How to understand that a man only needs sex: signs

How to understand that a man only wants sex: Pixabay Is it possible to determine from a man’s behavior that he is only interested in sex? Modern psychology does not have algorithms for identifying ladies' men, but it is possible to calculate them. Psychologists in the field of relationships spoke about the behavioral characteristics of a man who only needs sex.

Increases self-worth in women's eyes

How can you understand that a man only wants sex and is not going to enter into a relationship? Candidate of Psychological Sciences Nadezhda Mayer explains that when a man wants to quickly win a woman and persuade her to have sex, he systematically raises his own value in the eyes of a potential partner.

This is how a pickup artist shows a woman that he is the man of her dreams:

  • flirts demonstratively with other ladies before meeting the object of desire;
  • laughs at the lady’s minor shortcomings, and when she feels confused, makes a compliment and emphasizes that this is exactly what he likes in a woman;
  • admires, bestows attention, showers with compliments, demonstrates interest, takes a phone number and disappears for several days.

What to do if a man only wants sex?

If you understand that the guy only wants intimacy, you can agree or refuse. In both cases, it is important to understand what your decision will lead to.

Friends with benefits

When a guy is nice, there is nothing wrong with agreeing to have sex. Girls can also want a man, enjoy meetings, but not love their partner. The main thing to remember is that such a relationship will not lead to the creation of a family and is unlikely to be long-lasting.

Delicate refusal

If you dream “I want a loving man next to me,” refuse the womanizers. You should not agree to sex, hoping that over time the guy will fall in love and you will become a real couple. Men's love is based on respect. It does not appear when the partner is ready for sex without commitment.

Have you chosen the tactic “I want to break up with a man, although I love you”? Have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner. Explain that you are interested in a serious relationship. This way you give him another chance to see the deep personality in you. If he didn’t use it, don’t be sorry.

Remember that a full, harmonious woman always attracts male attention. For additional confidence in your irresistibility, take trainings and courses from Pavel Rakov. They help to reveal sensuality and sexuality, teach you to be a “magnet” for promising guys.

Initiates tactile contact

Nadezhda Mayer says that from the first minutes of meeting a man whose goal is sex initiates tactile contact. He:

  • touches the shoulder, arm, wrist;
  • takes your hand tightly, strokes it or squeezes it gently;
  • in dance allows inappropriate touching.

This is how a man checks how much a woman is disposed towards him, whether she perceives his touch positively or is alienated.

Communication trainer, writer Philip Bogachev in the book “Pickup. A self-instruction manual on seduction” writes that tactile sensations are one of the most ancient forms of human communication. Touches are perceived at the level of subconscious instincts.

Bodily sensations are closely related to a person’s mood and emotions. Tactile contact can trigger deep mechanisms of mutual understanding and win the favor of the most demanding woman. The author is sure that the lady will regard the touch as a manifestation of increased interest and will be disposed towards him.


A guy who only wants sex from a girl is not afraid to touch her. He can take her hand, hug her around the waist, accidentally touch her with his hand, or sit next to her. In addition, he can take a special pose: turn his torso towards the girl, spread his legs and hug his chosen one. The woman will feel his readiness to pounce on her in a second.

A guy with serious intentions will not allow himself to behave like this

He, like a real gentleman, will be polite and gallant, and will not skimp on compliments and attentions. With him, the girl feels comfort and security.

Immerses you in a shared future

Men who are looking exclusively for sex take great care of their appearance to attract the attention of women. They are distinguished by their external gloss and ideal, well-thought-out image.

A woman should think about it if, from the first dates, a polished handsome man immerses his potential partner in a future together with him. Tatyana Shishkina says that in such situations a man:

  • makes far-reaching plans for life together;
  • describes how he plans to spend a joint vacation;
  • asks in advance how the woman wants to spend the holidays.

The psychologist explains that he describes the lady’s future together so vividly and colorfully that she begins to live it in her mind. Trust arises in her soul, hope for building strong and long-term relationships. In fact, such men disappear from a woman’s life immediately after sexual contact. So the so-called three-date rule can help you recognize a man's goals.

Speech and voice timbre

Experts are sure that the voice reveals a man’s desires. It doesn’t matter what he says, you need to pay attention to how exactly he does it. In such a situation, voice timbre and intonation are quite significant details.

A young man who is overcome by passion speaks inappropriately in a raised tone, constantly smiles or laughs for no reason. The guy does something that is not at all typical behavior.

The desire for sex is a natural need that many people are unable to control. If in ordinary life a man behaves calmly and taciturnly, but in the company of a girl he is relaxed and open, it means that he is overcome by sexual attraction .

Invites you to his home

How to understand that a man only needs sex? Lev Vozhevatov says that when a guy invites a lady to his home under any pretext, he means exclusively sex.

The psychologist explains that if a woman agreed to enter the house for a minute so that, for example, a guy could change his soiled shirt, then he will definitely find a reason to seduce the girl.

Philip Bogachev in the book “How to become a successful pickup artist. Examples in four realities” writes that it does not matter whose housing the guy uses. His main goal is to be alone in a comfortable environment with the object of desire. Therefore, a woman should carefully accept an invitation to see, for example, a friend’s photo studio or go to her parents’ house for a minute.

Male psychology

Ladies often don't know what to do if a guy says he wants me right now. Men experience increased attraction to pretty girls, so they can voice their desires. To understand that the desire for intimacy occurs in the presence of feelings, it is worth understanding in detail male psychology.

Young men rarely show their feelings, even if they like a woman. They may show desire for sex without revealing that they actually feel deep sympathy. To understand under what circumstances a boyfriend tells a lady about his desires, it is important to observe his behavior.

READ How to please a man in bed: secrets of intimate life

A young man who feels desire for a girl will always try to spend more time with her, look for meetings, and ask her out on dates. If, after a little communication on a social network, a guy openly says: “I want you,” it means that he is exclusively sexually attracted to you.

When there are feelings or sympathy, men do not speak openly about their desires; they woo the girl, creating a romantic atmosphere around their courtship.

Talks about sexual topics

A guy who is only interested in intimacy talks about sex. Nadezhda Mayer says that soon after they meet, he will definitely raise the topic of sexual relationships.

He may hint at sex or talk about it openly. If a woman does not maintain a conversation and tries to avoid discussing a slippery topic, he will return to her in a variety of ways.

An experienced seducer builds a dialogue in such a way that as a result the woman begins to experience:

  1. Feelings of guilt (“I tried so hard, did you feel bad with me? I did everything just for you”).
  2. Shame (“What complexes? Are you rural? You need to be more modern”).
  3. Fear of losing an interesting man (“Why should I date you? I don’t even know if we are suitable for each other sexually”).

Is love and attraction at the same time real?

“I love and want the man I love, and he loves and wants me!” - the ideal that most girls strive for. But there are often cases when men experience sexual desire for some women, and love for others. When you meet a new partner and are increasingly thinking “I want to tell my man that I love him!”, first make sure you are serious with the help of the tips above.

Do you want to better understand yourself and male psychology? Try taking the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” The lessons are structured so that each participant reveals her strengths and weaknesses in communicating with the opposite sex, strengthens her femininity, and learns to choose worthy gentlemen.

Tell me, have you ever doubted the sincerity of your boyfriend’s feelings? How did you verify his intentions?

Why doesn't a man want to get married?3

Why don't men want to get married? It is not true! Although there are men who want to start a family. If they run away from the altar, this may indicate emotional immaturity, fear of responsibility, or fear of submission to the wife. But this behavior now also applies to women who want to remain independent for as long as possible. Now, seriously: there is no such thing as “a man who only wants sex.”

There is no such thing as a person not wanting to find his soul mate. If a man meets a suitable woman on his way, he strives for a serious relationship. If she's so charming that he enjoys being alone with her and doesn't "just want sex." If a guy doesn't want anything more from her after sex, then she's NOT right for him.

From a medical point of view

Let's turn to science. Love is a combination of chemicals, or rather hormones, produced in the human body. It's funny, but many mammals are forced to mate by the same hormones. The male hormone “testosterone” is the masculine principle, without which no man would be a man. Thanks to testosterone, the stronger sex is more aggressive, passionate, and strong. The female hormone “oxytocin” is also called the “affection hormone” , which allows a woman to fall deeply in love. A whole range of human emotions are responsible for sexual relations: passion, love, sympathy, affection, etc. The brains of men and women are activated differently at a certain stage of love. In women, the signal goes to the caudate nucleus, which is responsible for feelings and emotions; In men, at this stage, the visual area of ​​the cortex, which is responsible for visual images, is activated. Visual receptors quickly send a message to the brain, which activates a sharp release of hormones. This explains the rapid falling in love among the male half of humanity.

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At this time, the woman's brain evaluates the man based on data and past experiences. While the analysis of masculine qualities is underway, the man carefully examines the potential partner. This is why women regularly catch their men when they look at beauties passing by.

Meeting place can not be Changed

Choosing a date location can tell you a lot about your partner. When a man is interested in a full-fledged relationship, he does not attach much importance to this - the main thing is to meet his lady of the heart. When the goal is only sex, the rules of the game change. “He meets you where it is convenient for him,” says Irina Smetanina. - Most likely, it will be near your or his place of residence. This makes it easier to ask for a cup of coffee, or to lure you in under a plausible pretext, for example, to show a rare species of butterflies brought from Mozambique. He doesn’t want to spend a lot of time and money (remember, right?), He has a goal, and also butterflies, and maybe a rare wine, elite tea, a great movie and the list goes on.”

Evening or night meetings

In a serious relationship, partners try to spend all their free time together. In the case where meetings occur only on weekends or holidays at a later time, it is worth considering. Most often, an obsessed man tries to hide his relationship with a girl from others, so he schedules such inopportune meetings.

Sexual attraction is common to every man. However, a woman must understand when her partner only wants sex and when she wants a serious relationship. This will help you find a worthy partner with whom you can build a strong family.

You can learn more about how to tell if a guy only wants sex by watching the video :


When a man needs sex only, he won’t beat around the bush for too long. Immediately, as they say, he takes the bull by the horns. “He starts with compliments, and they all lie on the physical plane,” says Irana Smetanina. - The gentleman will talk about your exciting seductiveness and sexuality, the exciting curves of your body. You won't hear a word about your rare talent or outstanding mind. And wait for a request like: “send your photo, I miss you.” On the first date, the partner will move on to physical contact: he will touch your hands, your back, and try to hug you. His goal is to determine how quickly he can get his trophy.”

The desire to make your girlfriend happy and surprise in bed 6

The most noble of options. After all, many men simply enjoy it when their beloved is happy about something. There is no money for a new ring, but the last time you went on vacation was during Lenin’s life? There is a way out - to satisfy your girlfriend sexually - this is what many males think.

It is worth noting that this method does not work very successfully, because if a woman wants a fur coat, then she will want it until she is blue in the face and no amount of orgasms will help change her mind. Sometimes a man likes to watch his girlfriend bend over as he works with his hands or tongue and listen to words of gratitude for the pleasure he gives.


It is known that the more a man invests in a woman, the more he values ​​her. This does not apply to guys looking only for sexual adventures. This type will save on everything. He won’t invite you to a reputable restaurant, won’t take you to an expensive resort, and won’t pamper you with gifts. “If all your dates take place in a minimally expensive environment, on March 8, New Year, your birthday, at best he gives a modest gift, and at worst, he leaves for urgent matters (missed - the gift is not needed), you should think about it,” says Irina Smetanina. “When your intimate meetings with your boyfriend take place mostly in the interior of his car, you don’t even need to think about it.”

Stinginess will manifest itself not only in material things. It’s a pity for a gentleman interested only in sex to spend too much time on passion. "Baby, let's make this real quick!" - that's his motto. Time costs nothing, but it is the most precious thing we have. The willingness to spend this invaluable resource on another person is an indicator of how much it means, what an important place it occupies. This shows the seriousness and depth of feelings.

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