What is mocha coffee: composition and preparation

What is mocha

Most people who visit coffee shops have tried mocha at least once in their lives. However, despite its widespread use, there is confusion surrounding the name of this drink.

Similar concepts

There are several related concepts:

  1. Mocha (in English can be written as mokka, mocca, mokas) is the name of an elite and expensive variety of coffee - Arabica coffee with small beans.
  2. Moka (la moka) - invented in the twentieth century. in Italy, a geyser coffee maker made of stainless steel and aluminum, in which water is heated by fire and rises from bottom to top from one container to another, flowing through a filter with ground coffee.
  3. Mocha is an espresso-based drink with the addition of milk and cocoa powder. You could say it's a latte made with cocoa. It is often topped with whipped cream.

Origin story

The history of the mocha variety begins in the 17th century, when, after the anti-Ottoman uprising, the Yemeni state arose, which began to develop economically, turning into a busy trading point transporting products to Europe. One of the goods was coffee, which quickly took root in European countries.

History of mocha

Under the reign of Sheikh Shaddi, coffee plantations began to rapidly expand in Moha, a Yemeni port city. Trade in new goods became so active that it became the main driving force for the development of the state’s economy. The name of the city has become famous in many countries around the world. It read “Mocha,” which is also the name of the coffee variety. After the death of Sheikh Shaddi, a mosque was erected near his burial place, and his name began to be mentioned in prayers as the patron of Arab coffee houses.

The mocha drink appeared thanks to the fact that cafe visitors in the 70s and 80s. the espresso seemed overly bitter. The baristas decided to remedy the situation by adding cream and cocoa to the coffee. Most experts believe that the birthplace of this cocktail is the USA.

Iced Mocha

If you don't want a hot drink, you can make an iced mocha. The recipe for its preparation is not complicated. To make this using a coffee machine, combine espresso and chocolate syrup. Stir the prepared base with cold milk and pour the mixture into a cup filled with ice.

Experiment with the ratio of milk, coffee and chocolate until you find the right combination.

mocha coffee with cream

Composition and preparation

In Europe and Asia, mocha is often called moccacino, but in the USA, a shortened version of the name is used.

A little confusion is also caused by the fact that Americans sometimes mean by mocha not a coffee cocktail, but espresso with the addition of cream and chocolate - this is what this drink originally looked like when it was first invented.

However, in the classical sense, it is prepared with milk - this variation will be discussed.

What varieties are used

For preparation, you must use only high-quality Arabica beans. Soluble powder is not suitable.

The classic version uses Arabica mocha. It is advisable that Yemen be indicated in the “Manufacturer” column. A distinctive feature of this variety is the chocolate flavor that the grains are endowed with by nature.

Their processing must be dry - this means drying in the sun followed by cleaning.

Arabica mocha

The taste varies greatly depending on where the tree is grown and may include caramel, fruity, floral, wine or nutty notes.

Most often you can find 2 main varieties of mocha on the market:

  • mattari - full-bodied and rich;
  • sanani - more balanced and fruity.

Categories showing quality (listed from highest to lowest):

  • mocha Extra (Yaffey, Anezi, Matari, Sharki);
  • mocha No. 1 - grains of only the highest quality;
  • mocha No. 1A - quality, as in the previous category, but with dust;
  • mocha No. 2 - a small amount of unripe or damaged grains is allowed;
  • mocha No. 3 - damaged and unripe grains, dust;
  • magrache - leftovers and grains of the lowest quality.

It is necessary to choose high quality grains.

Composition and recipe

You can try a quality drink in a coffee shop or learn how to make it yourself .

When making mocha at home for one standard serving you will need:

  • 7-10 g finely ground coffee;
  • 50 ml cold milk;
  • 50 ml hot chocolate (melted dark chocolate is most often used);
  • 50 ml whipped cream;
  • cinnamon and vanilla - optional;
  • some chocolate chips for decoration.


How to cook:

  1. You need to brew a classic shot of espresso in a coffee machine. Don't forget that espresso is the basis for creating delicious drinks. If you don’t have a coffee machine or coffee maker, you can make espresso in a Turkish coffee pot. At this stage you can add cinnamon.
  2. It is better to melt chocolate in a pinscher with a small amount of milk. If desired, you can add a little vanilla and sugar.
  3. Heat the milk without letting it boil. The optimal temperature is +60…+70℃.
  4. Pour the chocolate into a clear glass, then add milk to create nice layers. To do this, you can use a spoon with a long handle. Then pour espresso into the center of the cup.
  5. Next you can start decorating. Place the whipped cream in a circular motion in a “cap” and sprinkle with shavings.

This recipe can be called classic.

Making mocha coffee: how to make mocha at home

  1. Coffee is brewed in a convenient and familiar way (in a coffee maker, Turkish coffee maker, geyser coffee maker). You need to brew espresso - use the classic brewing method. Let's look at the process of making espresso from mocha coffee beans.

As mentioned earlier, it is better to use freshly ground, strongly roasted beans; you can also add a little robusta to them to make the coffee stronger, but not more than 15-20% of the total volume. The water should be at least filtered, but it is better to use bottled water.

In a coffee machine: coffee beans are placed and tamped, water is added, the coffee maker is turned on and after 20-30 seconds the espresso is ready.

In a geyser coffee maker: add coffee, pour in water, put the geyser on low heat and let it sit until ready.

In the Turk: first we heat the Turk itself, then pour coffee into it, heat it until heat and aroma appear, add water and bring this mixture to a boil. At the moment of boiling, remove the Turk, mix the contents, return to the stove, bring to a boil again, remove from the heat and let it brew under a saucer.

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, remove the structure from the heat, but do not remove the container from the water bath until the remaining ingredients are prepared - so that the chocolate does not harden again.
  2. We heat the milk, but do not boil.
  3. Pour the melted chocolate into an Irish glass, pour the milk on top using a bar spoon, but be very careful not to mix the layers. Pour the brewed (strained, if necessary) espresso over the milk (with the same spoon).
  4. Decorate the finished mocha with whipped cream, prepared yourself or bought in a store in a can, and sprinkle with grated chocolate and cinnamon to taste.

P.S. Sugar and vanillin are added to brewed espresso. When preparing in a Turk, sugar is added to dry coffee during heating without water.

Interesting to know - what is coffee latte?

White (white) mocha

The ingredients are the same as for the classic one, only instead of bitter chocolate, white chocolate is used in the main composition, and you can use any chocolate for sprinkling.

Mocha with syrup

How to make mocha coffee at home

  • espresso – 50 milliliters;
  • melted chocolate - 20 grams;
  • milk – 50 milliliters;
  • cream (whipped) – 50 grams;
  • syrup (chocolate, coconut, almond, etc.) – 20 milliliters;
  • coconut flakes – 5-7 grams.

The cooking process is the same as in the first (classic) recipe. Initially, hot chocolate is poured into the glass, syrup is poured on top, then hot milk and, finally, espresso. The drink, again, is decorated with cream and sprinkled with coconut. All ingredients are also poured in carefully so that the layers are even and not mixed.

What is coffee latte? It’s interesting to know!

Types and characteristics

In addition to the classic version of mocha, there are other varieties. Like any other coffee cocktail, it can be not only hot, but also cold.

Mocha frappe is made with the addition of ice cream and pieces of ice. It is perfect for consumption in hot weather.

In addition, moccacino can be prepared with different types of chocolate: white, milk, nuts, etc. Alternatively, you can use cocoa.

For variety, all kinds of syrups, spices and toppings are actively added. Particularly popular are mint, caramel, vanilla, and nut flavors.

Sometimes in coffee shops you can find non-standard options, for example, mocha with pepper and star anise, which is made at Shokoladnitsa.

Is it worth taking it from a coffee machine?

You can also try the drink in coffee machines . In them, mocha is made from special ready-made mixtures.

Coffee machine

They often include instant coffee, but in some cases they include ground coffee.

Examples of mixtures for automatic machines:

  • satro Moka “Hazelnut”;
  • "Vanilla Vendline";
  • "Creamy Vanilla";
  • "Vendlin Irish Cream".

Opinions differ regarding the taste of drinks prepared in vending machines. However, some people drink them with pleasure.

Brewing Mixes

Ready-to-cook mixes are not just for vending machines. There are also those that are poured into a cup and brewed with boiling water. One of the best mixtures of this type is Paulig Mokka. It is an aromatic coffee of special grinding and medium roast.

A mixture is made from the mocha variety with a clearly noticeable bitterness. Paulig Mokka allows you not to spend a lot of time on preparation and saves money - 250 g can be bought on the official website of the store at a price of 150 rubles.

Many gourmets prefer longer and more painstaking cooking methods, but this mixture is optimal for fast-paced everyday life.

Coffee ice cream (ice mocha)

The drink prepared according to this recipe combines the original coffee and chocolate taste and the coolness of ice cream. With the onset of summer heat, this version of mocha will certainly appeal to many coffee lovers.

To make mocha coffee according to this recipe, you will need:

  • 1 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 50 g creamy ice cream;
  • 150 ml cold milk;
  • a couple of tablespoons of chocolate syrup;
  • prepared whipped cream;
  • chocolate chips;
  • ice.

How to cook:

  1. brew strong espresso;
  2. Place a few ice cubes, brewed coffee, ice cream, chocolate syrup and milk in a blender and blend for 2-3 minutes;
  3. Pour the resulting cocktail into a tall glass and decorate with whipped cream foam and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Calorie content

Mocha is high in calories. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it more than twice a week, and those who are trying to lose weight should abstain from the drink altogether.

Calorie table for some types of cocktail:

TypeVolumeCalorie content
Standard486 ml394 kcal
With sugar (5 g)450 ml374 kcal
With sugar and cream 10% fat450 ml397 kcal
With sugar and cream 20% fat450 ml415 kcal

If the energy value is important to you, you need to check it in each establishment separately, because... recipes can vary greatly. For example, in McCafe the calorie content of coffee is 300 kcal per 400 ml, in Starbucks - 335 kcal per 400 ml.

Mocha coffee calories

As for the caloric content of mocha, it is difficult to name the exact number of kcal in one Irish glass, because... the composition is variable: the fat content of milk and whipped cream, the type and brand of chocolate and many additional additives can change. Let's look at the calorie content of mocha prepared according to the classic recipe.

Coffee - 7 grams contains almost 0 kcal, because... per 100 grams there is only 0.1 grams. protein, carbohydrates and fats 0, i.e. per 7 grams the calorie content is negligible.

Milk is chosen depending on preference, but it is common to use milk with 2.5% or 3.2% fat content. In 50 milliliters of milk 2.5% - 26 kcal (BZHU 1.4/1.25/2.35), and with a fat content of 3.2% - 29.5 kcal (BZHU 1.45/1.6/2, 35).

Cream with a fat content of 33-35% can be whipped yourself (you will need about 30 ml of liquid cream) or purchased ready-made. 33% cream – 96.6 kcal (BZHU 0.66/9.9/1.2) in 30 milliliters, and 35% fat content – ​​101.1 kcal (BZHU 0.75/10.5/0.9). Whipped cream contains a little more calories - 128.5 and their BJU is 1.6/11.1/6.25.

Cinnamon, by the way, also contains calories, but less than chocolate, of course. Two grams are 5.22 calories and 0.08 grams. proteins, 0.06 g. fat, 1.6 gr. carbohydrates.

There are 7.96 kcal in 2 grams of sugar, obtained from 1.99 grams. carbohydrates.

Dark chocolate with an average calorie content adds another 269.5 kcal to the drink base, of which 3.1 grams of protein, 17.7 grams of fat and 24.1 grams of carbohydrates. And if you sprinkle it on the reconciliation, then another 53.9 kcal is added.

By adding up the calorie content of all products, you can calculate how much comes out of one Irish glass. So, for example, with 3.2% milk, ready-made cream, sugar, chocolate and cinnamon toppings, you get as much as 494.58 kcal. It becomes obvious that this delicacy is not for those who are losing weight and watching their figure, but on the other hand, sometimes you can make an exception and treat yourself to a wonderful and invigorating drink called mocha.

How and with what to drink

The drink is served in a porcelain cup or tall glass tumbler/glass. The dishes should be aesthetically attractive.

Drink a coffee cocktail through a straw. To make it convenient to eat whipped cream, a teaspoon is given. In the classic serving version, the spoon size is small.

Berries and fruits (orange, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, etc.) are often served with mocha; the combination with marshmallows, candied fruits and dried fruits (especially figs and dried apricots) is also popular. Cookies, sweet nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, almonds) and other snacks are also suitable.

Those who prefer hearty snacks to sweets will enjoy the combination with canapés, especially cheese ones. It would be appropriate to place jars of cinnamon and vanilla on the table.

According to the rules of etiquette, you cannot dip anything into a glass. If you want to make the taste sweeter, you should take the sugar with special tweezers. If there are none on the table, it is permissible to take the refined sugar with clean hands, but in no case should you reach into the sugar with a spoon that has already been in a glass.

The cocktail is drunk slowly, raising and lowering the straw through each layer. There is no need to mix them. It is important to enjoy the moment and experience the full depth and complexity of the taste.


Mocha is nothing more than chocolate coffee. This drink should be prepared on the basis of espresso, to which foamed milk, chocolate syrup or topping, cocoa, and cream are added. It is often decorated with cinnamon and chocolate chips.

Mocha is similar in composition to latte. This is one of the ways to prepare it with the addition of cocoa. This drink has a creamy chocolate taste, it is incredibly enveloping and long-lasting.

It is noteworthy that the coffee beans of this variety themselves have different flavors depending on where they grow. They may have fruity, caramel, chocolate, nutty or floral notes. Of course, these features also affect the overall taste of the mocha.

The color of the drink depends on the recipe and proportions of ingredients. It is noteworthy that the whipped cream firmly seats the coffee and milk foam in the cup, thereby forming layers. Mocca is served warm in tall glasses or glasses.

How to drink Mocha coffee

Drinking a drink from Mocha beans is a real art. Fans of this drink give the following advice:

  • It is advisable to serve aromatic coffee before lunch. It promotes quick awakening.
  • The best serving utensils are tall glass or ceramic glasses.
  • It is better to drink the drink through a straw. This way you can catch even the most subtle, even noticeable notes of taste.
  • It is not necessary to mix the layers before use. But in stirred coffee, the richness of the flavor is better revealed.

And the main advice: don’t be afraid to experiment. It is advisable to replace caramel or chocolate syrup with fruit syrup, add coconut instead of chocolate chips, any spices you like will do, especially cinnamon or cardamom, and instead of cream you can use ice cream or crumbled cookies.

Making Tips

If you don’t have a suitable variety of beans at home, you can use another variety or instant coffee. To create several layers, you need to take into account that the components used must be dense; syrup should be used for the best combination with milk. You can experiment with mocha coffee, leaving the same base with a fruity aftertaste. If you want to be a real coffee professional, you should first brew an Americano from this variety in order to better understand the taste characteristics of the drink.

Types and varieties of coffee.

There are thousands of types of coffee, but it is not recommended to confuse the concepts of type, variety and grade.

On coffee plantations around the world, out of 40 natural species, only three are grown - Arabica, Robusta and Liberica.

Arabica makes up the lion's share of all coffee produced in the world - 70%, despite the fact that this type is difficult to grow and, as it should be, more expensive than other types. It has gained such popularity thanks to its delicate and narrow taste. The Arabica variety has many varieties, the names of which are very familiar to connoisseurs. More famous varieties of Arabica: bourbon, mocha, typica, abyssinica, maragojal.

Robusta is stronger and less stylish. Despite the ease of cultivation and higher yield, this coffee belongs to a lower class than Arabica. Robusta is usually added to coffee mixtures to give them strength. Robusta varieties: conillon (Brazil), quilu (Congo), java-ineak (Indonesia), congensis.

Liberica is not popular. The Liberica coffee tree is resistant to diseases, but, unlike Robusta, it is low-yielding, and the taste of the beans leaves much to be desired, which is why Liberica is consumed exclusively in consistencies.

Mocha coffee: history

The variety takes its name from the Yemeni town of Mokha, which in 1763 experienced its own economic boom, which is associated with the reign of Sheikh Shaddi. He began to massively plant the expanses of the country with coffee trees, the largest number of which were located in Moha. Even the slopes of the mountains near the town were drowning in coffee. Until the end of the 17th century, Yemen actually had a monopoly on the coffee market and created the lion's share of production

. Thanks to close ties with a number of European countries, coffee was massively supplied to the mainland. With all this, mocha coffee was sold only in dried form, and foreigners were strictly forbidden to visit coffee plantations in order to prevent the leakage of the product to other countries.

But in 1650, the pilgrim Baba Budan still managed to steal 7 greenish mocha beans and take them to the terrain of southern India. This is how coffee plantations were born in this country, and Yemen began to lose its position in the supply of coffee beans.

Europeans really liked the mocha coffee variety. The Dutch in particular turned out to be “savvy”. They obtained grain from the Indians and founded their plantations on the islands of Java and Sumatra and very soon became the main European suppliers. The port of Amsterdam has become the main trading platform for mocha coffee.

Nowadays, everyone is chasing progress and automating coffee plantations with modern equipment. The Yemenis grow beans using the same method as 100, 200, 300 years ago, and therefore only they have 100% mocha coffee. Production volumes are naturally small, but the highest cost of the finished product compensates for everything.

Now you understand what the mocca variety is and where it grows. Enjoy your coffee.

Coffee Mocca.

The enchanting, fragrant Mocha coffee is one of the most ancient drinks that came to us from distant Yemen and quickly captured the hearts of coffee lovers. But Mocca also has another meaning - it is a variety of coffee beans that has different taste characteristics. It’s no wonder this drink has an army of fans.

Description of the variety

Arabica Mocha coffee beans are distinguished by:

  • irregular shape;
  • small size;
  • olive or pale yellow;
  • rich aroma.

They are used to prepare a coffee drink with a rather complex bouquet. In the bright aftertaste you can discern wine, earthy, woody, musky, spicy, even tobacco notes. The nuances of various spices are acutely felt: cinnamon, roasted nuts, cardamom, dried fruits, as well as a slight taste of chocolate.


Origin of Mocha coffee

Ground Mocha beans were considered one of the most valuable products of antiquity. They were supplied to Europe from the port city of Al-Mukha, located in Yemen and which gave the name to this variety of Arabica.

According to one version, coffee trees have grown on this fertile land since time immemorial; according to another, they were grown by Arabs who appreciated the taste of the coffee drink they met in Ethiopia.

And one of the Yemeni rulers came up with the idea of ​​using plantings to produce grains for sale. He not only ordered the expansion of coffee plantations, but also took advantage of the city’s fortunate proximity to the sea coast and built a port.

Thanks to this, it was possible to establish trade communications with European countries, and until the 17th century, Yemen was the only supplier of coffee called Mocha. Even the merchants of Egypt and India bought crops from Al-Mukha and traded them on their own behalf.

Reference. Over time, plantations appeared in other countries. And the drink began to be called coffee, finally displacing the previous geographical name.


Types and categories

Mocha is harvested not only from trees that have been growing in the mountainous areas of Yemen for centuries, but also from plants obtained as a result of selective breeding. The collected grains are processed in a dry way, they are dried in the sun, peeled, pulped and fried. With stronger roasting, different flavor notes become more pronounced.

There are several types of this coffee:

  1. Matari. It has an extraordinary taste and aroma. The characteristic sourness is practically not felt due to the presence of spices and chocolate.
  2. Hymie. It has a herbal taste, complemented by notes of berries and spices. The taste changes with different processing.
  3. Yafi. Strong and spicy, like pepper. Spices are felt sharply in the aftertaste.
  4. Ismaili. The taste and aroma of coffee varies depending on the degree of roasting. When the beans are heavily roasted, the sour taste is replaced by caramel.

Depending on the quality, the following categories are distinguished:

  • high quality Mocha Extra coffee;
  • No. 1, made only from selected grains;
  • No. 1A, good grains are used for its production, but there is a slight admixture of dust;
  • No. 2, damaged and unripe raw materials are allowed into processing;
  • No. 3, is prepared from the same grains as No. 2, but contains dust;
  • Magrache is made from raw materials of the lowest quality.

Reference. In addition to single varieties, various Arabica blends are also sold under the Mocha brand. All of them complement the already rich palette with new tastes and aromas.

mokoo coffee

Mocha production regions

Yemeni Mocha is native to the following regions:

  • in the mountains near the Red Sea;
  • in the south of the Arabian Peninsula.

Reference. The best examples are cultivated in the north of the country. Natural irrigation is well developed in this region, and the plantations are protected from the scorching rays of the sun by a natural green roof consisting of the crowns of forest trees.

Calorie content and properties of mocha coffee

Since the drink is dominated by complex carbohydrates, it has a fairly high calorie content. Mocha lovers are recommended to drink it in the first half of the day.

Reference. 100 g of coffee contains about 200 kcal. This is equal to 1/10 of a healthy person's daily calorie requirement.

Like any other type of mocha drink, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • increases energy level due to caffeine contained in the composition;
  • increases physical activity and performance, stimulates the nervous system;
  • saturates the body with nutrients such as B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, manganese, etc., has an antioxidant effect;
  • reduces the risk of developing certain diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, protects liver cells;
  • protects against the development of depression and improves mood.

Reference. Coffee is good only in moderation. Excessive consumption of the drink can negatively affect human health.

How to serve and drink mocca

Usually, it is customary to drink mocha in the evening after a languid day at work. Due to the low caffeine content, this drink can even be drunk just before bed.

Many coffee lovers say that the taste is better revealed if you drink mocha straight from a glass or cup.

It is not uncommon to find stirred, non-layered mocha with whipped cream in coffee shops. It should be noted that the taste in this case does not change completely.

Our publication will tell you about the benefits and toxicity of masala tea and how to properly prepare the drink.

You can find Irish coffee recipes in this material.

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The most delicious and popular mocha coffee recipes.

What is mocha anyway? This coffee drink is similar in appearance to latte macchiato, but in this situation the recipe contains cream, chocolate, in addition to milk and high-quality coffee. As for the ingredients, they need to be placed in a transparent glass in special layers. The purchased cocktail must be decorated with cinnamon and chocolate chips. Don’t be upset if the layers are mixed during the cooking process; the chocolate-coffee drink will still turn out very tasty, fragrant and invigorating. The note of chocolate predominates and is truly present in the cocktail. Some recipes suggest combining all the ingredients at once and decorating the top with a layer of whipped cream. This method is suitable for those who want to prepare a drink quickly and then enjoy it.

Manufacturing secrets

To prepare a high-quality mocca drink, you should know a few subtleties:

  • Use Arabica beans to brew espresso, which is the basis of the recipe, so that the drink comes out fragrant and moderately resinous.
  • Instant coffee is not suitable for creating a delicious mocha because it does not contain enough essential substances.
  • Store coffee beans, and you can grind them before making them.
  • If you brew espresso in a Turk, you need to strain it before mixing it with other ingredients.
  • For the mokka drink, all ingredients are laid out in layers, so you need to strictly follow the manufacturing recipe.

Traditional recipe

This wonderful drink is easy to prepare at home. It’s enough to master the traditional recipe, and on its basis you can make different versions of the drink to amaze your guests.

The composition of mocha coffee is regular and includes 4 ingredients:

  • espresso – 50 ml;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • cream 33%;
  • chocolate – 10g.
  1. First, brew espresso using a Turkish coffee pot or coffee machine. If you prefer a sweet drink, add sugar to taste.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave.
  3. Heat the milk, avoiding boiling to prevent foam from forming.
  4. Place melted chocolate at the bottom of a cup or glass. Gently pour milk on top of the chocolate. Pour the next layer of coffee. To finish this composition, decorate the drink with whipped cream, cinnamon and chocolate chips.

Hot chocolate mocha

  • Espresso – 50 ml.
  • Hot chocolate – 50 ml.
  • Coconut syrup – 20 ml.
  • Milk – 50 ml.
  • Cream.

Brew espresso coffee and hot chocolate (you can use store-bought), and heat the milk. Place hot chocolate at the bottom of the glass and carefully pour coconut syrup on top. Add milk as a third layer and espresso on top. Garnish your purchased mocha with whipped cream and coconut flakes.

Mocha with vanilla

  • Ground coffee – 15 g.
  • Milk – 500 ml.
  • Chocolate – 80 g.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar – 20 g or 5 g vanillin.
  • Whipped cream.
  1. Break the chocolate into pieces.
  2. Heat milk in a saucepan and add vanilla sugar and chocolate. Wait for it to completely dissolve.
  3. Brew espresso, strain and add sugar to taste.
  4. Pour the chocolate-milk mixture into glasses, filling them halfway.
  5. Add espresso and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  6. Garnish the drink with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Using a traditional recipe, you can prepare an extraordinary wite mokko. Its peculiarity is that dark chocolate is replaced with snow-white chocolate. Otherwise, the process of creating the drink does not differ from the traditional one.

Now this variety of coffee beans is grown on plantations in many countries, but until now the African creation has enjoyed a special advantage. Most brands consider it their duty to produce mocha coffee in both bean and ground form.

Among the most popular products are:

  • Moccona Continental Gold is a Russian-made freeze-dried coffee that has a balanced taste and strong aroma.
  • Coffee beans from Ko-Fe have a fruity and winey aftertaste.
  • Moka Sanani bean coffee with chocolate-nut color and light sourness.
  • Pauling Mocha – 100% Arabica medium roast.

This old type of coffee never loses its relevance, because it is unusually tasty and fragrant, and drinks prepared on its basis will be able to amuse even the most picky gourmet.

Mocha coffee: a recipe at home.


From time to time, it can be difficult to answer the question of what “mocha” is, since at least two definitions related to coffee are hidden under this title.

Mokko - what is it anyway:

Mocha (coffee) is one of the high-quality types of coffee, which is a variety of Arabica.

Mocha (drink) is a coffee-based drink with the addition of milk and chocolate.

Most people at the moment understand “mocha” as a drink, not coffee, so we will pay more attention to it specifically.

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