drugs that enhance arousal and kindle the flame of passion are drugs of natural origin and synthetic stimulants .

Natural preparations contain extracts from plants and tree bark, extracts of herbs and spices.

Synthetic analogues, no less powerful, are specially developed by pharmacists to arouse women more quickly and act quickly and effectively.

drugs with a chemical base in pharmacies. All of these aphrodisiacs contain some amount of cantharidin or sildenafil, which affects the woman. These include:

  1. Spanish fly. A common remedy that has long been available on the shelves of any pharmacy for adults. The main component of this female pathogen is cantharidin, a toxic substance contained in the secretions of some bugs, a very strong aphrodisiac. Causes a rush of blood to the genitals, increases sexual desire.
  2. Women's Viagra. The general name for drugs containing sildenafil is a synthetic drug that has a number of positive qualities. It increases blood flow in the genitals, increases the production of vaginal lubrication, and helps achieve orgasm with every sexual intercourse.

Any means to enhance arousal based on chemical compounds have serious restrictions on their use.

Stimulants are prohibited:

  • women bearing a child;
  • hypertensive and hypotensive patients due to the effect of drugs on blood vessels;
  • teenagers under 18 years of age;
  • for cardiovascular diseases, genitourinary diseases.

Names of aphrodisiacs for women with natural composition:

  • Yohimbe. This is an aphrodisiac extract from the bark of an African tree. Yohimbe capsules dilate blood vessels, increasing blood supply to the pelvic organs. Simultaneously with blood flow, the medicine acts on excitation receptors in the brain, removing feelings of uncertainty and fear;
  • dietary supplements with natural ingredients. This is wormwood extract, ginseng root, tincture of lemongrass or eleutherococcus. Such drugs are available in capsules or drops. The last option is very convenient: a few drops are enough to relax and get ready for a pleasant evening;
  • Some of the most powerful aphrodisiacs for women are pathogens in the form of ointments and creams. Local preparations quickly achieve the final goal, enhance natural lubrication in women who suffer from increased vaginal dryness, and help achieve a bright and strong orgasm.

Any pharmaceutical product is selected taking into account the sensitivity of your body to its components, avoiding allergic reactions. Sexual desire enhancers can be used by mature women and women who have problems in the sexual sphere.

Girls taking medications that reduce libido and cause vaginal dryness should also not hesitate to use pharmaceutical aphrodisiacs in their arsenal.

Natural aphrodisiacs for women

  • Music is considered the best natural aphrodisiac. But not everyone finds musical melodies equally relaxing. Some people are turned on by classical music, others by the sounds of drums or slow sensual compositions.
  • The sounds of nature also awaken attraction. For example, the sound of the sea, the cries of seagulls, the sound of rain, the quiet singing of birds.
  • Sports, yoga, dancing, especially oriental dancing, also help increase a woman’s libido. Increasing blood flow to the pelvic organs for sexual desire plays an important role.
  • In addition to body correction, a woman will be able to become more self-confident, as well as learn to control and feel her body. Sport improves health and improves immunity.

And a healthy and peaceful woman has increased libido and desire.

  • Another natural aphrodisiac is the Spanish fly, which secretes cantharidin. Cantharidin acts as a powerful stimulant of sexual activity. Of course, this doesn't mean you need to eat an insect to increase your arousal.

The secret of the Spanish fly is contained in capsules, powders, tinctures and drops.
It is added to food without affecting the taste at all. Only you should use drugs with fly secretion no more than once a month. Recipe for making an effective aphrodisiac from the tropical plant guarana:

2 tablespoons of guarana seeds are poured into a liter of boiled water, left for 5-10 minutes, and then drunk several times before a romantic date.

Ginkgo biloba stimulates libido. Used in the form of tincture or tablets.

What products does it contain?

Nature is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and microelements, which become true helpers for a person in restoring health and maintaining general tone. All this is contained in natural products - vegetables, fruits, berries.

Attention! In addition to their beneficial properties, the products also have other components, due to which they can be used as aphrodisiacs.


This fruit is recognized as a secret healer in the field of intimacy, as it contains the maximum amount of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E and folic acid. This composition helps to increase endurance and overall tone, the production of hormones, and acts as a prophylactic against prostatitis.

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Chili pepper in the form of a spice contains an abundant amount of vitamin C, group B, provitamin A, as well as potassium and phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium.

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As usual, watermelon is a berry that is expected in the summer season. This aphrodisiac contains a substance such as citrullig, found in watermelon bark. If it enters a woman’s body, the active production of arginine begins, which takes part in nitric oxide, and it takes part in all processes of the human body.

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In particular, if nitric oxide is present in sufficient quantities, blood flow is noticeably improved and blood vessels come into a state of relaxation.


Among green vegetables, celery is the most powerful aphrodisiac, which has a similar effect to Viagra.

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Honey contains vitamins B, E, K C A, and other micro and macroelements in an easily digestible form.

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In addition, honey helps eliminate infections and fungi and improves intestinal microflora.

Attention! Honey has long been recognized as the most effective aphrodisiac, as it has a tonic effect, thanks to which the body receives a “second wind”.

Spices - aphrodisiacs for women

Spices and seasonings can ignite passion and increase sexual activity. When preparing food, you can change the composition of spices, thereby influencing your mood, increasing energy, and relieving stress.

Aphrodisiac seasonings
Essential oils of spices and seasonings that have a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere:

  • anise - ignites passion
  • mustard (seeds) and vanilla - awaken sensuality
  • cinnamon - increases desire and improves uterine tone
  • cardamom - considered the main component of love drinks
  • chili pepper, garlic - increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones
  • nutmeg - especially recommended by doctors to increase sexual desire in women

Herbs such as cilantro, mint, and tarragon have the opposite effect, reducing libido.

Aphrodisiac spices - aromatic notes that excite the blood

Regular use of spices that have a loving aura will give dishes an exquisite taste and wonderful aroma. With the help of properly selected spices, you can increase the secretion of gastric juice, which will entail blood flow to the genitals and increase sexual desire.

natural aphrodisiacs for women
Aphrodisiac spices:

  1. Cumin is the aroma of love and passion. The spice contains many essential oils, which give dishes and drinks a stimulating effect.
  2. Cloves have a subtle, pleasant aroma, which is useful for infusing confectionery and mulled wine. The aroma of cloves improves libido and helps prolong sexual intercourse.
  3. Ginger is an aphrodisiac originating from China and India, where the root is used as a talisman of love. The properties of ginger are among the strongest, so it must be used in doses.
  4. Marjoram is a popular spice among the French, Italians and Spaniards, famous for their hot blood. Marjoram reveals itself especially well when added to seafood.
  5. Basil has been used since ancient times to prepare love potions and love elixirs. The aromatic herb can be grown in a window and added to meat, vegetable and fish dishes.
  6. Vanilla has the ability to attract love, passion and admiration. It is not without reason that the spice is used to make perfumes and sweets, as this aroma causes euphoria and pleasure.
  7. Cinnamon can evoke strong feelings in men and women. The spice can be used to restore faded feelings, conquer the lady of your heart and increase sexual desire.
  8. Nutmeg is a very powerful aphrodisiac that only needs to be applied in a small amount. The spice can be added to drinks, dishes and desserts. Indescribable emotions and magical sensations are guaranteed.

It is possible and necessary to use spices in love affairs, but do not forget about the dosage, since almost all natural aphrodisiacs for women have a strong effect on the psyche.

Those who want to surprise their partner with their culinary skills and ignite the fire of passion in their blood can prepare savory dishes that will be the perfect prelude to a delightful evening. It must be remembered that dishes with aphrodisiacs should be light, without the rich aroma of spices and as healthy as possible. In order for the evening to be a success, it is better to get up from the table a little hungry, so that an overfilled stomach does not play a cruel joke.

In many Asian and eastern countries of the world, aphrodisiacs are constantly used in food, especially with regard to spices and aromatic herbs. Regular consumption of such products has a lasting and long-lasting effect that can stimulate sexual activity.

When choosing erotic products, it is necessary to take into account the taste preferences of your partner, so as not to get the opposite effect. You also need to remember about the dosage, especially for spices. An excess of spices can ruin the taste of the dish and cause the opposite effect, instead of a promising night of love, complete relaxation and a blessed sleep.

Essential oils - aphrodisiacs for women

Refusal of intimacy and lack of pleasure from it indicate problems of a psychological nature: stress, fatigue, accumulation of negative emotions. Natural essential oils help relieve nervous tension and relax

Essential oils that will help a woman increase her desire:

  • Bergamot essential oil - relaxing
  • vanilla essential oil - awakens instincts
  • Ylang-ylang oil - is a strong aphrodisiac that increases the desire for intimacy in both women and men
  • cinnamon and ginger oils have a stimulating effect
  • myrrh oil - used to normalize relationships
  • Neroli oil - will help prolong pleasure
  • patchouli oil - eliminates coldness
  • clary sage oil - stimulates libido
  • Jasmine oil - reveals femininity

What are aphrodisiacs and why do women need them?

Aphrodisiacs are substances that cause attraction to a partner. Even in ancient times, concubines and courtesans used tricks to enjoy sex.

Main functions of aphrodisiacs:

  • Increased tone and sensitivity of the genital organs
  • Development of attraction to the male sex
  • Psychological relaxation

The main groups of aphrodisiacs include:

  • Food
  • essential oils
  • plants

Aphrodisiacs for women in drops

  • Aphrodisiac drops sold in pharmacies will also help to increase a woman’s desire, because recently they have been classified as medications. The components contained in the drops will bring bright colors to your intimate life, fill you with sensuality, and speed up the process of achieving orgasm.
  • The main advantage of aphrodisiac drops is that they are quickly absorbed into the blood, which provides a quick and strong effect. You just need to choose the right drops, which are based on aromatic oils, extracts of rare tropical plants or trees.
  • No prescription required from a pharmacy. But it is not always possible to see aphrodisiacs on a shelf in the public domain: as a rule, they are hidden from the eyes of visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to ask about the availability of aphrodisiacs.

Properties of pheromones in women's and men's perfumes with aphrodisiacs

The main task of a perfume collection with the addition of “stimulants” of plant or animal origin is to increase sexual desire. But depending on which components are used as the basis, the effects will vary:

  • Relaxation. For example, bergamot oil is suitable for those who come tired after a day of work. The spouse can use this trick to drive away thoughts about work at the olfactory level and attract her to the joys of home. Pairs well with a massage or bath. Please note that it is better to apply perfume after taking a shower.
  • Increased tactile sensations. If the composition includes notes of clove, then you can especially enjoy the touch. All receptors are sharpened, every touch brings pleasure.
  • Feeling of your own attractiveness. It can be caused by delicate jasmine, which is on the list of aphrodisiacs for girls - they become more liberated because they realize their own sensuality and beauty.
  • Beneficial effect on potency. Ylang-ylang can be considered such substances. Almost every stimulating women's perfume has a scent in it because it guarantees a long night full of love.

In addition, they all work as stimulants of general arousal and tone. Oils have an effect on the nervous system and normalize the general condition. After excessive psycho-emotional shock, you can return to a calm state, and if lethargy and fatigue appear, then aromas will help you forget about it for a while and cheer up.

Video: Aphrodisiacs and nutrition

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