All available ways to cleanse your lungs after smoking

After quitting smoking, you can cleanse your lungs using inhalations with medications (Ambrobene, Fluimucil), herbs (sage, thyme). Decoctions of elecampane roots, licorice, nettle leaves and plantain are recommended for internal use in a course of 1-2 months.

Green tea, a phytocomposition based on black, helps restore the bronchial mucosa. Traditional cleansers include onion syrup, oat milk, honey with lemon or pine cones.

Expectorant tablets (Ambroxol, ACC-long), natural-based drugs (Bronchodiol, Bronchipret), Ascoril and Gedelix syrups will help eliminate the consequences of many years of smoking. The complex of cleansing procedures includes: a visit to salt mines, a bath, gymnastics with special breathing techniques.

How to cleanse your lungs after smoking and whether you need to do it

After smoking, the lungs must be cleansed, as this helps to quickly get rid of both the addiction itself and restore breathing function. The main methods of cleansing are listed in the table.

WayShort descriptionEfficiency in points according to a five-point system
Herbs and traditional medicineTaking herbs with a bronchodilator and cough effect3-4
MedicinesTablets and syrups for removing phlegm4-5
Breathing and special physical exercisesSystematic gymnastics classes with an emphasis on breathing5
InhalationsInhalation of aerosols of medicines, herbs, salts (speleotherapy)4-5
Bath and saunaActivating sweat excretion to remove toxins through the skin3-4
Balanced dietDiet changes for cleansing through the intestines, kidneys, normalization of metabolism3-4

Maximum efficiency can be achieved with an integrated approach, when several methods are used simultaneously. An important condition for cleansing is the complete cessation of smoking, including passive smoking. This is achieved with the help of willpower, finding a goal (motivation), psychotherapy and medications that reduce the craving for nicotine.

Lungs after smoking: what's wrong with them?

After smoking, the following changes occur in the lungs:

  • pulmonary alveoli become denser;
  • glands that secrete mucus enlarge and their functioning increases;
  • the respiratory tract is filled with mucus, it is poorly excreted due to the destruction of the ciliated epithelium;
  • sputum becomes thick, stagnates and comes out only when coughing;
  • gas exchange is disrupted, little oxygen penetrates into the blood;
  • gradually the lungs become more airy – emphysema develops;
  • the walls of the bronchi thicken due to excessive development of muscle tissue and scar tissue (fibrosis).

Due to constant exposure to toxic tars and tobacco smoke, cells can change their structure and become cancerous.

Clinical manifestations that may indicate lung damage:

  • cough with sputum, especially in the morning;
  • difficulty exhaling with little physical activity;
  • feeling of fullness or tightness in the chest;
  • poor tolerance to physical activity due to the rapid onset of shortness of breath.

Signs of far-reaching changes include:

  • paroxysmal cough with attacks of suffocation;
  • difficult sputum separation;
  • hemoptysis;
  • frequent colds with cough, chest pain and fever;
  • feeling of lack of air when walking;
  • disruption of the heart - weakened, irregular pulse, swelling, pain in the right hypochondrium.

We recommend reading about how to use Lazolvan for inhalation. From the article you will learn about the composition and mechanism of action of Lazolvan, indications and contraindications for inhalation, how to dilute, side effects. And here is more information about what inhalations can be done for bronchitis.

How long does it take to smoke for your lungs to turn black?

In order for your lungs to blacken, you must not only smoke, but also inhale coal dust, soot or graphite for at least a year. In smokers, the first changes in the lung tissue can be detected after a year of smoking cigarettes, when there are no respiratory dysfunctions yet, but their color remains unchanged. Computed tomography reveals:

  • fibrosis (overgrowth of connective tissue) in the lungs, around the bronchi;
  • irreversible expansion of the alveoli and walls of the bronchial branches (bronchiectasis);
  • signs of emphysema - increased airiness.

Features of lung diseases associated with smoking on computed tomography: a) Desquamative interstitial pneumonia. b) Interstitial pneumonia associated with respiratory bronchiolitis. c) Langerhans cell histiocytosis with multiple nodules and thick-walled cysts. d) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Do they recover on their own?

The lungs recover on their own if smoking experience is no more than 5 years. But this process can take years. In patients who smoke for a long time, after completely quitting cigarettes, even after three years there are residual changes in the respiratory system. Therefore, a comprehensive rehabilitation course is usually recommended for former smokers.

How long does it take for the lungs to clear, after how many years?

The process of cleansing the lungs begins within three months after quitting smoking, and lasts from 3 to 10 years. If you help the body with physical factors and medications from the very first day, then it can be started already from the second week. The lungs will be completely cleared in a few years. This will happen most actively in the first six months, and completion will depend on:

  • duration of smoking;
  • number of cigarettes smoked;
  • severity of damage to the bronchi and lungs;
  • persistence during the rehabilitation period;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • ability to restore the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (it is lower in case of immune deficiency).

Therefore, it is very difficult to accurately answer the question for a person who has quit smoking, when the lungs will be cleared. It is only important to understand that this goal is quite achievable even with a long experience.

Based on studies of the state of the body after quitting smoking, a pattern of time has been established that must pass before a noticeable effect appears:

  • normalization of the senses of smell and taste – 2 days;
  • bronchial dilatation – 3-4 days;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the body, normalization of blood pressure and pulse rate – 4-8 weeks;
  • reduction of cough and wheezing in the lungs – 3-9 months;
  • reduction in the risk of heart attack – 1 year, and equal chances with others – 15 years;
  • risk of stroke, as in non-smokers – 5 years;
  • cancer with the same frequency as in the general population – 10 years.

Harm and consequences of smoking

How to get rid of smoker's cough

Smoker's bronchitis is a chronic relapsing disease that is accompanied by destructive changes in the bronchopulmonary system and is characterized by bouts of painful coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath and the formation of respiratory failure.

The only effective treatment for smoker's cough is complete smoking cessation. All other methods are auxiliary, capable only of reducing unpleasant symptoms for some time.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, when irreversible changes in the structure of the bronchi have not yet occurred and complications have not appeared, stopping smoking leads to restoration of the functions of the bronchopulmonary system and complete recovery.

Is it possible to clean it completely?

It is possible to completely clean a smoker's lungs if there are no irreversible changes. These include persistent dilatation of the bronchi - bronchiectasis, compaction of the lung tissue - pneumosclerosis, fibrosis. This can be found out only after examination by a pulmonologist. He conducts an examination, listens to the lungs and prescribes:

  • chest x-ray or computed tomography;
  • fibrobronchoscopy (examination of the bronchi with an endoscope);
  • spirometry to assess respiratory function;
  • ECG to detect cardiac complications;
  • General blood test, biochemical.

Only based on the results of all studies can one accurately determine the extent of changes in the lungs due to smoking. Cleansing will be required in any case, but if the stage is advanced, it will be incomplete. This means that there will remain a tendency to inflammation of the respiratory tract during hypothermia, during the season of viral infections.

Watch this video about the dangers of smoking:

Main groups of drugs

Medicines for the treatment of bronchitis are selected individually, depending on the form and severity of the disease, as well as the presence of complications. Treatment is carried out both during the period of remission and in the stage of exacerbation of the disease.

Main groups of medications:

  1. Antibiotics - prescribed during exacerbation of the disease as etiotropic therapy
    . Most often, medications with a wide spectrum of influence are used for this purpose, effective against atypical microorganisms, Haemophilus influenzae, and pneumococci.

    What are antibiotics

  2. Bronchodilators are pharmaceuticals with a bronchodilator effect
    . Most often prescribed for advanced stages of the disease with signs of bronchial obstruction. These include anticholinergics.

What are bronchodilators?

Smoker's bronchitis is an inflammatory process that affects the upper respiratory tract and develops under the influence of soot, tar and toxins contained in tobacco smoke. To treat the disease, medications from different pharmacological groups are used to help restore the health of the respiratory system.

How to clean a smoker's lungs at home

At home, you can cleanse your lungs using folk remedies: herbs, medicinal teas, inhalations, honey, and also a visit to the bathhouse.


Inhalations to cleanse the lungs are one of the most effective methods of home recovery, because:

  • the drug or decoction of medicinal herbs enters directly into the bronchi;
  • using saline solution or mineral water, you can additionally moisturize the respiratory tract and thin the mucus;
  • if an exacerbation occurs, the inflammatory reaction is quickly relieved;
  • the introduction of bronchodilator medications helps deep penetration of the inhalation solution.

The most effective means to cleanse the lungs after smoking, and their dosages and methods of administration are indicated in the table.

A drugPurpose of inhalationWhat to spendDose for 1 procedureSaline solutionHow much per dayA course of treatment
Ambrobene, LazolvanFacilitation of sputum productionNebulizer3 ml2 ml210-15 days
Fluimucil, ACC-injectThinning sputumNebulizer3 ml3 ml27-10 days
Soda buffer Moisturizing the respiratory tract, cleansingNebulizer2-3 ml2-3 ml315-20 days
VentolinRelieves bronchospasmNebulizer2.5 ml3 ml45-7 days
Herbal decoctions: thyme, eucalyptus, sage, oregano Eliminates inflammation, facilitates coughingSteam500 ml of infusion (a tablespoon per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour)Not needed2-42-3 weeks

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for cleansing the lungs are thyme, fireweed, violet, and a collection of several plants. Medicinal tea, onion syrup, decoction of oat grains, and bay leaves have a good effect.

Herbs and preparations from them

Herbal infusions and decoctions from plant collections will help cleanse the bronchi. To do this, you can use one herb from the list:

  • pine buds,
  • liquorice root,
  • plantain,
  • violet,
  • marshmallow root,
  • fennel seeds,
  • thyme (thyme),
  • blooming Sally,
  • elderberry flowers,
  • coltsfoot leaf,
  • elecampane rhizome,
  • oregano,
  • calendula flowers.

Pine buds Licorice root Plantain Marshmallow root Thyme Elder flowers Elecampane rhizome Calendula flowers Fennel seeds
Plant materials are dried, crushed and poured with boiling water in the proportion of a tablespoon to a glass of boiling water. Infuse in a sealed container for 45 minutes, filter and take warm half an hour before meals, a third of a glass three times a day.

If the root of the plant is used, then a decoction is prepared in the same proportion, but before infusion it is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The course of treatment is 1 month. After this, they take a break for 10 days, then repeat the procedure, but take another plant.

To quickly cleanse the body of nicotine, we recommend a collection that has a blood purifying effect, stimulates the liver, kidneys and intestines, and facilitates coughing up phlegm. Its composition:

  • Butcher's broom fruits – 20 g,
  • nettle leaf – 15 g,
  • Joster fruits – 5 g,
  • rose hips – 10 g,
  • milk thistle fruits – 20 g,
  • thyme herb – 20 g,
  • chokeberry fruits – 10 g.

For 300 ml of boiling water, take a heaped tablespoon of the mixture and place it in a thermos overnight. In the morning, filter and take 100 ml half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 45 days, then a break is needed for 3 weeks.

This composition has a strong cleansing effect, so alcohol, strong coffee, spicy, fried and salty foods are prohibited while taking it. A predominantly dairy-vegetable diet is recommended; you should drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking water per day.


For former smokers, it is recommended to drink up to 3-4 cups of quality green tea. It has a good antioxidant effect. This means that the biologically active substances included in its composition help restore bronchial cells after damage, as well as protect tissues from cancerous degeneration.

You can also prepare a drink based on black tea. For 50 g of tea leaves, take 5 g of oregano, mint and linden blossom. It is brewed in the usual way (a teaspoon per glass) and you need to drink at least 3 such servings per day. The time of use is not limited; to enhance the effect, instead of sugar, add a tablespoon of buckwheat or linden honey to a warm drink.

Onion remedy

A folk remedy such as onion syrup has not only a cleansing effect, but also an antimicrobial effect due to phytoncides. It is taken once a week for 2 days in a row. To prepare, two small onions or one large one are cut into small cubes and sprinkled with 5 tablespoons of sugar. This mixture is placed in a dark place in a closed container for a day.

The resulting solution should be placed on a sieve or gauze and drunk a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals with 100 ml of water.

Onion syrup

Oat infusion

For oat milk you will need a glass of grains. They need to be filled with 2 glasses of milk, preferably goat milk, and put on the lowest heat, cooking until its volume is reduced by 2 times. The finished broth is drunk 1-2 times, and the grains are mixed with honey and consumed 2-3 tablespoons an hour before meals. This composition has a beneficial effect on the immune system and facilitates the discharge of sputum.

Bay leaf decoction

Bay leaves have the ability to cleanse a room of germs and viruses, so you need to spread a few leaves around the room and place 1-2 under the pillow. To prepare the infusion, take 7 leaves and 250 ml of boiling water. Leave until the solution cools in a tightly sealed container. You need to take 30 ml 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 2 weeks, then you need a break for 7 days.

This cleansing is contraindicated for pregnant women and for diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

How to get rid of phlegm with honey

Honey has proven medicinal properties, as it helps get rid of phlegm in the lungs, makes it more liquid, and stimulates excretion. An important feature for former smokers is that the honey drink helps restore the functions of the ciliated epithelium, that is, it starts the process of self-cleaning of the bronchial tree.

Prepare a mixture of equal parts honey and lemon juice. An hour before each meal, pour a tablespoon of warm water (no higher than body temperature) and drink in small sips. The course of treatment continues as long as there is a cough. This treatment is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to citrus fruits and bee products. Its sign may be increased shortness of breath or swelling of the face.

If well tolerated, pine honey can be an effective therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for smoker's bronchitis . For this:

  1. They take young cones and grind them in a meat grinder.
  2. Mix with an equal volume of liquid honey.
  3. Place in the refrigerator to infuse for 5 days.

Pine honey
Then a teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiled water at room temperature and taken on an empty stomach once a day from late autumn to early summer.

Visiting the sauna to remove resins

Hot steam in a bath or sauna not only helps to enhance the body's cleansing of tars through the lungs, but also stimulates sweating, which helps quickly get rid of toxins. Important conditions for the procedure to be therapeutic:

  • between visits to the steam room, be sure to drink tea with linden or mint, oregano, you can add a little honey to it;
  • alcohol is prohibited;
  • A massage with a birch broom has a good healing effect;
  • Essential oils will help enhance the effect of steam; they are added to a container with hot water: spruce, juniper, fir, thyme, eucalyptus.

Patients with frequent exacerbations of bronchitis are not recommended to alternate the steam room with a dip in cold water, and it is also important to rest after the bath for at least half an hour to prevent hypothermia due to excessive sweating.

Watch this video about how to cleanse your lungs from smoking and bad ecology:

Cleaning a smoker's lungs with folk remedies

Cleansing a smoker’s lungs with folk remedies is a method that is affordable and easy to implement. Complete cleansing of the respiratory tract is possible only with an integrated approach; folk remedies for cleansing the lungs of a smoker can be based on food or medicinal herbs. Most people respond well to folk methods of cleansing the lungs at home. G. Malakhov especially recommends folk methods.

Cleaning a smoker’s lungs at home using folk remedies can be done using the following recipes:

Mix black tea, mint leaves, valerian and chicory in 1:1 proportions, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. This remedy should be taken when the craving for smoking worsens; moreover, it can cleanse the bronchi of soot accumulated over many years.

One tablespoon of the dry mixture of violet and oregano is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to steep for one hour. This infusion is taken twice a day, 1⁄2 cups before meals, a course per week.

Traditional medicine methods for cleansing the lungs after smoking at home

It is better to select a medicine that will help in cleansing the lungs of nicotine with a doctor, after taking tests and taking an x-ray of the lungs. Many medications for removing mucus and removing phlegm include microvitamins that help in the restoration of the body.

Effective cleansing of the lungs from harmful substances is possible with the help of the following drugs:

  1. Gedelix, Lazolvan, Acetylcysteine ​​are drugs that help thin the mucus on the walls of the lungs and remove it with coughing. This process helps clear the lungs of nicotine;
  2. Potassium orotate – helps all body tissues recover and cleanse. Ensures a healthy hematopoietic process;
  3. Cleansing the lungs after smoking at home is often done using inhalation. The best product for an inhaler is Chlorophyllipt, which helps disinfect the respiratory tract and cleanse the body as a whole. Cleaning the lungs and bronchi using inhalations with Chlorophyllipt should be carried out in a course - daily for 10 days according to the instructions;
  4. Cleansing a smoker's lungs occurs faster if ointments based on essential oils are used in combination. You can use ointments with menthol, fir, camphor, and tea tree. Essential oil cleanses the respiratory tract.

How to cleanse your lungs after years of smoking

To eliminate the consequences of many years of smoking, there are often few folk remedies; tablets will help cleanse the lungs: Ambroxol, Mucaltin, ACC-long; herbal preparations for cleansing – Bronchipret, licorice root extract; expectorant syrups - Ascoril, Joset. Without exception, all medications are prescribed by a pulmonologist.

Particular attention should be paid to prohibiting the use of antitussives (for example, Libexin), they can significantly slow down the cleansing of the respiratory system.

How to treat with tablets

The most effective and safe drugs for removing phlegm after quitting smoking are recognized as Ambroxol, Mucaltin,


This inexpensive drug (20 tablets costs about 30 rubles) quickly gained popularity in cleansing the bronchial tract, as it:

  • stimulates the work of cilia in the bronchi and alveoli of the lungs;
  • dilutes sputum, increases the content of the liquid component in it;
  • enhances the formation of surfactants (surfactant), which help the sliding and movement of mucus;
  • prevents exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.

When taking it, it is important to drink as much water and tea as possible. Contraindicated during pregnancy in the first three months and breastfeeding. It is prescribed with caution for kidney diseases, peptic ulcers, and liver failure.

A single dose is 30 mg (1 tablet). The first time it is recommended to take 2 pieces at once, then for 3-4 days they take one tablet three times a day, from the 5th day they switch to taking 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment is 10-14 days; the doctor may recommend an individual regimen.


Mucaltin is one of the traditional medicines that has not lost its effectiveness. Contains marshmallow root and herb extract, soda. It stimulates the motor activity of the bronchial wall and ciliated epithelium, which gives a coughing effect. Thanks to the natural ingredients, it is most often well tolerated. Contraindicated for peptic ulcers.

After smoking, it is recommended to take 2 tablets before meals 4 times a day for a week, then switch to a maintenance dose - 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is recommended to take the drug with a full glass of warm water or pre-dissolve the tablet in it. The price for a package of 20 pieces is 40 rubles.

ACC Long

Acetylcysteine ​​in ACC Long significantly reduces the thickness and viscosity of sputum. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the immune system. Application helps not only to quickly cleanse the lungs, but also to prevent the frequency and severity of exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases. Not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, with exacerbation of stomach or intestinal ulcers, pulmonary hemorrhage, severe kidney and liver diseases.

Available in the form of effervescent tablets of 600 mg, the package contains 10 pieces and costs 340 rubles. It should be taken once a day, dissolved in 250 ml of water at room temperature. It is recommended to drink the resulting solution immediately after preparation. When dissolving, do not use metal products or plastic; glass or porcelain dishes are required.

Herbal preparations for cleansing

To cleanse the bronchial tract and lung tissue, plant-based preparations are often recommended. Their advantage, compared to decoctions and infusions of herbs, lies in the factory extraction of extracts and higher biological activity. They are less toxic than chemical medications, which allows them to be used for a long time. Products with proven effectiveness include Bronchipret, licorice root syrup.


The drug contains alcohol extracts from ivy leaves and thyme herbs. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and coughing effect, stimulate sputum production and dilate the bronchi. The medication enhances the effect of antibacterial therapy. Contraindicated in epilepsy, alcoholism, liver disease and after traumatic brain injury.

A single dose of the extract is 5 ml, it is taken 3 times a day, pre-dissolved in 100 ml of water. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, after which a doctor’s examination is necessary to determine the advisability of extending the course. For a bottle of 100 ml of the drug you need to pay about 330 rubles.

Licorice root extract

Licorice stimulates the work of the ciliated epithelium in the trachea and bronchi, increases sputum production, relieves bronchospasm and has an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. The syrup can be taken during exacerbation of smoker's bronchitis and to prevent its development.

Cleansing the lungs from the effects of smoking is carried out over 2-4 weeks. A single dose is a tablespoon, the frequency of administration is 4 times a day. The drug is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure, kidney and liver diseases. Price for 100 ml – 35 rubles.

Expectorants in syrups

Potent expectorants in the form of syrups include the combined drugs Ascoril and Joset. They contain bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol and menthol. The advantages of medications are:

  • effective dilation of the bronchi;
  • rapid relief of breathing with spasmodic, hysterical cough;
  • increase in vital capacity of the lungs;
  • liquefaction and removal of sputum;
  • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect for irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, soreness.

Joset Ascoril
The disadvantages include a wide range of restrictions on use:

  • increased heart rate;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis);
  • heart defects;
  • circulatory failure;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • peptic ulcer.

Take only as prescribed by a doctor, a tablespoon 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually no more than 7 days. Joset costs 190 rubles per 100 ml, and Askoril in the same volume costs 270 rubles.

Lung diseases in smokers

Numerous harmful components of cigarette smoke have a detrimental effect on the entire body.

Lung diseases typical of smokers:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • atelectasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malignant formations in the respiratory system.

Quitting smoking in a timely manner will help avoid serious health problems.

With an integrated and competent approach, cleansing the lungs and restoring the respiratory system seems real. Proper and regular assistance to the body in this will significantly speed up the regeneration process and reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms.

When smoking, the lungs are the most affected because they filter tobacco smoke in an attempt to trap toxins and carcinogens. Moreover, the longer the period of addiction, the more resins manage to accumulate in the organ. Even after quitting cigarettes, they remain on the epithelium for some time, continuing to poison the body. How to cleanse yourself from this muck?

Inhaling tobacco smoke is considered more harmful than inhaling exhaust fumes. If a cigarette contains about 200 different chemical compounds, then after temperature transformation, the smoke includes ten times more modified formulas. Cigarette smoke is a tarry aerosol that condenses on the mucous membranes while cooling in the body. It settles in the oral cavity, enters the stomach, but most of the condensation ends up on the bronchial mucosa, since they have to filter every puff taken.

How to cleanse your lungs of nicotine with nutrition: the best foods

Food helps cleanse the lungs of nicotine, tar and toxic substances that accumulate in the body when smoking. To do this, it is recommended to include garlic, pineapples in the menu, as well as as many fresh vegetables and fruits and freshly squeezed juices as possible.

Cocktails made from greens (for example, celery leaves, parsley), carrots, and apples also have a detoxifying effect. They are finely chopped and passed through a blender or juicer. It has been proven that eating 2 tomatoes and 3 apples daily stimulates the elimination of nicotine from the body.

Does milk cleanse

Milk does little to help cleanse the respiratory tract, but it has important properties that are used for chronic diseases:

  • stimulation of immunity;
  • acceleration of restoration of the bronchial mucosa;
  • activation of the formation of surfactant, which protects the inner surface of the respiratory tract from damage.

It should be noted that only a fresh and natural product works this way, and not most store-bought ones. Goat milk has proven itself well. It is enough to drink 1 glass of warm drink a day, you can add honey to it.


Garlic and onions contain essential oils and phytoncides. They help make sputum more liquid, reflexively stimulate its secretion, and also have antibacterial and antiviral effects. It is recommended to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic every day at lunch if there are no diseases of the digestive system.


Pineapples contain a substance called bromelain, which has enzymatic activity. It helps make phlegm thinner. The beneficial properties also include a high content of vitamin C, which improves immunity. The fruit has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, fat metabolism, and kidney function. Especially useful in winter. You should eat 1-2 cups of fruit per day. Kiwi has a similar effect on the body.

Changes that occur after quitting cigarettes

Nicotine entering the body contributes to the formation of addiction. By giving up a bad habit, you can note the development of certain changes that initially have a negative impact on the body. It is worth remembering that negative changes last a short time, so you should be patient and under no circumstances stray from your intended goal. During the adaptation period, the body undergoes a number of changes, which include:

  • A decrease in the immune system, which increases the level of susceptibility to a variety of infectious diseases. Quite often, a smoker becomes infected with one or another infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Instability of psycho-emotional state. The manifestation of this type of disorder is characterized by frequent changes in mood, the appearance of irritability and nervousness.
  • Gaining excess weight. Having pushed cigarettes into the background, a person begins to find salvation in food.

Quit smoking: how to cleanse the lungs with physical activity

Those who quit smoking need regular physical activity; it will make it possible to clear the lungs and bronchi faster. Running, walking, swimming, and gymnastics with special breathing are useful.


Gymnastics will be effective for cleansing only if the exercises are combined with correct breathing technique. To do this, it is necessary to take a passive (regular) inhalation in the starting position, and an active sharp exhalation when:

  • turning the body or bending down from a standing position;
  • or pulling your legs to your stomach while lying on your back;
  • crossing your arms over your chest (as if hugging yourself by the shoulders).

The yogic breathing of Kapalbhati is considered very effective. It consists of forced (intensified) exhalations through the nose while simultaneously drawing in the abdominal wall. The first time it is better to spend it while sitting on a chair, as there may be dizziness and darkening in the eyes. It is necessary to perform 10 breathing cycles (normal inhalation), then rest and repeat.

The second version of cleansing breathing resembles chopping wood. They connect their hands, intertwining their fingers in front of them, then bend their arms behind their head. At this time, the air is inhaled and with a sharp chopping movement they are lowered down with the torso tilted. The exhalation is sharp, with the sound “ha”.

Does running cleanse

Running, like any aerobic activity (swimming, walking, dancing, cycling, skiing, skating), activates the cleansing of the respiratory tract. The main problem of those who seek to restore their “breathing” after smoking is the low tolerance of such activities. Therefore, it is first necessary to increase the volume of air that the lungs can accommodate.

Walking is the best choice for this. It allows you to easily adjust the load, increasing the pace and duration of the lesson. The main condition is to choose an area remote from highways and industrial enterprises, since training in dusty conditions will only bring harm.

Watch this video about breathing exercises to cleanse the lungs:

Recipes for folk remedies

Most folk methods of cleansing the lungs effectively cope with their task. Below is a list of the most effective recipes.

Infusion based on oregano and violet

This healing liquid is endowed with mild cleansing properties that allow you to quickly liquefy and reject phlegm. At the same time, the mucous membrane is not irritated at all, and the cough does not intensify. This infusion can cleanse your lungs after years of smoking. To prepare the infusion, add 2 tbsp. l. dry oregano and violets into an enamel container and pour 4 cups of boiling water.

The mixture is infused for 120 minutes. After the specified period of time, it is necessary to strain the liquid composition and divide into 3 equal portions. The mixture is taken before each meal (20–30 minutes before). The duration of therapy is 40–60 days, depending on the severity of nicotine addiction.

Onion syrup

Onion syrup is very effective, allowing you to quickly cleanse your lungs after smoking. Cooking it yourself is not difficult. Cut 2 large onions into small cubes and sprinkle with 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Having placed the components in an enamel container, leave it for a day in a dark place. The resulting syrup is filtered.

It should be consumed in several tablespoons. l. after every meal. The course of treatment is 2–3 times a week for 4 months. Thanks to the beneficial properties of onion syrup, the body can be cleansed even in people who have smoked all their lives. In addition, onion syrup helps cope with chronic infections. Folk remedies can clean phlegm no worse than using inhalation.

Lung recovery after smoking in a salt cave

Speleotherapy, or salt inhalation in a cave, is considered one of the most effective natural ways to restore lungs after smoking. Such salt rooms are specially equipped rooms with salt blocks. Using a generator, a tiny aerosol is sprayed, which quickly penetrates all parts of the respiratory tract. In response, active formation of mucus and sputum begins and their removal.

Sessions last 30 minutes every 1-3 days. 10-15 procedures are recommended per course. You should not attend speleotherapy during periods of exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases, hypertension and the development of emphysema, pneumosclerosis in the lungs.

Follow a diet

pH level in products

Smoking disrupts the acid-base balance, reduces pH, and increases blood acidity. The condition causes kidney disease, stone formation, and depression of consciousness. After quitting smoking, it is necessary to restore the pH to normal. Diet and alkaline foods help with this.

One of the causes of cough and phlegm when smoking is mucus accumulated in the lungs and bronchi.

To reduce its formation, you need to exclude foods that contribute to the production of sputum. Frozen semi-finished products and fast food, milk, cottage cheese and yogurt are prohibited.

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Alkaline products

To cleanse the lungs and bronchi, add to your diet:

  • Vegetables – root vegetables, onions.
  • Fruits – lemon, persimmon, pineapple.
  • Cereals, lentils, seeds.
  • Seaweed.


Products with these substances increase lung volume, remove toxins, and improve breathing, so after smoking you should consume:

  1. Berries - cranberries, grapes, blueberries.
  2. Vegetables – broccoli, spinach, artichokes.
  3. Green tea.
  4. Fish.
  5. Walnuts.

How to understand that the lungs are cleared from cigarettes

Signs that mean that the process of clearing the lungs from smoking cigarettes has begun:

  • cough - first intensifies, then subsides;
  • breathing becomes freer;
  • sputum is separated more easily;
  • physical activity increases, there is no rapid onset of shortness of breath during exercise;
  • appetite and performance increase;
  • mood may fluctuate.

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