How to brew coffee cold

Often in coffee establishments a glass filled with water is served with an aromatic invigorating drink. The tradition of drinking it together with cool liquid arose many years ago. In European countries, this coffee ceremony has taken root relatively recently. Therefore, many still wonder why they serve water with coffee. It is worth understanding what causes this and how to drink drinks in this combination correctly.

Why is coffee served with water?

To understand why cold water is served with coffee, you first need to know how this tradition appeared. There is an assumption that this custom originated in Ancient Greece. According to historians, this is where a glass of cool liquid was first served with a hot drink. The goal that was pursued then was the opportunity to get a charge of vivacity, freshness and cool down a little. This is due to the fact that coffee beans have a tonic effect, and Greece is characterized by fairly hot climatic conditions.

There is also a version that water is served along with coffee for a completely different reason. This tradition originated in Turkey. Here, the use of liquid was due to the fact that the invigorating drink was prepared on the sand using a cezve, and it was drunk separately from food. Before enjoying the contents of the small cup, it was necessary to neutralize the taste of previously eaten foods. Therefore, first we drank water and only after that coffee.

The tradition of such an unusual serving, which came from the East, is also due to the need to avoid dehydration. It is known that coffee drink has a diuretic effect, and in hot climates, fluid loss increases even more. Therefore, local residents began to resort to this combination in order to maintain water balance.

Why is coffee washed down with cold water?

The tradition of drinking coffee with cold water originated in Ancient Greece. This is explained by the fact that coffee is known to increase tone, so in hot climates water is needed to cool down and refresh a little. Several decades later, this tradition took root in Turkey and only then reached Europe. This is how the famous Viennese coffee appeared, which is also served with cold water.

The coffee meal in Europe and Turkey has its own differences. If in Europe it is customary to alternate coffee with sips of cool water, then in southern countries they drink water after enjoying a bite of an invigorating drink. By alternating sips of coffee and water, the taste buds are cleansed, and each subsequent sip of coffee tastes as bright as the first. When you slowly drink water in small sips after coffee, you can feel not only a surge of strength, but also freshness, which is especially pleasant on a hot day.

Why, in addition to paying tribute to the traditions of coffee culture, should you drink your coffee with cold water? There are several significant reasons:

  • Firstly, the taste of your favorite drink is perceived brighter;
  • Secondly, thanks to cool water, the effects of caffeine are weakened, thereby reducing the risk of a sharp increase in blood pressure, and also normalizes cardiac activity;
  • Thirdly, water allows you to at least partially cleanse the tooth enamel of the pigment that causes yellow plaque to appear.

It is best to give preference to soft water, which has a neutral taste and balanced composition. Water can be bottled, boiled or mineral. It is also recommended to brew coffee with soft water. The easiest way to prepare aromatic coffee without having the special skills and intricacies of brewing in a Turk is to use a capsule coffee maker. This type of coffee maker involves the use of coffee capsules to prepare the drink.

Four reasons why you should drink coffee with water

  1. Espresso, brewed according to all the rules, is a rich, aromatic drink. In this case, taste buds quickly stop responding properly to stimuli. Accordingly, the taste of coffee is not felt properly after just a few sips. Therefore, it must be washed down. Just one sip of the tasteless liquid helps cleanse the receptors. You can feel the bouquet of rich espresso shades again. As a rule, this is how they drink high-quality drinks prepared in compliance with all the technical features.
  2. Another reason to drink water after coffee is that cool liquid reduces the effects of caffeine. The concentration of the alkaloid decreases, and due to this it is possible to avoid sudden changes in blood pressure and normalize the heart rhythm.
  3. This combination of drinks, which are drunk alternately, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth. Coffee is known to change the shade of tooth enamel - a brown coating appears on it. Thanks to water, the coloring pigment is not absorbed and is easily washed off.
  4. In addition, in hot weather, this way you can not only get a boost of energy, but also refresh yourself . Espresso helps to tone up, and cool water cools down. To achieve the most vibrant refreshing effect, it is recommended to drink it at the end of your coffee meal. This is exactly what was practiced in Greece.

A tradition that came from the East

Various sources disagree on where the custom of serving water with coffee came from. Perhaps the most plausible are the following versions.

  • Water for coffee began to be served on the Arabian Peninsula, around the same time when the drink moved into the luxurious chambers of eastern rulers. Water was offered to cleanse the taste buds after a large meal, before finishing with the royal drink of coffee.
  • The tradition of serving coffee with water was born in the rich palaces of Eastern rulers in order to enhance and diversify the taste sensations. According to etiquette, sips of water were alternated with sips of coffee. The ultimate luxury was chilled water, which was almost inaccessible to most mortals. It was believed that this combination emphasizes the hot strength of the coffee.
  • Coffee with water began to be served in Arab coffee shops in order to avoid dehydration. It's already hot in the East, and coffee leads to even greater fluid loss. Therefore, local residents intuitively found a way to maintain balance by offering water with strong coffee.
  • It was invented to serve water with coffee in Turkey. The goal is to soften the strength of the finished drink and quench the thirst that it caused. The Turks drank water in their own way. Half a glass before drinking coffee, the other after.

Sometimes you read that water was served with coffee back in Ancient Greece. Considering that the tradition of drinking coffee dates back only 800, maximum, 1000 years, and the era of Ancient Greece ended long before the advent of our era, such an assumption does not stand up to criticism. In modern Greece, as in Transcaucasia, coffee came from Turkey, along with the tradition of serving water for this drink.

What kind of water is served with coffee?

Espresso is usually served with boiled or purified bottled water. It is extremely important that it does not contain chlorine. The liquid is cold, but not icy, and has a neutral, mild taste. Cold water, and even more so with ice, will drown out the receptors and create a sharp change in temperature conditions. The best option is about ten degrees. A cooler one will harm tooth enamel, which is sensitive to sudden changes in heat and cold. The glass is only half filled.

Many people prefer to drink coffee not with regular water, but with mineral water. It has a special taste that influences the perception of the coffee drink. The contrast is maintained, and the presence of caffeine becomes more pronounced.

It is allowed to add products to the mineral water that impart a special aroma. This could be orange zest, a slice of lemon or mint leaves. It is extremely important to adhere to certain dosages; an overly rich taste will overwhelm the smell. Be sure to infuse this mixture before use. But adding sweeteners is unacceptable.

water with lemon

Certain coffee shops serve a glass of hot water with your espresso. This is due to the fact that the coffee drink is very rich and concentrated. A person has the opportunity to dilute it to his own taste. Due to this, the product will not spoil, and its use will be much more pleasant.

Coffee and water: modern history

Many establishments still serve water with coffee today. True, they do this for various reasons.

  • In Europe, water is served with espresso and oriental coffee to soften the strength of the drink and quench thirst. You can drink water as in the Turkish recipe - half a glass before and half after coffee.
  • In the East, the tradition of serving coffee with water in coffee shops has also been preserved. Try alternating small sips of coffee and clean water. This will allow you to experience new taste sensations.
  • In the European North, you may be served a container of hot, clean water with your coffee. You don’t need to drink it, but dilute the coffee to the desired concentration of the drink.

Medical researchers say drinking coffee with water is a good idea. According to scientists, water reduces the concentration of caffeine, helps avoid excessive removal of fluid from the body, and prevents the occurrence of coffee plaque.

Gourmets choose coffee with water to fully enjoy the bouquet of the drink, because water cleanses the receptors well and prepares them for new taste sensations.

How to drink correctly

Coffee with water is not always served. For example, there is no need to drink cappuccino. Speaking about how to drink espresso and Americano correctly, there are a number of simple recommendations. By following these tips, you will be able to get the most out of your coffee drink. Among them are the following:

  • There's no need to rush. Before you start drinking an Americano, you should first take a few sips of water. In this way, it will be possible to cleanse the receptors and prepare for the perception of taste and aroma;
  • When alternating drinks, take small sips. The liquid lingers in the mouth for a short time;
  • It is extremely important to maintain small intervals. This is due to the fact that alternation at an accelerated pace will lead to dulling of sensitivity. The taste will be muted. In addition, there will be a negative effect on tooth enamel;
  • water eliminates the coffee aftertaste . Therefore, everyone has the right to make their own decision about whether to drink it at the end of the procedure or not.

drinks coffee with water

There are many reasons why they started serving cool water with coffee. This tradition has taken root in many countries. Nevertheless, everyone has the right to decide for themselves how to drink their favorite invigorating drink. No one obliges you to periodically take sips from the glass next to the espresso.

How to drink coffee with water in Europe

Now let's talk about how they drink espresso coffee with water in European countries. In the south of the continent, the ritual of drinking coffee with water is similar to the Turkish one, that is, water should be consumed after finishing the coffee drink.

In northern countries, they drink espresso coffee and water alternately. It is recommended to hold the water in your mouth for a short time to completely cleanse the receptors. The breaks between sips should not be too long so that the coffee does not have time to cool down before the end of the ceremony.

May be easier on your stomach than hot coffee

Many people avoid coffee because it is an acidic drink that can stimulate acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid often flows from the stomach back into the esophagus, causing irritation ().

The acidity of coffee has also been blamed for other ailments such as indigestion and heartburn.

The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline a solution is and ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, lower numbers more acidic, and higher numbers more alkaline.

Iced and hot coffee typically have similar acidity levels, around 5–6 on the pH scale, although this can vary between individual varieties.

However, some studies have shown that cold brew is slightly less acidic, which means it may be less irritating to the stomach (,).

Another reason why this drink may be less irritating than hot coffee is because it contains unrefined polysaccharides.

These carbohydrates, or chains of sugar molecules, boost your digestive system's immunity. This can reduce intestinal irritation and the unpleasant effects of coffee's acidity on the stomach ().


Cold brew coffee is only slightly less acidic than hot coffee, but contains compounds that can protect your stomach from that acidity. Thus, it may cause fewer unpleasant digestive symptoms than hot coffee.

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