Sexual dysfunction in women: decreased libido is a good reason to visit an endocrinologist

Human nature suggests that a happy, fulfilling life is possible with a partner. Sexual relations are an integral part of any healthy relationship between a man and a woman. Regardless of whether people consciously or forcedly make a choice in favor of long-term abstinence from intimate life, the fact remains that the lack of sex negatively affects the functioning of all body systems. A long-term absence of intimate relationships in both sexes leads to changes at the physiological level, which has been proven by doctors. Next, we will look at diseases and health problems that arise during a long period of absence of sexual relations.

How does abstinence affect a woman?

Sexual abstinence in women is not such a rare occurrence. There are two common opinions on this topic. One thing says that intimate relationships are simply necessary for a woman. Another thing is that they do not play a special role in a woman’s life. Where is the truth here?

Why do women abstain from sex?

First of all, this is due to sexual temperament. Women with a strong sexual constitution are unable to go without sex for a long time. Most ladies have an average temperament - it is enough for them to make love 2-3 times a week. At the same time, they do not choose every person they meet as partners; they require a comfortable environment, foreplay, etc. If a man does not meet their needs (he is not liked in appearance, is untidy, behaves too rudely), then they can refuse intimacy.

Finally, women with weak sexual temperament (they make up 10% of the entire female half of the globe) do not attach much importance to sex. They get much more pleasure from spiritual intimacy with their partner. If they don’t find such a man, then they may not have sex at all and take it calmly.

In 1998-2001, Denis Donnelly and Elizabeth Burgess of Georgia State University conducted a study of 60 men and 22 women who had not had sexual intercourse for 6 months or more, although they would like to have it. They were conditionally divided into three groups. The first included “virgins” - people who had no sexual experience at all. The second group includes those who had such experience in the past, but were currently alone. The third group includes married people who did not have sexual relations during marriage. Surveys have shown that “virgins” suffered from low self-esteem and shyness from adolescence and did not have romantic relationships in their youth. “Singles” retained bad memories of their past experiences and found it difficult to enter into relationships with new partners. For “family” people, in the past everything was relatively normal with their sex life, but gradually it faded away, and for various reasons they did not want to look for partners on the side.

The harm of abstinence

Opponents of sexual abstinence argue that, regardless of temperament, it is harmful for all females without exception.

Experts from the American Mayo Clinic experimentally found that women who have not had intimate relationships for a long time cope poorly with stress. Scientists see the reason for this in the fact that during sex, good mood hormones - endorphins - are produced. In addition, women who experienced sexual abstinence had decreased immunity. The fact is, the study authors said, that sex promotes the production of the steroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Thus, in the absence of sexual activity, the risk of certain diseases, such as urinary tract infections, increases.

But the most important thing is that a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes. A woman begins to suffer from migraines, she may gain weight, her PMS syndrome and menstruation become more difficult, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, diseases such as mastopathy and uterine fibroids may occur, and in advanced cases, cancer.

Abstinence also has a negative effect on memory. Scientists from the Mayo Clique found that during sexual intercourse there is increased activity in the hippocampus, which affects long-term memory and the formation of new neural connections in the brain.

The benefits of abstinence

However, not all experts support the idea that sexual abstinence is harmful. Thus, the outstanding American scientist Herbert Shelton (1895-1985) in his article “The Myth of the Necessity of Sex” writes: “I know many women, young and old, who lead absolutely chaste lives and do not feel worse about it than married women. Some of them reached an advanced age and did not suffer from the nervous disorders which are often said to result from sexual repression.”

Most experts believe that abstaining from sexual activity does bring some benefits. In particular, a woman does not need to worry about pregnancy, there are no negative emotions associated with unsuccessful relationships, she can pay more attention to her career, creativity, and children.

No one claims that loneliness and lack of intimacy for a woman is good. But perhaps it’s not as scary as some experts make it out to be. Everything is individual.

Relieve tension


Everyone has heard the expression “rabies of the uterus.” It turns out that “hysteria” in ancient Greek is womb. The now outdated diagnosis of hysteria - a disease of the uterus - was made back in Ancient Greece. It was noticed that women who are not sexually active and do not experience sexual satisfaction, against this background, show dissatisfaction, irritability, even hysterical attacks. This cause of hysteria in women was discovered more than two thousand years ago by the “father of medicine” Hippocrates. His contemporary Plato described the “frenzy” that a woman’s uterus goes into when she is unable to conceive.

It's the same for men. Sexual dissatisfaction causes aggression; some people go to great lengths trying to find a partner.

With age, the condition worsens: problems move from the emotional sphere to the physical. Men who do not have regular sex life develop a disease called prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. One of the functions of the prostate is the production of sperm. When, as a result of lack of sex, there is no ejaculation and the gland does not work, it swells, thickens, blood flow is disrupted, and an inflammatory process occurs in it, which leads to prostatitis.

— Some believe that a man’s long absence of sexual activity enhances his sexual abilities. On the contrary, it weakens. And they are strengthened only by the regular rhythm of sexual life. And the older a man is, the less desirable abstinence is for him. If a 20-year-old can live for a year without sex and nothing will happen, then a 65-year-old in a year will be very difficult to start sexual activity again, -

warns Sergei Alexandrovich.

In women, due to prolonged abstinence, the body does not work as it should, and with age, emotional problems also develop into physical ones. Against this background, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, ovarian dysfunction, benign and malignant formations - fibroids, mastopathy, breast cancer - develop, and functions quickly decline.

— Any organ, if it doesn’t work, atrophies. Even if a healthy arm is put in a cast for three weeks, after the cast is removed the person will hardly be able to pick up a pen from the table. Efficiency is restored through rehabilitation, massage, and physical therapy. This is not always the case with sexual function. It's harder to get her back. The extinction of the sexual reflex occurs much faster, especially in men,

- notes Sergei Dokuchits.
Nothing will support sexual function in men and women more than regular sexual intercourse.

How many sessions of laser hair removal will clear the skin of hair?

If you are promised to get rid of unwanted hair in a couple of sessions, you are dealing with an unscrupulous performer. Typically, for a clear effect, six to nine procedures will be required to treat the body, torso, arms, legs, and bikini area. For total hair removal from a man's face, the course can last up to twenty sessions.

The number of procedures is an individual matter. In addition, if you are told an exact figure in advance, you should think about the qualifications of the master. No one can know for sure how many times you will have to visit the salon. Of course, there is the “hospital average temperature,” which is industry averages related to hair color, thickness, and thickness. But it is impossible to predict how hair follicles will behave against the background of a personal hormonal picture and heredity. For the same reason, it cannot be guaranteed that after a dozen sessions you will get rid of unwanted hair “once and for all.” Usually we are talking about the disappearance of 90% of the hair in the treated area. Over time, individual hairs may occasionally appear in this area. Therefore, experienced professionals advise keeping in shape by visiting a cosmetologist at least once a year.

How many laser hair removal sessions are needed?

Why are so many sessions required? The fact is that the laser only destroys hair that is in the active growth phase. It is at this time that they are maximally filled with melanin. On average, in the selected epilation zone, the proportion of actively growing hair is about twenty percent. The rest of the hair is in the resting or dormant stage.

To wait for the “lagging” hair to enter the desired stage, several more procedures will be required. There is a hair growth cycle in which there are six phases. The most suitable phases for laser hair removal are from the third to the fifth. It is at this time that hair removal will be most effective. Each cycle consists of approximately forty days. Therefore, the time interval between sessions can also be thirty to forty days.

Factors determining the number of sessions and the total duration of the course:

  • Hair color
  • Skin type and color (tanning is undesirable)
  • Hair structure and thickness
  • Hair growth rate
  • Allergic reactions
  • Age
  • Hormonal background

Average number of sessions for each zone

  • Facial area in women - 5-7
  • Facial area in men – 15-20
  • Bikini zone for women – 6-10
  • Bikini area for men – 10-15
  • Women's armpits – 5-10
  • Armpits for men – 10-15
  • Women's legs – 6-10
  • Legs for men – 10-20

It is easy to notice that to maintain beauty, more sacrifices are required from the stronger sex than from beautiful ladies. You also need to know that depending on the gender and area of ​​hair removal, the session can last from a quarter of an hour to sixty minutes.

Today, cosmetic clinics use the following types of laser devices for hair removal: ruby, alexandrite, diode and neodymium. With the same operating principle, they differ in the degree of penetration of the laser beam into the epidermis. The most outdated type of laser is ruby ​​(penetration depth 1 mm). The most common are alexandrite (2 mm) and diode (3 mm). Neodymium laser (4-5 mm) is used mainly for medical purposes; its only drawback is the painfulness of the procedure associated with the maximum wavelength of the laser beam.

Beauty laboratory of Polina Tsukanova


The state of sexual interest, or sexual desire ( libido ) is the normal state of any man and woman of reproductive age. Libido is present in all people, starting from puberty, when girls and young people first become interested in representatives of the opposite sex, and ending with old age, and, as a rule, a certain libido remains until the end of a person’s life. Women's sexual attraction remains a mystery both to men and, often, to women themselves. In some periods of life it is stronger, and in others it decreases significantly. What does this depend on? As you know, hormones play a big role in the emergence or reduction of sexual desire: estrogen and testosterone. But not only them. Sexual desire depends on many factors: hormonal, age-related, physiological, and also on heredity. Psychological and social factors also play a role in the formation of libido. They ensure selectivity of sexual desire, forming a certain image of an ideal partner. In this case, sexual attraction is stronger, the more similar the object of attraction is to the ideal image of the sexual partner. This image begins to form in adolescents during puberty, when its main features are formed - gender, age, behavior, attitude towards a partner. The formation and adjustment of the image of an ideal partner continues throughout life, and as a result of serious psychological trauma and shock, it can undergo very significant changes.

20 years old: Single girl.

By the time women reach the age of twenty, most have a regular menstrual cycle—and their sex drive waxes and wanes with that cycle. On the days when ovulation occurs, women's desire is at its peak and they orgasm faster than during other periods of the cycle. And this is no coincidence, because during this period there is the highest probability of getting pregnant. Contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not necessarily a time of unbridled desire for sex. During this period of life, many young girls often have complexes about their appearance and figure; moreover, during this period of life, their concerns are often related to professional growth and the search for a more or less permanent partner. Research shows that unmarried women are twice as likely as married women to experience anxiety about their sexual performance and suffer from sexual problems. Women are more interested in sex when they are in a stable relationship. If a twenty-year-old woman does not have regular sexual relations, then her interest in sex often decreases. Research shows that women who have sex less than once a week often experience irregular menstrual cycles and problems with ovulation. Previous sexually transmitted diseases may also reduce interest in sex due to feelings of shame and fear of becoming infected again. Two-thirds of people who have an STD are under 25, and women are more likely to become infected than men. The most popular method of contraception among young women is hormonal pills. They can affect libido in different ways. In some women, they suppress the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sexual desire, and because of this it sharply decreases. For other women, on the contrary, sexual desire increases due to the fact that the woman can relax and not be afraid of an unplanned pregnancy. If partners use a condom for protection, the severity of sexual sensations decreases, and sexual desire may also decrease.

Age 30: Married with children

By the time a woman reaches 30, she is already quite aware of her sexual needs and preferences. Most women are married by this time, and their libido flourishes in a strong and secure relationship. Only the birth of a child or career problems can reduce sexual desire. Women's sexual practices are also improving. Women reach orgasm more easily after age 30, which can stimulate desire. On average, women are least likely to complain about problems in their sex life during the first years after marriage and before the birth of a child. And although after 35 years of age testosterone levels begin to gradually decrease, sexual desire does not necessarily weaken. For many modern women, this age remains reproductive. During the second trimester of pregnancy, when a woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, many note an increase in sexual desire. Hormones play a big role in this (progesterone levels increase thousands of times, and estrogen levels hundreds of times), as well as a close emotional connection with your partner. As hormone levels increase, vaginal lubrication improves. The pressure of the growing fetus on the genitals also plays a role in increasing sexual desire. If, in addition, the unborn child is a boy, then the testosterone level becomes even higher, and libido increases accordingly. After giving birth, many women admit that they don’t even want to think about sex. The reason for this is both overwork and a decrease in hormone levels. Testosterone levels decrease significantly, although they quickly return to normal. The number of times you have sex with a partner can be reduced to 2-3 times in 4 months, and they can often be accompanied by pain and vaginal dryness, these problems are experienced by 70% of women during the first six months after the birth of a child. But even if the hormone levels are at normal levels, women often experience too much stress after the birth of a child, killing any desire to make love. They are under constant pressure, torn between caring for a baby, older children and household chores. Breastfeeding also suppresses hormone production. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers experience something like menopause. However, usually all these unpleasant symptoms disappear a few months after the birth of the child, and the woman’s sexual desires are restored and often intensified.

40 years old: Fabulous forties.

In forty-year-old women, hormone levels continue to gradually decrease. Despite this, during middle age most women experience a surge in sexuality. This is facilitated in particular by the fact that many women by this time have an established career, grown-up children, financial stability, and are no longer under such stress as younger women. According to research, as women age, sexual problems tend to decrease. Women over forty already know their sexual needs well, have enough time and energy to enjoy sex, and, as a rule, reach new heights of sexual satisfaction. The sad irony is that for men, on the contrary, as they age, sexual problems increase. Between the ages of 40 and 50, women also enter the period leading up to menopause, when estrogen and testosterone levels begin to decline. This period usually begins around age 46. About half of women over 45 begin to experience some of the symptoms associated with menopause, such as menstrual irregularities and vaginal dryness. But even a decrease in sexual desire does not mean that a woman experiences less pleasure from making love. When you're over forty, you may not have the spontaneous desire to have sex, but your ability to reach orgasm is unlikely to change during this period. Women over forty often experience a disorder of the thyroid gland, which produces hormones important for the proper functioning of the body. By the age of forty, this disorder is found in 1 in 15 women, and by the age of fifty – in 1 in 10. Hypothyroidism, or decreased activity of the thyroid gland, is the main reason for decreased sexual desire at this age. Women with this disorder may also experience increased fatigue, depression, and weight gain. Fortunately, treatment with synthetic hormones can relieve these symptoms.

50 years old: The beginning of a new life.

Menopause in women most often occurs at 47-48 years of age and lasts an average of 1.5-2 years; also, early menopause can sometimes be observed - before 40 years of age and late - after 55 years of age. When women enter menopause, usually around age 51, about 40% of women begin to experience a significant decrease in sexual desire or other sexual dysfunction. And this is not surprising: during this period, the production of estrogen by the ovaries, the hormone “responsible” for the hydration of the vagina and the flow of blood to the genitals, is significantly reduced. Testosterone levels also decrease. The onset of menopause can be judged by the appearance of menstrual irregularities or by indirect signs in conditions where it still persists. Menstruation changes in rhythm, intensity, becomes scanty and gradually stops; Age-related changes occur in the genital organs - the vaginal mucosa becomes thin, loses elasticity, and the uterus decreases in size. Menopause is based on disturbances in the cyclical release of hormones that determine the activity of the pituitary gland and ovaries. Many women benefit from hormone replacement therapy during this period, which usually involves a combination of estrogen and a synthetic version of progesterone. Although hormone replacement therapy effectively treats menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes, it can reduce testosterone levels, which does nothing to promote sexual desire. As a result, many doctors began prescribing testosterone in addition to hormone replacement therapy. For most women, sex life during and after menopause remains virtually unchanged. The feeling of sexual inferiority experienced by some during this period is in no way justified and can significantly reduce sexual desire, especially in persons in whom it was poorly developed. In exceptional cases, during this period, some parts of the genital organs become so small that coitus becomes painful, which leads to the woman’s loss of sexual desire. Considering that female sexuality is highly psychological, during menopause the psycho-emotional component, feelings of understanding, respect, and affectionate care can play a major role in intimate relationships.


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