How complex men behave with women. A complex man. What does he pretend to be?

An inferiority complex in men is observed quite often. Representatives of the stronger sex only in women's fantasies have enormous strength, unlimited possibilities, are financially secure and amazingly beautiful. In fact, there are no ideal people. Every guy has flaws and weaknesses that make him doubt his own abilities, lower his self-esteem and give him a feeling of insignificance. What is an inferiority complex, what factors is it generated in the male mind, and what should be done to get rid of psychological pathology?

inferiority complex in men

A man with complexes signs

Many women try to understand the peculiarities of male psychology
, because this is the key to understanding members of the opposite sex. If you want to find mutual understanding with your loved one, then you should understand at least a little the principle of his thinking. If we know enough about women’s complexes, then men try to hide their weaknesses. Sometimes this can cause a quarrel, because a woman cannot know absolutely everything about her loved one.

1. Male complex of inadequacy of a beautiful successful woman

. In the process of choosing a life partner, men often face various problems, because sometimes it is so difficult to find that one and only one. When a man on his way meets a self-sufficient person who has achieved fulfillment in life and knows exactly what he wants, some problems arise.

The man immediately begins to compare himself with her and wonder

: “Do I meet her level and requirements?” A woman may not even show her demands, but a man has already begun to delve into himself and look for flaws. It is much easier to find a discreet, modest lady who will be incredibly happy from the manifestation of basic attention and tenderness. A man’s complexes can sometimes ruin his happy personal life, because that same “gray mouse” may not cause his heart to pound at all. That is why men often choose very inconspicuous modest women as wives who can provide him with coziness, comfort and tranquility. A woman who knows how to change, looks great and is popular with the stronger sex rarely becomes desirable for starting a family.

2. Male complex of inability to become the head of the family

. Men are terribly afraid of any active manifestations on the part of their spouse, because in society it is customary to condemn a representative of the stronger sex who completely follows the instructions of his wife. If a woman wants to show character and tries to propose her own rules, then the notorious man will immediately begin to create scandals and prove his superiority. Psychological studies have shown that men who have achieved excellent success in their careers are calm about the manifestations of the will of their beloved spouse. The thing is that he already has an area where he is successful, so he simply does not need to realize his ambitions through his family.

4. Male inferiority complex

. Many men are actually insecure about their appearance, although at first glance you might not think so. Fear of going bald, gaining weight, or simply losing attractiveness are real complexes for men that can develop self-doubt and the inability to build a happy personal life. Men, just like women, constantly compare themselves with their competitors, and realizing that they are not popular among the fair sex, they fall into despair. Men know very well that most women prefer beautiful, wealthy, young, fit and tall, so failure to meet the standard can significantly undermine a man’s self-esteem. Sometimes a man needs to understand that if his nature has not endowed him with an ideal appearance, he should think about charisma, humor, gentlemanliness and other virtues.

5. The male incompetent lover complex

. It is very important for a man to feel like a winner sexually. If he knows for sure that his woman is completely satisfied with his intimate skills, then self-esteem will automatically rise several times. If he knows that his beloved wants to receive much more from him than he gives her, he will simply stop believing in himself. Often men whose women have not been able to give them self-confidence in an intimate sense go looking for victories on the side.

If a man

If he understands that he has something to be proud of when it comes to sex, he will be able to be more positive in any area of ​​his life. That is why every representative of the fair sex should, even if not express herself to the maximum in sex, but let her beloved know that he has no equal.

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Manifestation in women

Many women feel depressed and lack self-confidence due to constant social pressure. He dictates how the fairer sex should look and behave. Because of this, women who do not meet the standards experience discomfort.

An inferiority complex often develops in lonely divorced women.

Those who have been betrayed by their partners are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. They tend to compare themselves with their exes' new girlfriends.

Most obsessive thoughts are related to:

  • feeling of uselessness and loneliness (no one loves me, I will always be alone);
  • appearance (I'm ugly, fat);
  • inflated ambitions (I can’t achieve what I want).

An inferiority complex in women can develop due to their financial, moral and emotional dependence on men. Many people, being in a relationship, feel constant oppression from their partner. They perform the function of servants, psychologists and mistresses, but do not develop themselves.

The intimate reason for the feeling of inferiority is the inability to receive satisfaction from classical (vaginal) sex. More than 80% of women regularly fake orgasms. Most of them consider themselves frigid.

The most common male complexes and their symptoms

Complexes are one of the psychological problems that stand in the way of gaining self-confidence and achieving your life goals.

Every person has complexes, but not everyone can admit it. The information presented in this article will lift the veil of secrecy and shed light on the complexes that are most often found among representatives of the stronger sex.

Subordinate complex

Almost every young man from an early age was imposed a certain algorithm of behavior: a man must be strong, decisive, unyielding, achieving his goals at any cost. As soon as a boy grows up and begins to build his own life, a number of problems arise.

It turns out that not everything is so simple in this world: a boss appears who demands unquestioning obedience, a beloved woman who is not ready to indulge a man in everything. In such a situation, a man who comes to understand that not all of his ambitions can be realized experiences internal dissonance.

Failed lover complex

Most men are afraid of failing in bed. By the time he reaches puberty, every boy is convinced that both the level of popularity among women and success in life in general depend on his heroic exploits in his intimate life. Which gives rise to most of the various sexual complexes.

Psychologists say that it is complexes associated with sexuality that are most often found in men, namely:

David complex

Males are afraid of old age. Almost all his life, a man is overcome by the fear that after a certain number of years he will turn into an old, grumbling, uninteresting old man with a sagging belly.

Complex features of physiology

This complex is possessed by men who are not satisfied with their body parameters: height, weight and other characteristics. In order to compensate for this deficiency, men try their best to realize themselves, for example, in a career, sports and other activities.

Treason complex

Every man is afraid of losing the woman he loves. Even if the girl does not give the young man a reason to doubt her fidelity, the man subconsciously worries that there will be a more interesting man whom his beloved will prefer.

Complex of Alexander the Great

Many males are afraid to impress others with themselves as a man of non-traditional sexual orientation. Despite the fact that such fear can be considered extremely petty and stupid, it is present in the subconscious of quite a large number of men.

Complex of non-conformity to the ideal

Every person has an image of the desired “I” formed in his thoughts. A man who is constantly obsessed with the need to achieve the desired reality often does not notice what is happening around him and cannot fully enjoy his life.

Fear of abandonment

In his youth, starting to build relationships with attractive girls, a young man is confident that the relationship can end solely on his personal initiative. In the event that the relationship is interrupted at the girl’s request, the man’s self-esteem will drop to zero.

Complex of “women's responsibilities”

Some men are ashamed to do women's work, believing that this will change the opinion of others about their personality for the worse.

Napoleon complex

Usually associated with the common belief that a man should always be taller than his partner. Especially when the girl wears high-heeled shoes, and he is a head shorter and bigger...

Madonna and Harlot Complex

Another popular male Madonna complex is harlots , where a man divides women into 2 types: holy Madonnas, who are ideal as immaculate and decent wives for having children, and dirty harlots, depraved mistresses for carnal pleasures.

Male Madonna and Harlot complex

Electra complex or a girl’s painful attachment to her father


Diagnosis of an inferiority complex and ways to overcome it

In order to determine the presence of an inferiority complex, you need to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. In an individual conversation, the specialist will ask several questions and listen to the client’s complaints, which can easily be used to determine low self-esteem and complexities. To diagnose an inferiority complex, psychologists use a special questionnaire presented in the psychodiagnostic textbook by N. P. Fetiskin. The technique consists of 30 questions; if the subject scored less than 40 points, it makes sense to talk about an inferiority complex as a diagnosis that requires psychodiagnostic correction.

The following character traits are fertile ground for the development of an inferiority complex in men:

  • emotionality;
  • isolation;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • shyness

A man with complexes signs


It has always been interesting to know the peculiarities of male thinking, so they often visit thematic forums, pay attention to their acquaintances of the stronger sex and read books about male psychology. If you want to take one step closer to knowing men, then this article is just for you. It’s probably no secret to anyone that even the most successful and handsome men have complexes, but they don’t always talk about it. If you don’t want to get into an awkward situation, then you will have to study the most popular complexes that worry the stronger sex.


Like any disease, men's complexes must be treated. Otherwise, men may develop other mental disorders. There are techniques aimed at eliminating complexes. They include several mandatory steps:

  1. Admit your problems. The first and most difficult stage for any person, and even more so for men. If they admit their complexes, they will destroy stereotypes: a man has no right to be weak, he cannot demonstrate his vulnerability, he must hide his feelings. You need to understand that every person can have difficulties - you are no exception. Only after this can you move on.
  2. Find the reason for your complexes. Complexes and phobias in men cannot appear out of nowhere. This is a consequence of severe stress or prolonged influence of our loved ones. Listen to yourself and try to understand what exactly is bothering you.
  3. Forgive your offenders. This way you can free yourself from internal pressures and become calmer. There are cases when, after many years, the patient found a person who caused him complexes. They discussed the situation in the past. Often offenders regret their actions and ask for forgiveness. This frees a man from his fears. It wouldn’t hurt to apologize yourself.

How to distinguish a complex person at first sight

Do you know what complexes are? This is when concentration on some detail of one’s own, concern about it outgrows all normal limits. For example, a woman with size 46 clothes considers herself so fat that it seems to her that everyone is turning around after her. A person constantly experiences anxiety about his peculiarity; it seems to him that the people around him are also interested in it. But, apart from a couple of rare exceptions, this is not the case.

Today, while I was running errands and shopping, I saw at least several thousand people. But I cannot describe any of them, except for those whom I meet all the time. I didn’t remember their height, nor their weight, nor the color of their eyes, nor the shape of their ears, nor the hump on their nose. I am completely indifferent to other people's butts, ears, triceps, calves and eyebrow shape. I don’t care how much they earn, how much they eat, how old they were when they got married, or what education they have. There is too little time in my day to pay attention to such little things. This is exactly how things are for most people. We are only interesting to our spouses, a couple of girlfriends and our mother. Other people will forget about us in five seconds. They all don't care about us.

However, there are some people who really show genuine interest in us. Sometimes these are our future friends or lovers. But most often the interest of strangers is aimed at spitting poison at us. Some reward us with critical comments regularly, and this is where it’s worth thinking - why?

Why is that stranger woman or that elderly man so interested in my lips, hands, butts, salary and who I spent the night with? Why do they care and how can I influence their quality of life? Obviously, no way! The only explanation for this behavior is complexes. Insecure people constantly compare themselves to others, trying to confirm their normality, which is why we come into their attention. Some detail of our image is a detonator that explodes the activation mechanism of the complex. And the complex comes out with all its destructive power.

I recently saw discussions on this topic. The girl Sonya, who has an ideal figure, asks in bewilderment why Russian people, unlike foreigners, are so fond of criticizing someone else’s appearance or emphasizing their superiority by comparing it with someone else’s failure? The answer lies in our upbringing. Unfortunately, our children are often literally deformed. Have you ever seen this picture: a girl walks, let’s say, slouching, and her mother demonstratively hits her on the back. The girl became overweight during her teenage years, and her mother, out of good intentions, tells her that with such an ass they won’t marry her? The boy is scared out of his mind, and his father also beats him with a belt for being afraid? This happens all the time. Not to mention those cases when we are compared to our neighbor Kolya, cousin Vasya or classmate Pasha. It is this behavior of parents that creates the basis for the formation of complexes. Why are complexes dangerous? They make us spend most of our lives thinking about things that are not important to anyone but ourselves.

Have you noticed how in Russia they love photo selections from American and European stores, when they photograph walking freaks? Comparison makes us feel more important, more beautiful, smarter, better. Because there is no self-confidence in this. And self-confidence leads to success faster than imaginary ideality.

Would you like me to tell you the story of one girl with a very big ass? Why bother, her butt is maybe one and a half meters in girth, she’s so huge. It is impossible for a girl to lose weight - everything else about her is thin. And guess what? She didn’t hide under the bed, but opened Instagram and profitably sold her physical disability. Access to her Instagram costs 12 bucks. In the photo on Instagram, she is hugged by a young man in love. And here she is...

Causes of the small penis complex

The roots of the small penis complex lie in early childhood. The child sees that his penis is smaller than that of older children and his father and fixes his attention on this circumstance. The boy acquires a strong conviction that, due to the smaller size of his own genitals, he will not be successful with women. Someone's random joke about a “small penis” only aggravates the development of the complex. There is a fear of being ridiculed, and other violations may arise on this basis. The development of the small penis complex is also influenced by the impressions of youth and adolescence. Young people's conversations about sex are often characterized by unfounded arguments. One argument is that all women want sex with males with a larger penis because it provides more sexual pleasure. Sexual events in adulthood can also be a trigger for a small penis complex.

A man with a complex - every woman should know this sign

Ecology of life. People: Every woman should know this sign of a complex man. Be careful! To check, you need a very ordinary woman of unknown age, but she must be overweight and look bad.

Every woman should know this sign of a complex man. Be careful!

To check, you need a very ordinary woman of unknown age, but she must be overweight and look bad. Or rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having noticed your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when your aunt looks especially tired. After this, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter remains small. Arrange the meeting with the man in such a way that the chosen woman will definitely come into his field of vision. For example, you were walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugged your waist.

As soon as your man’s gaze falls on the unfortunate woman, sigh sadly. Say something like: oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15, she hung out with guys, often changed men, loved to drink and smoke, so she was worn out before her time.

One modest, shy boy courted her, but she refused and mixed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She's old, what can you take from her? She became fat and had bad teeth. Half of them fell out altogether. No one is marrying her now. This is how you will have to live out your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice releases several cats from around the corner at this time. To prevent cats from running out early, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will add tragedy and doom to the scene. Plus, there will be sound effects to match all the drama. If you don't have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meowing on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see a satisfied smile spread across the face of the notorious man.

“A jumping dragonfly...” the satisfied, complex man will drawl, raising his index finger up. - She sang red summer, so come and dance...

Complex men, unlike normal ones, love it when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. The complicated man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden was just now destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed on from mouth to mouth.

You may ask, why the hell do we need such a nasty, complex man? So I'm thinking about this...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else’s bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially an ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, you can see him even if you don’t clown around with cats and women, but just take a closer look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Do you agree that this behavior is a marker showing complexes? published

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How to overcome the complex yourself

Playing sports is a way to increase your self-esteem and assert yourself

  1. You need to learn how to correctly perceive compliments directed at you.
  2. Love yourself. Stand in front of the mirror, look into your eyes, tell yourself how wonderful you look.
  3. Start to sensibly evaluate your actions. To do this, you can keep a special notebook where you will need to write down your daily achievements.
  4. Enlist the support of loved ones. Let them help you identify the best qualities of your personality, tell you what you can get rid of and how to behave.
  5. Open yourself up to new perspectives, don't be afraid to be ridiculed for trying, take risks to achieve more.
  6. Work on your image. This will help improve your self-esteem.
  7. Try to be in a positive mood as often as possible. It will be easy for such a person to fit into a new team.
  8. Try to be in the company of other people more, no need to sit alone.
  9. Stop comparing yourself to someone else, stop suffering because someone has everything and you don’t. Better evaluate your changes over time, your own improvements.
  10. Go in for sports if the cause of inferiority lies in a bad figure. You can sign up for a swimming pool, play tennis or run at the stadium, or go to the gym.
  11. Work on your speech. Exercising in front of a mirror helps a lot.
  12. Choose your social circle wisely. Gossipers and hypocrites will only worsen your condition. There should be positive, self-confident people nearby.
  13. Engage in improvement and self-development. Become an erudite person.

Bragging about a small penis complex

Some of these individuals feel a lack of recognition and praise for their true achievements and personality characteristics, so they invent “feats” that other individuals may find attractive. For example, a person with a small penis may tell others that he has a large penis. He may also supplement these statements with fictitious stories about how he was able to achieve these results, and how his large penis caused discomfort to other women, which led to separation.

Anxiety disorder due to small penis complex

The above-described ideas of men with a small penis complex about “all women” (or at least about “all women” who are potential partners), the lack of real relationships with people of the opposite sex, are combined in some cases with social anxiety disorder (social phobia). Such individuals engage in avoidant behavior and express deep concerns about their appearance, their ability to perform sexually, and their social adequacy. This fear is further reinforced by distorted views about women and sexuality. Social phobes are very sensitive to criticism from third parties. Shame, anxiety and lack of sexual experience lead men with a small penis complex to feelings of hopelessness and depression, and in some cases, even suicide.

Defense mechanism and signs


The human brain will find an answer to everything, especially when it comes to survival and adaptation. The response to the conviction of one's own worthlessness, unattractiveness and inadequacy is an inflated Ego, or pride, arrogance.

So that no one notices the personality problem, an image is created based on overcompensation. That is, a person does not simply reproduce those traits that he lacks (in his opinion), but exaggerates them, as if masking a hole in his soul. From the outside it looks like:

  • like arrogance;
  • superiority over others;
  • absolute correctness and awareness always and in everything;
  • humiliation and insult of other people;
  • deliberate love for oneself and one’s appearance;
  • swagger and impudence;
  • demonstrativeness, boasting;
  • showing off;
  • inadequate attempts to assert oneself through the cultivation and demonstration of material achievements, the number of partners, and so on;
  • defiant behavior and the desire to earn the attention of others in any way;
  • arguing until you are hoarse in order to defend your rightness.

You can endlessly patch up a hole with money, cars, girls, men, humiliation of other people, outrageousness, you can create the illusion of a self-confident (and even too self-confident) person. But this will not solve the real reason and will not heal the wound, self-esteem will remain low, the fear of attention and evaluation from others will remain, and smart people around will sooner or later understand the real reason for this behavior.

“The best defense is an attack,” says the defense mechanism of the psyche. And a person, so that no one notices his shortcomings and imperfections, looks for in other people something that he can pay attention to and thereby distract him from himself. Therefore, those who have faced cruelty and humiliation in the future often humiliate and criticize others in defense of themselves.

But there is a second model of behavior caused by an inferiority complex. It is the opposite of the previous one. The person remains in the role of humiliated and insulted. Among the signs:

  • inadequate chronic feelings of shame and guilt;
  • self-humiliation, humiliation;
  • victim position;
  • the desire to evoke self-pity;
  • internal prohibitions on expressing emotions (aggression, discontent), defending one’s rights and personal boundaries, fulfilling desires and satisfying needs;
  • increased anxiety;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • wariness and suspiciousness;
  • avoiding traumatic conditions (depending on the individual case, for example, if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, he refuses to be photographed, does not look in the mirror).

With this behavior, a person tries to get what he lacked and lacks: love, care, recognition and acceptance, support.


First of all, a person with a complex has low self-esteem.

If a man is constantly depressed, has neuroses, and increasingly lashes out at you, you should sound the alarm.

These are the main signs of an inferiority complex.

From the name itself it follows that a person does not feel whole, he is constantly dissatisfied with this or that action, in a word.

Inferiority complex in men: why such a man is dangerous

Every year, many people turn to specialists with this problem. But there are also those who try to cope with the problem on their own. They read specialized literature on psychology and study the issue from all sides.

For those who like to read and who love literature on psychology, here is a link to purchase books with a 15% discount in ChitayGorod.

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