Features and rules for choosing coin holders


Principle of use.

Ground coffee is placed in the portafilter, after which the grinding is tamped with a tamper, then the horn is placed in the group of the coffee machine.


The holder is an iron basket with a handle. An iron filter (sieve) with small, moderate holes is inserted into the basket. The sieve, like the holder, can be double or single (for one or one serving of coffee). At the bottom of the holder basket there is a spout (or watering can). There can be one or two spouts, depending on whether there is a single holder or a double one.

In most cases, holders are made of brass and coated with a protective layer of chrome. The handle can be covered with a layer of plastic, rubber, wood, or simply be made of iron.


Portafilters come in two types: with a bottom and without a bottom, and they, in turn, are divided into pressure-supporting and non-pressure-supporting. Nacked Filter Holder (or Botomless Holder) - the so-called “leaky” holder is a type of horn that does not have a spout (watering can). These holders have no bottom.

Holders with and without pressure support differ on the outside: on the inside there are a huge number of small holes, and on the outside there is either one (pressure-supporting) or many (non-pressure-supporting). The presence of holes affects the presence of foam: under extreme pressure, there will be a lot of foam in a cup of coffee; under normal pressure, there will be less.

How to choose a suitable holder for a coffee machine.

In order to choose the right holder for a Vitek or Gaggia, Bork, MCE, etc. coffee machine, it is important to understand what functions this part does and how it looks. In principle, the holder for the Saeco coffee machine and others is the same horn, in other words, a removable part that has a filter, coffee is usually poured into it or a disc is placed, and water under pressure passes through it and already brewed coffee gets into the cup.

Design Features

Any holder is a structure that consists of:

  • handle holder;
  • several types of filter;
  • containers for tamping coffee;
  • watering cans.

The material for the production of the horn is usually brass or stainless steel. This term has several synonyms, namely: a spoon in a coffee machine, a portafilter, a filter holder.

It should be noted that there are also plastic holders, but they are found in cheap machines of poor quality. There is also a horn design that does not contain a filter. In such machines, the taste of coffee is richer and higher quality because it does not pass through an additional layer of metal. This is called holey cholera.

It is imperative that the equipment lasts a long time, it is important to take proper care of it and clean it properly. Therefore, let’s look at how to clean the holder in a coffee machine. And you should immediately make a note on the fastening. Not all models and brands have the same mounts for holders. In most cases, to remove the device from the holder, it is enough to turn it by the handle in a certain direction. But almost everything depends on the machine itself. Therefore, before taking a separate holder for devices Vitek, Saeco, Gaggia, MCE, etc., you need to look at the annotation, which indicates the characteristics of each structural part of the machine.

Usually cleaning the holder does not take much time. To do this, the horn is removed from the holder and then cleaned. The compressed used coffee is simply shaken out or removed using a special method or an auxiliary spoon (everything depends on the type of holder). After which he washes himself under running water.

It is very important not to use very smelling detergents when cleaning the cone. Otherwise, if the product was poorly washed, under high temperatures this smell may be transferred to the coffee, and the result will not be very pleasant. Therefore, if it is absolutely necessary to clean the holder, you should use a weak solution of soda or eco-strip detergents that do not contain fragrances and have no aroma. It is also important to dry the part before insertion. Once the horn is washed, it should be placed in a dryer or on a dry, clean napkin.

In conclusion, it remains to clarify again what it is and how to handle it. The holder is an essential part of most coffee machines. It can only be changed in specialized stores. Therefore, if you lose a filter or damage an item, you should contact the service center of your own coffee machine. Usually, competent scientists will help solve the problem, give advice, etc.

Management for replacing the holder for a coffee machine.

To change parts in complex household appliances, you need to understand what it is and what functions it does. The holder is one of the parts of the coffee maker, which is a horn with a filter into which coffee is poured. A disk is placed in it. Water flows through the filter under pressure and ready-made coffee is poured into the cup.

Coffee machine holder

As the machine is used, the part must be replaced with a new one. Like any filters that tend to get clogged. Is it possible to change this element without the help of others? Many users hesitate to do this for fear of destroying the structure. It's not that difficult, but it's better to have some knowledge. The annotation for the equipment contains information about the details: what it is, how it is used, etc. There is also a nice photo of the holder.

Coffee machine horn

Cleaning and replacing the holder

During use, the components of any equipment wear out, become dirty and require cleaning or replacement. Holders in coffee machines are no exception.

The holder sieve, in addition to retaining ground coffee, also filters water from particles of dust, sand, and rust. It also prevents trace elements of calcium and chlorine from entering the cup. And if you do nothing, over time the filter will become clogged and the horn will no longer pass water normally through itself, or this liquid will be unclean.

To prevent contamination and failure of port filters, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Washing the filter. Before each use, the holder must be thoroughly rinsed in the group.
  2. Cleaning the holder. After each use, the filter holder must be cleaned, rinsed well and wiped dry.
  3. Regular cleaning of parts. For long and better service, at the end of each working day it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and clean all parts of the holder.

Purpose and replacement of the holder in the coffee machine

To clean parts or replace the holder, you need to open the container and make sure it is empty. Then carefully remove the part from the water filter container with your fingers.

In some coffee machines, before removing the filter, you need to disconnect the fastener located on top. Most often it just snaps off. Sometimes you come across o-rings that hold the cleaners in place. They are not difficult to find - they are black and located at the bottom of the structure.

Accordingly, the replacement occurs in the same way.

To clean or replace the horn holder, you need to disassemble it. There is nothing complicated about this:

  • unscrew the spout;
  • remove the sieve.

Be sure to read: Coffee printer: how useful is this invention?

It is also important to tighten everything tightly after washing.

How to change the holder

The functions of the filter are to purify the water poured into the container from various particles: sand, micro stones, hair, rust. Also from chlorine and calcium. Many people do not change their cleaner for years. This causes water to stop flowing into the system. Because the strainer gets clogged with dirt. Or, the liquid passes through, but is not completely cleared. And coffee comes out in small quantities. This is harmful to health and to the design of the device. It will quickly deteriorate.

It is important to remember that in any coffee machine (Soeco, Bork, Delonghi, Simonelle) there is only one cleaner in the container. And there are no other filter parts in the system. To change the cleaner, do the following:

  1. Look at the detail in the water container. However, it should be empty.
  2. Place your hand inside, wrap your fingers around the element and carefully remove it.

In some units, you first need to open the fastening - unclip it. The mount is usually located at the top of the filter. In most coffee makers, the cleaners are held in place by a special sealing ring. This ring is located at the bottom of the structure. It is dark, as it should be, it is not difficult to see.

Holder and its components

In modern automatic technology, an alert system is activated when it is time to clean the parts. After the signal, the user must simply do the actions that the system asks.

The service life of the cleaners is almost the same for all models. For example, a holder for a Soeco coffee machine will last up to 2 months. A holder for a Bork coffee machine will clean the liquid for 400 servings of drink, less.

Materials for holders

Since coffee machines require high temperatures and pressure to brew coffee, the holders must be strong and heat-resistant enough to withstand them.

For this purpose, high-quality products are made of stainless steel or brass coated with chrome. Such holders are quite heavy, but this is an advantage.

If you suddenly come across a holder made of an alloy of aluminum and silicon, the so-called silumin, or, even worse, made of plastic, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to urgently change it even before filling the first cup of coffee.

Types of holders for coffee makers

Before you change the cleaning part in your coffee machine, you need to figure out which coffee horn will fit your model. Usually, users do it simpler: they take out the clogged horn and take it to the store. On site, it is easier for the merchant to understand what the buyer needs. And he will offer a similar detail.

Philips Saeco coffee machine

There are various filters - for household and professional devices. Also suitable for both coffee machines.

  1. Brass horns. There are different diameters from 58 to 65 mm. With electric valves. This helps relieve pressure from the system. Such horns are often used in professional units. Yes, and they are suitable for household devices. Holder for coffee machine 65 mm. more powerful;
  2. Professional cleaners weighing up to 450 g;
  3. Three-way electric (solenoids). Help relieve pressure from the cooking system;
  4. Single bottom cones. Unable to regulate pressure. But these details are the most popular among users. Because the finished coffee has a special taste from water passed through such a filter.

Coffee with croissant

Depending on the service life, there are filters that are disposable, reusable, or permanent. The horns are always comfortable and economical, but they need to be taken out and washed frequently. Reusable ones can be taken out, washed and used a couple of times.

A coffee machine with a holder is called a filter coffee maker. Drip models also use cleaners. The water flows into them through the bean compartment and the heating element. For drip coffee machines, disposable horns are purchased. They require frequent replacement - 3-4 times a year.

Holder, portafilter, dispenser are a comfortable addition to the coffee machine.

Introduction. Definition of holder

A part necessary for the normal functioning of professional and home coffee machines. It is used to compress a coffee pill. Ground coffee is poured into a holder, compacted, and then inserted into the machine. In most cases it is used to make espresso.

photo from the website mammycoffee.com.ua

From the outside, the portafilter resembles a basket with a handle with a small sieve (it is a separate part). Depending on whether the device is designed for one or two servings, one or two spouts are placed below. The same parameter determines the dimensions.

Using a holder, a professional barista can evaluate the uniformity and degree of grinding of coffee, as well as the serviceability of the machine.

Holders (horns, portafilters) can be of different diameters and shapes, depending on the type and brand of the main device. Available in different versions (from different materials):

  • shiny brass (product body);
  • wood, metal, plastic (handle).

Operating principle

After adding a portion of ground coffee, it must be compacted with a tamper - a heavy round press with a handle for convenience, and then install the holder in the coffee machine - this is the first stage of preparing the drink. Next, the water supply is turned on and flows onto the tablet for about 30 seconds, extracting the aromatic substances into the liquid.

There are portafilters for one or two servings - you can buy them at a service center to use at home if necessary. In cafes, double modifications are mainly used, since there are more orders and everything needs to be done quickly.

Video: Holder and its types

At the bottom of the coffee machine holder there is a watering can that directs the finished drink into the cup. There may be two or one, depending on the volume of the part.

The coffee machine holder can be equipped with metal filters - one or several.

Depending on the design of the coffee maker, the horn may or may not maintain liquid pressure. In the first case, there will be many small holes inside, but only one exit. After using this type of coffee maker, a high amount of foam will form in the cup. In the second option there will be less foam, and there will be many holes, both inlet and outlet.

coffee machine holder what is it

Types of holders

Holder maintains pressure

There are a huge number of small holes on the inside, and only one on the outside. The use of such portafilters provides a huge amount of foam.

Holder does not maintain pressure

There are many holes on the outside and inside, there is a narrow foam in the cup of the finished drink.

With and without bottom

Both types of portafilters can be bottomed or bottomless.

photo from the website ruscoffee.ru, holder without bottom

A portafilter without a bottom helps produce more fragrant and stronger coffee, since if it is installed, the drink has virtually no contact with the metal.

But the quality of the finished drink depends not only on the presence of a holder. They matter:

  • serviceability of the coffee machine;
  • coffee bean quality;
  • barista skill.

There are many videos about holders on Youtube. We offer you one of these:

Holder for MARZOCCO coffee machine, two-serve.

Holder for MARZOCCO coffee machine, two-serve

Holder for coffee machine La Marzocco (LA MARZOCCO) two-serve Original rubberized handle with the LA MARZOCCO logo Original M12 bowl

To purchase a Holder for a MARZOCCO two-serve coffee machine, you can place an order on the website or call us by phone!

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  • https://www.coffee-trust.ru
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