Get in shape in just a week: practical advice from a nutritionist

It's easy to be beautiful. It's hard to just look beautiful. So, you need to be fully prepared - you have an important event, which was announced so suddenly, or maybe your lover unexpectedly made a date or a friend invited you to the theater, offering an extra ticket? You approached the mirror, and horror gripped you: “Is this tired woman with a dull look really me?” Dont be upset! Take a closer look: you have very expressive eyes, regular facial features and a charming smile. What else is needed to look irresistible? You just need to put yourself in order: relieve fatigue, hide minor skin imperfections and highlight your advantages. You only have about 30 minutes of time, so let’s get to work!

Wash away fatigue in 10 minutes

First, relieve the fatigue accumulated during a hard day at work.

If you are at home. Head straight to the shower, where you can refresh not only your body, but also your soul. The best option is a contrast shower: first warm up thoroughly under running warm water, then turn on cold water. Thus, change the temperature several times, preventing the appearance of goosebumps and unpleasant sensations. End the procedure on a cool note. Then pat your skin dry with a fluffy towel. The first step has been taken - you left the shower rejuvenated and full of strength!

If you are at work. Also take a contrast shower, but... only for your hands, exposing your palms to hot or cold water for at least 3 minutes. The effect of the procedure is almost the same as after a regular shower, reflexologists say.

How to get your face in order in 10 days. How to get your skin in order in 1 day

There are situations in life when you need to get your face in order very quickly. This could be an important meeting, a date or a special event. In this case, you can apply a set of “spa at home” procedures:

  1. First we do peeling. Choose a suitable scrub and cleanse the skin as described above. By removing dead cells, we will make our skin clean and smooth.
  2. Now apply the compress. It is necessary in order to relieve possible irritation and best prepare the skin to absorb beneficial substances from the mask. To prepare a compress, brew a suitable herb, strain the broth, moisten a gauze cloth in it and apply it to the face. The broth should be hot, but not scalding. Until the compress cools down, you can lie down and relax.
  3. Then we apply the mask. The mask is the final point of our express program. For oily skin, the simplest one is a sour cream mask. You just need to apply 15-20% fat sour cream on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off. A honey-egg mask can easily give a fresh look to dry skin. Mix a little liquid honey with an egg yolk, add a few drops of olive oil, mix thoroughly and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Using masks instantly makes your face look younger and more rested.

Charge yourself with energy - 5 minutes

To perk up, drink a glass of strong black tea or a cup of green tea with lemon. Tea drinking can be supplemented with a few pieces of chocolate, which is an effective remedy for fatigue, depression and bad mood. It supplies our body with “fast” calories and energy.

Another way to get a boost of energy is to massage your ears. The fact is that on the auricle there are many biologically active points corresponding to one or another organ and energetically connected with them. Ear massage gives a good shake to the whole body. Drop a little peppermint oil (it's always a good idea to have a bottle of it with you) onto your fingertips and rub your ears with light, quick movements, paying special attention to the earlobes. And don’t be worried about them turning red, this will soon pass, and you will be energetic and cheerful throughout the evening.

Get in shape in just a week: practical advice from a nutritionist

You can get your body in shape in just one week: there is no need to exhaust yourself every day with overwhelming physical activity in the gym or suffer from hunger.

Weight loss expert Amber Smith has made 10 recommendations for those who need to get rid of 2-3 extra pounds that spoil the overall picture:

1. Take the time to create a complete menu for the entire week, including snacks, and stay on track. The most important task is to ensure that the diet is balanced and nutritious, since you need to lose weight without consequences for your health.

If you cannot cope with this task on your own, then seek help from a nutritionist.

weight loss

2. Do not visit cafes and restaurants with friends. The risk that you will “exceed” the allowed calorie intake is too high, which will not allow you to lose weight. In addition, it is extremely difficult to control portion sizes in restaurants. You will also not know the final energy value, since salad dressing can sometimes be a source of empty calories.

3. Before lunch and dinner, be sure to go for a walk. Firstly, it is healthy because it provides you with a minimum level of physical activity.

Secondly, it will allow you to lose some weight. And finally, it affects appetite.

4. Avoid foods that are too high in calories and unhealthy. Fast food, fried, smoked, processed meats, baked goods, high-fat dairy products, and confectionery are prohibited.

5. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water. To enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice to it. You should do the same before every meal.

6. Drink more water. This not only helps cope with hunger, but also helps the body in general. By the way, without a sufficient amount of fluid it is impossible to effectively lose weight, since water helps break down fat deposits.

In addition, it cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances without additional stress on the kidneys.

Water is the simplest and most accessible means of preserving youth for many years.

7. Make it a rule to exercise at least a little, as this will allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. The best time for physical activity is in the morning, since the body will have to use existing fat reserves.

At least 10-15 minutes every morning for a week will help you get into the desired shape without much effort.

8. Sign up for a swimming pool. This is the easiest and most enjoyable way to give your body a pleasant shape, since with the help of a properly selected diet you can get rid of excess fat, but this will not help you gain the desired shape and sexuality.

If the gym without the necessary preparation may seem too difficult to someone, then swimming will bring only pleasant sensations.

9. Any change in diet is stressful for the body, so practice relaxation. The best options for losing weight are a sauna (this procedure will also help remove toxins) and yoga, which will also give your muscles tone and flexibility.

Photo: Pixabay

Author: Marina Mikhalap

Getting rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes - 5 minutes

If you are at home. Try putting grated potatoes on your eyelids and around your eyes. Carry out the procedure while sitting comfortably on the sofa. At the same time, treat your face with a mask. You can use a store-bought one or make your own mask. Any natural ingredients are suitable for this purpose.

If you are at work. Place cool tea bags with drunk tea on your eyes (it’s better if they lie in the refrigerator for a while before) or cotton swabs, dipping them in the tea leaves. Sit back, relax and think about something pleasant. Just 5 minutes - and an amazing effect: your eyes look as if you really sleep for 8 hours every day, don’t sit in front of the computer from morning to evening, have time to walk in the fresh air and play sports.

Exercises that will get your figure in order in 2 weeks

We are accustomed to thinking that any physical activity will lead to weight loss. It turns out that this is not entirely true.

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to eliminate some exercises that lead to muscle gain and make you look bigger.

We found out which exercises are ineffective for losing weight and how they can be replaced.

Side bends with weight

To get beautiful sculpted abs, many girls perform side bends with dumbbells or a weight plate. This exercise develops the oblique abdominal muscles, while visually making the stomach wider and the waist less noticeable.

How to do it correctly: Perform bending movements without weight or with dumbbells no more than 1.5–2 kg. Do the exercise no more than once a week.


Squats are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening your buttocks and thighs. But if you have excess weight and fat deposits that cover the muscles, visually these areas will begin to look even larger than before starting training. In addition, squats will not help pump up only the buttocks, but will also affect the legs.

How to do it right: Don't get carried away with barbell squats. To start, squat without weights, do 20-30 repetitions of 4-5 sets with breaks of no more than 30-40 seconds between sets.

Hip adduction and abduction in a sitting machine

The outer and inner thighs are one of the most problematic areas. In the hope of losing weight in these places, women actively do such exercises with maximum weight. But strength training will not lead to weight loss.

How to do it right: First, eliminate this exercise and replace it with lunges with free or light weights.

Strength exercises for the back

Strengthening your back is one of the most important exercises if you do strength training. But frequent exercises with heavy weights can make your back appear too wide and spoil the feminine proportions of your figure.

How to do it right: Do back exercises no more than once a week. Use light weight. During each workout, include hyperextension in your warm-up, which will help strengthen your back muscles without building muscle mass.

Push ups

This exercise is convenient because it does not require additional equipment and can be performed even at home. But you shouldn’t get carried away with it - during push-ups, the pectoral muscles, triceps brachii and triceps work. If you are overweight, your arms and shoulders may appear even larger.

How to do it right: Replace push-ups with planks. It helps strengthen major muscle groups and tighten the stomach.

Don't forget about 3 basic rules that you need to follow if your goal is to lose weight:

  1. Combine cardio and strength training.
  2. Change up your training programs and perform different variations of exercises for the same muscles.
  3. To lose weight, perform exercises with lighter weights, but do more sets and repetitions with short breaks.

6 exercises that will help reduce cellulite in 2 weeks

Cellulite appears when a person has too much fat tissue and not enough muscle tissue. This is not a cosmetic problem, so you can get rid of it with proper nutrition, massage and a competent exercise program.

Exercise No. 1

How to do it: Lie on your right side and lean on your forearm. Raise your left leg 10–30 cm from the floor and hold it in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly lower it. Repeat the exercise for your right leg.

How much: 2 sets of 12 repetitions for each side.

Exercise No. 2

How to do it: Place your hands on the floor and take the same position as for push-ups. Then bend and bring the knee of your right leg towards your stomach. Next, straighten this leg and lift it up from the floor by 13–20 cm. Repeat for the left leg.

How much: 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

Exercise No. 3

How to do it: Take one dumbbell or kettlebell in your hands, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhaling, begin to lower yourself slowly, bending your knees. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then, exhale, rise up.

How much: 3 sets of 20 squats.

Exercise No. 4

How to do it: Stand straight, hold 2 dumbbells in your hands, feet shoulder-width apart. Begin to slowly lean forward with your back straight and your arms hanging down freely. Bend down as low as you can. Then slowly return to the starting position.

How much: 5 sets of 12 inclines.

Exercise No. 5

How to do it: Kneeling, lean on straightened arms, back straight. Start slowly lifting one leg up, and at the peak of the lift, fix the movement for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform alternately for the right and left legs.

How much: 2 sets of 15 repetitions for each leg.

Exercise No. 6

How to do it: Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend them at the knees, and place your hands on the back of your head. Then jump up forcefully, throwing your arms and legs in the air like an asterisk. Land and return to your starting position.

How much: 2 sets of 20 jumps.

To achieve results as quickly as possible and reduce cellulite, follow these exercises according to the program: 2 days of training, 1 day of rest for 2 weeks.


Drawing a face - 10 minutes

If you are at home. Before applying makeup, remove any remaining “morning luxury”. If you haven't done this before taking a shower, now is the time. Cleanse your face with milk, the remnants of which, in turn, remove with toner. Wash yourself. Cold boiled water will refresh lightly breathing skin. Rub it with a piece of ice - this will give your face a natural glow. Apply cream. Now your skin is cleansed, soothed and ready for makeup that will make you irresistible!

If you are at work. Most likely, you will only be able to touch up your makeup. Using a cotton swab, carefully wipe off any remaining “aged” cosmetics. Renew your shadows, draw the contour of your lips brighter and paint them with lipstick (if you have one in your makeup bag, then a richer tone than during the day), hide the traces of daytime fatigue under a light foundation.

Andrey Svirid, coach, master of sports of the Republic of Belarus in bodybuilding:

– To begin with, I will disappoint everyone: getting yourself into good physical shape and regaining muscle tone in 2 weeks, especially if you have never worked out before, is, of course, impossible. But you can reduce body fat and get rid of excess fluid in the body.

To begin with, you should pay attention to such points as healthy and sufficient sleep, physical activity, a properly selected diet and the amount of fluid consumed.

To get good results from exercise and proper nutrition, you should start preparing for the beach season at least a couple of months in advance. During this time, you can have time to tone your muscles and perhaps even pump them up, while this will be enough time to get rid of excess weight. First of all, you need to pay attention to nutrition and routine. Nutrition in this case is more important, especially for girls. With the right set of workouts, the weight loss process becomes much more effective.

Have a nice holiday everyone!

What can you do in seven days to improve your appearance? It turns out that there is a lot! Of course, losing excess weight, removing cellulite or stretch marks in such a short time is quite difficult, but taking the first step towards a slim figure is quite possible. In addition, in a week you can get rid of dark circles under your eyes, improve the appearance of your hair and skin, make your nails beautiful, and even update your wardrobe. Therefore, if you, like many other women, dream of looking stunning this summer, then our article will be an excellent guide to action. Here we go?

Monday: get rid of unnecessary things

We start our marathon with cleansing body treatments. You can give up dinner from the beginning of the week, replacing it with apples and kefir. This will allow you not only to significantly cleanse your body from the inside, but also to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. By the way, fasting evenings perfectly cleanse the skin, so if you suffer from acne and acne, we strongly recommend that you use this recipe.

Honey wraps will help tighten your buttocks, remove toxins and waste, and reduce your waist size. Heat the honey in a water bath, cool slightly, add 5 drops of orange essential oil, apply to problem areas, wrap in cling film and relax by watching, for example, a TV series. After 40 minutes, rinse off the composition in the shower.

Tuesday: Skin like silk

An exfoliation procedure will help you become the owner of perfectly smooth, velvety and feminine skin. You can use a store-bought scrub or make your own by mixing sea salt with cream (1 teaspoon salt per 1 tablespoon cream). Now go to the shower, thoroughly rub the mixture onto your face and body, massage and rinse with water.

Epilation will help rid your body of excess hair. Choose the method of removing vegetation that you like. Just don’t forget that you need to pay attention not only to the armpit area, but also to the legs and bikini. This nakedness will give you self-confidence, so you will feel much more attractive.

Wednesday: perfect face

On this day, we suggest you take care of your eyebrows and make a moisturizing face mask. Arm yourself with tweezers, decide on the desired eyebrow shape and start shaping your face. After this, use a protein mask, which will perfectly whiten your facial skin, removing redness. Beat the egg whites and apply the mixture to a clean face. After 25 minutes, rinse with water. Place tea bags, preferably chamomile, on the area around the eyes. Thus, in one day you will open your eyes, remove fatigue from your face and make yourself much more attractive.

Thursday: Bronze Beauty

To avoid looking like a pale toadstool, we recommend that you use a self-tanner or go to a solarium. It has been proven that people with tanned skin look much sexier than those who are proud of their aristocratic pallor. In addition, tanning hides minor defects on the skin and visually reduces body volume.

Friday: hair and manicure

Since ancient times, our ancestors considered Friday to be women's day, so they tried to carry out all cosmetic procedures on this day. If you want to change your hairstyle, then feel free to go to a stylist. You can also get a new manicure there, for example, in the ombre style. At home, we recommend that you prepare your favorite hair mask and use photo or video tutorials on creating beautiful and stylish nail art.

Saturday: wardrobe change

On the weekend, you can go shopping and replenish your closet with new, fashionable things. Moreover, during the week of fasting dinners, you probably decreased in volume - and old things began to dangle on you. But if your financial situation does not allow you to buy new things, you should not be upset. Organize your closet and you're guaranteed to find lots of colorful items that haven't been worn in a while. By adding a stylish hairstyle, accessories and a beautiful manicure, you will look new.

Sunday: complete rest

To appear renewed, sexy and incredibly beautiful before the outside world, you need to have a good rest. Dedicate one day off to yourself, your loved one, getting at least 8 hours of sleep, taking a relaxing bath, pampering your face and hair with nourishing masks, etc. Do whatever you like on this day, and do not overwork yourself. In the evening, you can treat yourself to popsicles and watch your favorite movie. You will go to bed satisfied and ready for a new day.

These simple recommendations will transform any woman and make her a real beauty!

In the life of every woman, force majeure situations occur when it is urgent to take action and get yourself in order in just a week. No, of course, keeping in good shape is always our sacred duty, but so what... anything can happen. And suddenly, out of the blue, the most important event falls: a first date, or an important interview, or, in a very difficult case, a reunion of graduates!

Don't panic - we have a whole week to completely rebrand to bring a slightly neglected state to absolute perfection. You can, of course, turn to specialists, but time/wallet does not always allow us to enjoy procedures in a beauty salon. And, frankly speaking, home remedies are at least guaranteed to be natural.

First of all, we decide on a diet. Yes, yes, beauty requires sacrifice, but among the many diets you can choose from the most radical to the completely acceptable.

Next, we think about the strategy for cosmetic procedures and draw up

Perfect makeup in minutes

The foundation will lie smoothly, naturally, if you apply it quickly and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the face and neck. Hide individual imperfections (shadows under the eyes, age spots) with a camouflage pencil. Liquid eyeliner is applied only to the upper eyelid. Draw a carefully thin and precise line that will stay on your eyelids all evening. Brown mascara will make your makeup look more natural and natural. Matte lipstick is the best finish to a sophisticated makeup look. Apply it using a special brush. The lipstick will lay down in a thinner, even layer, will stay on the lips for a long time, and in addition, the brush will help draw a more elegant line.

A full manicure is a rather lengthy procedure. Therefore, if you don’t have time for it, just give your nails the correct shape and apply polish. The ideal option is that the polish matches the color of the lipstick. But due to lack of time, you can also use transparent: if in a hurry you paint your nails not very evenly or the varnish suddenly smudges, then it will not be noticeable.

Perfume is also a powerful female weapon, but your goal is not to suffocate your interlocutor, but to win over and charm. Therefore, apply a few drops behind your ear, on the elbow, wrist and neck, and the delicate aroma emanating from you will be quite enough.

Look in the mirror again. Who do you see in him now? Don't be surprised, this stunningly beautiful woman is you. Remember this feeling - a feeling of self-confidence and a feeling of irresistibility. Take it with you for the evening and you will see how it is transmitted to the people around you.

How to get yourself in order in 10 days at home. Breast

Create your beauty schedule following natural biorhythms.
Did you know that at 8 am the body is “programmed” to actively burn fat? Therefore, combine fitness with beauty treatments in the morning, and your body will quickly get closer to ideal. What procedures should be done? • Salt scrub

Salt draws out excess water from the body and reduces swelling. In addition, when applying the scrub, you give a light body massage. Peeling also removes rough skin cells and improves its tone. Take a tablespoon of medium-ground sea salt and any oil, such as olive oil, and apply it to your body in a circular motion after showering.

How to get yourself in order in 10 days at home. Breast

• Honey massage

In addition to the fact that honey nourishes the skin well (it contains a lot of ascorbic acid, B vitamins and PP), it removes toxins. For massage you need uncandied honey. Apply it to the body with intense patting movements. The honey will stick to your hands and after some time will look like plasticine with a gray coating. It is believed that these are the released toxins. Do the massage for 5 to 30 minutes. Afterwards, take a shower.

• Tea wrap

Green tea helps cleanse the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least one cup per day. You can enhance the detox effect by making tea wraps. Brew 2 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. l. tea. When it cools, add 3 drops of lemon, rosemary or anise essential oil. Apply to problem areas with cotton pads and wrap the body with film. To enhance the effect, you can wear leggings and do fitness. After 40 minutes, take a shower and apply any lotion: moisturizing if the skin is tight and flaky, nourishing if it’s dry, anti-cellulite if you need to get rid of orange peel.

Final tips

So, are you ready? Now try on a charming smile (it suits you so well), and also take on board three more tips that will help you conquer and charm the opposite sex:

  1. Straighten up! The graceful and seductive curve of the back - it turns out that it is this detail that instantly takes possession of a man’s consciousness and is remembered forever.
  2. Learn to shoot with your eyes (you have brought them to full combat readiness). Look the man straight in the eyes. Counting to three, slowly turn your head to the side, as if unable to look away. Now turn away sharply. That's all. Works flawlessly.
  3. Try to imitate the behavior of your interlocutor as much as possible, this will give him a feeling of closeness and sympathy.


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