Looking for a husband! Why some women strive to get married at any cost

How to marry the man you love if he doesn’t propose? It's really difficult. After all, a woman is waiting for the main step from a man, she is ready to reciprocate, but he seems to be frozen for a while. It seems that everything is fine, and there is love, but there is no proposal. This happens very often. But the reasons can be very different. Let's try to figure it out, because a lot will depend on the correct behavior of a woman:

  • will the marriage take place?
  • how soon,
  • won't the relationship completely deteriorate?
  • and so on.

It is important to understand what psychological type of men you are dealing with, how he was raised, what his family represents.

If a man is ready by general standards, but does not propose?

So, your romance has been going on for quite a long time (by your standards), but there is still no proposal for marriage. Moreover, the man behaves as if nothing is happening, and your concern does not bother him at all. But, stop. Your concern - in what form is it expressed?

  • Pouty lips
  • often in a bad mood
  • turning off phones without explanation

- this is all a waste of time and delicate female nerves. Please take care of them. When you plunge into marriage, which by the way is so long-awaited (women repent, but girls get married - a popular proverb), they will come in handy.

“How many times have they told the world” - you need to talk to a man, he doesn’t understand grimaces, sighs (he only gets upset) and gasps. If he is old enough by European standards (plus or minus 30) and has a stable job, then perhaps he simply did not think that it was time to create a marriage union, well, he had no time to think about it, this happens all the time.

You are racking your brains: how to marry your loved one? Therefore, your delicate conversation (provided that your relationship is stable, strong and you are confident in your chosen one) will help him finally make up his mind and everything will turn out nice.

Your dreams: white dress, prince, becoming a wife

We dreamed of a wedding since childhood. But everything is different. Some girls imagined a handsome prince taking them on a white horse to his palace. Others played in the sandbox, fed their dolls delicious dandelion soup and imagined what a big family and wonderful children they would have.

Do you remember your childhood dream of a wedding? What fantasies did you have? Perhaps already then, for the first time, you asked yourself the question of where to get simple and understandable instructions on how to marry your loved one - instructions that will help you become happy.

To be honest, I don’t really remember when and what kind of groom I dreamed of. But, if you believe the stories of her parents, she was definitely going to marry one boy from kindergarten. Or maybe not for one.

Now we are big girls: kindergarten, school and university are behind us. And many happy and interesting moments are still ahead.

Are you including a wedding in your plans? Do you want to marry your loved one? And if the one and only one is not around yet, do you dream of meeting him in the near future? Or perhaps you dream of a big and strong family with many children?

Most girls have the same desire - to get married, but their motives can be completely different. Moreover, it often happens that the true motives are hidden even from ourselves.

But in order to create instructions on how to get married, you first need to figure out why you want this.

So, think - why do you want to get married? Are your thoughts about marriage a sincere “I want” or a forced “I must”? Are you hiding from yourself some internal fears and worries about family life?

Could it be that what you really want is something else?

On the subject: “What are your dreams, sir?” or how to understand what I want

how to get married

The real reasons for wanting to get married

Let's look at the most common situations in life.

  • One girl feels uncomfortable at home due to constant conflicts with her own parents. And decides that getting married is a great solution to the problem.
  • Another looks at her age in her passport and thinks “it’s about time.” After all, in society it is customary to get married at a certain time.
  • The third fell under the influence of the environment. All my friends are already married. Parents encourage and remind about their dreams of grandchildren. In a state where you need to constantly defend yourself in front of your family and “save face,” it is difficult to understand what your soul really wants.
  • The fourth is afraid of “staying too long with girls.” Moreover, this fear often does not depend on age: for some it arises at 25, and for others after 50.
  • And the fifth just wants to get married, because her heart is yearning without love. She dreams of giving her tenderness and care to another person, sharing with him what she has.

Which of the above images is closest to you? Have you already discovered your own reason for wanting to get married? Share in the comments. And I will continue.

Why can't I get married?

As with any other desire, the fulfillment of which you are so looking forward to, you need to be sure that you are not overcome by any fears, even those invisible at first glance. It will be useful to figure out if there are negative attitudes in your subconscious about yourself, family, spouse and children.

First of all, of course, you need to work with thoughts about yourself. Of course, a happy family begins with love. Do you think that with the mutual love of two lovers? But no!

A happy family begins with self-love. We will talk about this in more detail now.

Just happy...

Will I surprise you if I say that the inner feeling of happiness and love can always be with you? And you don’t have to immediately marry your loved one to do this.

How is this possible?

It's simple. Happiness starts within you. It does not depend on the presence or absence of a man next to you. Of course, being a happy wife is great. But only if, with the help of marriage, you are not trying to resolve an internal conflict with yourself.

On topic: Feminine power in self-love

Our reality is created by our thoughts. By changing our thoughts, we can control our present and future.

And if you are still not married, although you sincerely want this, you need to start by analyzing your thoughts about marriage.

Let's look at examples of how the power of thought affects the quality of life of two different girls.

how can a girl get married

The story of Olya and Alina's search for love

I want to tell you a story about two girls who dreamed of love.

In one million-plus city, two girls worked in an office. Olya and Alina.

They, of course, never told each other about their deepest desires, but their dreams were very similar. Being colleagues and working in the same office, they saw the same dreams in which they met their ideal man.

But these girls also had something that radically distinguished them from each other.

Olya simply sighed and fantasized about love. She sat at home in the evenings and was sad alone. And Alina tried to find time for her favorite activities: drawing and singing, read books on self-development, completed marathons, took part in women's workshops and mentally prepared for a meeting with her love.

Olya, deep down in her heart, was angry at the prince for being lost somewhere.

Alina simply lived her life, enjoyed every day and created herself as the person with whom not only the prince, but also all the people around her, would enjoy communicating. And first of all, Alina wanted to become a pleasant company for herself.

Olya leafed through profiles on dating sites and only criticized the men who caught her eye. She didn’t understand WHO EXACTLY she wanted to find on the Internet. But she sincerely believed that, having met her beloved, she would recognize him by some secret signs.

On topic: How to find the man of your dreams

Alina worked with her thoughts and desires. She had a clear idea of ​​WHAT kind of man she wanted next to her: from the color of his eyes to the size of his monthly income, from personal qualities to his favorite brand of car.

How do you think the story about Olya and Alina ended? I will definitely talk about this at the end of the article, but for now I suggest checking how ready you are for married life.

Why can't you get married? What are the true barriers to marriage?

marry your loved one

How to determine if a man is ready for marriage?

We must disappoint you, a man is never ready for marriage! This comes from his nature, he is polygamous, and marriage thus limits him. Therefore, nature endows us women with a lot of qualities, feminine tricks and tricks, with the help of which we quite sincerely convince a man that one woman is enough for him - you!

And the extent to which you are able to convince, win over a man , show him that in marriage he will be comfortable with you, calmly and trustingly, success in marriage is exactly how guaranteed you are. Yes, that is our role. That is why few people know how to marry their loved one.

By and large, he, that is, the man, has basically nothing to do there, in marriage. A woman creates a family hearth, which is why she attracts her man and holds him (in the good sense of the word).

Have you ever seen a bachelor's house? With rare exceptions, this is complete minimalism in everything! All the most necessary things are at hand - a man is able to be content with the little and the most necessary, which often irritates a woman and she imposes on him a lot of what he does not need at all. Therefore, dear strong and brave young ladies, start by understanding and comprehending yourself in marriage, men in marriage, then a lot of things will fall into place.

One stupid desire to “get married” is not enough. You can, excuse me, completely get into a marriage. A man should also want with all his heart and soul, and also with his wallet, apartment and car, to continue living with you. Prove that you are a woman, and not a collector or collector of who knows what (most often other people’s nerves and incomprehensible, unformed desires from the category “I just stupidly want”) and your true desire to give love, admire your man, help him both in joy and in trouble.

“I want to marry the man I love”: recommendations from psychologists

Most women's goal in life is to get married! Moreover, marriage is not only a cliche, but also a desire to take care of your partner, love him, care for him and cherish him. At the same time, do not forget that women’s mission is to give birth to children. In society, many things are still attributed to women. She must cook and wash and clean and raise children, and moreover, she must create a career for herself. At the same time, men may forget that a woman’s childbearing age is quite short and they need marriage, and men drag their feet on this matter. So what to do?

Many women say: “I want to marry the man I love!” "The best thing a man can do is propose. And the woman in return can give birth to a child for him. This is the most valuable gift. But in the 21st century, is it necessary to wait for a man to propose to a woman? Or is it necessary to take the bull by the horns? So, what can you do to get a man to marry you?

Offer your hand and heart to a man yourself. It’s simple and easy to say that a woman wants to marry a man and immediately propose marriage! At the same time, a woman should not feel shame or embarrassment. This is a completely normal proposal. At the same time, the man is committed to a positive outcome in marriage. He wants attention, affection. care. A woman can immediately say that she is ready to give him all this! Of course, it’s a rare man who will refuse this! Any man will want attention and love, and he is flattered by such a desire from a woman. Many men agree and go all in!

Do something nice for a man - cook dinner, give a massage, use all your capabilities to organize a pleasant evening for both! At the same time, a woman needs to be gentle and feminine, to show one hundred percent her sexual prowess. As a result, after a man reaches orgasm, whisper to him at this moment about your deepest desire for marriage. At this very moment he will hear any desire, it is not a fact that he will agree to fulfill it, but at least he will hear it and will not ignore it.

Women often wonder how to tell a man that I want to get married? Multiple answer options can be provided. You can give a hint to a man through a film, a book, a letter to a friend that remains open on the computer, because the woman knows that he is able to read it. You can hint to a man that she wants to get married through her desires and express it directly. You can also laugh about this topic with your friends and raise a toast out loud to marriage. Moreover, it is very important to discuss this topic with friends, so this topic will become a general discussion. And from psychology it is known that when any topics are discussed, then in this way all stereotypes in views on things that a person previously looked at from a different angle are removed.

A man is vulnerable, emotional and also in need of affection and attention, just like a woman. At the same time, he loves attention, kindness, and care. It is advisable for a woman to think about what a man is thinking about and coordinate her words and thoughts in order to understand what attracts her specifically in this man? And if it catches him, then what can she do for him? When a woman begins to think in this direction, she will be able to move this matter forward.

Sometimes ladies say this: “I really want to get married and have a child,” and they can achieve this. After all, the main thing is to dream and then it will be easy to attract the other half. At the same time, as a rule, soon such ladies will have a man who can provide for their desires and help them get married. To marry the man of your dreams, you need to become what he wants his woman to be. Namely, a cook in the kitchen, a courtesan in bed and, of course, an excellent mother. Therefore, a woman needs to look one hundred percent, be a well-groomed, beautiful and expensive woman. At the same time, understand that a man is a hunter who needs his other half, but at the same time dreams of constantly pursuing her. Just. as a victim, he is not interested in her.

If a woman dreams of a positive response from her lover, she can provide several options. For example, cause jealousy. Offer to sign and if her partner does not respond, go all in. Start imitating a relationship with another partner, but let her ex know about it. This is done in order to make her beloved man jealous and nostalgic for this woman. Once he begins to understand what he is missing, he may come to his senses and want to sincerely create a marriage relationship with this woman.

In order for a man to marry a woman, according to men themselves, one must be sexy, gentle, feminine and take care of him from the first minute of meeting him. If this is observed in a couple, then the couple will almost be formed and the woman need not worry about her status. The main thing, again, is to guess the partner’s mood. Namely, what does he dream about, what kind of woman does he want to see next to him?

At the same time, a man is a hunter! And a woman at the moment, when she wants to get married, represents a goal for him. And she wants to be with him! What kind of woman do men like? According to men themselves, they like reliable and good women who need affection and devotion, as well as a good mood and positive emotions. Men also like kind and well-groomed women. Men are crazy about women who know sexual techniques. Therefore, it is worth taking all this into account when she wants to win the male who has corrected her.

Many women say this: “I want to marry for love!” “Although many other women claim that the strongest marriages are marriages of convenience! But how you still want a marriage for love, when feelings, desires and emotions play. I really want to want to love my partner. But again they say, she will endure it, she will fall in love, because the main thing in a couple is the relationship. So apparently it is. At the same time, the desire to have a partner is always great if the relationship is built on love and passion, sympathy and affection, understanding and trust. The main thing in a relationship is the presence of positive emotions and stability! Wanting to marry for love is always good! This is not only trust, acceptance, but also the desire to see a loved one, feel him, accept him as he is. It is necessary to help your loved one and desire him, as well as to care for and cherish him, to accept him with all his advantages and disadvantages! Therefore, love is a feeling that is necessary in every couple! Cold relationships are not able to open the world of feelings and emotions! It is necessary to create these high-quality relationships as a couple, and subsequently nurture and cherish them, and even more so not to attach them to them and want to improve themselves.

If you imagine. How many quarrels and stupid disagreements happen between loving people who are really made for each other, how many stereotypes in behavior and thinking, how much desire to humiliate, insult, offend, dominate, not accept the opinion of another person, not understanding responsibility from the outside, then it becomes offensive and sad. And then, after a few years, in search of love, men and women are ready to throw themselves into the pool headlong, forgetting that they were loved and loved and that for the development of their relationship they lacked just a little, namely experience, patience, care, understanding, tenderness, adequacy, full perception of reality, reliability, kindness and affection.

What can be done to develop relationships so as not to wonder about marriage in the future? It is necessary to love, value relationships, value emotions, understand, care, accept a partner and search. The main thing is to believe very strongly and dream about a future family, to consider all options. Register on a dating site and discover a variety of men from there, accept events and enjoy life! You can also ask your friends to introduce you to a available man. And so along the chain, a friend will tell another friend and the right man will definitely be found. At the same time, the main thing is to want to get married and start a family. It is necessary to present all the advantages of the future partner. Write on paper what he should be like, what he should be like, and then the woman will attract such a man to her!

What if he is an obvious weakling, and I have already fallen in love with him?

Well, if you determine that he is a weakling, logically it means that you are positioning yourself as a strong woman. If you are so strong and understanding of everything, give your man the opportunity to grow up to you. In this case, there may be several options:

  • he is not much older than you, then he is simply still young or not mature enough to take responsibility for you.
  • Perhaps you confuse weakness with intelligence or excessive balance, this also happens. Everyone reacts differently to life circumstances.
  • Maybe you should start with yourself and cultivate a woman in yourself and you have met such a man in order to finally realize how little feminine you have? Who knows who knows…

But one thing is certain: if you fall in love, if you value this person, try to cultivate masculinity in him with your patience, affection, tenderness; men react very much to admiration and praise. Remember, criticism kills, it’s better to admire the advance. Well, if this science is not up to you, then you will be looking for a prince for a long time, strong as you want, because statistics show that men have become more feminine, and women have become more masculine, and to the question: “How to get married for your loved one? don't answer soon. So there is nothing left to do but raise a man for yourself.

Instructions on how to get married begin with the word WHY

Let's start with the fact that we attract into our lives what is already in us. Therefore, in order to start a happy relationship with the man of your dreams, you need to be internally prepared for this relationship.

It is necessary that your desire to be married resonates in your soul.

What do we most often see in practice?

Situation 1.

I don’t understand WHY I need this. Margarita really wanted to get married, but she could not bring the relationship to the point of a ring on her finger. After a heart-to-heart conversation, it turned out that the girl feels great alone. And he imagines marriage as an assortment of dirty socks scattered around the house, eternally screaming babies and the everyday life of a woman exhausted by everyday life. It’s not a rosy picture, you’ll agree.

Naturally, Margarita, who was used to being her own boss, internally resisted this picture. And although “in her head” she was ready for marriage and, as it seemed to her, sincerely wanted to get married, her subconscious was actively putting a spoke in the wheels. It is not surprising that the relationship collapsed as soon as the wedding was discussed.

Problems in relationships with men? Put your affairs aside and read this brochure >>>

Situation 2.

All men are their own... After an unsuccessful marriage and several novels that over and over again ended in betrayal, Olga stopped believing that faithful and reliable men even exist. But my mother and sister stubbornly insisted that “it’s time to find a husband so as not to remain a girl.” And the son needed a father...

Negative past experiences prevented a woman from believing that a worthy man could appear in her life. And relatives escalated the situation with their unsolicited advice.

What to do in such situations? First of all, work on your relationship with your father, get rid of negative attitudes about men and start thinking with your own head. Yes, the mother and sister want the best for the girl, but her life is her responsibility, not theirs.

Working with your subconscious will definitely yield positive results, and a wonderful man will come into your life. The main thing is to believe in it and, of course, to know for sure what you want from life and from relationships.

how to become a wife

Situation 3. About a girl with low self-esteem who attracts unknown people
, just to cover the need to be needed.
Angelina easily starts relationships with men. She has no problems with this. But for some reason, all the girl’s chosen ones turn out to be somehow frivolous: it is impossible to say for sure that they need a relationship with Angelina.

The poor girl dreams of a family, imagining her future children. And the next companion doesn’t even think about proposing her hand and heart. Angelina tries, generously giving all her love and care, but she is not appreciated. Why is this happening?

The fact is that a girl has a need to love, and she really wants to be needed. But Angelina’s self-esteem is very low. That’s why it turns out that the poor girl agrees to any relationship, “just for the sake of it.” And he doesn’t value himself at all. And if we don’t love and value ourselves in our thoughts, then it will be very difficult for the man next to us to love us sincerely.

On the subject: How girls with low self-esteem can meet the man of their dreams

We looked at three different situations, but they are all about the same thing: what’s in your head is what’s in your life. So where is the happiness?

And happiness is not in marriage, it is inside. If a woman is unhappy on her own, then marriage will not improve the situation. A man will not solve your communication problems, nor will he relieve you of jealousy or low self-esteem. Therefore, before looking for a suitable candidate and going to the registry office, start with yourself.

How to harmonize Venus and the Moon and become a desirable woman?

It is good to improve Venus through creative activities. This fills a woman with positive energy, develops her ability to see beauty in the world around her, increases her self-esteem, and attracts men.

There are many types of useful women's creativity, here are some of them:

  • Floriculture is a hobby that develops such attractive qualities as care and attention.
  • Singing is a great way to tune in with the energies of the Universe, soften emotions, hearts, and spiritual passion.
  • Painting develops a sense of beauty, fills you with inner beauty, which also manifests itself in outer beauty.
  • Creating comfort in the home is one of the most important types of creativity for a woman. Try to fall in love with your home, happily performing household duties, you create a special lively atmosphere in the house, comfort and harmony.
  • Cooking, baking - harmonizes the female planets, allows you to show warmth and care. Moreover, it is not necessary to prepare super complex dishes. Let it be a simple recipe, but be sure to have your own twist.

Do you like to dance? Alone or in a club? Dancing perfectly harmonizes the “female” planets Moon and Venus, making the body flexible and the aura attractive.

Another way to harmonize Venus is to cultivate self-love! How to do it? Fulfill your desires, decorate yourself, please, pamper and cherish! This practice improves the Moon and Venus, and also Saturn! Start loving yourself today. Make a wish and fulfill your simple wish. And so day after day!

How to get remarried and not step on a rake

The first and most important thing is to reconsider your habits and thoughts regarding men! For any man, almost the most important thing is for a woman to recognize his importance, his merits, his opinion. Therefore, in new relationships, try to show respect! Try to be kinder and more attentive to your partner.

Once you begin to respect and be kinder to many men, you will receive even more care and respect in return, even from members of the stronger sex you do not know.

Are you waiting for the perfect relationship? The sage Osho wrote that “there are no ideal relationships, just as there are no ideal people.” In our lives, at any given moment, there are exactly those relationships that we need, and precisely with those people who help us gain the necessary experience from life and develop.

It is important to understand this immediately, not to wait too long and to build harmonious relationships day after day. Don’t expect everything to be “perfect” right away, but work on relationships, gaining your own life experience.

New knowledge is a new tool for building a happy family life. One such tool is Jyotish, or Vedic astrology.

With the help of this knowledge, you can harmonize your personal life: find a suitable partner, get married, improve your relationship with your husband, save your marriage, remove the blocks that prevent you from being a happy woman. The students of the Lakshmi-Ameya Institute were convinced of this by their own example: Anastasia Klestova found her love and got married using astrological knowledge and practices:

“Before this, I was already married, my first marriage broke up 7 years ago. Honestly, I didn’t even think that I would be able to improve my personal life... The fact is that I have two wonderful children from my first marriage, and, unfortunately, now it is not always possible for a woman to get married a second time successfully while having children.

In my case, astrology helped me find a life partner with whom I was able to build a harmonious relationship. I looked at when I would have a favorable period for dating for the purpose of marriage. I met people, communicated, used synastry (compatibility calculation), and from the side of astrology I chose a more suitable person for myself: whether I should spend time on him or not. My children love my husband very much and treat him like a dad, and he treats them the same way.”

Elena Shcherbinina was able to improve her relationship with her husband:

“At some point, there was a feeling that something was missing... Then a midlife crisis hit me. I didn’t understand what was happening, who I was, what I was living for. Having studied my chart, my husband’s, and looked at the synastry, I realized what pitfalls we have. Now I understand some of the mechanisms - why a person behaves this way, and I can adjust even more subtly. I have become 130 percent more balanced, calmer, I smile)) Life is beautiful!”

Eleanor Chaley determined her husband’s zodiac sign using Vedic astrology and now helps him cope with the difficult period of Sade-sati:

“There are a lot of changes: both in relationships and with children. First of all, with my husband, we have established mutual understanding. I began to understand the peculiarities of his character, why there was no special romance. I thought that he was Cancer according to the horoscope, and I was surprised: how is this possible? Where is all this romantic nature? But it turned out that in fact he is a Sagittarius, and by all measures he has no romance at all. And I stopped expecting this from him, I began to understand what kind of person he is, what he is like, how to find an approach to him.

My husband entered the period of Sade-sati now, he did not understand what was happening, he changed jobs, he could not understand at all where to move, what to do and how to interact with it at all. It seemed that everything was going to hell... But when we found out that this was simply a period of Sade-sati in his life, it turned out that these were all solvable problems. And then solutions were found. When you understand what is happening, then everything works differently.”

Start learning Vedic astrology now! At Lakshmi-Ameya Institute you will gain knowledge that will help you improve your life and the lives of your loved ones. And strology - studying on your own will not give you what you will get by studying with experienced mentors. Our teachers are hereditary astrologers, Gurus from India with extensive experience, having a scientific degree in astrology. We give you knowledge and practice, teach you how to create a personal brand, tell you how to promote yourself on the market, help you find your first clients and change your life. We provide not only online training in astrology , but also other Vedic sciences: palmistry, numerology, Ayurveda.

Our students have the opportunity to take part in various activities, offline meetings, conferences and other projects of the Institute: Offline conferences and meetings with teachers (see the report on how we became the best astrology school 2020 based on the results of a prestigious award) ,
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Friends, and especially female readers, we want to contact you. Did the topic raised resonate with you? Are you looking for love or have you already found it?

Step-by-step instructions on how to get married

Step 1. Check if you are okay with self-love

It often happens that we are too critical of ourselves. We constantly scold ourselves, get nervous out of nowhere, worry, thinking that everyone around us is better than us. We don't like the reflection in the mirror. We are angry with ourselves that our gym membership disappears, our sneakers gather dust, and our apartment is not cleaned.

Think about how we look in this state to the opposite sex?


Imagine a beautiful girl rushing to her unloved job with a dissatisfied grimace. One can see from her face that there is a whole swarm of negative thoughts inside her.

If you believe the law of the mirror, then most likely it is very difficult for the beautiful girl from the paragraph above to meet someone with whom she will really feel good. Like a princess, like a prince.

A woman who loves herself does not focus on her shortcomings, forgetting about her strengths.

Self-love begins with self-acceptance.

why can't I get married

Step 2: Take charge of your life

A husband is not a magic wand!

Any girl who wants to get married must first understand that a husband is not the solution to all her problems. It doesn’t happen that a husband appears and all the difficulties and obstacles on the path to happiness disappear somewhere.

If you think that all your problems should be solved by someone else, then this is a mistake. Adults take responsibility for their lives. And those who rely on a good wizard behave like children.

“I have a man, he makes all the decisions for both of us. I don’t need to think about anything,” some are sure. Of course, such a position may seem very attractive at first glance. But what should you do then? How to show your individuality and be an interesting person? How to achieve your own goals?

If you think that the main source of your happiness should be somewhere next to you on the pillow, then this is a delusion.

You are the main source of joy.

Maybe it's time to grow up and understand that your life is your responsibility. You are the precious source of amazing transformations of reality.

how can a girl get married

Step 3. Naturalness, not sacrifice

Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to be ourselves from the first date: we try to adapt to our partner, please him, sometimes even infringing on ourselves in some way.

In any relationship, passion subsides after some time. And it is at this moment that lovers get to know each other for real. The masks come off and imperfections become noticeable. People relax and begin to behave as in real life. Where were they before?

It would be good if, from the very first day, lovers were so brave that they did not play games. We didn’t put on the masks of ideal people, we just were ourselves. Then, even after the passions of the candy-bouquet period subside, love will not go anywhere.

The two will be happy because from the first day they met they did not try to please their partner, sacrificing themselves and their interests. There will be no surprises or disappointments in the fact that they actually love different films.

My advice to you: be yourself from the first date. Don't adapt to another person and don't try to seem better than you really are. Allow yourself to be natural. This will help you and the person next to you quickly understand whether you are on the right path.

By taking these steps, you will be able to get to know yourself better and finally understand how to get married.

Now let’s move on to formulating a specific goal for attracting a worthy man into your life.

how to get married

Step 4. Realize WHO you really want next to you

Why create an image of your future lover? So that you yourself realize what exactly you want from a relationship. So that you understand for yourself and imagine who you would like to marry. This is the power of thought in action.

Take a blank sheet of paper and describe what kind of person you want to see next to you.

On the subject: Why is it so important to write down your goals, dreams and desires on paper?

What is his appearance like? What character traits will your man have? What does he do? What are his hobbies?

How do you spend time together? What do you do? How does he feel about you? How does it make you happy? How do you make him happy? Be sure to indicate how you feel around him.

Let your imagination run wild and imagine how you spend your weekend. Where do you go on vacation?

The more details in your description, the better. This way you will create the desired image of your happy relationship.

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