7 tips on how to maintain a beautiful figure while losing weight

Sometimes getting rid of a couple of extra pounds is quite a difficult task... And the weight loss industry is full of myths and unverified facts that people from all over the world blindly follow without getting the desired result in return. Paying attention to slim people, the question arises, how do they manage to maintain their shape and keep their figure slim?

It turns out that everything is quite simple. In order to maintain your figure, you don’t have to spend days at the gym, buy trendy diet products, or exhaust yourself on hunger strikes for several days.

In this article we will offer you some very simple tips that people who keep fit and healthy have shared with us. So, let's begin!

Meals 3-4 times a day

slender girl

It turns out that in order to keep your figure slim, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with long hunger strikes, but rather normalize your diet. In addition, it is worth noting that fasting is not only not useful, but also harmful, since the body receives an insufficient amount of nutrients during fasting, and compensatoryly turns on all reserve mechanisms that are aimed at preserving energy, in this case it becomes more difficult to lose weight.

Meals should be regular, at approximately the same time, but in small portions - this is the secret of slim people!

Pull yourself together

Inna Malikova's nutritional rules

At one time or another, everyone notices how they begin to gain excess weight. The reasons are different for everyone. Some people “eat away” stress, while others simply indulge in high-calorie foods. But instead of complaining about an unfair life, you just need to pull yourself together: review your diet, start exercising, and you will see changes.

Chew your food thoroughly

slender girl eating

There is no need to rush and try to swallow food in huge chunks. It is necessary to eat food in a calm environment, chewing thoroughly. This will help your stomach digest it faster and help normalize digestion. And good, proper digestion is the key to maintaining normal weight and the key to maintaining a slim figure.

Include protein in your diet

Holiday dinners are usually rich in carbohydrates, but lack normal protein content. And it is important because it increases metabolism by increasing energy expenditure, and the level of hormones that reduce appetite.

Eating enough protein also helps maintain muscle mass and promotes muscle growth with regular strength training.

Protein sources include meat, poultry, fish and some plant foods such as beans and quinoa.

Eat 2-4 hours before bedtime

girl lies in the water

You will be surprised, but the classic principle “Do not eat after 18:00” does not work. It all depends on the individual daily routine. If you go to bed, for example, at midnight, then you can have dinner until 8-10 pm, and there is no point in deliberately starving yourself after 6 pm. It's all about the physiology of digestion - food takes about 2-4 hours to be digested in the stomach, it is at this time that it is advisable not to go to bed, as this contributes to impaired digestion and subsequent weight gain.

Drink more water

Water supports optimal metabolism and naturally reduces appetite. It also cleanses the body, flushes out excess sodium to help quickly relieve bloating and helps the digestive system relieve constipation.

One study found that drinking water half an hour before meals can reduce appetite and increase weight loss by 44% in just 3 months.

The daily water requirement is calculated using the following formula:

  • For men: weight in kilograms * 0.03 + time of physical activity in hours * 0.5.
  • For women: weight in kilograms * 0.025 + time of physical activity in hours * 0.4.

Eat small meals

food on a plate

The stomach is a muscular organ. When we eat a lot, our stomach gradually stretches, and in the future, to feel full, we need to eat larger portions. It has been noted more than once that when losing weight, people try to drink as much water as possible in order to suppress the feeling of hunger. But you shouldn’t do this, because large amounts of water also stretch the stomach.

On a note! Did you know that eating food from a small plate helps you feel full faster? And this rule works!

Be attentive to your body

Too many people eat because they think they're hungry—when in reality they're distracted, bored, or letting their emotions take over their appetite. If you're tracking your four meals a day (including snacks) over a four-hour period and you're still eating larger amounts of food, chances are you're not paying attention to your body's signals. The next time you feel the need to eat between meals, take a hunger check. How long has it been since you ate? Do you physically feel hungry or are you just bored? If you don't actually feel physically hungry, try distracting yourself.

Control your weight

control weight

To do this, purchase scales and weigh yourself every day in the morning, before meals and after visiting the toilet. This way you can properly control your weight. It would be a good idea to keep a diary in which you will record changes in weight. This will help you understand whether you are following your weight loss program correctly. And if you gain weight, simply reduce your caloric intake and add exercise. When everything is under control, maintaining your figure is much easier!

Weigh yourself regularly

Do this not to shame yourself for what you eat, but as a reminder of your goals. This will allow you to take action before significant weight gain begins.

Research shows that people who weigh themselves regularly lose and maintain weight better than those who don't.

You can weigh yourself not every day, but once or twice a week. Choose the best option that will not cause anxiety. You can also take measurements of your waist, hips, legs, etc. as a form of self-discipline.

Stick to the same diet

food on a plate

Same type - in the good sense of the word. Let's take a closer look at what this means. Scientists conducted a kind of experiment: they measured the dynamics of the weight of people who ate only macaroni and cheese every day, and those who ate different dishes every day. And it turned out that the body weight of the first group actually did not change. It turned out that if we eat the same dish, satiety from it comes faster over time, and a person eats smaller portions. Therefore, the conclusion was the following: nutrition should be complete in terms of the content of all nutrients, but there is no need to experiment with a new dish every day.

Reduce the amount of alcohol

What's a New Year without champagne, right? But you need to remember that alcohol itself can lead to weight gain due to its high calorie and sugar content. By drinking 4 bottles of wine a month, you'll get about 27,000 extra calories a year, which is the equivalent of consuming 48 Big Macs.

But cocktails have the highest level of calories, since they are multi-ingredient and often contain various syrups. For example, the famous Manhattan drink contains about 160 kcal, and Cosmopolitan contains about 200 kcal per serving.

In addition, scientists note that drinking alcohol triggers the work of several areas of the brain associated with food intake, which enhances a person’s reaction to the smell of food, and also contributes to the emergence of so-called false or imaginary hunger, making one think that he urgently needs to eat something.

Full sleep

Slender girl sleeping

Good sleep is important for the proper functioning of the entire body, including maintaining a good figure. After all, many people during insomnia prefer to while away the time in the refrigerator, which cannot but affect your weight. Doctors recommend sleeping 7-8 hours a day. If you have problems sleeping, then listen to relaxing music, meditate or take a walk before bed. If this does not help, then you should consult a doctor.

How to get your figure back after childbirth

How to maintain your figure after childbirth? Here are some tips:

1. Gradualism.

It is quite natural and normal that the weight during pregnancy will increase to 15 kg, and after the birth of the child it will begin to decrease. The most problematic areas at this time are the hips and buttocks. If you are not breastfeeding, you can resort to diet and active physical training. If you are breastfeeding, you must exercise carefully, as the taste of the milk may change, it will become bitter, and the child will stop eating.

During the first two months after childbirth, you need to rest, recover, and refrain from training. After a caesarean section, it is better to start exercising for 4–6 months. If the birth was natural, after 3 months (after consultation with a doctor), they begin playing sports, increasing the load and intensity every week. As an alternative to fitness classes, you can choose long walks with a stroller. This is a kind of cardio training that is useful for both the child and you: it strengthens muscles, improves blood circulation, enhances lactation, and ultimately helps maintain an ideal figure.

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2. Oh, those stretch marks.

As a result of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, a woman gains weight and stretch marks appear. To avoid this, use special cosmetics with active ingredients that will stimulate collagen formation. You need to start treating the skin with cream at 12 weeks of pregnancy and continue for 3 months after birth. If you cannot avoid stretch marks, you can use hardware techniques (laser skin resurfacing) to eliminate them.

Striae no older than six months can be made less noticeable with the help of mud wraps. A course aimed at improving skin tone should consist of 10 procedures. You can add essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, and orange (one drop each) to the mixture of mud and warm water. After applying the resulting mask to your skin, wrap yourself in film and put on leggings. The exposure time of the composition is about 50 minutes. Then you need to wash everything off and lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

3. Strengthen your chest muscles.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding lead to an increase in the volume of the mammary glands.

Strengthen chest muscles

The muscle ligaments that support the breasts weaken and cease to perform their functions. The skin stretches at this time. When a woman stops breastfeeding, her breasts become smaller, but not in all cases their firmness is restored.

There are special lifting procedures aimed at strengthening the skin of the breast. These include myostimulation and microcurrent therapy. The essence of these procedures is the effect on the skin, muscle tissue, and lymph of pulsed currents with low multi-frequency voltage. Microcurrent therapy increases muscle elasticity, although it does not cause direct stimulation or contraction.

4. Remove the belly.

Starting around 16–17 weeks of pregnancy, the belly grows 1 cm every 7 days. It is not surprising that it is quite difficult to restore previous forms. Few women who have given birth can boast of an ideal belly. The figure gradually acquires its former appearance. You can remove the “4-month” belly with the help of interval training, in which high-intensity physical activity alternates with moderate-strength exercises (in the absence of contraindications).

Remove belly

There are cosmetic procedures to improve blood supply, activate lymph flow and remove excess fluid and maintain your figure after childbirth. One of them is a honey massage, which is done daily for 10 days. Apply honey to problem areas of the abdomen. Then, applying and lifting your palms from the surface, work the entire area. Although the sensations will not be the most pleasant, and sometimes painful, the effect of the procedure is obvious.

5. Massage gently.

A honey massage will help remove a double chin that has formed during pregnancy. The main thing is not to forget that the skin in these areas is delicate, beware of bruises.

Another problem is loose skin on the arms in the triceps area. To tighten the skin, make warm compresses based on almond and wheat germ oil. It’s good to do “reverse” push-ups, close-grip push-ups (or “grasshopper”), and swim.

These areas are the most difficult to correct, but at the same time they are the most vulnerable. If masks and compresses do not help, there is an alternative method - surgical tightening. However, do not forget that operations that take place in stages require funds and time.

Nutritionists believe there is a way to avoid surgery. However, in this case you will need a lot of patience, as you need to carefully monitor your diet. The first step to success is to give up fried, spicy, smoked foods.

6. Ways to combat swelling.

A lot of young mothers experience such problems. For some, swelling appears only on the legs, for others - only on the arms, and for others - bags under the eyes. There are times when the whole body swells. Such stagnation occurs due to improper nutrition. To avoid these troubles, steam or boil your food.

It is also necessary to limit salt intake (no more than 3 g per day), liquid that should be drunk no later than an hour before bedtime. It is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water, herbal tea, and unsweetened compote. An excellent natural diuretic is birch sap, an infusion of apple peel. If edema persists for a long time, be sure to visit a doctor, as these phenomena may indicate impaired kidney function or varicose veins.

Ways to combat swelling

A pregnant or breastfeeding woman should not do:

  • acid peels;
  • dyeing hair (eyebrows, eyelashes) with ammonia dyes;
  • perm;
  • nail extension using acrylic, biogel.

Treat yourself to coffee (preferably black)

Now coffee is unreasonably considered a very harmful drink that should be consumed as little as possible. And in vain, because drinking a small amount of this invigorating drink can be beneficial - coffee contains a large amount of antioxidants.

It's no secret that coffee contains caffeine, but few people know that it helps increase the body's metabolism by 3-11%, which helps burn fat and reduce body weight. But there is no need to add sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates to coffee. This significantly reduces the benefits of the drink.

Change your diet while on vacation

According to nutritionists, the higher the ambient temperature, the more we crave fried and fatty foods. Therefore, if you cannot resist a piece of steak or a burger, then try to avoid places with a large number of food outlets. Constant overeating is fraught with disruption of metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, obesity. And this is far from what you need. Instead of junk food, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as light salads.

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Eat more fiber

eat more fiber

Some foods are rich in dietary fiber or fiber, which are not absorbed when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, but are excreted unchanged. They improve intestinal function, normalize intestinal motility and increase the feeling of fullness, while having a minimal amount of calories, so they are often prescribed to help in the fight against excess weight.

Don't limit yourself to abdominal exercises

When wondering how to lose weight after the holidays, many people think first of all about their belly. It is he who treacherously reveals the number of dishes eaten and worries more than anything else. But this does not mean that to reduce it you need to do exercises exclusively on the abs.

Local weight loss is impossible. To lose weight on your stomach and gain the treasured six-pack, you will have to train comprehensively. Only when the extra pounds are gone can you begin to hone your figure. We invite you to pay attention to 14 basic exercises for the press.

There is no magic secret to getting your figure back. It is important to maintain a balance between nutrition and exercise. FitCurves can help with this. The fitness club is open to women of any age and level of physical fitness. To lose weight and maintain body tone, a unique circuit training program has been created, which lasts 30 minutes, as well as a weight management program that includes a three-phase nutrition system.

Reward yourself for being patient

girl eating pasta

Once upon a time, my coach suggested that I organize so-called “loading” days, similar to “unloading” days. To do this, about once a week you can treat yourself to various goodies. It is worth noting that this makes sticking to a diet much easier. Even from my own experience, I can say that when I was on a strict diet, I quickly snapped and started eating everything. By arranging such “days off” for yourself, it is much easier to control yourself.

Watch your portion sizes

Do you need a diet after the holidays? Not necessary. To avoid having to push the olivier from the sides, you can use a simple trick - use a smaller plate. Research suggests that the size of your dishes may unconsciously influence the amount of food you eat. Many people count calories with their eyes first.

Agree, when in a cafe or restaurant they bring us a standard portion on a huge plate, it seems that there is not enough food. But as soon as it is served in a dish of smaller diameter, the impressions immediately change. This optical illusion is called the Delboeuf illusion.

On average, people put 30% more food on large plates than on standard dishes.

Connect with like-minded people

slender girls at the table

Everyone knows the proverb: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” And this is the truth. If you are among people who take little care of themselves and their lifestyle, then it will be difficult for you to decide on grandiose changes in your life. If you are determined to lose weight, then find people who fit your interests. With such people you can go to the gym, exchange different diets and discuss your diet. Staying in shape with the support of like-minded people is much easier!

Start training with light loads

After a period of inactivity or decreased activity, performing high-intensity training is counterproductive. The body is unlikely to be able to maintain this level due to decreased endurance and this will definitely affect the technique of performing exercises. As a result, you may get injured or spend too much time resting and recovering.

At first, reduce the total duration of training. Even if you previously trained exclusively in the HIIT system, give your body time to adapt and devote several weeks to mixed loads, including moderate cardio and strength exercises.

How to train with a child?

The idea of ​​training is simple, like everything ingenious. You need to combine business with pleasure - playing with your child and training. I will give you 10 of the most effective exercises. Take your child in your arms and do this training.

Exercise No. 1

Move around a wide circle of the room, slowly, without sudden movements. During this, stand first on your toes, then on your heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside.

Exercise No. 2

If you want to walk back and forth without lifting your toes off the floor, alternately lift your heels.

Exercise #3

Feet shoulder width apart. Raise one leg on your toe, while simultaneously turning your whole body in the opposite direction. Change legs and repeat the movement. It turns out to be a kind of swaying. The baby seems to be on a swing.

Exercise #4

Swing your legs to the side, forward. Try to raise your legs higher, and your back should be as straight as possible.

Exercise #5

One leg is slightly set back, the other rests, for example, on a sofa, the knee is bent. Bend as far as possible. Straighten your leg. After several approaches, change legs. The same lunges can be done without a sofa, add side lunges, rolling from foot to foot, but with a child in your arms it is more difficult.

Exercise #6

Perform partial squats, lightly touching the edge of the chair. This simple exercise gives amazing results - almost all muscle groups of the legs, buttocks and back work. Do not forget that holding a baby in your arms creates additional stress.

Exercise No. 7

We pump up the press while lying on our back (fix our legs), raise our body as much as we can. The baby can sit at the head of the bed at this time. Every time you approach him, say “ku-ku.” You can also cover your face with your palms.

Exercise #8

No less fun exercise than the previous one. A kind of bridge: lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, baby sits on your stomach. Hold it with your hands. Raise your pelvis. Lower it. The baby enjoys swinging up and down.

Exercise #9

Lie on your back, legs raised and knees bent. The baby is lying on his feet, hold him. Pull your legs towards your face, trying to touch your forehead with your knees, or at least I strive for this. Difficult? Yes, not the knees, but the baby’s forehead touches your forehead, causing a storm of delight.

Exercise No. 10

Remember the children's rhyme "The bears rode a bicycle." To this rhyme, it is very fun to do the “bicycle” exercise with your child: lying on your back, “pedal” with your feet, first forward, then backward. The circle needs to be made as large as possible. The child can lie nearby and also “ride”, with your help, of course. You can put it on your stomach if you are already ready for such a load.

Complex for an ideal silhouette for a month

Photo 4There is an effective program that will help you lose weight and pump up your body in 4 weeks. It consists of different blocks that allow you to work out one or another muscle group. It is enough to exercise 3 times a week to lose weight and tighten your body, make it stronger and more sculpted.

Complex for an ideal figure for a month

First week:

  1. Warm up – from 10 to 15 minutes. You can run in place with your knees raised high, tilt your body to the sides, squat, and swing your arms.
  2. Raise your torso – 20x2.
  3. Stand in a side plank for 30 seconds on each side.
  4. Twist the body diagonally - 20x2 for each side.
  5. Perform a boat exercise (raise your upper body and legs on your stomach) – 10x2.
  6. Gluteal bridge – 10x2.
  7. Perform backward swings with your legs - 20x2 for each limb.
  8. Squat – 15x3.
  9. Perform squats with legs wide apart and toes turned out - 20x2.
  10. Do push-ups on one leg (if it’s hard, do classic push-ups) – 10x2.
  11. Perform an element called a climber (plank stand, alternating leg raises to the chest) – 10x2.
  12. Stretching – about 15 minutes.

Week 2-3:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Raise the body – 30x3.
  3. Stand in a side plank – 1 minute three times.
  4. Twist the body - 20x3.
  5. Perform a boat - 20x3.
  6. Gluteal bridge – 20x4.
  7. Swing your legs backwards - 30x3.
  8. Squat – 30x3.
  9. Squat with wide legs – 30x3.
  10. Do push-ups – 30x3.
  11. Do the “climber” exercise – 10x3.

Attention! Before the complex, do a warm-up, and after it, stretch.

Photo 5
Fourth week:

  1. Raise the body – 30x4.
  2. Stand in a side plank – 1.5 minutes four times.
  3. Twist the body diagonally - 20x4.
  4. Make a boat - 20x4.
  5. Raise your pelvis – 30x4.
  6. Raise your legs back - 30x4.
  7. Squat – 30x4.
  8. Squat with legs wide apart - 30x4.
  9. Push-ups – 10x4.
  10. Complete the “climber” – 10x4.

As you can see, the number of sets of each exercise should increase over time. The break between sets should not exceed 2 minutes.

After a month, the training program needs to be changed so that the muscles do not get used to the load and continue to grow. Focus on technique first and then use sports equipment.

What do you need to always stay in shape?

Many women face “obstacles” on their way to a slim figure in the form of nutritional breakdowns and failures to maintain the correct daily routine. Some rules will help you overcome any obstacles.

Moral preparation

The desire to maintain a fit figure for many becomes the main goal in life. At the initial stage, due to enthusiasm, the business is progressing well. But the accumulated kilograms disappear much more slowly than expected. As a result, it seems that the goal is simply unattainable. So that your enthusiasm does not disappear, and your figure always remains in shape, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  • Keep a daily report. The best way to self-monitor is to count the calories consumed per day and record physical activity.
  • Turn off negativity. The body, hungry for fast carbohydrates, begins to “whisper” bad thoughts to the hostess. A positive attitude will help you overcome temptation.
  • Be inspired by other people's victories. Happy people who manage to keep their figure in shape for a long time are happy to share their secrets and successes with others on the Internet.

For additional stimulation, it would not hurt to introduce a reward system. Do not use treats as a reward. Sweets definitely won't help you keep your figure in shape. It’s better to thank yourself with a new set of underwear, a good perfume, or a trip to the spa.

Creating a training schedule

An important step in maintaining a fit figure is physical activity. You should start training by drawing up a personal training plan. To form it you need:

  • Decide on the ultimate goal. For some, the ideal weight is 60 kg, for others the arrow on the scale at 50 is already a disaster.
  • Set the number of weekly workouts. In this matter, the availability of free time and a sober assessment of one’s own strengths plays a key role. But it is still advisable to conduct at least 2-3 workouts per week.
  • Choose the optimal set of exercises. For some, to stay in shape, it is enough to complete 10 exercises per workout, while others have to complete up to 40 tasks per session.
  • Decide on the method of performing the exercises. Whether the session will consist of one approach, alternating sets or a combined workout depends on the capabilities of the body.
  • Create an order for doing the exercises. To keep your figure in shape, it is worth pumping a separate muscle group at each lesson.

Creating a training schedule is not an easy process, so if difficulties arise, you should seek the help of professionals. It is not necessary to work with a trainer all the time. It is enough to visit the gym several times and, having learned from the experience, continue training at home.

Choosing the right sport

In this matter, it is best to focus on your appearance and select the optimal sport according to your body type:

  • "Pear". Running, aerobics, jumping rope and boxing can help reduce hip size.
  • "Apple". Gymnastics, swimming, cycling, sports dancing and constant abdominal exercises help to achieve a slim waist.
  • "Rectangle". With this type of figure, you should focus on the forearms and hips. Cardio training, swimming, boxing and regular jogging will help with this.
  • "Triangle". With this type of figure, special attention is paid to the buttocks. Any sport that puts stress on your legs (running, skiing, cycling and squats) will help make your hips a little wider.
  • "Hourglass". With this type of figure, you should completely abandon strength training. In this case, it is best to correct your shape with the help of aerobics, running, fitness, swimming or yoga.

The right kind of sport will allow you to constantly keep your figure in shape.

Marking achievements

Not all women see the results of their labors in the first weeks or even months. Unfortunately, the extra pounds do not go away as quickly as we would like. As a result, breakdowns occur. Recording your successes will help you stay on the right path. To do this, you need to weigh yourself and measure volumes every week. The results obtained are recorded in a notepad or a special mobile application. At the end of each month, preliminary results are summed up. When the result is clearly visible, the desire to leave the right path disappears.

Changing your diet

You won't be able to keep your figure in shape without changing your taste habits. When creating a new diet, you must:

  • Get rid of junk food. Foods high in sugar, fat, cholesterol, and foods containing corn syrup should be removed from the refrigerator.
  • Buy only healthy products. Vegetables and fruits, organic meats (veal, poultry and fish), whole grains, fiber and protein.
  • Distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. Sweets in any form, baked goods and carbonated drinks whet your appetite. Durum pasta, cereals and legumes saturate the body and a person does not feel hungry longer.
  • Avoid fasting. To maintain a fit figure, many reduce not only the size of portions, but also the number of meals. This behavior will provoke a slowdown in the body’s metabolic processes and will not lead to the desired result.
  • Drink water. A person should consume at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. But it is better to individually calculate the required daily water intake. To do this, the weight in kilograms is multiplied by 30. The resulting figure shows how many milliliters of water per day are required to maintain a figure in good shape.

When switching to a new diet, you should not allow yourself to feel hungry. Excessive appetite can lead to breakdowns. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to always keep some kind of snack on hand (fruit, natural yogurt, nuts, dried fruits).

Complete rest

how to keep fit - tips

Keeping your figure in shape is not a short-term activity, so you shouldn’t forget about rest. Of course, sports training and dietary restrictions will allow your figure to always stay in shape. But the wasted energy takes time to recover. The best way to replenish your strength is healthy sleep. It is advisable to fall asleep at the same time. To get ready for sleep and disconnect from everyday activities, 1.5–2 hours before going to bed you should not watch TV or sit at the computer. Better 30-40 minutes. take a walk in the fresh air.

Massage of problem areas

The best preventive and therapeutic procedure for keeping your figure in shape is massage. Depending on the existing deficiencies, manual or machine rubbing is used.

Manual massage is the most popular, as it can be done independently at home. The following types of manual massage are practiced:

  • anti-cellulite;
  • honey;
  • can;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • sculpting.

Hardware massage is carried out only in a salon or clinic, since the procedure requires experience and the ability to use special equipment. The most popular types of hardware massage are:

  • vibration;
  • vacuum;
  • ultrasonic;
  • hydromassage.

The principles of action of treatment procedures, regardless of the method of implementation, are similar to each other. With the help of massage, the upper layer of the dermis is affected, which leads to better lymph flow, acceleration of metabolic processes, prevention of fat deposition and burning. In addition to reducing volume, massage can tighten the skin and make it elastic.

Introducing a new healthy habit weekly

You can keep your figure in shape without exhausting workouts and strict diets. Useful habits will help with this:

  • a little undernourished;
  • get enough sleep;
  • do not make a cult out of food;
  • exercise;
  • eat in small portions, but often;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • have a full breakfast;
  • don't eat before bed.

New rules should be introduced gradually. And you need to remember that it takes 3 to 6 weeks to form a new habit.

Refusal of the car and public transport

Regular walking will make it easy to keep your figure in good shape. If your place of work or study is far from home, you should give up your car and switch to public transport. Get off the bus a couple of stops early and walk the rest of the way. Climbing stairs is also considered an excellent workout for the body. Refusal of the lift will allow you to pump up the muscles of your calves, thighs and buttocks without any effort.

Purchasing sports equipment

To keep your figure in shape, you cannot do without sports training. First of all, to play sports you need the following equipment:

  • gymnastic mat;
  • jump rope;
  • expander;
  • gymnastic ball;
  • collapsible dumbbells;
  • gymnastic wheel.

In addition to available devices, it would not hurt to purchase multifunctional equipment:

  • crunch bench;
  • horizontal bar or wall bars;
  • stepper;
  • ellipsoid;
  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike.

By combining exercises with available equipment and training on multifunctional equipment, you will be able to constantly keep your figure in shape.

Early rise

To constantly keep your figure in shape, experts recommend going on walks at dawn. Studies have shown that women who wake up early and go for a morning walk have a significantly lower body mass index than those who like to sleep.

Keeping your figure in shape is not so difficult. The main thing is to give up high-calorie foods, increase physical activity, avoid stress and go to bed on time.

Author: Anna Ivanova, especially for Mama66

How to turn household chores into training?

Don’t believe that household chores can become a full-fledged workout? According to statistics, in a family of four, a woman washes about 5 tons of dishes per year. And the distance that on average she covers when moving from the kitchen table to the sink is 1.5 thousand km. Believe me, household chores can easily replace many exercises in the gym, and general cleaning can save you from a couple of extra pounds. It's all about the active movements you do. And if you clean your apartment, realizing that this has a beneficial effect on your figure, you can turn a generally tedious task into a pleasant procedure.

Don't give up walking in the fresh air

10,000 steps or 1 hour of active walking a day can replace sports for those who do not have time or health to exercise.

In general, walking outdoors in any weather, preferably in the “green zone,” has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical and spiritual health, since:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce the production of the “stress hormone” cortisol;
  • reduce the risk of developing depression;
  • improve memory and concentration;
  • improve sleep quality;
  • lift your spirits.

All these components contribute to an active life position.

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