What coffee can be called the strongest?

Which varieties are the strongest?

It is important to note that the strength directly depends on the number of coffee beans that were used to prepare a portion of the drink. It is no coincidence that at the amateur level, ordinary people regulate the strength of the drink by adding more to each cup or each pot when brewing. But to be real “coffee lovers”, it is worth understanding not only the number of spoons, but also the types of drink and special mixtures for its preparation.

Arabica coffee tree with ripening fruits

The strength depends primarily on its variety. The most common varieties are beans called robusta and arabica. By the way, there are four types of coffee trees: Robusta, Arabica, Liberica and Excelsa. But coffee, which is called Liberica and Excelsa, is not so common, and this is due to significant features: they are distinguished by their low prevalence, availability only in the growing regions and a very tart taste.

Liberica, which grows in Africa, is very bitter and can be used in the preparation of coffee blends and other drinks only as an additive, but not in its pure form. Excelsa is also not found as a separate species, but this species is very rare due to the difficulty of collecting it.

Coffee trees are tall, and fruit harvesting begins only from a height of fifteen meters and above, which makes the process labor-intensive.

What determines the strength of a coffee drink?

The strength of a coffee drink depends on several factors. Among them:

  • variety, species, growing region. A weak drink is obtained from Arabica, and a rich drink from Robusta. Very strong coffee grows in the Arabian Peninsula and Africa;
  • method of grain processing. The fermented product is less saturated than the fermented one. Natural dry-processed coffee beans differ from those that have undergone wet cleaning by having a higher concentration of caffeine;
  • degree of roasting. Dark roasted beans give the drink maximum strength;
  • cooking method. The longer the drink is prepared, the stronger it becomes. Accordingly, the effect of a drink prepared in a Turkish coffee machine or French press will be significantly different;
  • cooking method. To achieve the desired invigorating effect, you need to add more ground grains.

What is the difference between Robusta and Arabica

Robusta beans contain about 8% aromatic oils and up to 3% caffeine. Therefore, the taste is stronger, has rough and astringent shades.

Grains in a bag
Different types of coffee

In turn, “Arabica” coffee beans contain up to 18% aromatic oils, which is more than 2 times higher than their content in the “Rabusta” variety. This explains why Arabica is sweeter. The aroma of this coffee has a slight sourness, and the taste is more refined and less astringent when consumed.

In addition, Arabica has less caffeine - no more than 1.5% of the total weight of coffee beans, which also affects the relative softness of the drink compared to other varieties. By the way, this is the only variety that is completely suitable for consumption in its pure form. And the “robusta” variety, although quite common, is more used as an additive to special mixtures.

In bowls
The drink usually contains different types of coffee.

There are the following types of “Arabica”: Typica (classic, African Arabica), Bourbon (European Arabica, which began its history in France), Caturra and Maragogipe (Brazilian types of Arabica, which originated in the 20th century), and others. They differ in the color of coffee beans, region of growth, crossing with other varieties and subvarieties. In addition, they differ in chemical composition: caffeine content varies from 1 to 1.6%, and the proportion of aromatic oils ranges from 18 to 19% in raw beans.

However, if you have already decided for yourself that when choosing coffee in a store or cafe you will certainly prefer Arabica, alas, coffee in its pure form, just as a variety, is difficult to find. Besides, you shouldn't do this. Almost any drink that we buy, no matter whether we do it in a coffee shop or in a supermarket, is a coffee mixture with the addition, in one proportion or another, of different varieties. Thanks to the extensive development of the coffee industry and a large number of fans of the drink, everyone can choose their favorite coffee.

The strongest coffee blends and blends

Taking into account the fact that retail sales mainly offer various coffee blends, you need to understand which of them can claim to be the strongest and most invigorating.

Death Wish coffee can rightfully be considered a leader. The literal translation is “Dying Wish.” It is very difficult to purchase - the products are produced and sold in New York, where the coffee shop of the same name is located. Some online stores sell products of this brand - you can try ordering online. The strength is amazing - 1.5 times more than the strongest espresso (see how to make espresso).

Death Wish is considered the strongest coffee blend

In wide sale, the following products deserve attention.

  • Blaser Opera. Robusta from Java, dark roasted.
  • Sumatra Mandheling by Jardin. Rich coffee with a bright aroma. And quite strong.
  • Lavazza Grande Ristorazione. The products of this brand are very popular. And of course they have very strong coffee.
  • Paganini Sandals. Espresso blend is considered one of the strongest in the world.

How does roasting affect strength?

In addition to the type of coffee, the strength is affected by the degree of roasting of the coffee beans. Coffee whose beans are deeply roasted has a dark brown color.

During this roasting, essential oils are actively released, resulting in a rich and bright aroma.

There are different classifications of roast levels. For example, according to the European classification, French roasting is considered the strongest, which is used to make espresso (this type of coffee will be discussed below). The coffee beans acquire an even darker shade, the coffee turns out strong, dense (thick), and the taste has a pronounced aroma of burnt caramel.

The highest degree of coffee roasting can be described as follows: the beans are almost black, oily; the taste is bitter and has notes of campfire aroma.

In addition, you can compare natural and instant coffee in terms of strength. Let's pay attention to the methods of producing instant coffee. It can be obtained in three different ways: in powder form, in granule form, and by sublimation. Instant coffee is also obtained from natural coffee beans, but during its preparation most of the taste properties are lost. If cheaper raw materials are used for instant coffee, then odor and taste enhancers are added during the preparation process, which can be not only unhelpful, but even harmful when consumed.

Coffee varies in the degree of roasting of the beans

People prefer instant coffee because it is fast and convenient, but if the strength and quality of coffee is important to you, then you need to use either natural or instant freeze-dried coffee. Coffee in the form of powder and granules loses strength and many other properties, but instant coffee prepared through the process of sublimation retains them.

Freeze-drying is a method of canning by quickly and completely removing moisture. When using this process to prepare a soluble base for coffee, peculiar granules are formed, similar to hexagons, which, when brewed, can most fully convey the taste and strength of natural coffee.

Top 5 Strong Coffee Blends

  • Italian espresso . This blend includes dark Italian roasted Arabica and Robusta beans. The prepared drink has a rich, deep color and a characteristic nutty aroma. It has a high caffeine content.
  • Paganini . The blend is suitable for espresso, consisting of one quarter strong robusta and three quarters aromatic Arabica. It is considered one of the strongest coffee blends. The coffee is invigorating, rich and thick.
  • Blazer Opera . It contains strong dark roasted Indonesian Robusta, which enhances the strength and adds bitterness to the coffee. Ideal for an invigorating morning espresso.
  • Lavazza Grande Ristorazione . A mixed blend containing more Robusta than Arabica. It has a rich and very sharp taste. More suitable for coffee machines than a regular Turkish coffee maker, French press or drip coffee maker.
  • Blazer Rosso & Nero . A blend of dry Arabica and washed Robusta. It has pronounced notes of nuts and the aroma of chocolate. Contains a high percentage of caffeine, which invigorates well.

Be sure to read: Coffee tamper: what is it for and how to use it?

the strongest coffee

The strongest coffee drinks

The strongest type of coffee is Ristretto. This coffee is served with less water and therefore a higher concentration of coffee beans, which is why it is stronger, such as Espresso, which many consider to be the strongest type of coffee.

Coffee Ristretto
Ristretto is considered the strongest

The next strongest coffee we will highlight is Espresso drink, which is more common. During the preparation process, this coffee acquires a rich and tart taste, but loses caffeine. Yes, that is why it cannot be the strongest, Ristretto has a high caffeine content. But the strength of Espresso is also due to the small amount of water in the drink.

The next type of coffee is Americano. Although this is also the same as Espresso, it is less strong, since hot water is simply added to the finished coffee to reduce the strength.

Doppio is a type that is essentially a double Espresso. It contains a double amount of ground beans, and in terms of strength it is not fundamentally different from Espresso, since the preparation method is absolutely identical.

In Turkish
Turkish coffee contains a lot of caffeine

Turkish coffee is a drink with a high caffeine content. How is caffeine stored during cooking? First of all, this may be due to a mixture with a high content of the “rabusta” variety. In addition, they cook over direct heat, do not bring to a boil, and due to this, the taste, aroma and caffeine are not lost.

Also a particularly common and famous type is Cappuccino. This is an Espresso based drink with added milk. The milk should be hot, almost boiling, and whipped into foam. Coffee is served without sugar, as milk itself gives the drink a natural sweet taste. But this coffee is less strong for obvious reasons - it is diluted with a large number of additives.

Flat white coffee is a double cappuccino. The preparation principle is the same, this drink is also considered an Espresso-based drink. Contains double Espresso and double amount of steamed hot milk. It does not differ in strength from Cappuccino, it differs only in volume.

Flat white
Flat white is the name of a double cappuccino.

Piccolo - Cappuccino, on the contrary, is smaller in volume. Prepare according to the Espresso principle, with the addition of milk; the volume of the drink is two times less than the usual standard volume of Cappuccino.

No less common is the Latte type. However, it contains more milk, and the strength of the drink is significantly lost because of this. Suitable for those who do not like strong drinks. Other weak ones may include: moccacino, ice, Viennese coffee.

What is the strongest coffee

When choosing the strongest drink, geographical features are taken into account. No matter how popular South American Arabica is, its strength is quite weak. In Colombia and Brazil, varieties that are distinguished by their mildness are grown. The products from the Middle East and Africa are truly invigorating.

It is problematic to say the name of one of the strongest coffees in the world. Despite this, there are varieties distinguished by high strength.

Robusta Uganda

The beans contain an increased concentration of caffeine. The drink is characterized by a rich taste, the perception of which becomes more intense when consumed. The variety is used independently or included in mixtures.

robusta uganda

Monsoon Malabar

This is a variety of Arabica, but it has a high caffeine concentration. This can be achieved through a special fermentation technology. The process involves the influence of ocean wind. Thanks to this, the drink is characterized by deep, expressive taste.

monsoon malabar

Sulawesi Toraja

It is also an artificially aged, fermented variety. The coffee turns out strong and thick.


The grains are grown in Cuba. They are inherently rich in caffeine. Due to deep roasting, the strength increases significantly.


Yemen Moko

Due to dry processing and cultivation in natural conditions, it is possible to achieve the desired invigorating effect.

yemen mocha

Jamaica Blue Mountain

Belongs to elite varieties. It is grown in special soil, thanks to which the grains are saturated with an alkaloid.

If we talk about finished products that are purchased in coffee shops, ristretto is considered the strongest. The amount of water compared to espresso is half as much. The same amount of coffee is added. The result is a concentrated drink characterized by increased strength.

Who shouldn't drink

Caffeine, which is part of the drink, is an invigorating and tonic substance. There can be a lot of discussion about how it is perceived by the human body, but it is important to remember that even the healthiest product is useful in moderation.

Caffeine strains the cardiovascular system

It is harmful, for example, to drink on an empty stomach for those people who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers. Those who suffer from hypertension (regardless of the functional class of the disease) may increase their blood pressure when drinking coffee. With this disease, there is an increased load on the blood vessels and heart, and caffeine will only increase this load.

Even if there are indirect contraindications, the drink can be consumed, but in moderation. You can also choose a variety or coffee drink with less caffeine to reduce or prevent possible negative effects.

Strength scale

There are a huge number of varieties of this invigorating drink in the world, which changes every year. New species are appearing. But some established varieties remain unchanged. Let's start with the highest strength coffee - ristretto. It is worth noting that connoisseurs distinguish this type from espresso solely by the amount of water. The next strongest is Americano. It is the same as espresso, only diluted with boiling water. Next comes the well-known cappuccino, macchiato, latte and raf coffee. The types described above can be better described as coffee drinks, since they mainly contain milk or cream, chocolate and syrup, and there is very little coffee itself. It literally gives a pleasant taste and light vigor to the body.

Where can you try the strongest coffee?

Coffee house in MoscowHere you can order very strong coffee
. There are not many coffee shops where you can try Ristretto or Espresso from the strongest coffee varieties. Most non-core establishments or coffee-to-go outlets offer a narrow range of drinks: mainly Espresso, Americano, Cappuccino and Latte. Sometimes the menu includes Moccaccino and Frappe. However, true connoisseurs need places that have a truly rich coffee menu.

In Moscow, if you are a drink connoisseur or a gourmet who is always looking for variety and aesthetics, you should definitely visit several coffee shops. “Double B Coffee House”, which is located in Ostankino, is known for being opened by a company that purchases, roasts and sells beans in Russia. In addition to the classics, the menu includes original signature drinks, as well as a cozy atmosphere and the opportunity to purchase a quality drink for home consumption.

Prices for drinks range from 150 to 500 rubles and above; a cup of Ristretto will cost about 200 rubles.

For real gourmets, the Les coffee shop is open in the Museum of Moscow. A special feature is the roasting of coffee beans right before preparation, as well as the opportunity to fully enjoy the taste of a particular variety, since mixtures are not used in preparing drinks in this cafe - only beans of each variety separately. You can order Ristretto from Arabica beans of the Typica variety - this drink will truly be the strongest.

On the site you can read educational information about coffee: the amount of caffeine in one cup; What other products besides coffee contain caffeine? about the barista profession and much more

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