Secrets of making tender cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker

Recently, many housewives have begun to think about making sure that the products they use for cooking are mostly homemade. This will make any recipe more delicious. Cottage cheese is one of the products that is best prepared at home. After all, no one knows what the mass that lies on the shelves in stores is made of. Modern manufacturers indicate a curd product on the packaging, which makes buyers even more wary. Another thing is cottage cheese made with your own hands, the composition and recipe of which are well known; they are not scary to feed even small children. Cooking cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker is much easier than the old-fashioned way. Technology makes life much easier for modern housewives.

Cooking cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker

Spicy cottage cheese in a slow cooker


  • 1.5 liters of milk
  • a glass of kefir (200-250 ml)
  • dried garlic - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with 1-2 medium cloves of garlic, which need to be finely chopped with a knife)
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • chopped parsley and (or) dill - 1 bunch (50-100 g)


Pour milk and kefir into a bowl, set the multicooker to the “milk porridge” or “stew” mode.

After 10-15 minutes, the dairy product will separate into curd and whey. Turn off the multicooker and leave it with the lid closed until the cottage cheese cools.

Next, transfer the cottage cheese into cheesecloth, add garlic and herbs to the cottage cheese and mix.

Place the cheesecloth and cottage cheese into a colander over a saucepan or multicooker bowl. After a couple of hours, the cottage cheese will be sufficiently thickened and ready for use.

Bon appetit!

Alternatively, you can simply discard the cottage cheese, add herbs and garlic to the finished cottage cheese, and turn it into a homogeneous mass with a blender.

Preparation of coarse-grained cottage cheese

The technology for preparing such a product is not much different from previous options. The only caveat is the use of medication. So, you need to pour the full-fat milk into the multicooker bowl, and then add calcium to it and mix everything thoroughly. After this, the kitchen device must be put into stewing mode for 40 minutes. After waiting for the end of the program, check whether the milk has curdled well. If not, you will need to increase the processing time. After the separated whey appears, the contents of the bowl must be thrown onto thick gauze and all the liquid allowed to drain. Next, hang the bag of cottage cheese over the bowl and keep it in this position for about two hours. A tasty grainy product is ready to eat!

cooking cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond

Recipe for cottage cheese with garlic in a slow cooker

How can you diversify the usual taste of cottage cheese to make it more appetizing? A great way is to add garlic to your dish. We will try to cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker, making it not only aromatic, but also a little spicy, for which we will add a little cayenne pepper. The complete list of ingredients for this recipe is as follows:

  • milk – 1.8 l;
  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • lemon juice – 100 ml;
  • ground dried garlic – 1 tsp;
  • cayenne pepper – 1 pinch;
  • salt - to taste.

Let's describe the recipe for making spicy cottage cheese in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour the milk and kefir into the multicooker bowl and mix. On the panel, select a program suitable for the temperature, for example, the “Stew” or “Milk porridge” mode.
  2. Turn on the device and wait for the liquid to begin to separate into solids and whey. Then turn off the multicooker, lower the lid and leave the cottage cheese until it cools.
  3. Place several layers of clean gauze in a colander, pour the contents of the bowl onto it, tie the edges into a knot and hang it for several hours.
  4. When the whey has drained, transfer the finished cottage cheese to a blender, add garlic, salt and cayenne pepper and blend into a homogeneous mass.

How to cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker in 10 minutes

Many people have recently begun to think that foods prepared at home are much healthier and tastier. One of these products, undoubtedly, is homemade cottage cheese. Store-bought cottage cheese often resembles a lottery. You buy it and don’t know whether it is made from whole milk, or whether most of the product is based on powdered milk, which has practically no benefits. And now in stores they often begin to write “curd product” on the labels, which completely confuses customers.

Cottage cheese prepared independently is another matter. Homemade cottage cheese is much healthier than store-bought cottage cheese, and we also fully know its composition. It’s not scary to give such cottage cheese to small children! I remember how the local pediatrician taught me at the children's clinic how to prepare cottage cheese for feeding a child. It was proposed to do this in a primitive way - on a battery. This is what our grandmothers and mothers did. And it took much more time. But you and I have a wonderful assistant - a multicooker. With its help, we will prepare cottage cheese from kefir very quickly, literally in 10 minutes.

You will need:

  • Kefir 3.2% - 1 liter (you can use sour milk)
  • Gauze – 1 sq.m.

Method for preparing cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker:

So. I pour kefir into the multicooker bowl. I install the bowl and select the Milk porridge mode. Cooking time 10 minutes. I press start and close the lid.

During the boiling process, kefir will begin to separate into whey and curd lumps.

After 10 minutes, I open the lid and see that the separation process is complete. Cottage cheese separately, yellowish whey separately.

Now you need to drain the whey. I take a deep plate (bowl, saucepan), cover the top with gauze folded in three layers. The gauze needs to be secured so that it does not slip off when you drain the liquid. I pushed the edges of the gauze under the plate itself.

Carefully pour the curd lumps and whey onto the cheesecloth.

Then I take the edges of the gauze and hang the cottage cheese over the sink (knot). This is necessary so that all the liquid drains well.

From the initial amount of kefir, approximately 300 grams are obtained. cottage cheese.

There is also one important point to consider here. If you have drier cottage cheese, you need to leave it to drain for at least an hour. If you want it more moist, you need to leave it for about 15 minutes. The time will increase, depending on the increase in the weight of the finished product.

After cooking, we are left with whey. It can be used for making baked goods, pancakes, etc. Or you can just pour it out if you don't need it.

If you make this cottage cheese in the evening, then in the morning you will have an excellent breakfast option. You can add jam, honey or just eat with cookies. The cottage cheese turns out very tasty and tender. He's homemade! Natural!

If you use it as baby food, then grated apple, pear or banana will go well here. Children will appreciate it.

At your discretion, you can also add sugar (I don’t add it, it tastes good to me). Bon appetit!

The cottage cheese is prepared in the Redmond RMS-M20 multicooker.

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Cottage cheese from kefir and milk

Ideal for children's breakfast. Milk softens the sour taste of kefir, while kefir acts as a natural fermentation agent.

To obtain 150 g of the finished product you will need:

  • kefir 2.5% – 0.5 l;
  • milk 2.5% - 0.5 l.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content of 100 g of cottage cheese - 160 Kcal.

Let's look at how you can make cottage cheese from milk and kefir in a slow cooker in detail. Lightly heat the milk directly in the multicooker pan, add the kefir drink, stir and close.

Cook in any mode that allows you to set the temperature no higher than 90 degrees, for example “Milk porridge”. Time required for preparation - 1 hour. The milk base should have time to sour, turning into yogurt, after which the protein will begin to curdle.

If you put the food in the multicooker in the evening and set the delayed start, then in the morning all that remains is to remove the curd mass from the pan, put it on a sieve, and let the excess moisture drain. You can add fruits, berries, cream, honey, sugar, and a healthy breakfast dish is ready.

Read how to cook delicious duck legs in a frying pan, in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Take note of the recipe for frozen cherry compote.

Read how to cook homemade pork stew - step by step and tips.

How to cook “Cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker”

Prepare the following ingredients. Buy kefir at the store or use farm kefir, it will make more cottage cheese.

Pour the kefir into the multicooker bowl and set the “Warming” mode. Go about your business and check the liquid in the bowl after about 1 hour.

Viscous and dense kefir should form a loose mass, with the released whey visible at the edges. At this point, the equipment can be turned off. If the kefir has not yet curdled, then leave it in the heating mode in the multicooker for another 1 hour.

Line a colander or strainer with a double layer of gauze or a cotton towel, pour the entire mixture from the bowl into it and strain for 20-30 minutes.

If you need drier curd, strain it from the whey for 1 hour, hanging the bag of curd on the kitchen faucet over a bowl.

Place the finished product in a bowl or bowl, serve with fruit or honey, or prepare other dishes from it.

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Features of preparing cottage cheese

Cottage cheese has a very long history; even our ancient ancestors ate this valuable product, rich in vitamins A and B, phosphorus, calcium, and proteins. The presence of cottage cheese in a regular diet is considered the best prevention of atherosclerosis, obesity, kidney and liver diseases, and diseases of the bone system. For children, this product is absolutely indispensable, since its components are directly involved in the construction of muscles and skeleton.

Among the positive qualities of cottage cheese is its ability to be easily digested. This product practically does not cause allergies and is suitable for people with lactase deficiency and digestive problems.

To be sure that cottage cheese will be beneficial, it is important to eat only natural and fresh products, so it is best to make it yourself. There are several secrets to making good cottage cheese:

  1. An important condition for an excellent result is the use of high-quality raw materials. Milk, kefir, sour cream or other ingredients from which you plan to make cottage cheese must be fresh, natural and sufficiently fatty.
  2. The best cottage cheese is made from whole milk. When buying milk from hand, pay attention to whether cream collects on its surface. The more of them there are, the more tender, fatty and tasty the finished dish will be.
  3. For those who prefer dietary foods, you can use low-fat milk, which can also be used to make good cottage cheese. The main thing is not to use powdered milk, as the final result may upset you.
  4. It is better to purchase milk from trusted people who have all the necessary documents about the quality of their products and the absence of diseases and infections in cows.
  5. Milk for cottage cheese should be fermented at room temperature, not in the refrigerator.
  6. If you are preparing yogurt for cottage cheese, do not stir it until it has completely soured.
  7. It is not advisable to heat products for making cottage cheese in enamel dishes.
  8. When heating sour milk, you should also know when to stop. Do not allow the liquid to boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will be too hard and dry.

Silk cottage cheese in a slow cooker

If you haven’t made cottage cheese yourself yet, then it’s time, housewives, to start! Because the cottage cheese according to this recipe turns out silky and creamy. It does not require the addition of sour cream or yogurt for juiciness. It’s delicious, and the yield of the product simply shocked me - 750 g of cottage cheese from 2 liters of milk and 50 g of kefir!

Ideal cottage cheese for a healthy diet and baby food.

You can cook cottage cheese using the “Stewing” program, but with “heating” the temperature of the curd does not rise above 70 degrees; such controlled slow heating prevents the cottage cheese from boiling and it will never be overcooked.

I highly recommend fermenting the milk yourself and not using ready-made kefir; cottage cheese made from fresh curds tastes better.

I cook in a Panasonic SR-TMH 18 multicooker


  • Milk - 2 l.
  • Kefir (yogurt, curdled milk, stethan) - 50-100 g


Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl and heat in the “Baking” mode for 3-4 minutes. NO MORE so as not to overheat.

Pour kefir or other fermented milk product into warm milk.


Leave for 10-12 hours. Convenient to put on overnight.

This is what fermented milk looks like.

Set the multicooker to “heat” by pressing the “stop” button (the indicator light will light up).

Cooking time: 2 hours. Since there is no timer on the “heating”, you need to time it yourself.

If you leave it on the heat for only 1.5 hours, you get an even more tender product, but that’s it, cook it if that’s what you want.

I would like it to be faster, but it only took two hours for the curd to warm up evenly. Therefore, in order to achieve a good result, we patiently wait the required time.

After 2 hours of heating, remove the multicooker bowl for rapid cooling.

I have been making cottage cheese myself for a very long time. I tried different methods and I can advise you to cool the curd before you strain it from the whey. At least until warm.

I place the slow cooker bowl, or saucepan, in a large bowl of water and change the water a couple of times.

This is the most delicate curd mass you should get.

We cover the colander with several layers of gauze or thin cloth and lay out our cottage cheese.

We tie the fabric and hang it to drain the whey. I usually leave it on for a couple of hours. I use whey for baking bread.

If you want a drier product, place a weight on the cottage cheese tied in a cloth.

The yield, of course, ultimately depends on the milk producer. I don’t have the most expensive city store sterilized one.

This is how wonderful the cottage cheese turned out in the slow cooker.

Tenderness itself!

Bon appetit!

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Secrets of making tender cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese is rightfully considered a healthy and tasty product, which undoubtedly should be in the diet of every person.

This is especially true for children, because this product contains useful substances and elements that can have a positive effect on a growing body - for example, strengthen bones and teeth, saturate the body with useful vitamins, and so on.

Making cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker is quite simple - for this you only need a pack of this product and a little time for preparation.

As a result, you will be able to prepare a tasty, satisfying and healthy product that will appeal to anyone who decides to try it.

It is worth noting that nowadays many women try to prepare cottage cheese at home, since in this case it turns out to be much more nutritious and healthier than store-bought.

It is important to note that this product is quite simple to make - especially if you prepare cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker. A multicooker is an excellent kitchen appliance that can prepare healthy meals.

And this is not surprising, because a set of modes, tightness and a wide variety of temperatures allow you to prepare cottage cheese of the highest quality, which certainly cannot be compared with store-bought.

For many modern housewives, a multicooker is considered a faithful assistant, because when preparing any recipe, you do not need to sit in the kitchen, monitoring the preparation of the dish.

This is especially true for cottage cheese, which is made independently in this kitchen appliance.

Cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker turns out soft, tender, rich, juicy and crumbly - you must admit, you rarely see such a product in the store these days.

Today, such a delicacy is sold either with additives, or it is prepared with the addition of unnatural substances, which allow it not to spoil for a long time, and also give the product the desired consistency.

Today you can make cottage cheese in a slow cooker from any product. However, the best option is made from kefir and expired milk.

It is these “liquids” that allow you to obtain the desired consistency of the finished dish. In addition, cottage cheese recipes from these components are prepared very quickly - you will not need to heat the drink, keep it at a low temperature, heat it again, or hang it to drain the whey.

The multicooker will do everything itself - you just need to separate the cottage cheese from the whey and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

That's all - in just 1-1.5 hours you can prepare a wonderful delicacy that will be nourishing, tender, juicy, and most importantly - natural and very healthy.

The finished product can be served with any additives - it could be sour cream, sugar, vanillin or raisins. But salted cottage cheese is also common these days, which is also served with sour cream, salt, fresh herbs and garlic.

In general, today there are many options for serving such a delicacy: the product is especially popular as the main ingredient in many dishes.

For example, it can be added to pies, pies, cheesecakes, bagels, sweet and unsweetened dumplings, salads, sauces, cereals, muesli and so on. In any case, kefir cottage cheese prepared in a slow cooker will turn out especially tasty and healthy.

It is important to note that cooking cottage cheese in a slow cooker and then using it as a filling for a specific recipe is the right decision. After all, after heat treatment, a homemade product will not lose its beneficial properties and taste.

To make cottage cheese at home, you only need kefir. If desired, salt or sugar is immediately added to the dish, however, this is still not recommended so as not to disrupt the preparation of the cottage cheese.

By following the recipe correctly, every housewife can make such a delicacy at home. After all, by following the recipe correctly, you can understand all the subtleties and nuances of preparation, and also take them into account for the future.

Cooking method


It is desirable that it has minimal fat content.

You should prepare the dish in the morning or afternoon so that by evening the cottage cheese has already cooled - the fact is that you cannot keep the product in the slow cooker for a long time, otherwise the product will quickly deteriorate.

Step 1

Pour the kefir into the multicooker bowl. It’s worth noting right away that from this amount you will get 250 grams of natural “pure” cottage cheese. It is also worth noting that if you have a large slow cooker, the amount of the main ingredient can be doubled.

Step 2

Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” mode. Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Step 3

As the mass is prepared, open the multicooker and thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Then we transfer the mixture into cheesecloth and hang it over a basin or pan so that all the whey drains into it.

Important: the longer the whey drains, the drier the product will be.

As you can see, preparing cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker at home is so simple that any housewife can easily handle it. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe so that the delicacy turns out really tasty and healthy.

You can serve the cottage cheese as it cools in the refrigerator. At the same time, any delivery option can be used. Try making this delicacy yourself in a slow cooker at home, and you will be surprised how quickly and easily it is made.

See another version of this dish:

How to cook cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker. Recipe

Of course, on the shelves of modern stores there is a large selection of a wide variety of cottage cheese: low-fat, soft, granular, with various fillings.

But store-bought cottage cheese does not always meet production standards; manufacturers often use various additives to reduce the cost of the cottage cheese product.

Such cottage cheese can hardly be called healthy, so it’s better to cook it yourself at home.

Homemade cottage cheese can be made in various ways, the simplest is cooking in a slow cooker or yogurt maker.

We have already prepared cottage cheese with our own hands in a yogurt maker, now we will study the recipe for cottage cheese in the REDMOND 4502 multicooker using sourdough.

If you didn’t know how to cook homemade cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker before, then we will teach you how to do it.


  • milk (3.2%) - 1.9 l,
  • cottage cheese starter - 1 package.

How to cook cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker:

When preparing cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker, use the “Multicook” mode, temperature – 400 (minimum!). Cooking time – 8 hours.

Pour 2 packets of milk, 950 grams each, UHT, 3.2% fat, into the multicooker bowl. When the milk is warm, pour a little into a glass and dissolve one package of cottage cheese starter.

Pour the milk with the starter into the bowl and stir thoroughly. Close the multicooker.

Note: if you use fresh or pasteurized milk, you must first boil it, cool it, then pour it into the multicooker bowl. After about eight hours, the milk will ferment.

Place a small amount of curd (about 100 ml) in a jar, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. This starter can be used later to make homemade cottage cheese.

Cut the remaining mass with a long knife along the entire depth of the clot lengthwise and crosswise into squares. This will help drain the whey.

To separate the whey from the curd, turn on the “Multi-cook” operating mode, 100 degrees, set the time to one hour, keep the lid open and be sure to monitor the process.

After about 5-10 minutes, the first signs of whey separation appear on the surface of the clot. You will understand this by the fact that serum and bubbles will appear along the lines. After this, hold for another 10 minutes and turn off the multicooker. The entire mass should warm up to a temperature of 60-80ºС no higher.

Remove the bowl from the multicooker and place it on the counter to cool. To speed up the process, you can place the bowl in a sink with cold water.

Next you will need to squeeze out the cottage cheese. To do this, transfer the entire curd mass into a special bag for squeezing the curd or into gauze folded in several layers and hang it over a bowl.

When all the whey has drained, the resulting curd can be transferred to a bowl or mold for subsequent storage in the refrigerator.

That's all. As you can see, preparing homemade cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker is quite simple. And then you can make cheese at home from cottage cheese. Bon appetit!

Step-by-step preparation of cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker from milk

how to cook cottage cheese in a slow cookerHomemade cottage cheese made from a milk drink turns out bland and a little moist.
This product is ideal for dietary and baby food. By the way, it is not recommended to pour out the whey resulting from the preparation of cottage cheese, since on its basis you can bake delicious pancakes, fluffy pies and soft bread. In addition, representatives of the fairer sex often use this liquid as a lotion that improves skin condition and complexion. As you can see, cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker turns out not only tasty, but also healthy in all respects.

So, to prepare such a product we will need:

  • fresh milk of maximum fat content – ​​1 l;
  • thick sour cream (you can use a little sour cream) – 3 large spoons.

Recipe for healthy cottage cheese from kefir in a Redmond multicooker

Cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker is made easily and quickly, you just need to know the secrets of preparing this dessert and follow the recipe. Few would argue that homemade meals are much more satisfying, tastier and healthier than store-bought ones, which is why many housewives try to prepare them themselves using kitchen appliances.

How to cook cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker? This dessert is very simple and easy to prepare, which is why you can cook it at home without fear. Moreover, to prepare this recipe you will need a minimum of products, which include kefir and salt. With just two ingredients you can make an excellent cottage cheese, which will be much healthier, more satisfying and tastier than store-bought.

It is important to note that nowadays there are a large number of recipes with which you can easily and without problems prepare this tasty grainy ingredient. At home, cottage cheese from kefir can be made in different ways: . Wet; Dry; Crumbly; Grainy; Sour; Sweet

  • Wet;
  • Dry;
  • Crumbly;
  • Grainy;
  • Sour;
  • Sweet.

In any case, it will turn out especially tasty, moderately fatty and nutritious. A special advantage of making cottage cheese yourself is that you can make it with any fat content that you like best - for this it is only important to choose the right kefir.

If you like a crumbly dessert, cottage cheese in a slow cooker can be made to this consistency - for this you need to strictly follow the recipe so that the product turns out to be very healthy and nutritious.

It is especially good to prepare a cottage cheese recipe in a slow cooker for children, because many of them love this tender and healthy delicacy. And in stores, unfortunately, these days you cannot find a truly natural product, so it is easier to prepare it at home according to the “demand” of the child. After all, many children love cottage cheese with sour cream, berries, condensed milk, fresh fruit or marmalade - and making it yourself is much easier than looking for it in the store.

You can also prepare a lot of dishes from homemade products, which include salads, snacks, desserts, baked goods, and so on. Self-prepared cottage cheese from kefir turns out to be the consistency that is exactly needed for preparing many recipes.

It is worth noting that making cottage cheese at home is an easy process that any housewife can handle. It is enough just to strictly follow the recipe so that the product actually turns out to be the desired consistency and does not lose its beneficial properties during preparation.

Cottage cheese made from kefir in a slow cooker has a lot of useful properties, since it contains a large number of microelements, an important one of which is calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, bones, teeth, and so on. That is why it is important to regularly eat only homemade products to improve your health, especially if you are going to feed children.

It is worth noting that cottage cheese is best served for breakfast, because it contains a lot of useful substances and fats that a person needs in the morning. This product can be served with sour cream, to which various products are added:

  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Honey;
  • Nuts;
  • Raisin;
  • Vanillin;
  • Fresh or frozen berries and fruits.

In this case, the dessert will turn out to be especially tasty and beneficial for human health. And if you cook it with fat, additional ingredients will give it a special taste that cannot be compared with store-bought.

You can also make an excellent mass from a homemade product by adding dried apricots, prunes or raisins. It is prepared quite simply - for this you need to take sour cream, cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin, as well as additional ingredients (jam, dried fruits, etc.).

How to cook a dish

This dessert takes only 30 minutes to prepare.


Kefir- 1 l.
Salt- A little

It is important to use kefir with maximum fat content to make the dessert more grainy.

Step 1

Take kefir and pour it into a multi-bowl. Add salt to taste.

Step 2

Set the program “Porridge with milk” for half an hour.

Step 3

We make a small but dense bag out of gauze, put the resulting cottage cheese in it and keep it suspended for 1-3 hours.

Thanks to this, the excess whey will drain away, and coarse, tasty cottage cheese will remain in the bag.


Kefir- 1 l.

It is desirable that it has minimal fat content.

You should prepare the dish in the morning or afternoon so that by evening the cottage cheese has already cooled - the fact is that you cannot keep the product in the slow cooker for a long time, otherwise the product will quickly deteriorate.

Step 1

Pour the kefir into the multicooker bowl. It’s worth noting right away that from this amount you will get 250 grams of natural “pure” cottage cheese. It is also worth noting that if you have a large slow cooker, the amount of the main ingredient can be doubled.

kefir in a bowl

Step 2

Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” mode. Cooking time: 30 minutes.

cook for half an hour

Step 3

As the mass is prepared, open the multicooker and thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Then we transfer the mixture into cheesecloth and hang it over a basin or pan so that all the whey drains into it.

mix everything

Important: the longer the whey drains, the drier the product will be.

put in gauze

As you can see, preparing cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker at home is so simple that any housewife can easily handle it. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe so that the delicacy turns out really tasty and healthy.

healthy dish

You can serve the cottage cheese as it cools in the refrigerator. At the same time, any delivery option can be used. Try making this delicacy yourself in a slow cooker at home, and you will be surprised how quickly and easily it is made.

See another version of this dish:

The simplest recipe

It’s easy to quickly and without hassle make cottage cheese in a slow cooker from sour milk. From one liter of milk you will get 130-145 g of cottage cheese. Of course, you can increase the proportions of the original product.

Advice! Once the milk has curdled, it does not need to be heated for long. As soon as you see that the whey has separated, strain the mixture. Otherwise, the protein will curdle and the cottage cheese will turn out tough.


  • 1 liter of milk.


  1. We need milk that is sour, but not sour. Pour it into a multicooker container.
  2. Close the device. Turn on the “Heating” option and wait one hour.
  3. During this time, the curds will separate from the whey. By the way, a little whey is obtained from sour milk. It can be used for baking or making okroshka.
  4. Place the curd mass in a colander. It should first be covered with gauze.
  5. When the whey has drained, the cottage cheese can be eaten. The drier you want the product, the longer you let the whey drain.
  6. Cottage cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker is ready!

Advice! To make the curd grainy, place a small weight on top, and then the whey will “come off” faster and better.

Kefir cottage cheese in a slow cooker: how to cook?

Before buying a fermented milk product in the supermarket, we look at the composition and expiration date. Sometimes it seems that you are studying not packaging, but a textbook on quantum physics, and even in Chinese. Nothing is clear. And here you involuntarily begin to doubt the naturalness and usefulness of the product. And we will prepare cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker at home.

With the advent of this gadget in the kitchen arena, the life of many housewives has become significantly simpler. We are used to cooking first courses, side dishes, meat, cereals, and baked goods in a slow cooker. What about fermented milk products? Why not set up a small dairy factory in your apartment? Cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker from kefir is prepared in literally half an hour.

Modern manufacturers of fermented milk products offer a wide range of cottage cheese with different fat concentrations. But can you trust them, how high quality and useful are these products?

And if you make cottage cheese from kefir in the Polaris multicooker, then you will be 100% sure of the naturalness of such a product. A little trick: the higher the concentration of fat in kefir or milk, the more cottage cheese you will get. On average, from 1 liter of kefir you can get from 150 to 200 g of the purest and most delicate granular cottage cheese.

There are several cooking options:

  1. Cottage cheese from milk and kefir can be prepared in a multicooker using the “Automatic heating” mode. Under the influence of heat, milk and kefir will begin to sour, and over time a thick mass and liquid called whey will form. The maximum cooking time for cottage cheese in this mode is 2 hours.
  2. For those who are interested in how to make cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker quickly, the second option is suitable. Kefir is cooked for half an hour in the “Milk porridge” mode. The result is the most delicate and delicious creamy cottage cheese without preservatives or food additives.

Regardless of which cooking option is chosen, you must express the cottage cheese through cheesecloth. The longer the curd mass is kept suspended in gauze, the drier and tastier the curd will be.


Unlike cottage cheese sold in stores with artificial preservatives in its composition, which extend its shelf life, homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker is completely devoid of preservatives.

After preparing the product yourself, you need to think about its proper preservation so that when consuming the crumbly tasty product, poisoning does not occur.

The shelf life depends on how long after cooking the cottage cheese was placed in the refrigerator. The less time passes from the moment of preparation to placing in the refrigerator, the longer the period.

It is recommended to place it on the top shelf, closer to the freezer. In modern refrigerators, the product should be placed in the so-called freshness zone, where the temperature is always maintained from 0 to +1 with the lowest possible humidity.

Vacuum-packed product can be stored for up to 30 days in the refrigerator. On a shelf near the freezer or in the freshness zone - 4 - 5 days. Cottage cheese can be frozen once, otherwise the product ceases to benefit the body and its taste deteriorates. To freeze the cottage cheese, portion it out into small containers, close it tightly and place it in the freezer, where at minus 18 degrees it will immediately freeze. You can store it in this condition for 2 months.

Culinary secrets

  • Whatever milk you choose for making cottage cheese - sour or fresh, the main thing is that it does not emit a strong odor and does not taste bitter. The best choice is a homemade product.
  • The fattier the milk, the more caloric the cottage cheese will be.
  • Fresh milk must first be curdled. This role will be taken on by sour cream or special dry starter cultures.
  • Cottage cheese made from sour milk cannot be stored for a long time. It is better not to eat it “raw”, but to prepare a casserole, dessert or ice cream based on such a product.

Homemade cottage cheese from milk in a slow cooker

To make cottage cheese with your own hands, the basic recipe requires only two components: milk and sourdough.

To ferment milk, you can use a special dry fermented milk starter or fermented milk products such as kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt, at the rate of 60 ml per 1 liter of milk.

For a serving of cottage cheese weighing 350 - 450 g you will need:

  • 3000 ml of milk with fat content from 2.5 to 5%;
  • sourdough in the amount recommended by the manufacturer for this volume.

Basic recipe step by step:

  1. If homemade milk is used to make cottage cheese, it must first be boiled. You can also use a slow cooker for this purpose.
  2. Cool boiled milk to 40 - 42 degrees. On the contrary, heat UHT purchased in a store in a slow cooker to the desired temperature. Mix warm milk with starter or any fermented milk product in the required proportion.
  3. Next, run the device in the “Yogurt” mode for 8 hours or in manual mode select a temperature of 40 degrees for the same time so that the milk ferments.
  4. After this, a white curd clot is formed, which must be kept in the “Warming” mode for another 2 hours to remove the whey.

Next, the cottage cheese is transferred to a colander lined with gauze and squeezed thoroughly. The product is ready.

Ryazhenka cottage cheese in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, fermented baked milk cottage cheese can be prepared using the same algorithm as in the recipe above, resulting in a cream-colored product with the aroma of baked milk.

Or you can use the following recipe, which allows you to get a real delicacy with a rich taste thanks to spices:

  • 1000 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 15 ml liquid bee honey;
  • 15 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1 star anise.


  1. In a multi-pan, mix fermented baked milk with milk and run one of the programs that will not allow the mixture to heat above 80 - 95 °C. This can be “Milk porridge”, “Stewing” or “Heating”. Do not close the lid of the device.
  2. When the milk and fermented baked milk begin to curdle, put spices in the bowl, pour in soy sauce and honey. Using a plastic spatula, stir the mixture until the mixture is completely dissolved.
  3. Next, turn off the multicooker, cover the lid and leave everything until it cools completely. After this, carefully remove the anise and cinnamon from the curd and squeeze out the whey.

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Why do you need a multicooker in the kitchen? To help out when you need to quickly cook something, to help with the preparation of various dishes, baked goods and meat, and it will also help you make jam and even make cottage cheese, and you will have to put in a minimum of effort. The electronic assistant will do everything.

If you have small children at home, the device will become simply irreplaceable. Only the most delicious and fresh dishes, you can even cook real and tender homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker.

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker made from milk and sour cream


  • A liter of milk.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream (or 5-6 tablespoons of kefir).

Cooking cottage cheese:

Let the milk sour. In the summer it will reach the desired condition overnight, but in winter it is better to add a few spoons of sour cream or kefir. In principle, cottage cheese can be made from kefir, but milk is most often used, so we’ll use it as the basis for the recipe.

So, pour the finished sour milk into the multicooker bowl. We select the “heating” mode and set the time to 30 minutes; if the time is not set, simply turn off the device after the specified time.

After the signal, open the device and leave the mixture to cool slightly. Meanwhile, prepare a sieve in which we place several layers of gauze.

We drain the liquid from the multicooker into a sieve, tie the gauze in a knot and hang it, for example, from a cabinet handle, placing a bowl to drain the whey. The cottage cheese in the slow cooker is ready. The longer it hangs and drains, the drier it will be and vice versa. It all depends on the required state of the ingredient.

The whey that remains after making cottage cheese will be an excellent base for pies or pancakes.

Cottage cheese can be used as an independent dish, adding fruits and berries to it, you can eat it for breakfast, or you can make aromatic and tender cheesecakes or casserole from it.

Curd from curdled milk in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 2 liters of yogurt (ready store-bought, or fermented yourself from milk and a couple of spoons of fermented milk product the night before)
  • gauze


Pour the curdled milk into the multicooker bowl. We select the mode from the options “heating”, “milk porridge” or “stewing”. All of these modes use gentle heat treatment, and the temperature is lower than the boiling point of water, so any will do.

Close the lid and wait about 40 minutes.

Place the resulting curd on cheesecloth (over a saucepan) to separate the whey and compact it for one to two hours.

Cottage cheese is delicious on its own. It can also be eaten with vegetables (salads), fruits, and berries.

Spicy cottage cheese in a slow cooker


  • 1.5 liters of milk
  • a glass of kefir (200-250 ml)
  • dried garlic - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with 1-2 medium cloves of garlic, which need to be finely chopped with a knife)
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • chopped parsley and (or) dill - 1 bunch (50-100 g)


Pour milk and kefir into a bowl, set the multicooker to the “milk porridge” or “stew” mode.

After 10-15 minutes, the dairy product will separate into curd and whey. Turn off the multicooker and leave it with the lid closed until the cottage cheese cools.

Next, transfer the cottage cheese into cheesecloth, add garlic and herbs to the cottage cheese and mix.

Place the cheesecloth and cottage cheese into a colander over a saucepan or multicooker bowl. After a couple of hours, the cottage cheese will be sufficiently thickened and ready for use.

Bon appetit!

Alternatively, you can simply discard the cottage cheese, add herbs and garlic to the finished cottage cheese, and turn it into a homogeneous mass with a blender.

Cottage cheese in a multicooker made from kefir with calcium chloride

For calcined cottage cheese, you will need to purchase 10% calcium chloride at the pharmacy. This recipe allows you to get a product useful for children and adults in a short time. It can be used in baking, the additive does not affect anything.


• 1 liter of kefir;

• 1 spoon of calcium chloride.


1. Pour the main product into the slow cooker and keep it warm for about fifteen minutes.

2. During this time, you need to have time to prepare the gauze and other utensils that will be needed to remove the whey. Then there will be no time for this.

3. As soon as the fermented milk product becomes pleasantly warm, add calcium chloride to it.

4. Stir quickly, as the mass will instantly curdle.

5. Pour into gauze.

6. Raise the ends and squeeze out the first serum with your hands.

7. Next, hang the bundle and leave it for a while. The softer the cottage cheese is needed, the less whey we strain.

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