What to do if you dreamed about your ex? Interpretations of Vanga, Miller and Freud


The appearance of a former lover in a dream often worries and angers a girl, especially if she has not yet managed to find her soulmate. Most psychologists explain that if you often see your ex-boyfriend in a dream, then you are still in love with him, you cling to the past and don’t want to let him go, you are afraid to start a new life, change your partner.

Sometimes girls are bothered for a long time by disturbing dreams involving an ex-boyfriend. If you dream of arguing with your ex-lover, he leaves you, insults you, or simply leaves silently without explanation, then on a subconscious level you experience an uncontrollable fear of losing the most valuable and dear thing you have.

A dream involving an ex-boyfriend in a situation where in reality the girl is in a loving relationship with a new boyfriend speaks of a lack of romance, passion, trust, and mutual understanding. It is necessary to carefully analyze possible problems in relationships, or better yet, sit down and discuss them with your loved one.

Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend with a new girlfriend?

An ex-boyfriend appears in your dream with a new girl, he may confess his love to her, or you are present at their wedding - a good dream. It says that you will soon have new good acquaintances or friends, or you will make peace with old enemies and become good friends, forgetting about past feuds.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

I dream about my ex-boyfriend from Monday to Tuesday

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday more often reflect one’s own experiences, that is, they are not prophetic. You see your ex because some circumstances have already happened to you, which you can read about above.

I dream about my ex-boyfriend from Tuesday to Wednesday

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are prophetic. They talk about what will happen in the near future. However, this does not mean that if you saw your ex on Wednesday night, you will meet him again. Each image is interpreted in its own way, and we described the interpretations above in the article.

I dream about my ex-boyfriend from Wednesday to Thursday

Dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday mean finding a way. Consciousness tells you what you need to do to improve your life. In a dream, clues for action are given.

I dream about my ex-boyfriend from Thursday to Friday

Dreams on Friday night often come true. Such dreams can be considered prophetic, or at least warning (if you do this, the following will happen).

I dream about my ex-boyfriend from Friday to Saturday

Dreams from Friday to Saturday quite often come true. However, it is not necessary. In some cases, such dreams work as recommendations, when consciousness tells a person what to do in order to get all the good things and avoid all the bad things. If a person does not listen to them, does not show himself in any way and does not change his attitude and behavior, what he dreamed about in a dream may happen to him.

I dream about my ex-boyfriend from Saturday to Sunday

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday reflect our sincere thoughts and secret dreams. Dreams come true if you dreamed them in the morning and were very vivid and you remember them well. Usually dreams on Sunday night come true within 1-2 days. If this does not happen, then in the future they will no longer come true.

People's dream book

If you dreamed about a drunk ex-boyfriend, then this means that he really needs your help and moral support. It is possible that the young person is now experiencing severe depression or is simply trying to cope with life's difficulties.

If in a dream you make up, kiss or make love with your ex, then your feelings for him have not yet cooled down. But, on the other hand, this may serve as an omen that you will soon have to make difficult decisions and deal with the consequences of past actions.

If your ex came back to you in a dream, then there can be two explanations for this: either you really want this, or big problems await you soon.

If your ex-boyfriend wants to come back to you in a dream, then expect that people from your past will soon appear on the horizon. It is not necessary that it will be a former lover, but this option is not excluded.

If in a dream you see an ex-boyfriend with a new girlfriend, then soon you will learn to live from scratch, forget all the bad events, forgive all offenders.

By day of the week

The Russian folk dream book has absorbed information scrupulously collected by many generations of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. This dream book can be considered universal, since it contains interpretations of dreams on a variety of topics. The folk dream book also gives a definition of a dream in which an ex-boyfriend dreamed.

First, you need to remember on what night you had such a dream. Most often, such dreams occur on the night from Thursday to Friday, from Friday to Saturday and from Sunday to Monday.

A dream about your ex on the night from Thursday to Friday proves that the young man still has romantic feelings for you, regrets the breakup and wants to return to his old relationship. Perhaps this will give you a reason to think about reconciliation.

A dream about your ex on the night from Friday to Saturday says that for a certain time you need to be patient and give up all sorts of risky activities.

If you had a dream about your ex on the night from Sunday to Monday, then if you were born on Monday, all the events seen in the dream may turn out to be prophetic. For those born on other days, this dream simply serves as a pleasant memory of a once loved one, of the feelings that connected you.

When interpreting the meaning of dreams, you need to remember as much as possible all the details of the dream, even if they seem insignificant.

Briefly different interpretations of why you constantly dream about your ex-boyfriend in dream books

Most women tend to turn to books with the interpretation of dreams. Quite a large number of such books are published annually, but there are those that many people are accustomed to trust. Here are the interpretations of such a dream as “the ex is constantly dreaming” in the most popular publications.

Miller's Dream Book

This publication is the most popular of these books. The interpretation of such a dream in this book suggests that the woman will face direct consequences that come from the fact that this union was broken. If a romantic kiss occurs, then this is a good sign, as it predicts a grandiose event in the future. Making love in a dream denotes impending disagreements caused by an old conflict. Finding out the relationship is also a pretty good sign, as it predicts the emergence of a new romantic relationship.

Vanga's Dream Book

Everyone knows Wang, so many people trust the dream book of the same name. According to the seer Vanga herself, such dreams indicate that the girl on a psychological level still cannot let go of the person, even if quite a lot of time has passed. If a separation is presented in a dream, then this means readiness for a new relationship.

Freud's Dream Book

Psychology buffs often turn to Freud to interpret dreams. The answer to the question in this book is that a woman will face discord in her current personal life. This is explained by the fact that on a subconscious level, a woman always compares her current gentleman with her former one. In such cases, who is better does not matter, since no one will like such comparisons.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus’ predictions are still admired to this day, which is probably why his interpretations of dreams are still in demand. Although in the modern world, not many people will believe that the ex-husband is dreaming because of magical curses placed on the woman. You should be especially afraid if it is clear that your ex is still in love.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to the interpretation of this book, a married woman who sees her ex-boyfriend in a dream can behave quite frivolously, despite her sobriety and age. Usually such actions bring a large number of problems in different areas of life.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to this version of predictions from dreams, it is clear that the girl still keeps in her heart love for the dreamed object. But a dream is a dream, and in reality you should let go of the situation and forget all the suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

The version of the book says that the woman constantly returns to this topic and cannot let go of the current situation. The woman is working on the mistakes made on her part and wants to return everything to its place.

Star dream book

The star dream book says that such dreams indicate that there is no romance or special connection in the current relationship. If a married woman feels unloved, thereby, on a subconscious level, returning to the best that was.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

An ex who does not leave a woman’s side in a dream indicates incompleteness or understatement in the relationship. Kisses can indicate a newly emerging love affair.

Russian and the Wanderer's Dream Book

With positive emotions during sleep, we can say that all grievances and misunderstandings are in the past. The woman is open to new achievements and feels happy.

Velesov's dream book

When a man finds his other half in a dream, the woman understands that she is completely ready to let go of the relationship and not cling to memories and pleasant moments from life. Let this remain in the past, as a memory of a pleasant time spent.

Dream book of the 21st century

In modern interpretation, arguing with an ex in a dream means financial gains. If the couple reconciles, then you can wait for a case that will take up all your free minutes. Being at a wedding means that the girl will soon meet her other half.

Fig 8. Forgiveness

Based on everything we have read, it is clear that the main reason for such dreams is that a person still cannot completely let go of the situation. If such dreams do not suit a person, then it is worthwhile to closely engage in introspection and let go of all grievances and worries.

Freud's Dream Book

One of the works of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, “The Interpretation of Dreams,” has gained wide popularity. Freud interprets dreams based on data obtained in scientific research experiments. The researcher proposes to evaluate and analyze unconscious and unsatisfied sexual desires, based on which a person can understand himself and identify the reasons and motives for failures.

According to Freud’s dream book, if a girl dreams about her ex-boyfriend, then this can serve as an unpleasant “bell” that serious quarrels or disagreements with her current chosen one are soon possible. This can happen due to the fact that the girl, on a subconscious level, will begin to compare the advantages and disadvantages of men. An imprudent lady can share the results of her thoughts with her lover, which will lead to discord. Men are not flattered when they are compared, especially with ex-boyfriends, even if all the arguments speak in their favor. Another reason for the emergence of “coldness” in a couple may be that the girl begins to secretly miss her ex-boyfriend, without admitting to herself these shameful thoughts.

Why you dream about your ex: 10 reasons and a real plan for what to do about it

If you dream of an ex-boyfriend, lover or husband, there are at least 10 reasons for this.

Missing Point

Perhaps your relationship with your ex-lover is not over. This could be an unresolved situation, conversation, conflict or quarrel that was cut short and did not reach its conclusion. It is possible that one of you has disappeared, dropped out of the context of the relationship without explanation or reason. Think about what you would like to negotiate with him and what to say? What should you hear from him in response? And is this possible?

Experiencing loss

If the relationship has ended, then most likely you are experiencing a loss. And it is not surprising that you will constantly dream of a man for some time. It is impossible to speed up the grieving process. If the relationship was significant for you, long-lasting, filled with love, hopes, reciprocity, then going through the stopping distance will take at least a month. Allow yourself to cry and grieve, to come into contact with the inner emptiness and bitterness. But don’t forget to console yourself, support and protect yourself, and reveal the experience of past relationships. What did they teach you? Could this be a dream?

One gate play

If you constantly dream about your ex-lover, then your connection with him is preserved unilaterally. Think about why you maintain this attachment and how you maintain it? This is an energy-consuming process, and it can pull you into its networks, taking away strength and joy from real life, and the opportunity to meet new love. Think, analyze the dream and break the thread.

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Anger without a way out

It is possible that you are angry with him, and the hatred does not find a way out. Look into her eyes and write down everything why you are so angry with him. Don't be shy in your expressions and don't hold back your feelings. The paper will endure everything, and it will become much easier for you. And no! There is no need to send him a letter - burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind. Make it a kind of liberation ritual and repeat the practice as many times as you need. And, of course, think about how you ended up in a relationship devoid of respect and care? Sleep is in your hand.

Unfinished Gestalt

Perhaps you are already in a new relationship or even married, but your ex-husband or boyfriend continues to dream about you. Look carefully at the description of dreams, feelings, thoughts and actions. Is there a possibility that in your new relationship you lack romance, warmth, sincere conversations, and shared hobbies? Or were you in a hurry and did not internally complete the previous ones, did not go through the bitter path of loss and are now comparing the new guy with the ex?

Don't be angry with yourself and don't scold yourself. Treat your new lover carefully - he should not become a continuation of your ex-boyfriend. Find in him interesting character traits, touching gestures, gentle actions and focus on your commonality. If it turns out that this is a pain management relationship, then put it on pause and get over the loss. This will be honest and respectful both to the other person and to your soul.

Crazy jealousy

It often happens that you dream about your ex-boyfriend when you think about him out of jealousy. Jealousy can be based either on the fact of his new relationship or on your fantasies - it doesn’t matter. If there is jealousy, then you should “look” under it, like under a bench - what do you see there? What feelings, what situations and what would you like to do? There is nothing you need to do yet. At the very least, read the article to the end and give yourself time to think and carefully consider the dream. Fine? Hasty decisions have never led anyone to the desired result.

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The pain of betrayal

The situation is more complicated in the case of real betrayal, if your ex-husband or boyfriend cheated and you decided to leave. The pain of betrayal prevents you from approaching other feelings and understanding yourself - do you need this person and why did the betrayal happen? Sometimes, unconsciously, we create the preconditions for betrayal. Yes, in a relationship there are always two people and responsibility is shared 50% to 50%. To forgive or not to forgive is a choice! Difficult choices and honest work together in therapy. But think about it, maybe your relationship is worth getting back and the dream is telling you about it?

Bitterness of resentment

Perhaps you can't forgive yourself for not seeing your ex-boyfriend. I didn’t discern his character, actions, words. Behind the lightness and gaiety was frivolity and omnivorousness. And you replay the memories in your head again and again and scold yourself. It's clear why he dreams. Stop, turn to yourself with a smile and care - this is your experience, accept it, internalize it, absorb it and draw conclusions. Life sends us lessons and it’s no secret that we only grow from our mistakes. Yes, bitter, and painful, but it cannot be otherwise. And you can drive yourself into illness, or you can accept the experience as a bitter medicine and create a new resource in yourself. The dream will tell you how.

Your betrayal

And now you regret it to the point of tears, to the endless circle of guilt. I urge you here, too, to take yourself “in your arms” and console yourself. Tell yourself, or rather, write, what made you cross the limit? Dream about this? About how you regret it, about how you wanted to take revenge for something or “knock out a wedge with a wedge” after your quarrel? Talk to yourself, but I advise you to find a psychoanalyst who will accept all your feelings, help everyone give their channel, unravel the complexity of the situation and find a way out.

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Unbroken connection

This can be allowed, but with one caveat, or rather two. The first is that you are thinking about him now. Secondly, you think about what he thinks: he forgot about you or remembers, he valued you or you were something not very significant for him. The meaning of relationships can be understood through the process of therapy. But you can carefully work with your message from the unconscious.

Will the dream tell you about hopes and why you stayed close to a man for whom you were not valuable or you did not value him? Return to your self-worth. Unconditional value just like that, for being who you are, and you can choose how you treat yourself, restore your self-esteem, confidence and be beautiful. A confident and self-loving woman cannot be ugly! And your own value will teach you to value other people.

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Relationships between a man and a woman, like life itself, are more variable than you might think at first glance. The time of speed dictates quick realizations and quick decisions, unified answers to deep questions - don’t rush. Allow yourself to be with yourself and your sleep. We have not described all possible options and reasons why you dreamed of your ex-boyfriend. Only you can understand this, understand yourself and find yourself.

Find the exact line between respect and dishonest relationships, human dignity and attraction, the value of yourself and the other person in your life. True intimacy is created only within the boundaries of the personality of each partner. Feel free to go beyond the unconscious - go into your dreams and remember that dreams are the royal road to yourself and understanding relationships.

Miller's Dream Book

Psychologist Gustav Miller, who lived and worked at the end of the 19th century, is considered the creator of the classic interpreter of dreams, the popularity of which neither Vanga’s dream book nor Freud’s dream book could surpass. To this day, it is noted that Miller’s interpretations of the events seen in his dreams are particularly profound and accurate.

According to Miller, if you dream of an ex-boyfriend, then in the near future the girl should expect global changes in life, which can be both bad and good. Reconciliation and resumption of relationships with a former loved one in a dream can serve as an omen of events that will soon happen in reality and will be associated with past relationships. A kiss with an ex-partner prepares you for a pleasant and unexpected surprise, and entering into intimate intimacy warns of conflict situations in your life.

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream means meaning for a married woman

Why do married ex-boyfriends dream? The correct and detailed interpretation depends on the marital status of the representative, whether she is married or not. Why does a married lady dream about her ex-boyfriend?

  • According to Freud’s dream book, the appearance in a dream of an image of a lover from the past means a quarrel in reality with one’s spouse.
  • According to the wanderer’s dream book, if such a vision is accompanied by positive emotions, then the lady has let go of the situation from the past and has forgiven the young man.
  • According to the Mayan dream book, a dream involving male representatives from a past life foreshadows changes in career growth. Changes also depend on who the man seen in the dream was. A colleague means praise from a manager; an ex means changes in your personal life.

Attention! Seeing past relationships in night dreams is always a twofold sign. It all depends on the actions and emotions experienced.

Vanga's Dream Book

Around the world, a Bulgarian woman named Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova is better known as Vanga. She gained enormous fame thanks to the gift of clairvoyance and divination, while being completely blind. Vanga noted the important role of dreams in people’s lives. Some interpretations are truly large-scale - they are not limited to the fate of one person, but affect the interests of entire states.

According to Vanga, an ex-boyfriend in a dream means sadness, longing, sadness for a dear and close person who has disappeared from your life. You are sure that it is impossible to return to your previous relationship, so you dream about him - you hope to get the desired reunion, at least in a dream. On the other hand, such a dream can be a formidable harbinger of separation from your current loved one, so do not get hung up on dreams, but pay more attention to the realities of life.

Loff's Dream Book

The dream book of the famous psychologist David Loff is different from all the others - his main principle is that as many people there are, so many explanations for their dreams. Loff suggests analyzing your thoughts, feelings, relationships with others and only then interpreting your own dreams.

Loff warns that seeing a former boyfriend in a dream certainly promises misfortune. If you dreamed of a wedding with your ex-boyfriend, then you will soon be in serious trouble. If a guy confesses his love to you in a dream, then expect unpleasant surprises. However, if in a dream you saw a former lover with a new life partner, then this foreshadows meeting new pleasant people or forgiving old offenders. If your ex-boyfriend died in a dream, then it is possible that you will soon get married or have a child.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Michel Nostradamus left behind an interesting legacy - a detailed dream book, the predictions of which came true for several centuries and continue to come true to this day. The high level of reliability of dream interpretations is explained by the fact that Nostradamus skillfully operated with the innate gift of prophecy and astrological knowledge.

According to Nostradamus, an ex-boyfriend in a dream warns a girl about a witchcraft spell cast on her - a slander, a spell or even a curse. You should especially beware and be careful if the guy in the dream kept showing partiality towards you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov is the creator of a large-scale study devoted to the interpretation of dreams. Since the work and experiments were carried out in the 20th-21st centuries, the dream book incorporated modern realities of almost all spheres of life.

Tsvetkov explains that if an ex-boyfriend dreams in a dream and invites you on a date, then this hints to the girl that she is frivolous. Such a dream should serve as a warning to avoid such rash actions that can lead to indelible disastrous consequences. If a divorced woman saw her ex-husband in a dream, then this predicts future problems related to property, children, the health of her current husband, and unforeseen business trips.

Why do you dream about your ex-loved one?

In dream books

To see a former lover in a dream according to popular dream books:

  • Vangi : such dreams arise due to longing for a departed love;
  • Freud : dissatisfaction with the current relationship, subconscious comparison of the current lover with him;
  • Miller : changes are coming in the dreamer’s life, positive or not - depends on the features of the plot of the dream;
  • Feminine : subconscious desire to return to old relationships;
  • Tsvetkova : the appearance of a long-time lover in a dream means committing a rash act, illnesses and problems of the current life partner;
  • Longo: fixation on old, outdated ideals;
  • Loffa: the dreamer is on the verge of making an old mistake;
  • Meridian: the presence of unresolved problems in the past.

We interpret it ourselves

an ex-boyfriend if a girl recently met him in reality, and this stirred up old feelings and memories associated with this person. Such dreams are the brain’s standard processing of information received during the day.

If the breakup of a relationship occurred recently, and feelings for a man have not yet cooled down, then such dreams are a natural consequence of experiencing in reality a feeling of loss, resentment, and regrets associated with an unfulfilled relationship. In order for such dreams to stop disturbing, you need to come to terms with the separation and start living in the present.

But if a woman has not met and has forgotten to think about her long-time lover, but she still dreams about him, such a dream is often very confusing. There is also a rational explanation for such cases.

Firstly, the girl might not have attached importance to a song she heard shortly before going to bed, reminiscent of a past relationship, or glimpsed a photo of a mutual friend on social networks. Such little things might not be registered by consciousness, but give rise to dreams with a certain plot.

Secondly, a dream with the presence of a long-time lover in it may not be related to the theme of love as such. Perhaps the unconscious used this image when constructing a dream to display such abstract concepts as “past”, “wrong decision”, “guilt”, or picked up the image of this particular person as the bearer of some bright trait. This may be due to his professional activities, hobbies, appearance, and spiritual qualities. In such cases, he may not be the central character of the dream, and for the correct interpretation of the dream, closer attention should be paid to other elements.

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